
Nature Genetics | 2007

Genome-wide association study identifies a second prostate cancer susceptibility variant at 8q24

Julius Gudmundsson; Patrick Sulem; Andrei Manolescu; Laufey T Amundadottir; Daniel F. Gudbjartsson; Agnar Helgason; Thorunn Rafnar; Jon Thor Bergthorsson; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Adam Baker; Asgeir Sigurdsson; Kristrun R. Benediktsdottir; Margret Jakobsdottir; Jianfeng Xu; Thorarinn Blondal; Jelena Kostic; Jielin Sun; Shyamali Ghosh; Simon N. Stacey; Magali Mouy; Jona Saemundsdottir; Valgerdur M. Backman; Kristleifur Kristjansson; Alejandro Tres; Alan W. Partin; Marjo T Albers-Akkers; Javier Godino-Ivan Marcos; Patrick C. Walsh; Dorine W. Swinkels; Sebastian Navarrete

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent noncutaneous cancer in males in developed regions, with African American men having among the highest worldwide incidence and mortality rates. Here we report a second genetic variant in the 8q24 region that, in conjunction with another variant we recently discovered, accounts for about 11%–13% of prostate cancer cases in individuals of European descent and 31% of cases in African Americans. We made the current discovery through a genome-wide association scan of 1,453 affected Icelandic individuals and 3,064 controls using the Illumina HumanHap300 BeadChip followed by four replication studies. A key step in the discovery was the construction of a 14-SNP haplotype that efficiently tags a relatively uncommon (2%–4%) susceptibility variant in individuals of European descent that happens to be very common (∼42%) in African Americans. The newly identified variant shows a stronger association with affected individuals who have an earlier age at diagnosis.

Nature Genetics | 2006

A common variant associated with prostate cancer in European and African populations

Laufey T Amundadottir; Patrick Sulem; Julius Gudmundsson; Agnar Helgason; Adam Baker; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Asgeir Sigurdsson; Kristrun R. Benediktsdottir; Jean-Baptiste Cazier; Jesus Sainz; Margret Jakobsdottir; Jelena Kostic; Droplaug N. Magnusdottir; Shyamali Ghosh; Kari Agnarsson; Birgitta Birgisdottir; Louise le Roux; Adalheidur Olafsdottir; Thorarinn Blondal; Margret B. Andresdottir; Olafia Svandis Gretarsdottir; Jon Thor Bergthorsson; Daniel F. Gudbjartsson; Arnaldur Gylfason; Gudmar Thorleifsson; Andrei Manolescu; Kristleifur Kristjansson; Gudmundur Geirsson; Helgi J. Ísaksson; Julie A. Douglas

With the increasing incidence of prostate cancer, identifying common genetic variants that confer risk of the disease is important. Here we report such a variant on chromosome 8q24, a region initially identified through a study of Icelandic families. Allele −8 of the microsatellite DG8S737 was associated with prostate cancer in three case-control series of European ancestry from Iceland, Sweden and the US. The estimated odds ratio (OR) of the allele is 1.62 (P = 2.7 × 10−11). About 19% of affected men and 13% of the general population carry at least one copy, yielding a population attributable risk (PAR) of ∼8%. The association was also replicated in an African American case-control group with a similar OR, in which 41% of affected individuals and 30% of the population are carriers. This leads to a greater estimated PAR (16%) that may contribute to higher incidence of prostate cancer in African American men than in men of European ancestry.

