Caroline Kuhn
Saarland University
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Featured researches published by Caroline Kuhn.
Neuropsychologia | 2010
Caroline Kuhn; Charles A. Heywood; Georg Kerkhoff
Patients with postchiasmatic visual field defects often show a contralesional bias towards the scotoma in line bisection or when indicating their visual subjective straight ahead (VSSA). Recent evidence suggests a retinotopic misrepresentation of visual space in patients with homonymous quadrantanopia (HQ). We therefore assessed in the present study whether patients with HQ show an oblique shift of their VSSA towards their scotoma, in addition to the known bias in horizontal line bisection. Moreover, we examined whether eccentric fixation contributes to this shift. To this purpose, 15 non-neglecting stroke patients with HQ and 15 matched healthy control subjects were assessed in horizontal line bisection and in the horizontal and vertical dimension of their VSSA. Additionally, perimetric blind spot mapping was performed. Eight out of nine patients with left quadranopia showed the typical leftsided, horizontal line bisection error, while only one out of seven patients with rightsided quadranopia showed a rightsided shift. Normal subjects showed a non-significant leftward shift in line bisection (pseudoneglect). All 15 patients with HQ showed a large oblique shift of their VSSA towards the blind quadrants, while normal subjects showed no systematic left-rightward shift, but a small downward shift of the VSSA. The position of the blind spot was normal in all testable eyes of patients and control subjects, thus excluding eccentric fixation or cyclorotation of the eyes. In conclusion, our study reveals a hitherto unreported oblique spatial shift of subjective visual body orientation towards the blind quadrants in non-neglecting patients with quadranopia.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair | 2013
Johanna Funk; Kathrin Finke; Stefan Reinhart; Mareike Kardinal; Kathrin S. Utz; Alisha Rosenthal; Caroline Kuhn; Hermann J. Müller; Georg Kerkhoff
Background. Patients with right or more rarely left parietotemporal lesions after stroke may have profound visuospatial disorders that impair activities of daily living (ADL) and long-term outcome. Clinical studies indicate improvements with systematic training of perception. Studies of perceptual learning in healthy persons suggest rapid improvements in perceptual learning of spatial line orientation with partial transfer to nontrained line orientations. Objective. The authors investigated a novel feedback-based perceptual training procedure for the rehabilitation of patients after stroke. Methods. In an uncontrolled trial, 13 participants showing profound deficits in line orientation and related visuospatial tasks within 12 to 28 weeks of onset performed repetitive feedback-based, computerized training of visual line orientation over4 weeks of treatment. Visual line-orientation discrimination and visuospatial and visuoconstructive tasks were assessed before and after training. Results. The authors found (a) rapid improvements in trained but also in nontrained spatial orientation tests in all 13 participants, partially up to a normal level; (b) stability of the obtained improvements at 2-month follow-up; (c) interocular transfer of training effects to the nontrained eye in 2 participants suggesting a central, postchiasmatic locus for this perceptual improvement; and (d) graded transfer of improvements to related spatial tasks, such as horizontal writing, analog clock reading, and visuoconstructive capacities but no transfer to unrelated measures of visual performance. Conclusions. These results suggest the potential for treatment-induced improvements in visuospatial deficits by feedback-based, perceptual orientation training as a component of rehabilitation after stroke.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2012
Stefan Reinhart; Lena Schmidt; Caroline Kuhn; A. Rosenthal; Thomas Schenk; Ingo Keller; Georg Kerkhoff
Many neglect patients show deficits in the mental representation of their contralesional body side or body parts, termed personal neglect. These deficits include impairments in identifying body parts on schematic drawings of human bodies. Limb activation and alertness cues have been shown to modulate neglect transiently, and are effective treatments for several symptoms of the neglect syndrome. Here, we tested on eight patients with right-hemispheric stroke and left-sided spatial neglect whether these two techniques modulate deficits in the mental representation of hands, assessed with a hand-test in which the subjects had to decide whether a depicted schematic hand belongs to the left or right side of the human body. The results showed that neglect patients made marginally significant (p = 0.065) more errors in left-hand-decisions than right-hand-decisions, indicating a neglect-specific disorder. Moreover, we found that left-sided limb activation but not non-lateralized alertness cueing (a loud noise immediately before patients made their perceptual decision) significantly reduced misidentifications for depicted left hands as compared to baseline. No effect of any intervention was observed on error rates for depicted right hands. We conclude that the amelioration of the performance in the hand task is modulated by the activation of the body schema or other body representations through left-sided limb activation.
