Carla C. Romano
University of São Paulo
Clinical and Experimental Immunology | 2001
D. De Moraes-Vasconcelos; Noemia Mie Orii; Carla C. Romano; R. Y. Iqueoka; A. J. da Silva Duarte
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is a rare syndrome characterized by persistent and refractory infections of the skin, nails and mucosal tissues by yeasts of the genus Candida. Defects in the cellular limb of the immune system are well documented in CMC patients, but non‐specific immune defects, such as myeloperoxidase deficiency or phagocyte chemotaxis disorders, have also been described. Nonetheless, the underlying defect(s) remains poorly understood, and further studies are required. We studied eight CMC patients without endocrinopathies, who showed (i) low normal proliferative response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), (ii) partially defective response to pokeweed mitogen (PWM), and (iii) impaired response to Candida and PPD antigens. Furthermore, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from CMC patients produced lower levels of type‐1 cytokines (IL‐2 and interferon‐gamma) in response to Candida antigens, compared with control individuals. Conversely, we did not observe an enhancement of IL‐4 and IL‐10 in the patients, suggesting that, even though Th1 cytokines are decreased, the Th2 response is not increased in CMC. Nevertheless, the synthesis of these cytokines was normal when induced by PHA. We also observed an increased antigen‐induced apoptosis in lymphocytes from the patients compared with controls, and this applied both to Candida and PPD antigens. Lastly, innate immunity defects were investigated. We observed an impairment of natural killer activity against K‐562 target cells in half of the studied patients. These findings corroborate the extensive clinical and laboratory variability of CMC, which requires further studies on a larger number of patients to be better understood.
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology | 2006
Alexandre Leite de Souza; Jaques Sztajnbok; Maristela Marques Salgado; Carla C. Romano; Maria das Graças Adelino Alkmin; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Antonio Carlos Seguro
ABSTRACT We report the first case of Neisseria meningitidis-induced septic peritonitis diagnosed by PCR assay of peritoneal fluid. Concentrations of interleukin-6 were notably higher in the peritoneal fluid than in the blood. PCR diagnosis of septic meningococcal peritonitis and the pathogenesis of the disease are discussed.
Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery | 2008
Edmo Atique Gabriel; Rafael Fagionato Locali; Priscila Katsumi Matsoka; Carla C. Romano; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Enio Buffolo
OBJETIVO: Propor um escore de risco inflamatorio para tratamento endovascular dos aneurismas da aorta. METODOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes foram seguidos do periodo pre-operatorio ate 3o mes de pos-operatorio (1 hora, 6 horas, 24 horas, 48 horas, 7 dias, 1 mes, 2 meses e 3 meses). Variaveis inflamatorias avaliadas foram proteina C reativa, velocidade de hemossedimentacao, interleucinas (IL-6, IL8), fator de necrose tumoral alfa, L-selectina, molecula de adesao intercelular (ICAM-1), transfusao de hemaceas, volume de cristaloide, volume de contraste, material da protese, numero de proteses, contagem total de leucocitos e linfocitos. O teste de Spearman apontou as variaveis candidatas ao maior risco inflamatorio, segundo P < 20%. A regressao logistica apontou variaveis selecionaveis para escore final segundo P < 10%. A analise da curva ROC revelou valores de corte para variaveis selecionadas pela regressao logistica. RESULTADOS: Variaveis apresentadas pelo teste de Spearman foram: volume de cristaloide (P = 0,04), material da protese (P = 0,04), volume de contraste (P=0,02), IL-8 preoperatoria (P= 0,10), ICAM-1 1 mes (P=0,03) e L-selectina 1 mes (P = 0,06). A regressao logistica revelou que os valores do volume de cristaloide e IL-8 pre-operatoria sao primordiais para constituicao do escore de risco inflamatorio para tratamento endovascular dos aneurismas da aorta. O escore de risco seria dividido em tres categorias (leve, moderado e grave), com base em intervalos numericos das duas variaveis selecionadas e as categorias seriam correlacionadas com achados clinicos CONCLUSA: Volume de cristaloide e IL-8 pre-operatoria sao variaveis que poderiam contribuir para categorizar risco inflamatorio e, desse modo, ter um papel prognostico no tratamento endovascular dos aneurismas da aorta.
Cytokine | 2001
Gil Benard; Carla C. Romano; Camila R. Cacere; Michelangelo Juvenale; Maria José Soares Mendes-Giannini; Alberto José da Silva Duarte
Cytokine | 2002
Carla C. Romano; Maria José Soares Mendes-Giannini; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Gil Benard
Toxicon | 2008
A.L. de Souza; C.M. Malaque; Jaques Sztajnbok; Carla C. Romano; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Antonio Carlos Seguro
Clinical Immunology | 2002
Camila R. Cacere; Carla C. Romano; Maria José Soares Mendes Giannini; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Gil Benard
Clinical Immunology | 2005
Carla C. Romano; Maria José Soares Mendes-Giannini; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Gil Benard
International Journal of Cardiology | 2006
Alexandre Leite de Souza; Maristela Marques Salgado; Carla C. Romano; Maria das Graças Adelino Alkmin; Jaques Sztajnbok; José E. Vidal; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Antonio Carlos Seguro
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | 2007
Alexandre Leite de Souza; Jaques Sztajnbok; Maristela Marques Salgado; Carla C. Romano; Maria das Graças Adelino Alkmin; Alberto José da Silva Duarte; Antonio Carlos Seguro