Carlo Cerrano
University of Genoa
Environmental Microbiology | 2010
Luigi Vezzulli; Monica Previati; Carla Pruzzo; Anna Marchese; David G. Bourne; Carlo Cerrano
Mass mortality events of benthic invertebrates in the temperate north-western (NW) Mediterranean Sea have been observed in recent seasons. A 16 month in situ study in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea) demonstrated that the occurrence of Paramuricea clavata mortality episodes were concomitant to a condition of prolonged high sea surface temperatures, low chlorophyll concentrations and the presence of culturable Vibrio spp. in seawater. The occurrence of Vibrio spp. at the seasonal scale was correlated with temperature; with few vibrios retrieved on specific media when the temperature dropped below 18 degrees C and a sharp increase of vibrios abundance (up to 3.4 x 10(4) MPN l(-1)) when the temperature was greater than or equal to 22 degrees C. Phylogenetic and phenotypic analysis of Vibrio isolates associated with healthy and diseased P. clavata colonies collected during a mortality episode showed that these bacteria were significantly more abundant in diseased than in healthy corals and were related to the V. harveyi, V. splendidus and V. coralliilyticus groups, the latter only identified in diseased organisms. Inoculation of bacterial isolates from these groups onto healthy P. clavata in aquaria caused disease signs and death in a range of Vibrio concentrations, temperature values and trophic conditions consistent with those recorded in the field. It is concluded that Vibrio infections may act as an additional triggering mechanism of mass mortality events in the coastal Mediterranean Sea and that their occurrence is climate-linked. Predicted global warming leading to long-lasting hot summer periods together with stratification resulting in energetic constraints represent a major threat to the survival of benthic invertebrates in the temperate NW Mediterranean Sea due to potential disease outbreak associated with Vibrio pathogens.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001
Elena Zocchi; Armando Carpaneto; Carlo Cerrano; Giorgio Bavestrello; Marco Giovine; Santina Bruzzone; Lucrezia Guida; Luisa Franco; Cesare Usai
Sponges (phylum Porifera) are the phylogenetically oldest metazoan animals, their evolution dating back to 600 million years ago. Here we demonstrate that sponges express ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity, which converts NAD+ into cyclic ADP-ribose, a potent and universal intracellular Ca2+ mobilizer. In Axinella polypoides (Demospongiae, Axinellidae), ADP-ribosyl cyclase was activated by temperature increases by means of an abscisic acid-induced, protein kinase A-dependent mechanism. The thermosensor triggering this signaling cascade was a heat-activated cation channel. Elucidation of the complete thermosensing pathway in sponges highlights a number of features conserved in higher organisms: (i) the cation channel thermoreceptor, sensitive to heat, mechanical stress, phosphorylation, and anesthetics, shares all of the functional characteristics of the mammalian heat-activated background K+ channel responsible for central and peripheral thermosensing; (ii) involvement of the phytohormone abscisic acid and cyclic ADP-ribose as its second messenger is reminiscent of the drought stress signaling pathway in plants. These results suggest an ancient evolutionary origin of this stress-signaling cascade in a common precursor of modern Metazoa and Metaphyta.
Biophysical Journal | 2004
Gianluca Croce; Alberto Frache; Marco Milanesio; Leonardo Marchese; Mauro Causà; Davide Viterbo; Alessia Barbaglia; Vera Bolis; Giorgio Bavestrello; Carlo Cerrano; Umberto Benatti; Marina Pozzolini; Marco Giovine; Heinz Amenitsch
Siliceous sponges, one of the few animal groups involved in a biosilicification process, deposit hydrated silica in discrete skeletal elements called spicules. A multidisciplinary analysis of the structural features of the protein axial filaments inside the spicules of a number of marine sponges, belonging to two different classes (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida), is presented, together with a preliminary analysis of the biosilicification process. The study was carried out by a unique combination of techniques: fiber diffraction using synchrotron radiation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and molecular modeling. From a phylogenetic point of view, the main result is the structural difference between the dimension and packing of the protein units in the spicule filaments of the Demospongiae and the Hexactinellida species. Models of the protein organization in the spicule axial filaments, consistent with the various experimental evidences, are given. The three different species of demosponges analyzed have similar general structural features, but they differ in the degree of order. The structural information on the spicule axial filaments can help shed some light on the still unknown molecular mechanisms controlling biosilicification.
