Carola Lussiana
University of Turin
Meat Science | 2009
Hua Wei Liu; Francesco Gai; Laura Gasco; A. Brugiapaglia; Carola Lussiana; Kaijun Guo; Jian Ming Tong; Ivo Zoccarato
Seventy two male Bianca Italiana rabbits were used to study the effects of the inclusion (0%, 0.5%, and 1.0%) of a natural extract of chestnut wood (Silvafeed ENC) in the diet on productive traits, carcass characteristics, meat quality, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of rabbit meat. Results showed ENC had no significant effect on live weight, productive traits, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, skin weight, pH, cooking losses, shear force and colour. The iron content was higher in Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle of rabbit fed the ENC 1.0% diet than the control group. TBARS average values in the group ENC 0.5% were significantly lower (P<0.05) than in the control and ENC 1.0% groups. Myristic acid (C14:0; P<0.01), palmitoleic acid (C16:1 cis-9; P<0.05) and pentadecanoic acid (C15:0; P<0.01) contents were lower in LTL muscle of rabbits fed the ENC 1.0% diet, whereas the palmitic acid (C16:0) content was higher (P<0.05) in the rabbits of this group. Moreover, the rabbits fed with the ENC 0.5% diet had lower (P<0.01) levels of trans-vaccenic acid (C18:1 trans-11) compared to rabbits fed with the control diet. No significant differences were observed in saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, as well as in PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios among the groups.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2015
Marco Belforti; Francesco Gai; Carola Lussiana; Manuela Renna; Vanda Malfatto; L. Rotolo; Michele De Marco; Sihem Dabbou; Achille Schiavone; Ivo Zoccarato; Laura Gasco
This study evaluated the effects of diets containing Tenebrio molitor (TM) larvae meal on growth performances, somatic indexes, nutrient digestibility, dorsal muscle proximate and fatty acid (FA) compositions of rainbow trout. Three hundred sixty fish were randomly divided into three groups with four replicates each. The groups were fed diets differing in TM inclusion: 0% (TM0), 25% (TM25) and 50% (TM50) as fed weight basis. Weight gain was not affected by treatment. Feeding rate was significantly higher in TM0 than TM50. Feed conversion ratio was significantly higher in TM0 than TM25 and TM50, while an opposite trend was observed for protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate. The survival rate was significantly lower in TM0 than TM25 and TM50. The apparent digestibility of protein was significantly lower in the TM50 group than the other groups, while the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and lipids was unaffected by treatment. If compared to control, the protein and lipid contents of fillets were respectively increased and decreased following TM inclusion in the diet. The Σn3/Σn6 FA ratio of fish dorsal muscle was linearly (TM0>TM25>TM50) reduced by TM inclusion in the diet. Results suggested that TM could be used during the growing phase in trout farming; however, additional studies on specific feeding strategies and diet formulations are needed to limit its negative effects on the lipid fraction of fillets.
Meat Science | 2014
A. Brugiapaglia; Carola Lussiana; G. Destefanis
Samples of longissimus thoracis muscle of young bulls belonging to Piemontese (n=10), Limousin (n=11) and Friesian (n=10) breeds were analysed in order to study the chemical composition, fatty acids and cholesterol content of beef purchased at retail. The breeds and their differences in intramuscular fat content strongly influenced the fatty acids profile. The Piemontese animals displayed the lowest intramuscular fat and SFA content, while Friesian animals showed the highest intramuscular fat, SFA and MUFA content. In general, Limousin animals had intermediate characteristics. A higher PUFA proportion on total fatty acids was observed in Piemontese breed, but the PUFA absolute content (mg/100 g meat) did not differ among breeds. All the three breeds displayed a high content of n-6 fatty acids family and, consequently, a very unbalanced n-6/n-3 ratio. No differences were found for cholesterol content.
