
Featured researches published by Carolina Johansson.

Neuropsychopharmacology | 2003

Circadian clock-related polymorphisms in seasonal affective disorder and their relevance to diurnal preference.

Carolina Johansson; M. Willeit; Christina Smedh; Jenny Ekholm; Tiina Paunio; Tuula Kieseppä; Dirk Lichtermann; Nicole Praschak-Rieder; Alexander Neumeister; Lars-Göran Nilsson; Siegfried Kasper; Leena Peltonen; Rolf Adolfsson; Martin Schalling; Timo Partonen

Disturbed circadian rhythms have been observed in seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The aim of this study was to further investigate this connection, and to test for potential association between polymorphisms in circadian clock-related genes and SAD, seasonality (seasonal variations in mood and behavior), or diurnal preference (morningness–eveningness tendencies). A total of 159 European SAD patients and 159 matched controls were included in the genetic analysis, and subsets were screened for seasonality (n=177) and diurnal preference (n=92). We found that diurnal preference was associated with both SAD and seasonality, supporting the hypothesis of a link between circadian rhythms and seasonal depression. The complete case–control material was genotyped for polymorphisms in the CLOCK, Period2, Period3, and NPAS2 genes. A significant difference between patients and controls was found for NPAS2 471 Leu/Ser (χ2=9.90, Bonferroni corrected P=0.035), indicating a recessive effect of the leucine allele on disease susceptibility (χ2=6.61, Bonferroni corrected P=0.050). Period3 647 Val/Gly was associated with self-reported morningness–eveningness scores (n=92, one-way ANOVA: F=4.99, Bonferroni corrected P=0.044), with higher scores found in individuals with at least one glycine allele (t=3.1, Bonferroni corrected P=0.013). A second, population-based sample of individuals selected for high (n=127) or low (n=98) degrees of seasonality, was also genotyped for NPAS2 471 Leu/Ser. There was no significant difference between these seasonality extreme groups, and none of the polymorphisms studied were associated with seasonality in the SAD case–control material (n=177). In conclusion, our results suggest involvement of circadian clock-related polymorphisms both in susceptibility to SAD and diurnal preference.

Annals of Medicine | 2007

Three circadian clock genes Per2, Arnt1, and Npas2 contribute to winter depression

Timo Partonen; Asude Alpman; Josef Frank; Carolina Johansson; Martin Depner; Liviu Aron; Marcella Rietschel; Stefan Wellek; Pia Soronen; Tiina Paunio; Andreas Koch; Ping Chen; Mark Lathrop; Rolf Adolfsson; Maj-Liz Persson; Siegfried Kasper; Martin Schalling; Leena Peltonen; Gunter Schumann

Background. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the circadian clock contributes to the pathogenesis of winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). We hypothesized that sequence variations in three genes, including Per2, Arntl, and Npas2, which form a functional unit at the core of the circadian clock, predispose to winter depression. Methods. In silico analysis of the biological effects of allelic differences suggested the target single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be analyzed in a sample of 189 patients and 189 matched controls. The most relevant SNP in each gene was identified for the interaction analysis and included in the multivariate assessment of the combined effects of all three SNPs on the disease risk. Results. SAD was associated with variations in each of the three genes in gene‐wise logistic regression analysis. In combination analysis of variations of Per2, Arntl, and Npas2, we found additive effects and identified a genetic risk profile for the disorder. Carriers of the risk genotype combination had the odds ratio of 4.43 of developing SAD as compared with the remaining genotypes, and of 10.67 as compared with the most protective genotype combination. Conclusion. Variations in the three circadian clock genes Per2, Arntl, and Npas2 are associated with the disease, supporting the hypothesis that the circadian clock mechanisms contribute to winter depression.

Neurotoxicity Research | 2007

Neurobehavioural and Molecular Changes Induced by Methylmercury Exposure During Development

Carolina Johansson; Anna F. Castoldi; Natalia Onishchenko; Luigi Manzo; Marie Vahter; Sandra Ceccatelli

There is an increasing body of evidence on the possible environmental influence on neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Both experimental and epidemiological studies have demonstrated the distinctive susceptibility of the developing brain to environmental factors such as lead, mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls at levels of exposure that have no detectable effects in adults. Methylmercury (MeHg) has long been known to affect neurodevelopment in both humans and experimental animals. Neurobehavioural effects reported include altered motoric function and memory and learning disabilities. In addition, there is evidence from recent experimental neurodevelopmental studies that MeHg can induce depression-like behaviour. Several mechanisms have been suggested fromin vivo- andin vitro-studies, such as effects on neurotransmitter systems, induction of oxidative stress and disruption of microtubules and intracellular calcium homeostasis. Recentin vitro data show that very low levels of MeHg can inhibit neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells. This review summarises what is currently known about the neurodevelopmental effects of MeHg and consider the strength of different experimental approaches to study the effects of environmentally relevant exposurein vivo andin vitro.