The Biological Bulletin | 2000
Giorgio Bavestrello; Attilio Arillo; Barbara Calcinai; Riccardo Cattaneo-Vietti; Carlo Cerrano; Elda Gaino; Antonella Penna; Michele Sarà
Antarctic sponges may host large populations of planktonic and benthic diatoms. After settling on the sponge, these diatoms enter its body through pinacocytes (1) and form, there, large mono- or pauci-specific assemblages. Yet the total amount of carbohydrates in the invaded sponge tissue is inversely correlated with that of chlorophyll-a. We suggest, therefore, that endobiont diatoms utilize the products of the metabolism of their host as an energy source. This is the first evidence indicating that an endobiotic autotrophic organism may parasitize its animal host. Moreover, this unusual symbiotic behavior could be a successful strategy that allows the diatom to survive in darkness.
The Biological Bulletin | 1998
Giorgio Bavestrello; U. Benatti; Barbara Calcinai; Riccardo Cattaneo-Vietti; Carlo Cerrano; A. Favre; Marco Giovine; S. Lanza; R. Pronzato; Michele Sarà
The skeleton of the common Mediterranean demosponge Chondrosia reniformis lacks endogenous spicules; but exogenous siliceous material is selectively incorporated into its collagenous ectosome, strengthening this layer. Nevertheless, the settling of sponge buds during asexual reproduction necessitates an active incorporation of the calcareous substratum through the sponge lower ectosome. This fact suggests the presence of a polarity in the sponge, with the lower surface selecting primarily carbonates, and the upper surface selecting exclusively silicates and quartz. Our observations under experimental conditions showed that the strong selectivity of the upper ectosome is realized only when the sponge is fixed to the substratum; if detached, the sponge incorporates both quartz and carbonates. In laboratory experiments, the incapacity of both kinds of ectosome to regenerate into a new complete sponge suggests that this polarity arises early in ontogeny.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Luigi Vezzulli; Elisabetta Pezzati; Carla Huete-Stauffer; Carla Pruzzo; Carlo Cerrano
Mass mortality events of benthic invertebrates in the Mediterranean Sea are becoming an increasing concern with catastrophic effects on the coastal marine environment. Sea surface temperature anomalies leading to physiological stress, starvation and microbial infections were identified as major factors triggering animal mortality. However the highest occurrence of mortality episodes in particular geographic areas and occasionally in low temperature deep environments suggest that other factors play a role as well. We conducted a comparative analysis of bacterial communities associated with the purple gorgonian Paramuricea clavata, one of the most affected species, collected at different geographic locations and depth, showing contrasting levels of anthropogenic disturbance and health status. Using massive parallel 16SrDNA gene pyrosequencing we showed that the bacterial community associated with healthy P. clavata in pristine locations was dominated by a single genus Endozoicomonas within the order Oceanospirillales which represented ∼90% of the overall bacterial community. P. clavata samples collected in human impacted areas and during disease events had higher bacterial diversity and abundance of disease-related bacteria, such as vibrios, than samples collected in pristine locations whilst showed a reduced dominance of Endozoicomonas spp. In contrast, bacterial symbionts exhibited remarkable stability in P. clavata collected both at euphotic and mesophotic depths in pristine locations suggesting that fluctuations in environmental parameters such as temperature have limited effect in structuring the bacterial holobiont. Interestingly the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus was not found on diseased corals collected during a deep mortality episode suggesting that neither temperature anomalies nor recognized microbial pathogens are solely sufficient to explain for the events. Overall our data suggest that anthropogenic influence may play a significant role in determining the coral health status by affecting the composition of the associated microbial community. Environmental stressful events and microbial infections may thus be superimposed to compromise immunity and trigger mortality outbreaks.
Journal of Natural Products | 2010
Caterina Fattorusso; Marco Persico; Barbara Calcinai; Carlo Cerrano; Silvia Parapini; Donatella Taramelli; Ettore Novellino; Adriana Romano; Fernando Scala; Ernesto Fattorusso; Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati
The new endoperoxyketal polyketides manadoperoxides A-D (2-5) have been isolated from the Indonesian sponge Plakortis cfr. simplex and their stereostructures established by means of spectroscopic data and semisynthetic transformations. Manadoperoxides were assayed in vitro against D10 and W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum and showed moderate antimalarial activity compared to that of plakortin (1) and peroxyplakoric B(3) ester (9), the latter differing from manadoperoxide B only by minor structural details. This unexpected difference in the antimalarial activity has been rationalized on the basis of our recently published model for the interaction of 1,2-dioxanes with heme and production of C-centered radicals toxic to the parasite. For the manadoperoxides, either the endoperoxide linkage is inaccessible to the heme iron or the O1 radical cannot evolve to produce a C-centered radical.