Meat Science | 2005
R. Fortina; S. Barbera; Carola Lussiana; A. Mimosi; S. Tassone; A. Rossi; E. Zanardi
The effects of specific diets for commercial hybrids were investigated on 6 Casertana and 11 Mora Romagnola, two endangered Italian pig breeds. Average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion index (FCI), dressing percentage and meat and fat quality of animals bred under similar environmental and nutritional conditions were compared to define their optimal slaughtering weight. Animals were fed the same diets assuming that requirements of Mora Romagnola and Casertana did not differ, and changed every 30kg of weight gain. ADG and FCI were calculated every 15 days. Weight gains, divided into 5 groups based on live weight (LW) of animals (⩽60kg, 60160kg), showed higher values for Casertana than Mora Romagnola, particularly from 121 to 160kg LW (687g/d). Average FCI from 50 to 160kg LW was similar in both breeds (4.2). After 403 days of trial, animals were slaughtered at about 195kg LW. Carcass measurements showed that Casertana had higher dressing percentage and lean cuts than Mora Romagnola. Both breeds showed extraordinary high ultimate pH values of M. longissimus thoracis (5.96 and 6.15 for Casertana and Mora Romagnola, respectively) M. semimembranosus (6.37 and 6.30), showing an incomplete post mortem glycolysis. Colour of M. longissimus thoracis did not differ between breeds and was particularly dark. Chemical analysis of Casertana meat showed lower percentage of water and fat; the total amount of fatty acids (SFA, MUFA and PUFA) and the SFA/UFA ratio did not show significant differences between breeds. Results showed that from a growth point of view the optimal slaughtering weight of Casertana and Mora Romagnola should not exceed 160kg LW. Both breeds had an uncommon reactivity to stress probably due to interactions of genetic, nutritional and management factors.
Meat Science | 2009
C. Lazzaroni; Davide Biagini; Carola Lussiana
To evaluate the effect of different rearing systems and sex on the fatty acid composition of rabbit meat and perirenal fat, the fat content and fatty acid composition of Longissimus lumborum and perirenal fat were determined by gas chromatography on 40 rabbits (20 males and 20 females) of the Carmagnola Grey breed reared from 9 to 16weeks of age in individual California type cages (0.12m(2)) or in group ground pens (0.25m(2)/head). Ether extract percentage of muscle was significantly influenced by the housing system while, both sex and rearing method affected the fatty acid composition with a decrease in monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and an increase in polyunsaturated ones (PUFA) in penned and male rabbits. The same trends were observed in the fatty acid composition of the perirenal fat, gender only had a significant affect on the saturated fatty acid (SFA) content in the perirenal fat. Indices relating to human health showed the PUFA/SFA ratio to be over the minimum recommendation for rabbits reared in pens and for males, while only the n6/n3 ratio was above the maximum recommendation for caged rabbits. Atherogenic index (AI) of perirenal fat was affected by gender, but no differences were observed in trombogenic index (TI) in either muscle or perirenal fat.
Meat Science | 2009
C. Lazzaroni; Davide Biagini; Carola Lussiana
To evaluate the effect of different rearing systems and sex on productive performance and carcass composition and quality, 80 rabbits (40 males and 40 females) of Carmagnola breed were reared from 9 to 16 weeks of age in individual California type cages (0.12m(2)) or in group ground pens (0.25m(2)/head). The animals were kept in standard and uniform environmental conditions and fed the same ad libitum pellet feed. Data on live weight and feed intake were recorded. At the end of the fattening period 10 animals per group were slaughtered and data provided in the World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA) standard method were collected, as well as pH and meat colour. Animals reared in ground pens showed lower productive performances, while, as to slaughtering performances, rabbits reared in cages showed the highest slaughtering weight and also the highest weights for most body parts. Gender slightly affected productive and slaughtering performances: females showed higher feed consumption and higher perirenal fat weight than males. Meat colour parameters showed significant differences in Longissimus lumborum and Biceps femoris due to housing systems and gender effects. In both muscle, rearing system affected pH only 24h after slaughter.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2014
Manuela Renna; Aziza Gasmi-Boubaker; Carola Lussiana; Luca Maria Battaglini; Khouloud Belfayez; Riccardo Fortina
Whole mature seeds of eight selected varieties, subspecies and accessions of three Vicia L. species grown in Tunisia were investigated for their fatty acid (FA) profile. The FA composition ranged from lauric (C12:0) to lignoceric (C24:0) acids. The total FA content was 1235.14 to 1580.34 mg 100 g–1 dry matter (DM). Linoleic acid (C18:2 c 9c 12; 647.87 to 801.93 mg 100 g–1 DM, i.e. >50% of total FA), oleic acid (C18:1 c 9; 181.32 to 346.79 mg 100 g–1 DM, i.e. 13.2 to 24.6% of total FA) and α-linolenic acid (C18:3 c 9c 12c 15; 42.01 to 97.72 mg 100 g–1 DM, i.e. 3.4 to 7.1% of total FA) were the most abundant unsaturated FA. Palmitic acid (C16:0; 189.86 to 281.07 mg 100 g–1 DM, i.e. 15.4 to 17.8% of total FA) and stearic acid (C18:0; 24.35 to 52.75 mg 100 g–1 DM, i.e. 2.0 to 4.0% of total FA) were the major saturated ones. The sum of all other FA did not exceed 3.0% of TFA. The favourable FA profile of the studied vetch seeds makes them interesting cheap diet components to be used in the nutrition of ruminants and non-ruminants reared in the dryland agricultural regions of Mediterranean countries.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | 2010
