Carla M. D'Antonio
University of California, Berkeley
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Featured researches published by Carla M. D'Antonio.
Ecological Applications | 1996
Norman L. Christensen; Ann M. Bartuska; James H. Brown; Stephen R. Carpenter; Carla M. D'Antonio; Robert C. Francis; Jerry F. Franklin; James A. MacMahon; Reed F. Noss; David J. Parsons; Charles H. Peterson; Monica G. Turner; Robert G. Woodmansee
Ecosystem management is management driven by explicit goals, executed by policies, protocols, and practices, and made adaptable by monitoring and research based on our best understanding of the ecological interactions and processes necessary to sustain ecosystem composition, structure, and function. In recent years, sustainability has become an explicitly stated, even legislatively mandated, goal of natural resource management agencies. In practice, however, management approaches have often focused on maximizing short-term yield and economic gain rather than long-term sustainability. Several obstacles contribute to this disparity, including: (1) inadequate information on the biological diversity of environments; (2) widespread ignorance of the function and dynamics of ecosystems; (3) the openness and interconnectedness of ecosystems on scales that transcend management boundaries; (4) a prevailing public perception that the immediate economic and social value of supposedly renewable resources outweighs the risk of future ecosystem damage or the benefits of alternative management approaches. The goal of ecosystem management is to overcome these obstacles. Ecosystem management includes the following elements: (1) Sustainability. Ecosystem management does not focus primarily on deliverables but rather regards intergenerational sustainability as a precondition. (2) Goals. Ecosystem management establishes measurable goals that specify future processes and outcomes necessary for sustainability. (3) Sound ecological models and understanding. Ecosystem management relies on research performed at all levels of ecological organization. (4) Complexity and connectedness. Ecosystem management recognizes that biological diversity and structural complexity strengthen ecosystems against disturbance and supply the genetic resources necessary to adapt to long-term change. (5) The dynamic character of ecosystems. Recognizing that change and evolution are inherent in ecosystem sustainability, ecosystem management avoids attempts to freeze ecosystems in a particular state or configuration. (6) Context and scale. Ecosystem processes operate over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and their behavior at any given location is greatly affected by surrounding systems. Thus, there is no single appropriate scale or time frame for management. (7) Humans as ecosystem components. Ecosystem management values the active role of humans in achieving sustainable management goals. (8) Adaptability and accountability. Ecosystem management acknowledges that current knowledge and paradigms of ecosystem function are provisional, incomplete, and subject to change. Management approaches must be viewed as hypotheses to be tested by research and monitoring programs. The following are fundamental scientific precepts for ecosystem management. (1) Spatial and temporal scale are critical. Ecosystem function includes inputs, outputs, cycling of materials and energy, and the interactions of organisms. Boundaries defined for the study or management of one process are often inappropriate for the study of others; thus, ecosystem management requires a broad view. (2) Ecosystem function depends on its structure, diversity, and integrity. Ecosystem management seeks to maintain biological diversity as a critical component in strengthening ecosystems against disturbance. Thus, management of biological diversity requires a broad perspective and recognition that the complexity and function of any particular location is influenced heavily by the surrounding system. (3) Ecosystems are dynamic in space and time. Ecosystem management is challenging in part because ecosystems are constantly changing. Over time scales of decades or centuries, many landscapes are altered by natural disturbances that lead to mosaics of successional patches of different ages. Such patch dynamics are critical to ecosystem structure and function. (4) Uncertainty, surprise, and limits to knowledge. Ecosystem management acknowledges that, given sufficient time and space, unlikely events are certain to occur. Adaptive management addresses this uncertainty by combining democratic principles, scientific analysis, education, and institutional learning to increase our understanding of ecosystem processes and the consequences of management interventions, and to improve the quality of data upon which decisions must be made. Ecosystem management requires application of ecological science to natural resource actions. Moving from concepts to practice is a daunting challenge and will require the following steps and actions. (1) Defining sustainable goals and objectives. Sustainable strategies for the provision of ecosystem goods and services cannot take as their starting points statements of need or want such as mandated timber supply, water demand, or arbitrarily set harvests of shrimp or