Carles Milián
École Polytechnique
Featured researches published by Carles Milián.
Optics Express | 2014
Carles Milián; Dmitry V. Skryabin
We report theoretical and numerical study of the dynamical and spectral properties of the conservative and dissipative solitons in micro-ring resonators pumped in a proximity of the zero of the group velocity dispersion. We discuss frequency and velocity locking of the conservative solitons, when dissipation is accounted for. We present theory of the dispersive radiation emitted by such solitons, report their Hopf instability and radiation enhancement by multiple solitons.
Physical Review A | 2015
Carles Milián; Andrey V. Gorbach; Majid Taki; A. V. Yulin; Dmitry V. Skryabin
The influence of Raman scattering and higher order dispersions on solitons and frequency comb generation in silica microring resonators is investigated. The Raman effect introduces a threshold value in the resonator quality factor above which the frequency-locked solitons cannot exist, and instead, a rich dynamics characterized by generation of self-frequency-shifting solitons and dispersive waves is observed. A mechanism for broadening the Cherenkov radiation through Hopf instability of the frequency-locked solitons is also reported.
Physical Review Letters | 2014
Guillaume Point; Yohann Brelet; Aurélien Houard; Vytautas Jukna; Carles Milián; Jérôme Carbonnel; Yi Liu; Arnaud Couairon; A. Mysyrowicz
The interaction between a large number of laser filaments brought together using weak external focusing leads to the emergence of few filamentary structures reminiscent of standard filaments, but carrying a higher intensity. The resulting plasma is measured to be 1 order of magnitude denser than for short-scale filaments. This new propagation regime is dubbed superfilamentation. Numerical simulations of a nonlinear envelope equation provide good agreement with experiments.
Science Advances | 2015
Matteo Clerici; Yi Hu; Philippe Lassonde; Carles Milián; Arnaud Couairon; Demetrios N. Christodoulides; Zhigang Chen; Luca Razzari; F. Vidal; François Légaré; Daniele Faccio; Roberto Morandotti
We demonstrate that laser beam shaping can be used to precisely control an electric discharge trail, avoiding or bypassing obstacles in the line of sight. Electric breakdown in air occurs for electric fields exceeding 34 kV/cm and results in a large current surge that propagates along unpredictable trajectories. Guiding such currents across specific paths in a controllable manner could allow protection against lightning strikes and high-voltage capacitor discharges. Such capabilities can be used for delivering charge to specific targets, for electronic jamming, or for applications associated with electric welding and machining. We show that judiciously shaped laser radiation can be effectively used to manipulate the discharge along a complex path and to produce electric discharges that unfold along a predefined trajectory. Remarkably, such laser-induced arcing can even circumvent an object that completely occludes the line of sight.
Scientific Reports | 2015
Chen Xie; Vytautas Jukna; Carles Milián; Remo Giust; Ismail Ouadghiri-Idrissi; Tatiana Itina; John M. Dudley; Arnaud Couairon; F. Courvoisier
An open challenge in the important field of femtosecond laser material processing is the controlled internal structuring of dielectric materials. Although the availability of high energy high repetition rate femtosecond lasers has led to many advances in this field, writing structures within transparent dielectrics at intensities exceeding 1013 W/cm2 has remained difficult as it is associated with significant nonlinear spatial distortion. This letter reports the existence of a new propagation regime for femtosecond pulses at high power that overcomes this challenge, associated with the generation of a hollow uniform and intense light tube that remains propagation invariant even at intensities associated with dense plasma formation. This regime is seeded from higher order nondiffracting Bessel beams, which carry an optical vortex charge. Numerical simulations are quantitatively confirmed by experiments where a novel experimental approach allows direct imaging of the 3D fluence distribution within transparent solids. We also analyze the transitions to other propagation regimes in near and far fields. We demonstrate how the generation of plasma in this tubular geometry can lead to applications in ultrafast laser material processing in terms of single shot index writing, and discuss how it opens important perspectives for material compression and filamentation guiding in atmosphere.
Journal of Physics B | 2015
Guillaume Point; Carles Milián; Arnaud Couairon; A. Mysyrowicz; Aurélien Houard
Using femtosecond laser pulses at 800 and 400 nm, we characterize the formation of underdense channels in air generated by laser filamentation at the millijoule energy level by means of transverse interferometry. We find that using tight focusing conditions, filamentation generates a shock wave and that the resulting low-density channel lasts for more than 90 ms. Comparison of these results with hydrodynamic simulations using an Eulerian hydrodynamic code gives an good agreement and allows us to estimate the initial gas peak temperature at ∼ 1000 K. The influence of experimental parameters such as the focusing conditions for the ultrashort laser pulse, its polarization or the wavelength is studied and linked to previous characterizations of filamentation-generated plasma columns.
Optics Letters | 2009
Carles Milián; Dmitry V. Skryabin; Albert Ferrando
We demonstrate that the dark soliton trains in optical fibers with a zero of the group-velocity dispersion can generate broad spectral distribution (continuum) associated with the resonant dispersive radiation emitted by solitons. This radiation is either enhanced or suppressed by the Raman scattering depending on the sign of the third-order dispersion.
Optics Express | 2014
Vytautas Jukna; Carles Milián; C. Xie; Tatiana Itina; John M. Dudley; F. Courvoisier; Arnaud Couairon
We present a new type of ring-shaped filaments featured by stationary nonlinear high-order Bessel solutions to the laser beam propagation equation. Two different regimes are identified by direct numerical simulations of the nonlinear propagation of axicon focused Gaussian beams carrying helicity in a Kerr medium with multiphoton absorption: the stable nonlinear propagation regime corresponds to a slow beam reshaping into one of the stationary nonlinear high-order Bessel solutions, called nonlinear Bessel vortices. The region of existence of nonlinear Bessel vortices is found semi-analytically. The influence of the Kerr nonlinearity and nonlinear losses on the beam shape is presented. Direct numerical simulations highlight the role of attractors played by nonlinear Bessel vortices in the stable propagation regime. Large input powers or small cone angles lead to the unstable propagation regime where nonlinear Bessel vortices break up into an helical multiple filament pattern or a more irregular structure. Nonlinear Bessel vortices are shown to be sufficiently intense to generate a ring-shaped filamentary ionized channel in the medium which is foreseen as opening the way to novel applications in laser material processing of transparent dielectrics.
Applied Physics Letters | 2011
Carles Milián; Dmitry V. Skryabin
Using three-dimensional finite element modeling of the time independent Maxwell equations we demonstrate nonlinearity induced suppression of the power transfer in the arrays of nanoscale semiconductor on metal photonic wires. Nonlinear switching of the plasmonic modes can be achieved over few micron propagation distances using few hundred watts of the peak power.
Applied Physics Letters | 2014
Stefano Minardi; Carles Milián; Donatas Majus; Amrutha Gopal; G. Tamošauskas; Arnaud Couairon; Thomas Pertsch; A. Dubietis
We exploit inverse Raman scattering and solvated electron absorption to perform a quantitative characterization of the energy loss and ionization dynamics in water with tightly focused near-infrared femtosecond pulses. A comparison between experimental data and numerical simulations suggests that the ionization energy of water is 8 eV, rather than the commonly used value of 6.5 eV. We also introduce an equation for the Raman gain valid for ultra-short pulses that validates our experimental procedure.