Laura Gasco; Francesco Gai; Carola Lussiana; Rossella Lo Presti; Vanda Malfatto; Franco Daprà; Ivo Zoccarato
One hundred and thirty-two tench were photographed and a total of 13 landmarks were identified. Fish were grouped in four size classes on length basis and different shape descriptors were computed. Landmark configurations were superimposed. Size was computed as centroid size. The roundness coefficient, the log(partial area)/log(total area) ratio and the condition coefficient were calculated. Slaughtering performances and fillet composition analyses were performed. Shape variability was found primarily on cephalic area while head and tail regions were more homogeneous. A high correlation between centroid size and total length was found as well as a higher increase of the partial area than the total area justifying the hump shape of this tench. The scatter of relative warp 1 scores and centroid size for the four size classes has showed, with the increase of the length, a larger number of specimens that were characterised by a deep profile. Geometric morphometric approach produced a valuable tool in defining morphospaces for tench. Condition coefficient ranged from 1.24 to 1.29, without any significant difference among the size classes. Slaughtering performance resulted in agreement with those reported by other authors while VSI was lower. In fillets, the fatty acid profile was composed of about 30% of saturated fatty acids, 50% of monounsaturated fatty acids and 20% of polyunsaturated fatty acids with about 8% of docosahexaenoic acid. Atherogenic and thrombogenic indices were 0.58 and 0.42, respectively. Both n6/n3 and polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratios were in accordance with value recommended for a healthy nutrition giving positive evaluation of the nutritional qualities of tench.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2017
Simone Ravetto Enri; Manuela Renna; Massimiliano Probo; Carola Lussiana; Luca Maria Battaglini; Michele Lonati; Giampiero Lombardi
BACKGROUND Plant composition of species-rich mountain grasslands can affect the sensorial and chemical attributes of dairy and meat products, with implications for human health. A multivariate approach was used to analyse the complex relationships between vegetation characteristics (botanical composition and plant community variables) and chemical composition (proximate constituents and fatty acid profile) in mesophilic and dry vegetation ecological groups, comprising six different semi-natural grassland types in the Western Italian Alps. RESULTS Mesophilic and dry grasslands were comparable in terms of phenology, biodiversity indices and proportion of botanical families. The content of total fatty acids and that of the most abundant fatty acids (alpha-linolenic, linoleic and palmitic acids) were mainly associated to nutrient-rich plant species, belonging to the mesophilic grassland ecological group. Mesophilic grasslands showed also higher values of crude protein, lower values of fibre content and they were related to higher pastoral values of vegetation compared to dry grasslands. The proximate composition and fatty acid profile appeared mainly single species dependent rather than botanical family dependent. CONCLUSION These findings highlight that forage from mesophilic grasslands can provide higher nutritive value for ruminants and may be associated to ruminant-derived food products with a healthier fatty acid profile.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2009
Francesco Gai; Laura Gasco; Hua Wei Liu; Carola Lussiana; A. Brugiapaglia; Giorgio Masoero; Ivo Zoccarato
Abstract This study investigated the effect of chestnut tannins on meat quality in broiler rabbits. 72 commercial hybrid rabbits (mean body weight 740 g, 32 days old) were fed for 49 days with three diets containing 0%, 0.5% and 1.0% of a commercial chestnut wood extract (ENC®, Silvachimica srl), respectively. Eight rabbits per group were slaughtered at 12 weeks of age and at 24h post-mortem pH and colour were measured on the carcass. Moreover, both sides of m. longissimus thoracis (LT) were dissected. Left side was used for cooking losses whereas the other side was used for the determination of fatty acid profile and lipid oxidation. Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA. No differences were found in pH, colour and cooking losses, as well as the fatty acid profile of LT muscle and its relative health indexes. Concerning the antioxidant effect, the ENC shows a positive and significant effect at the inclusion level of 0.5%. In conclusion, the ENC has not undesirable side effects on the meat quality of rabbits, although further studies will be necessary to find the optimal diet inclusion level of ENC to elicit a stronger antioxidant effect in the rabbit meat.