Carlos Herold Junior
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Featured researches published by Carlos Herold Junior.
Educational Review | 2011
Carlos Herold Junior
The goal of this paper is to analyze the representations and practices done by boys-scouts groups in Guarapuava, betwee 1928 and 1936. As primaries sources were utilized, predominantly, newspapers published in the city during the period. Having the methodological tools made up by Chartier (2002) and Certeau (2007), we studied the corporeal education carried out by the boy-scout movement, dividing the text in three different parts: first, we put emphasis in the massive presence of corporeal education in the Brazilian boys-scout movement. Secondly, we did the same task focusing on the Parana State. In the end, we scrutinized the value put in the corporeal education put by the boys-scouts practices which took place in Guarapuava. As conclusion, we could see that the boys-scout movement that existed in Guarapuava absorbed, in its educational practices, the modern pedagogical precepts which gave great attention to the body education, creating some conditions to make it schooled.
Movimento | 2015
Carlos Herold Junior
The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of body education in Scouting in the early decades of the twentieth century. It analyzed texts published in O Tico Tico magazine between 1921 and 1931. Scouting was found to be publicized in Brazil as an educational practice linked to pedagogical modernities because of its consideration of body activities.
Movimento | 2015
Carlos Herold Junior; Alexandre Fernandez Vaz
The influences on military scouting in the period 1908 to 1941, based on the proposed educational body movement are examined. In addition to literature review mapping contemporary scholars of the history of Scouting, books, theses, specialized journal articles and papers published in the period are used as empirical basis. It was found that an emphasis on body education for scouting sustained in a process of acceptance and refusal of military tradition in vogue in the early twentieth century, making it impossible both the mere binding or the mere withdrawal of Scouting in relation to the army.
Movimento | 2015
Carlos Herold Junior; Alexandre Fernandez Vaz
Estudamos a educacao corporal na expansao do escotismo brasileiro no inicio do seculo XX. A partir de teses publicadas em congressos escoteiros que aconteceram nos anos 1920, analisamos as representacoes sobre corpo e educacao com as quais os congressistas estimularam e justificaram o valor das praticas escoteiras. Como resultado, verificamos uma grande enfase em atividades corporais que deveriam ser praticadas no escotismo seguindo os passos da “pedagogia cientifica”. Por isso, era defendido um afastamento da forma como o mundo militar utilizava o corpo para a formacao de seus contingentes.
Educação & Realidade | 2015
Denise Sikora; Angela Maria Hidalgo; Carlos Herold Junior
The aim of this paper is to analyze different stances on the importance of rural education in the city of Guarapuava, from 1930 to 1960. Having as empirical basis newspapers distributed in the city, we also use other documents to think the matter under a perspective that crosses the national, the state and the municipal level. As a result of this analytical path, we can see that rural education in Guarapuava expresses its importance alternating the advocacy of the value of education and denunciations regarding problems to realize this educational modality.
Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2008
Carlos Herold Junior
The aim of this article is to put in evidence the mutual relevance of the studies on corporal formation and the analysis based on historical materialism. For that, we divided the text in three moments: firstly, we analyse the way in which the issue of corporality arises related to post-modernist paradigms of analysis. In the second moment, when we relate the studies on body with those on labour, we show how Marxs works are accepted or criticised. We then, thirdly, develop some critical possibilities to study the corporal formation on the basis of historical materialism. As result, we could verify that by linking the issue of corporality with transformations in labour patterns it is possible to further analyses on the body. With that, we hope to prove that studies on the body are important themes for reflections on capitalist society, in the same way that reflections on the transformations in the form of labour offer valuable possibilities for researchers of corporality.O objetivo desse artigo e evidenciar a mutua importância que possuem os estudos sobre a formacao da corporeidade e as reflexoes baseadas no materialismo historico. Para tanto, dividimos o texto em tres momentos: no primeiro, analisamos a forma como a tematica da corporeidade surge atrelada ao desenvolvimento dos paradigmas pos-modernistas de analise. No segundo, ao relacionarmos a analise do corpo com a analise do trabalho, mostramos a forma como a obra de Marx e aceita e criticada pelos analistas. Na terceira, desenvolvemos algumas possibilidades criticas de analisar a formacao da corporeidade pelo materialismo historico. Como resultado, podemos notar que, ao atrelar a analise do corpo as transformacoes no mundo do trabalho, podemos aprofundar as possibilidades das analises sobre o corpo na atualidade. Com isso, esperamos mostrar que a analise do corpo se constitui em uma importante tematica para as reflexoes sobre a sociedade capitalista, da mesma forma que a reflexao sobre as transformacoes na forma de trabalho dessa sociedade oferecem possibilidades valiosas aos estudiosos da corporeidade.
Movimento | 2018
Carlos Herold Junior; Alisson Bertão Machado; Carolini Aparecida Campanholi; Bruna Solera; Pedro Gabriel Gil Parizotto
This work studies representations of the body produced within the nudist movement by looking into debates over photographs published in nudist magazines during the 1950s in Rio de Janeiro. Besides magazines themselves, newspapers, legal documents and books will be used as primary sources addressed through the concept of representation (CHARTIER, 2002). It was found that nudist publications and the expansion of the movement’s practices produced representations that show tension regarding the importance of bodies and body exposure in Rio de Janeiro’s society of that time.
Movimento | 2018
Carlos Herold Junior
This is an analysis of the book Organizando arquivos, produzindo nexos . It addresses the process of construction and consolidation of the Center for Memory of Physical Education, Sports and Leisure of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CEMEF/UFMG) by focusing in two important points: 1) it highlights the importance and difficulties of organizing a Memory Center; and 2) it emphasizes the value of this type of institution to promote historical research in the field of Physical Education.
Movimento | 2017
Carlos Herold Junior
Nesta resenha e apresentada e analisada a obra Le nouveau culte du corps , escrita por Yannis Constantidines. Sublinha-se que, embora a obra apresente alguns limites quando aborda o corpo na atualidade, ela se configura em um importante estimulo a novas pesquisas por focalizar o pensamento de Nietzsche, o que nao tem sido muito usual no campo da Educacao Fisica brasileira.
Movimento | 2017
Carlos Herold Junior
Avaliam-se as possibilidades e os limites da obra O Sentido do Karate-do , escrita por Cristiano Barreira. Embora alguns questionamentos sejam levantados, sobretudo, concernentes as opcoes metodologicas do autor, e endossada a relevância do livro para os estudiosos das artes marciais e, igualmente, para os estudiosos do corpo a partir de uma perspectiva filosofica.