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | 2008

Human developmental neurotoxicity of methylmercury : Impact of variables and risk modifiers

Anna F. Castoldi; Carolina Johansson; Natalia Onishchenko; Teresa Coccini; Elisa Roda; Marie Vahter; Sandra Ceccatelli; Luigi Manzo

Methylmercury (MeHg) is a widespread environmental and food toxicant which has long been known to affect neurodevelopment in both humans and experimental animals. Risk assessment for MeHg is mainly based on human data coming from the massive episodes of poisoning in Japan and Iraq, as well as from large scale epidemiological studies concerning childhood development and neurotoxicity in relation to in utero exposure in various fish eating communities around the world. Despite the extensive literature and research, the threshold dose for MeHg neurotoxic effects is still unclear, in particular when it comes to subtle effects on neurobehaviour. In this article clinical and epidemiological findings concerning the neurodevelopmental toxicity of MeHg are reviewed. Much attention is focussed on the potential impact of factors, such as diet and nutrition, gender, pattern of exposure and co-exposure to other neurotoxic pollutants, which may modulate MeHg toxic effects. These factors, together with the notion that some symptoms may ensue or exacerbate with aging, contribute to the difficulties in the definition of safe levels for developmental exposure.

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology | 2008

Neurodevelopmental toxicity of methylmercury: Laboratory animal data and their contribution to human risk assessment

Anna F. Castoldi; Natalia Onishchenko; Carolina Johansson; Teresa Coccini; Elisa Roda; Marie Vahter; Sandra Ceccatelli; Luigi Manzo

Methylmercury (MeHg) is one of the most significant public health hazards. The clinical findings in the victims of the Japanese and Iraqi outbreaks have disclosed the pronounced susceptibility of the developing brain to MeHg poisoning. This notion has triggered worldwide scientific attention toward the long-term consequences of prenatal exposure on child development in communities with chronic low level dietary exposure. MeHg neurodevelopmental effects have been extensively investigated in laboratory animals under well-controlled exposure conditions. This article provides an updated overview of the main neuromorphological and neurobehavioral changes reported in non-human primates and rodents following developmental exposure to MeHg. Different aspects of MeHgs effects on the immature organism are reported, with particular reference to the delayed onset of symptoms and the persistency of central nervous system (CNS) injury/dysfunction. Particular attention is paid to the comparative toxicity assessment across species, and to the degree of concordance/discordance between human and animal data. The contribution of animal studies to define the role of potential effect modifiers and variables on MeHg dose-response relationships is also addressed. The ultimate goal is to discuss the relevance of laboratory animal results, as a complementary tool to human data, with regard to the human risk assessment process.

BMC Psychiatry | 2003

Seasonal changes, sleep length and circadian preference among twins with bipolar disorder

Reeta Hakkarainen; Carolina Johansson; Tuula Kieseppä; Timo Partonen; Markku Koskenvuo; Jaakko Kaprio; Jouko Lönnqvist

BackgroundWe aimed at studying the seasonal changes in mood and behaviour, the distribution of hospital admissions by season, and the persistence of the circadian type in twins with bipolar disorder and their healthy co-twins.MethodsAll Finnish like-sex twins born from 1940 to 1969 were screened for a diagnosis of bipolar type I disorder. The diagnosis was assessed with a structured research interview, and the study subjects (n = 67) filled in the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) and the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). For studying the persistence of the habitual sleep length and circadian type, we used data derived from the Finnish Twin Cohort Questionnaire (FTCQ). Bipolar twins were compared with their healthy co-twins.ResultsBipolar twins had greater seasonal changes in sleep length (p = 0.01) and mood (p = 0.01), and higher global seasonality scores (p = 0.03) as compared with their co-twins with no mental disorder. Sunny days (p = 0.03) had a greater positive effect on wellbeing in the bipolar than healthy co-twins.ConclusionsOur results support the view that bipolar disorder is sensitive to the environmental influence in general and to the seasonal effect in specific. Exposure to natural light appears to have a substantial effect on wellbeing in twins with bipolar disorder.