Nature Genetics | 2007

Two variants on chromosome 17 confer prostate cancer risk, and the one in TCF2 protects against type 2 diabetes

Julius Gudmundsson; Patrick Sulem; Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir; Jon Thor Bergthorsson; Gudmar Thorleifsson; Andrei Manolescu; Thorunn Rafnar; Daniel F. Gudbjartsson; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Adam Baker; Asgeir Sigurdsson; Kristrun R. Benediktsdottir; Margret Jakobsdottir; Thorarinn Blondal; Simon N. Stacey; Agnar Helgason; Steinunn Gunnarsdottir; Adalheidur Olafsdottir; Kari T. Kristinsson; Birgitta Birgisdottir; Shyamali Ghosh; Steinunn Thorlacius; Dana Magnusdottir; Gerdur Stefansdottir; Kristleifur Kristjansson; Yu Z. Bagger; Robert L. Wilensky; Muredach P. Reilly; Andrew D. Morris; Charlotte H. Kimber

We performed a genome-wide association scan to search for sequence variants conferring risk of prostate cancer using 1,501 Icelandic men with prostate cancer and 11,290 controls. Follow-up studies involving three additional case-control groups replicated an association of two variants on chromosome 17 with the disease. These two variants, 33 Mb apart, fall within a region previously implicated by family-based linkage studies on prostate cancer. The risks conferred by these variants are moderate individually (allele odds ratio of about 1.20), but because they are common, their joint population attributable risk is substantial. One of the variants is in TCF2 (HNF1β), a gene known to be mutated in individuals with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5. Results from eight case-control groups, including one West African and one Chinese, demonstrate that this variant confers protection against type 2 diabetes.

Science | 2010

PRDM9 is a Major Determinant of Meiotic Recombination Hotspots in humans and mice

Frédéric Baudat; Jérôme Buard; Corinne Grey; Adi Fledel-Alon; Carole Ober; Molly Przeworski; Graham Coop; B. de Massy

Homing in on Hotspots The clustering of recombination in the genome, around locations known as hotspots, is associated with specific DNA motifs. Now, using a variety of techniques, three studies implicate a chromatin-modifying protein, the histone-methyltransferase PRDM9, as a major factor involved in human hotspots (see the Perspective by Cheung et al.). Parvanov et al. (p. 835, published online 31 December) mapped the locus in mice, and analyzed allelic variation in mice and humans, whereas Myers et al. (p. 876, published online 31 December) used a comparative analysis between human and chimpanzees to show that the recombination process leads to a self-destructive drive in which the very motifs that recruit hotspots are eliminated from our genome. Baudat et al. (p. 836, published online 31 December) took this analysis a step further to identify human allelic variants within Prdm9 that differed in the frequency at which they used hotspots. Furthermore, differential binding of this protein to different human alleles suggests that this protein interacts with specific DNA sequences. Thus, PDRM9 functions in the determination of recombination loci within the genome and may be a significant factor in the genomic differences between closely related species. A chromatin-modifying enzyme is implicated in the determination of recombination loci within the genome. Meiotic recombination events cluster into narrow segments of the genome, defined as hotspots. Here, we demonstrate that a major player for hotspot specification is the Prdm9 gene. First, two mouse strains that differ in hotspot usage are polymorphic for the zinc finger DNA binding array of PRDM9. Second, the human consensus PRDM9 allele is predicted to recognize the 13-mer motif enriched at human hotspots; this DNA binding specificity is verified by in vitro studies. Third, allelic variants of PRDM9 zinc fingers are significantly associated with variability in genome-wide hotspot usage among humans. Our results provide a molecular basis for the distribution of meiotic recombination in mammals, in which the binding of PRDM9 to specific DNA sequences targets the initiation of recombination at specific locations in the genome.

Nature Genetics | 2011

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of asthma in ethnically diverse North American populations

Dara G. Torgerson; Elizabeth J. Ampleford; Grace Y. Chiu; W. James Gauderman; Christopher R. Gignoux; Penelope E. Graves; Blanca E. Himes; A. Levin; Rasika A. Mathias; Dana B. Hancock; James W. Baurley; Celeste Eng; Debra A. Stern; Juan C. Celedón; Nicholas Rafaels; Daniel Capurso; David V. Conti; Lindsey A. Roth; Manuel Soto-Quiros; Alkis Togias; Xingnan Li; Rachel A. Myers; Isabelle Romieu; David Van Den Berg; Donglei Hu; Nadia N. Hansel; Ryan D. Hernandez; Elliott Israel; Muhammad T. Salam; Joshua M Galanter