fish. Rather, sustainability must be the primary objective, and levels of commodity and amenity provision must be adjusted to meet that goal. (2) Reconciling spatial scales. Implementation of ecosystem management would be greatly simplified if management jurisdictions were spatially congruent with the behavior of ecosystem processes. Given the variation in spatial domain among processes, one perfect fit for all processes is virtually impossible; rather, ecosystem management must seek consensus among the various stakeholders within each ecosystem. (3) Reconciling temporal scales. Whereas management agencies are often forced to make decisions on a fiscal-year basis, ecosystem management must deal with time scales that transcend human lifetimes. Ecosystem management requires long-term planning and commitment. (4) Making the system adaptable and accountable. Successful ecosystem management requires institutions that are adaptable to changes in ecosystem characteristics and in our knowledge base. Adaptive management by definition requires the scientists ongoing interaction with managers and the public. Communication must flow in both directions, and scientists must be willing to prioritize their research with regard to critical management needs. Scientists have much to offer in the development of monitoring programs, particularly in creating sampling approaches, statistical analyses, and scientific models. As our knowledge base evolves, scientists must develop new mechanisms to communicate research and management results. More professionals with an understanding of scientific, management, and social issues, and the ability to communicate with scientists, managers, and the public are needed. Ecosystem management is not a rejection of an anthropocentric for a totally biocentric worldview. Rather it is management that acknowledges the importance of human needs while at the same time confronting the reality that the capacity of our world to meet those needs in perpetuity has limits and depends on the functioning of ecosystems.
Biological Reviews | 2000
Nicky Allsopp; Carla M. D'Antonio; Suzanne J. Milton; Marcel Rejmánek
Many introduced plant species rely on mutualisms in their new habitats to overcome barriers to establishment and to become naturalized and, in some cases, invasive. Mutualisms involving animalmediated pollination and seed dispersal, and symbioses between plant roots and microbiota often facilitate invasions. The spread of many alien plants, particularly woody ones, depends on pollinator mutualisms. Most alien plants are well served by generalist pollinators (insects and birds), and pollinator limitation does not appear to be a major barrier for the spread of introduced plants (special conditions relating to Ficus and orchids are described). Seeds of many of the most notorious plant invaders are dispersed by animals, mainly birds and mammals. Our review supports the view that tightly coevolved, plant‐vertebrate seed dispersal systems are extremely rare. Vertebrate‐dispersed plants are generally not limited reproductively by the lack of dispersers. Most mycorrhizal plants form associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi which, because of their low specificity, do not seem to play a major role in facilitating or hindering plant invasions (except possibly on remote islands such as the Galapagos which are poor in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). The lack of symbionts has, however, been a major barrier for many ectomycorrhizal plants, notably for Pinus spp. in parts of the southern hemisphere. The roles of nitrogen‐fixing associations between legumes and rhizobia and between actinorhizal plants and Frankia spp. in promoting or hindering invasions have been virtually ignored in the invasions literature. Symbionts required to induce nitrogen fixation in many plants are extremely widespread, but intentional introductions of symbionts have altered the invasibility of many, if not most, systems. Some of the worlds worst invasive alien species only invaded after the introduction of symbionts. Mutualisms in the new environment sometimes re‐unite the same species that form partnerships in the native range of the plant. Very often, however, different species are involved, emphasizing the diffuse nature of many (most) mutualisms. Mutualisms in new habitats usually duplicate functions or strategies that exist in the natural range of the plant. Occasionally, mutualisms forge totally novel combinations, with profound implications for the behaviour of the introduced plant in the new environment (examples are seed dispersal mutualisms involving wind‐dispersed pines and cockatoos in Australia; and mycorrhizal associations involving plant roots and fungi). Many ecosystems are becoming more susceptible to invasion by introduced plants because: (a) they contain an increasing array of potential mutualistic partners (e.g. generalist frugivores and pollinators, mycorrhizal fungi with wide host ranges, rhizobia strains with infectivity across genera); and (b) conditions conducive for the establishment of various alienalien synergisms are becoming more abundant. Incorporating perspectives on mutualisms in screening protocols will improve (but not perfect) our ability to predict whether a given plant species could invade a particular habitat.