Acta Paediatrica | 2006

The effects of PCBs and dioxins on child health

Christofer Lundqvist; Moniek Zuurbier; Marike Leijs; Carolina Johansson; Sandra Ceccatelli; Margaret Saunders; Greet Schoeters; Gavin W. ten Tusscher; Janna G. Koppe

Background/exposure: Dioxins and PCBs are highly persistent and highly toxic environmental pollutants which at present are derived mainly from waste incineration and food contamination. They are widespread in nature and pollute human food, including breast milk so that basically all children in Europe are exposed to measurable levels. Results/toxicity in children: The toxicity of dioxins and PCBs are well described both from animal studies and from a number of human epidemiological studies including several large cohort studies. Especially developmental exposure has been shown to affect endocrine and cognitive systems negatively. Measurable outcomes include reduced IQ and changed behaviour. Foetotoxic effects with reduced birth weight and increased congenital anomalies such as cleft lip have also been described. Exposure to PCBs and dioxins must be considered also in the context of multiple exposure to several toxins simultaneously or sequentially.

European Neuropsychopharmacology | 2001

Genetics of affective disorders.

Carolina Johansson; Mårten Jansson; Love Linnér; Qiu-Ping Yuan; Nancy L. Pedersen; Douglas Blackwood; Nicholas Barden; John R. Kelsoe; Martin Schalling

Despite substantial evidence for heritability in affective disorders the contributing genes have proven elusive. Here we discuss the genetic epidemiology of depression, as well as methodological issues and results from molecular genetic studies. There has been rapid advances in genetics, genomics and statistical modelling, facilitating the search for molecular mechanisms underlying affective disorders and several strategies reviewed in this paper hold promise to provide progress in the field. Considering the poorly understood biological basis of vulnerability to affective disorders, the identification of genes involved in the pathophysiology will unravel mechanisms and pathways that could permit more personalized therapeutic strategies and result in new targets for pharmacological intervention.

Molecular Brain Research | 2000

Hypothalamic CART and serum leptin levels are reduced in the anorectic (anx/anx) mouse

Jeanette E. Johansen; Christian Broberger; Catharina Lavebratt; Carolina Johansson; Michael J. Kuhar; Tomas Hökfelt; Martin Schalling

Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is expressed in the hypothalamus, and putative peptides encoded by CART potently inhibit feeding when administered centrally. CART is strongly down-regulated in the lateral hypothalamic area and the arcuate nucleus in animal models of obesity with disrupted leptin signaling. Here we have used in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to study CART expression in mice homozygous for the anorexia (anx) mutation which are characterized by a much reduced food intake and premature death. anx/anx mice had significantly decreased levels of CART mRNA label and peptide-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the arcuate nucleus and a lower number of detectable CART-expressing cells in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus/lateral hypothalamic area. Moreover, serum leptin levels were significantly lower in anx/anx mice compared to normal littermates, most likely due to the prominent depletion of body fat in these animals. The decrease in the anorexigenic agents leptin and CART, may reflect a compensatory down-regulation in response to the energy-deprived state of anx/anx mice. Alternatively, the reduced arcuate CART expression may be a consequence of a molecular defect in the arcuate nucleus of these animals.

Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 2014

BRAF inhibitors in cancer therapy.

Carolina Johansson; Suzanne Egyhazi Brage

Activating BRAF mutations, leading to constitutive activation of the MAPK signaling pathway, are common in a variety of human cancers. Several small molecule BRAF inhibitors have been developed during the last years and shown promising results in clinical trials, especially for metastatic melanoma, while they have been less effective in colon cancer. Two inhibitors, vemurafenib and dabrafenib, have been approved for treatment of melanoma. Unfortunately, in most patients who initially respond the tumors eventually develop acquired resistance to the BRAF inhibitors. So far, a number of resistance mechanisms have been identified, including secondary NRAS mutations and BRAF alternative splicing, leading to reactivation of the MAPK pathway. Other alterations, both upstream and downstream of BRAF can have the same effect, and activation of alternative pathways can also play a role in resistance to BRAF inhibitors. In addition, intra-tumor heterogeneity with the presence of clones of tumor cells lacking BRAF mutations needs to be considered, since wildtype BRAF can be activated by inhibitors designed to target mutated BRAF. Combination of the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib with the MEK inhibitor trametinib has significantly prolonged progression free survival compared to dabrafenib alone in metastatic melanoma. Combination treatments of BRAF inhibitors with other agents may not only circumvent or delay resistance, but may also lead to fewer side effects, such as development of secondary squamous tumors. Several clinical trials are underway for many different BRAF mutation positive cancers with BRAF inhibitors alone or in combination with other small molecule inhibitors, immunotherapies or conventional chemotherapy.

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