Asthma is a common disease with a complex risk architecture including both genetic and environmental factors. We performed a meta-analysis of North American genome-wide association studies of asthma in 5,416 individuals with asthma (cases) including individuals of European American, African American or African Caribbean, and Latino ancestry, with replication in an additional 12,649 individuals from the same ethnic groups. We identified five susceptibility loci. Four were at previously reported loci on 17q21, near IL1RL1, TSLP and IL33, but we report for the first time, to our knowledge, that these loci are associated with asthma risk in three ethnic groups. In addition, we identified a new asthma susceptibility locus at PYHIN1, with the association being specific to individuals of African descent (P = 3.9 × 10−9). These results suggest that some asthma susceptibility loci are robust to differences in ancestry when sufficiently large samples sizes are investigated, and that ancestry-specific associations also contribute to the complex genetic architecture of asthma.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2008

Effect of variation in CHI3L1 on serum YKL-40 level, risk of asthma, and lung function.

Carole Ober; Zheng Tan; Ying Sun; Jennifer Possick; Lin Pan; Raluca Nicolae; Sadie Radford; Rodney Parry; Andrea Heinzmann; Klaus A. Deichmann; Lucille A. Lester; James E. Gern; Robert F. Lemanske; Dan L. Nicolae; Jack A. Elias; Geoffrey L. Chupp

BACKGROUND The chitinase-like protein YKL-40 is involved in inflammation and tissue remodeling. We recently showed that serum YKL-40 levels were elevated in patients with asthma and were correlated with severity, thickening of the subepithelial basement membrane, and pulmonary function. We hypothesized that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that affect YKL-40 levels also influence asthma status and lung function. METHODS We carried out a genomewide association study of serum YKL-40 levels in a founder population of European descent, the Hutterites, and then tested for an association between an implicated SNP and asthma and lung function. One associated variant was genotyped in a birth cohort at high risk for asthma, in which YKL-40 levels were measured from birth through 5 years of age, and in two populations of unrelated case patients of European descent with asthma and controls. RESULTS A promoter SNP (-131C-->G) in CHI3L1, the chitinase 3-like 1 gene encoding YKL-40, was associated with elevated serum YKL-40 levels (P=1.1 x 10(-13)), asthma (P=0.047), bronchial hyperresponsiveness (P=0.002), and measures of pulmonary function (P=0.046 to 0.002) in the Hutterites. The same SNP could be used to predict the presence of asthma in the two case-control populations (combined P=1.2 x 10(-5)) and serum YKL-40 levels at birth (in cord-blood specimens) through 5 years of age in the birth cohort (P=8.9 x 10(-3) to 2.5 x 10(-4)). CONCLUSIONS CHI3L1 is a susceptibility gene for asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and reduced lung function, and elevated circulating YKL-40 levels are a biomarker for asthma and decline in lung function.

Nature Reviews Genetics | 2008

Sex-specific genetic architecture of human disease

Carole Ober; Dagan A. Loisel; Yoav Gilad

Sexual dimorphism in anatomical, physiological and behavioural traits are characteristics of many vertebrate species. In humans, sexual dimorphism is also observed in the prevalence, course and severity of many common diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and asthma. Although sex differences in the endocrine and immune systems probably contribute to these observations, recent studies suggest that sex-specific genetic architecture also influences human phenotypes, including reproductive, physiological and disease traits. It is likely that an underlying mechanism is differential gene regulation in males and females, particularly in sex steroid-responsive genes. Genetic studies that ignore sex-specific effects in their design and interpretation could fail to identify a significant proportion of the genes that contribute to risk for complex diseases.