Ecology | 2004
Jeffrey D. Corbin; Carla M. D'Antonio
Though established populations of invasive species can exert substantial competitive effects on native populations, exotic propagules may require disturbances that decrease competitive interference by resident species in order to become established. We compared the relative competitiveness of native perennial and exotic annual grasses in a California coastal prairie grassland to test whether the introduction of exotic propagules to coastal grasslands in the 19th century was likely to have been sufficient to shift community composition from native perennial to exotic annual grasses. Under experimental field con- ditions, we compared the aboveground productivity of native species alone to native species competing with exotics, and exotic species alone to exotic species competing with natives. Over the course of the four-year experiment, native grasses became increasingly dominant in the mixed-assemblage plots containing natives and exotics. Although the competitive interactions in the first growing season favored the exotics, over time the native grasses significantly reduced the productivity of exotic grasses. The number of exotic seedlings emerging and the biomass of dicot seedlings removed during weeding were also significantly lower in plots containing natives as compared to plots that did not contain natives. We found evidence that the ability of established native perennial species to limit space available for exotic annual seeds to germinate and to limit the light available to exotic seedlings reduced exotic productivity and shifted competitive interactions in favor of the natives. If interactions between native perennial and exotic annual grasses follow a similar pattern in other coastal grassland habitats, then the introduction of exotic grass propagules alone without changes in land use or climate, or both, was likely insufficient to convert the regions grasslands.
Ecological Applications | 2001
Michelle C. Mack; Carla M. D'Antonio; Ruth E. Ley
Biological invaders can alter ecosystem processes via multiple pathways, yet few studies have compared the relative importance of these pathways. We assessed the impacts of exotic, invasive grasses on ecosystem nitrogen (N) cycling in the seasonal submontane woodlands of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, where native grasses have been historically rare. Exotic grasses have become abundant over the past 30 yr and have altered two controls over N cycling: plant species composition and fire regime. Here we synthesize the results of a long-term investigation of species impacts in this system. To determine effects of grasses and fire on internal N cycling, we compared litterfall, decomposition, N mineralization from soil organic matter (SOM), and plant N uptake and production in invaded unburned forest, grass-removal plots within the forest, and woodland converted to grassland by fire. We measured ecosystem N loss via fire by comparing N pools among unburned, naturally burned, and experimentally burned sites. We...
Journal of Vegetation Science | 1998
Carla M. D'Antonio; R. Flint Hughes; Michelle C. Mack; Derek Hitchcock; Peter M. Vitousek
. Non-native perennial grasses form 30% of the live understory biomass in seasonally dry, submontane forests in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, yet their effects on native species are unknown. We removed these grasses from plots of 20 m × 20 m in 1991 and maintained removal and control areas over the next three years. Two fast growing shrub species, Dodonaea viscosa and Osteomeles anthylidifolia, increased in size significantly more in removal areas than in controls. Individuals of the most abundant shrub species, Styphelia tameiameia showed no net growth response to grass removal. They did, however, change their architecture: many branches along the mid and upper sections of the main trunk died and a proliferation of new leaves and shoots occurred in the lower 40 cm of trunk. Basal diameter increase was very small in Metrosideros polymorpha, the dominant tree species in these sites. n n n nAll species except Styphelia had significantly increased leaf tissue nitrogen in removal plots by 18 months after removal when compared to shrubs in control areas suggesting that removal plot shrubs had greater access to soil nitrogen. Available soil-N pools, which were generally higher in the removal plots, support this interpretation. Light levels near the soil surface were also higher where grasses were removed than where they were present which may have contributed to increased shrub growth. By contrast, soil moisture was consistently lower where grasses were removed than where they were still present. Shrub tissue carbon isotope values were consistent with the interpretation that shrubs in removal plots had less rather than more water available to them. Hence, the increased growth observed in removal plot shrubs could not be due to release from moisture competition. n n n nLastly, our results showed that seedlings of all woody species except Metrosideros were significantly more abundant in removal plots at both one and three years after removal and initially high sapling mortality was balanced by high recruitment into the sapling class. We believe that over time this will result in increased densities of native shrubs if grasses are kept out. With the presence of grasses, shrub growth in these woodlands is reduced and biomass is shifting towards grasses.