Chemistry and Ecology | 2010
R. Cattaneo Vietti; Giancarlo Albertelli; S. Aliani; S. Bava; Giorgio Bavestrello; L. Benedetti Cecchi; Carlo Nike Bianchi; E. Bozzo; Marco Capello; Michela Castellano; Carlo Cerrano; Mariachiara Chiantore; N. Corradi; Silvia Cocito; Laura Cutroneo; Giovanni Diviacco; Mauro Fabiano; M. Faimali; Marco Ferrari; G. P. Gasparini; Marina Locritani; L. Mangialajo; Valentina Marin; Mariapaola Moreno; Carla Morri; L. Orsi Relini; L. Pane; Chiara Paoli; Mario Petrillo; Paolo Povero
The Ligurian Sea is a deep basin in the northernmost sector of the western Mediterranean which shows peculiar hydrodynamic and meteo-oceanographic features. The coasts of the Ligurian Sea are among the most urbanised and industrialised along the Italian coastline: the main causes of disturbance being littoral urban development and harbour activities, the building of littoral rail- and highways, and the presence of several polluted discharges. This review, by evaluating the huge scientific output published in the last three decades, describes and discusses the most important geological, hydrological and biological characteristics of the Ligurian Sea. We show that this regional sea has largely been investigated in terms of its geological and structural evolution, as well as in terms of the sedimentation dynamics of the littoral and deep bottoms, with particular attention to the sedimentation balance of the beaches and their erosive processes. We report that the prevalent hydrodynamic and meteo-oceanographic conditions favour a continuous exchange of coastal water masses, and that the seasonal and interannual dynamics of water masses can effects the local climate, with direct and indirect consequences on fish and benthic communities documented in the last decade. We stress that although recent studies offer good knowledge of the distribution of coastal benthic communities, only scant information is available for the whole continental shelf, the submarine canyons and the rocky bathyal bottoms. Our meta-analysis reveals that significant fishing activities are monitored, but also that certain sectors of the biological resource are suffering, and suggests the set up of appropriate management measures. The Ligurian Sea hosts a number of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of high relevance, while the institution of the Whale Sanctuary completes the protection policy of the Regione Liguria. Our meta-analysis points out the need for long-term studies, based primarily on the analysis of those areas of the Ligurian Sea that have been little investigated to date. Finally, only properly addressed studies, using experimental approaches and along appropriate spatial and temporal scales, might allow us to understand the functioning of the Ligurian marine ecosystems, evaluate their health conditions and the dynamics of the main variables that affect the distribution of the single species (including species of high economic value) and benthic communities.
Journal of Cell Science | 2003
Elena Zocchi; Giovanna Basile; Carlo Cerrano; Giorgio Bavestrello; Marco Giovine; Santina Bruzzone; Lucrezia Guida; Armando Carpaneto; Raffaella Magrassi; Cesare Usai
Recently, the thermosensing pathway in sponges (Porifera) was elucidated. The thermosensor triggering this cascade is a heat-activated cation channel, with the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA), cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) and calcium acting as intracellular messengers, similarly to the drought-stress signaling cascade in higher plants. Here, we investigated the functional effects downstream of the temperature-signaling pathway in Axinella polypoides (Porifera, Demonspongiae). Short-term stimulation followed by long-term depression of amino acid incorporation, oxygen consumption and water filtration were observed after exposure of the sponge to a brief heat stress or to micromolar ABA. These effects could be prevented by the targeted interruption of the signaling pathway either at the level of the cation channel thermosensor or at the level of the cADPR-induced intracellular calcium increase. Moreover, release of cyclase activity into the sea water and generation of extracellular cADPR were observed following brief heat stress. Intact sponge cells were sensitive to extracellular cADPR and addition of purified cyclase increased sponge respiration similarly to heat stress. This is the first observation of functional effects exerted on Metazoa by the phytohormone ABA: conservation of the ABA/cADPR stress-signaling cascade points to its early evolution in a common precursor of modern Metazoa and Metaphyta. The functional effects induced by extracellular cyclase/cADPR suggest an evolutionary origin of cADPR as an ancient stress hormone in Porifera.
Polar Biology | 2000
Carlo Cerrano; Attilio Arillo; Giorgio Bavestrello; Barbara Calcinai; Riccardo Cattaneo-Vietti; Antonella Penna; Michele Sarà; Cecilia Totti
Abstract Sponges often host large amounts of symbionts, mainly represented by cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates. Recent findings show a widespread presence of symbiotic diatoms living inside antarctic demosponges. In this paper, the invasion by large populations of the diatom Melosira sp. into specimens of the hexactinellid sponge Scolymastra joubini is reported. SEM analyses support the hypothesis that the embedded living diatoms have a negative impact on sponge tissues, leading to degenerative processes.