Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Featured researches published by Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva.
International Journal of Production Research | 2014
Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Eduardo da Silva Oliveira; Fabiano Leal
As a reason for competitiveness, the process of product development evolves using, in some situations, improvement methods, e.g. design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA). In the framework of the product development process, it is desirable that engineers and managers have a systemic view of the effects that changes in local processes will have on the overall performance of the entire production system. This vision of such effects can be achieved with computer simulation. This study aims at assessing how DFMA can be integrated with computer simulation and the benefits from the alternatives identified by such method during production and assembly. Using the electronic voting machine printer as object of study, options to improve design by means of DFMA principles are identified. Five models were developed to represent the current assembly process and two models following the implementation of the changes proposed by the DFMA. The sale price is confidential (exclusive product of the Brazilian government). The company provided data in assembly costs. The results show the production increase in assembly time (9.94%) and average daily sales (
Gestão & Produção | 2007
Rogério Abdala Giacometti; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Helder Jose Celani de Souza; Fernando Augusto Silva Marins; Elizabete Ribeiro Sanches Da Silva
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2014
Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva
O gerenciamento do Earned Value vem obtendo aceitacao crescente nas empresas e entre profissionais tais como gerentes de projetos e funcionais, devido a sua efetividade no controle dos resultados do projeto. Earned Value e definido como uma ferramenta de controle que permite avaliar simultaneamente de maneira quantitativa como se encontram os custos e prazos em uma data de controle, permitindo tambem prever a data de termino e o valor gasto (VARGAS, 2005). Este artigo avalia a aplicabilidade do earned value como ferramenta de controle de projetos aeronauticos na EMBRAER. Contribui tambem para a aplicacao do earned value no controle de projetos complexos. Utilizam-se como tecnicas de coleta de dados: entrevistas, observacoes e analise documental. Conclui-se que o earned value e utilizado apenas nos projetos da area de aviacao de defesa, por ser uma exigencia contratual. O uso do earned value nas areas de programas executivos e comerciais restringe-se as fases de definicao conjunta, projeto detalhado e certificacao, pois o escopo do projeto e bem definido, o cronograma e detalhado e os custos sao previstos e obtidos com maior acuidade. Nas demais fases de desenvolvimento do produto, o uso do earned value e restrito, devido principalmente as constantes alteracoes de escopo do produto e do projeto.Earned value management has been increasingly used by companies as well as by functional and project managers due to its effectiveness in controlling project results. It is defined as a control tool that enables a quantitative and simultaneous evaluation of the costs and process time within a pre-scheduled date as well as predicting the deadline and the total value spent (VARGAS, 2005).This study evaluates the earned value applicability as a tool to control aeronautical projects at EMBRAER, A Brazilian Aeronautical Company. It is also concerned with the application of earned value in the control of complex projects. The data were gathered through interviews, observations and document analysis. The results show that The Earned Value is used only in the defense aviation projects since it is a contractual obligation. Its use in executive and commercial areas is restricted to the combined definition stages, detailed project, and certification because the scope of the project is well defined, the schedule is detailed, and the costs are foreseen and fairly accurate. In the other stages of the product development, the use of earned value is restricted mainly because of the frequent changes of the scope of the product and project.
Production Journal | 2012
Monique Samaan; Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
New Product development (NPD) is getting even more significant to the entrepreneurship competitiveness due to the increasing market internationalization, to the product diversity and variety and the reduction of the product life cycle. This present work has as its main goal to propose a reference model adapted to NPD of technology-based companies (TBC) that produce electronics. This research follows a combined methodology approach, that is, a qualitative-quantitative approach. First, a qualitative approach is applied with the study of multiple cases in order to identify the NPD features based on electronics manufacturing. Then, a qualitative approach is employed with application on multi-criterion decision-making method as to select macro-phases, phases and activities from the proposed model for NPD. Finally, studies of multiple cases are carried out to verify the proposed model adequacy. The results analyses suggests that the proposed model may be considered convenient.
Production Journal | 2010
Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Natália Fernanda Gabriela Siqueira; Henrique Andrade Godoy; Eduardo Gomes Salgado
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e critico para a competitividade das empresas, devido ao aumento da variedade de produtos, a reducao do ciclo de vida dos produtos e principalmente a internacionalizacao dos mercados. Dessa forma, a identificacao dos fatores criticos de sucesso e imprescindivel no desenvolvimento de um novo produto devido ao alto grau de risco e incerteza. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal a identificacao dos fatores criticos de sucesso no desenvolvimento de produtos (DP) das empresas de biotecnologia do estado de Minas Gerais. O metodo de pesquisa utilizado foi a survey, ou seja, um questionario foi elaborado e enviado para uma amostra de 31 empresas do setor de biotecnologia do estado de Minas Gerais, a fim de coletar informacoes necessarias. As variaveis foram correlacionadas pelo metodo de regressao dos minimos quadrados parciais. Desse modo, foram identificadas as variaveis que tendem a contribuir, limitar ou sao neutras com relacao ao tempo de desenvolvimento e aumento da idade da empresa.