Ecological Applications | 2003
Michelle C. Mack; Carla M. D'Antonio
Exotic invasive grasses and fire have altered plant species composition in the seasonal submontane woodlands of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. These changes have affected both structural and functional aspects of the plant community, which could have consequences for soil nitrogen (N) dynamics and N availability to plants. To determine if, when, and how soil N dynamics were altered by grass invasion, we measured net and gross N mineralization and nitrification during wet and dry seasons across three vegetation types: (1) experimental grass removal plots within unburned woodland created to simulate the native ecosystem that may have existed prior to invasion; (2) woodland invaded by grasses; and (3) invaded woodland converted to grassland by fire. Grass invasion into woodland shifted the timing, but not the amount, of N available. After conversion to grassland, N-cycling rates were 3.4 times greater. The wet season accounted for 35% of annual net N mineralization in the grass removal treatment, 75% in the...
Ecology | 2001
Carla M. D'Antonio; R. Flint Hughes; Peter M. Vitousek
The introduced C4 bunchgrass, Schizachyrium condensatum, is abundant in unburned, seasonally dry woodlands on the island of Hawaii, where it promotes the spread of fire. After fire, it is partially replaced by Melinis minutiflora, another invasive C4 grass. Seed bank surveys in unburned woodland showed that Melinis seed is present in locations without adult plants. Using a combination of germination tests and seedling outplant ex- periments, we tested the hypothesis that Melinis was unable to invade the unburned wood- land because of nutrient and/or light limitation. We found that Melinis germination and seedling growth are depressed by the low light levels common under Schizachyrium in unburned woodland. Outplanted Melinis seedlings grew rapidly to flowering and persisted for several years in unburned woodland without nutrient additions, but only if Schizachyrium individuals were removed. Nutrients alone did not facilitate Melinis establishment. Competition between Melinis and Schizachyrium naturally occurs when individuals of both species emerge from the seed bank simultaneously, or when seedlings of one species emerge in sites already dominated by individuals of the other species. When both species are grown from seed, we found that Melinis consistently outcompetes Schizachyrium, re- gardless of light or nutrient treatments. When seeds of Melinis were added to pots with well-established Schizachyrium (and vice versa), Melinis eventually invaded and overgrew adult Schizachyrium under high, but not low, nutrients. By contrast, Schizachyrium could not invade established Melinis pots regardless of nutrient level. A field experiment dem- onstrated that Schizachyrium individuals are suppressed by Melinis in burned sites through competition for both light and nutrients. Overall, Melinis is a dominant competitor over Schizachyrium once it becomes estab- lished, whether in a pot or in the field. We believe that the dominance of Schizachyrium, rather than Melinis, in the unburned woodland is the result of asymmetric competition due to the prior establishment of Schizachyrium in these sites. If Schizachyrium were not present, the unburned woodland could support dense stands of Melinis. Fire disrupts the priority effect of Schizachyrium and allows the dominant competitor (Melinis) to enter the system where it eventually replaces Schizachyrium through resource competition.
Nature | 2016
W. Stanley Harpole; Lauren L. Sullivan; Eric M. Lind; Jennifer Firn; Peter B. Adler; Elizabeth T. Borer; Jonathan M. Chase; Philip A. Fay; Yann Hautier; Helmut Hillebrand; Andrew S. MacDougall; Eric W. Seabloom; Ryan J. Williams; Jonathan D. Bakker; Marc W Cadotte; Enrique J. Chaneton; Chengjin Chu; Elsa E. Cleland; Carla M. D'Antonio; Kendi F. Davies; Daniel S. Gruner; Nicole Hagenah; Kevin P. Kirkman; Johannes M. H. Knops; Kimberly J. La Pierre; Rebecca L. McCulley; Joslin L. Moore; John W Morgan; Suzanne M. Prober; Anita C. Risch
Niche dimensionality provides a general theoretical explanation for biodiversity—more niches, defined by more limiting factors, allow for more ways that species can coexist. Because plant species compete for the same set of limiting resources, theory predicts that addition of a limiting resource eliminates potential trade-offs, reducing the number of species that can coexist. Multiple nutrient limitation of plant production is common and therefore fertilization may reduce diversity by reducing the number or dimensionality of belowground limiting factors. At the same time, nutrient addition, by increasing biomass, should ultimately shift competition from belowground nutrients towards a one-dimensional competitive trade-off for light. Here we show that plant species diversity decreased when a greater number of limiting nutrients were added across 45 grassland sites from a multi-continent experimental network. The number of added nutrients predicted diversity loss, even after controlling for effects of plant biomass, and even where biomass production was not nutrient-limited. We found that elevated resource supply reduced niche dimensionality and diversity and increased both productivity and compositional turnover. Our results point to the importance of understanding dimensionality in ecological systems that are undergoing diversity loss in response to multiple global change factors.