The FASEB Journal | 2005

HLA-G and immune tolerance in pregnancy

Joan S. Hunt; Margaret G. Petroff; Ramsey H. McIntire; Carole Ober

Multiple mechanisms underlie the surprising willingness of mothers to tolerate genetically different fetal tissues during pregnancy. Chief among these is the choice of HLA‐G, a gene with few alleles, rather than the highly polymorphic HLA‐A and ‐B genes, for expression by the placental cells that interface directly with maternal blood and tissues. Novel aspects of this major histocompatibility complex class Ib gene include alternative splicing to permit production of membrane and soluble isoforms, deletions that dampen responses to interferons, and a shortened cytoplasmic tail that affects expression at the cell surface. Placental cells migrating into the maternal uterus synthesize both membrane and soluble isoforms, which interact with inhibitory receptors on leukocytes such as ILT2 and ILT4. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes either die or reduce production of one of their major coreceptor/activator cell surface molecules, CD8; natural killer cells are immobilized and mononuclear phagocytes are programmed into suppressive modes characterized by high production of anti‐inflammatory cytokines. The idea that placental HLA‐G proteins facilitate semiallogeneic pregnancy by inhibiting maternal immune responses to foreign (paternal) antigens via these actions on immune cells is now well established, and the postulate that the recombinant counterparts of these proteins may be used as powerful tools for preventing immune rejection of transplanted organs is gaining in popularity.—Hunt, J. S., Petroff, M. G., McIntire, R. H., Ober, C. HLA‐G and immune tolerance in pregnancy. FASEB J. 19, 681–693 (2005)

Nature Genetics | 2008

Common sequence variants on 2p15 and Xp11.22 confer susceptibility to prostate cancer

Julius Gudmundsson; Patrick Sulem; Thorunn Rafnar; Jon Thor Bergthorsson; Andrei Manolescu; Daniel F. Gudbjartsson; Bjarni A. Agnarsson; Asgeir Sigurdsson; Kristrun R. Benediktsdottir; Thorarinn Blondal; Margret Jakobsdottir; Simon N. Stacey; Jelena Kostic; Kari T. Kristinsson; Birgitta Birgisdottir; Shyamali Ghosh; Droplaug N. Magnusdottir; Steinunn Thorlacius; Gudmar Thorleifsson; S. Lilly Zheng; Jielin Sun; Bao Li Chang; J. Bradford Elmore; Joan P. Breyer; Kate M. McReynolds; Kevin M. Bradley; Brian L. Yaspan; Fredrik Wiklund; Pär Stattin; Sara Lindström

We conducted a genome-wide SNP association study on prostate cancer on over 23,000 Icelanders, followed by a replication study including over 15,500 individuals from Europe and the United States. Two newly identified variants were shown to be associated with prostate cancer: rs5945572 on Xp11.22 and rs721048 on 2p15 (odds ratios (OR) = 1.23 and 1.15; P = 3.9 × 10−13 and 7.7 × 10−9, respectively). The 2p15 variant shows a significantly stronger association with more aggressive, rather than less aggressive, forms of the disease.

Nature Genetics | 2006

The sex-specific genetic architecture of quantitative traits in humans.

Lauren A. Weiss; Lin Pan; Mark Abney; Carole Ober

Mapping genetically complex traits remains one of the greatest challenges in human genetics today. In particular, gene-environment and gene-gene interactions, genetic heterogeneity and incomplete penetrance make thorough genetic dissection of complex traits difficult, if not impossible. Sex could be considered an environmental factor that can modify both penetrance and expressivity of a wide variety of traits. Sex is easily determined and has measurable effects on recognizable morphology; neurobiological circuits; susceptibility to autoimmune disease, diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular and psychiatric disease; and quantitative traits like blood pressure, obesity and lipid levels, among others. In this study, we evaluated sex-specific heritability and genome-wide linkages for 17 quantitative traits in the Hutterites. The results of this study could have important implications for mapping complex trait genes.

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