Production Journal | 2011
José Magno da Silva; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Geanete Dias Morais Batista; Maurício de Pinho Bitencourt
Abstract This research analyzes the incorporation of risk management in the product development process (PDP) in auto parts companies, based on Advanced Product and Quality Planning (APQP), and emphasizes the delivery of project development proposed by the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) and conducts a review of the literature, establishing the theoretical foundations for its development. The research method used was action research, where data were collected through documentary analysis, interviews and researchers’ observations. The incorporation of risk management contributes to the PDP‑making processes, especially in the stages of qualitative risk analysis and planning of responses to risk, providing greater accuracy of the time and identification of critical activities. The factors that emerged as most important for guaranteeing the accuracy of the results are: team building; collective discussion of deadlines set, resulting in commitment; the role of project manager, providing feedback from the participants; the existence of objective evidence in support of senior management. It follows that team‑building impacts on risk management, as in the perceived risk to ongoing education.
Gestão & Produção | 2011
Lucas Barbosa Alves; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the functions performed by managers and the results obtained by the incubator. The results considered were the following: the time period for manager’s take over, the incubator’s existence time period, the number of incubated companies, the number of firms graduated, and the achievement of ISO 9001 certification. The functions performed by managers of incubators are based on the Project Management Office (PMO). These functions are then grouped and their descriptions are adapted to the context of the incubators. A questionnaire was prepared and sent by e-mail to business incubators in the “Rede Mineira de Inovacao”. The data were collected, processed and analyzed statistically. The main results obtained showed that, the functions that contribute the most to the results of the incubator are: participating in the incubated enterprisers strategic planning and distributing available resources to them; and the functions that contribute the least to the results are: following up and checking out the performance of each business plan of the incubated companies.
Gestão & Produção | 2014
Juliana Caminha Noronha; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Julia Cristina Caminha Noronha
For a technology-based company (TBC) to remain competitive, it must focus on reducing development time and on introducing key technologies into its products. This paper aims to analyze the use of Technology Roadmapping (TRM) as a means of selecting a reference product for the application of a process of reverse engineering (RE), as a part of the product development process of a TBC. The integration between those techniques was analyzed through a case study. Market completion, product, and TRM technology analysis provided means to find, in the market, a reference product with advanced characteristics enabling the application of RE processes. The result was the reduced product development time focused on customer and market needs with better technologies and features when compared to the reference product. Improvements in production cost, selling price, installation costs, installation time, product adaptability and weight were observed. The integration of those techniques provided means for the company to enter in the market with a product that already with competitive advantage due to its improved development. After analyzing the results, it was possible to systematize the integration of those two techniques.
Advances in intelligent systems and computing | 2013
Sandra Miranda Neves; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon; André Leonardo Almeida Santos
Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicacao da Teoria de Opcoes Reais as analises de investimentos em desenvolvimento de produtos e tomada de decisao numa industria de autopecas por meio do metodo da pesquisa-acao. Considerando que o desenvolvimento de produtos envolve investimentos em multiplos estagios, ele pode ser tratado como uma opcao sequencial composta, possibilitando uma gestao do desenvolvimento mais realista, uma vez que se avalia a tomada de decisao por periodos, valora-se a flexibilidade gerencial e proporciona-se uma visao detalhada do investimento. Ao longo do trabalho, o metodo binomial proposto e aplicado a analise do desenvolvimento de um conjunto de aneis de pistao em que se incorporam decisoes de investimento em cada etapa, trazendo uma nova perspectiva do valor do projeto de desenvolvimento para a empresa e de decisoes do composto de marketing associado ao produto. Conclui-se que a incorporacao da teoria de opcoes ao desenvolvimento de um conjunto de produtos da empresa objeto de estudo levantou o real valor do investimento como havia sido proposto pela pesquisa, apresentando uma nova dinâmica para a tomada de decisao e a negociacao com clientes.
Gestão & Produção | 2010
Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Filipe Natividade Guedes; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; José Hamilton Chaves Gorgulho Júnior; Amanda Fernandes Xavier
A risks management, carried on in an effective way, leads the software development to success and may influence on the organization. The knowledge takes part of such a process as a way to help taking decisions. This research aimed to analyze the use of Knowledge Management techniques to the Risk Management in software projects development and the possible influence on the enterprise revenue. It had, as its main studying subject, Brazilian incubated and graduated software developing enterprises. The chosen research method was the Survey type. Multivariate statistical methods were used for the treatment and analysis of the obtained results, this way identifying the most significant factors, that is, enterprise´s achievement constraining factors and those outcome achievement ones. Among the latter we highlight the knowledge methodology, the time of existence of the enterprise, the amount of employees and the knowledge externalization. The results encourage contributing actions to the increasing of financial revenue.