American Journal of Botany | 1999
Ewald Weber; Carla M. D'Antonio
Germination, growth, and physiological responses of hybridizing Carpobrotus from coastal California to soil salinity were studied. Hybrids are presumably the result of hybridization and introgression between the exotic Carpobrotus edulis, a succulent perennial invading coastal habitats, and the native or long-naturalized C. chilensis. Germination responses were investigated at 0, 10, 20, and 50% seawater. Seedling growth and physiology were compared by irrigating seedlings with solutions of the same seawater concentrations and in low and high nutrients. Germination was inhibited in the presence of salt, but recovered after transferring the seeds to fresh water. Seeds exposed to salt had higher final germination rates than control. Growth of Carpobrotus was slightly enhanced by low seawater concentrations but reduced at high salinity at both nutrient regimes. Leaf cell sap osmolarity increased with increasing soil salinity, and taxa did not differ significantly in this physiological adjustment. Leaf carbon isotope ratios (∂(13)C) ranged from -28 to -22‰ and became less negative at higher salinities, indicating an improved water use efficiency in the seedlings at high salt concentrations. In addition, ∂(13)C values were generally less negative at high than at low nutrients. Differences among taxa were generally small. The results show that salinity affects both establishment and growth of hybridizing Carpobrotus. The overall weak species differences in salt tolerance indicate that the exotic C. edulis can occupy the same sites as C. chilensis in terms of salinity. The similarity of hybrids in their response to salinity suggests that they may contribute to the invasion by Carpobrotus.
Ecological Applications | 2002
Eric L. Berlow; Carla M. D'Antonio; Sally A. Reynolds
Montane meadows in the Sierra Nevada of California have experienced dra- matic expansion of shrubs (Artemisia rothrockii) and reduction in herbaceous species cover since the introduction of livestock in the late 1800s. Increases in meadow aridity due to livestock use has been proposed as the primary factor facilitating sagebrush dominance in these areas. However, our data suggest that sagebrush can readily expand into moist meadow areas where the water table is shallow. We explored how the relative importance of local processes influencing seedling establishment vary with changes in site aridity. We quantified patterns of sagebrush abundance in relation to water table depth and surface soil moisture and sagebrush seedling occurrence relative to distance from reproductive sagebrush plants and the presence of gopher disturbance. We tested the independent and interactive effects of vegetation clipping and surface soil disturbances on sagebrush germination, survival, and growth using experiments established in four vegetation types that differed in water table depth, surface soil moisture, and herbaceous species cover. Experiments were con- ducted over two growing seasons that differed in water availability. Our results suggest that small ( , 1m 2 ) soil disturbances promote the germination and growth of sagebrush seedlings in intact, ungrazed, moist, herbaceous meadow areas. In the absence of distur- bance, dense herbs, whether clipped or not, prevented germination. The effects of distur- bance were strongest in sites with moist surface soil that support a dense herbaceous canopy and were less important in sites with lower surface-soil moisture, where seedling estab- lishment rates were low despite abundant exposed soil. The spatial distribution of sagebrush seedlings is consistent with these experimental results. Sagebrush seedling density decreased dramatically with distance from reproductive shrubs, and seedlings were almost always preferentially associated with gopher mounds in moist herbaceous areas. Clipping above- ground biomass of herbs on a relatively small scale (4 m 2 ) had no effect on sagebrush germination or early seedling growth; however, the growth and survival of larger trans- planted seedlings was enhanced by clipping. We conclude that, while sagebrush expansion is traditionally associated with increased meadow aridity, it exhibits the greatest potential for seedling germination, growth, and survival in mesic, rather than xeric, sites. Realization of this potential is dependent on the confluence of exposed soil, a nearby seed source, and reduction of aboveground herb biomass.