Neuropsychology (journal) | 2014
Anna-Katharina Schaadt; Lena Schmidt; Caroline Kuhn; Miriam Summ; Michaela Adams; Ruta Garbacenkaite; Eva Leonhardt; Stefan Reinhart; Georg Kerkhoff
OBJECTIVE Hypoxic brain damage is characterized by widespread, diffuse-disseminated brain lesions, which may cause severe disturbances in binocular vision, leading to diplopia and loss of stereopsis, for which no evaluated treatment is currently available. The study evaluated the effects of a novel binocular vision treatment designed to improve binocular fusion and stereopsis as well as to reduce diplopia in patients with cerebral hypoxia. METHOD Four patients with severely reduced convergent fusion, stereopsis, and reading duration due to hypoxic brain damage were treated in a single-subject baseline design, with three baseline assessments before treatment to control for spontaneous recovery (pretherapy), an assessment immediately after a treatment period of 6 weeks (posttherapy), and two follow-up tests 3 and 6 months after treatment to assess stability of improvements. Patients received a novel fusion and dichoptic training using 3 different devices designed to slowly increase fusional and disparity angle. RESULTS After the treatment, all 4 patients improved significantly in binocular fusion, subjective reading duration until diplopia emerged, and 2 of 4 patients improved significantly in local stereopsis. No significant changes were observed during the pretherapy baseline period and the follow-up period, thus ruling out spontaneous recovery and demonstrating long-term stability of treatment effects. CONCLUSIONS This proof-of-principle study indicates a substantial treatment-induced plasticity after hypoxia in the relearning of binocular vision and offers a viable treatment option. Moreover, it provides new hope and direction for the development of effective rehabilitation strategies to treat neurovisual deficits resulting from hypoxic brain damage.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair | 2014
Anna-Katharina Schaadt; Lena Schmidt; Stefan Reinhart; Michaela Adams; Ruta Garbacenkaite; Eva Leonhardt; Caroline Kuhn; Georg Kerkhoff
Background. Brain lesions may disturb binocular fusion and stereopsis, leading to blurred vision, diplopia, and reduced binocular depth perception for which no evaluated treatment is currently available. Objective. The study evaluated the effects of a novel binocular vision treatment designed to improve convergent fusional amplitude and stereoacuity in patients with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods. Patients (20 in all: 11 with stroke, 9 with TBI) were tested in fusional convergence, stereoacuity, near/far visual acuity, accommodation, and subjective binocular reading time until diplopia emerged at 6 different time points. All participants were treated in a single subject baseline design, with 3 baseline assessments before treatment (pretherapy), an assessment immediately after a 6-week treatment period (posttherapy), and 2 follow-up tests 3 and 6 months after treatment. Patients received a novel fusion and dichoptic training using 3 different devices to slowly increase fusional and disparity angles. Results. At pretherapy, the stroke and TBI groups showed severe impairments in convergent fusional range, stereoacuity, subjective reading duration, and partially in accommodation (only TBI group). After treatment, both groups showed considerable improvements in all these variables as well as slightly increased near visual acuity. No significant changes were observed during the pretherapy and follow-up periods, ruling out spontaneous recovery and demonstrating long-term stability of binocular treatment effects. Conclusions. This proof-of-principle study indicates a substantial treatment-induced plasticity of the lesioned brain in the relearning of binocular fusion and stereovision, thus providing new, effective rehabilitation strategies to treat binocular vision deficits resulting from permanent visual cortical damage.
Archive | 2018
Caroline Kuhn
Was meinen die Arzte damit, wenn sie vom Posteriorinfarkt und Mediainfarkt, von Demyelinisierung oder Subarachnoidalblutung sprechen? Wieso fuhrt der Schlaganfall bei dem einen zu einer korperlichen Lahmung, wahrend er bei einem anderen eine Halbseitenblindheit zur Folge hat? Welche Aufgaben haben denn der Hirnstamm und das Kleinhirn? Woher kommt der Schwindel, obwohl scheinbar mit dem Gleichgewichtssystem alles in Ordnung ist. Warum erhoht sich bei einer Hirnblutung wie nach einem Schadelhirntrauma der Hirndruck? Welche Aufgaben hat die Myelinscheide, die sich bei einer Multiplen Sklerose scheinbar ohne ersichtlichen Grund entzundet und auflost, was offenbar mit Demyelisierung gemeint ist. Zu verstehen, was im Gehirn bei einer neurologischen Erkrankung passiert, entscheidet daruber wie gut die Krankheit bewaltigt wird.
Archive | 2018
Caroline Kuhn
Veranderungen der Personlichkeit oder einzelner Personlichkeitszuge finden sich regelmasig nach Hirnschadigungen im Bereich der Frontal- und Temporallappen. Besonders beidseitige Verletzungen in diesen Groshirnbereichen bergen ein hohes Risiko. Schlaganfalle oder Entzundungen, die sowohl den linken als auch rechten Frontallappen betreffen, begunstigen die Entwicklung eines Plussyndroms. Hirnschadigungen im Bereich der Temporallappen sind mit einem erhohten Risiko fur depressive Entwicklungen verbunden. Diese Schadigungsorte im Gehirn begunstigen die Entwicklung eines Minussyndroms. Schadigungen im Bereich des rechten Temporallappens konnen Veranderungen der Prosodie nach sich ziehen. Fallt die Prosodie aus, die letzten Endes der menschlichen Sprache die individuellen Merkmale verleiht und charakteristisch klingen lasst, bleibt eine tonlose, beinahe roboterhafte Stimme zuruck.
Archive | 2018
Caroline Kuhn
Storungen der Aufmerksamkeit treten bei 80 % aller neurologisch Erkrankten auf. Eine psychomotorische Verlangsamung und erhohte Ablenkbarkeit sind die Hauptprobleme. Sie fuhren zur vorschnellen Erschopfung. Selbst kleinste Anstrengung oder Konzentration genugt, um Nervositat, Mudigkeit, Verlust von Interesse bis zur Apathie aufkommen zu lassen. Eine neue zeitliche Einteilung ist fur die erfolgreiche Bewaltigung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Regelmasige Pausen, Tagesformschwankungen berucksichtigen, Belastungsgrenzen erkennen sind nur einige Strategien, um mit dem chronischen Fatigue-Syndrom umzugehen. Bei der Untersuchung von Aufmerksamkeitsstorungen werden vier Komponenten einzeln untersucht: Alertness-Funktionen, die Daueraufmerksamkeit, die selektive Aufmerksamkeit und die geteilte Aufmerksamkeit. Die Akzeptanz neuer Belastungsgrenzen ermoglicht es, die Minderbelastbarkeit zu verstehen und angemessen auf sie zu reagieren. Dadurch kann die Belastbarkeit immer weiter verbessert werden.
Archive | 2018
Caroline Kuhn
Sprache ist das wichtigste Instrumentarium der zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation. Wer einmal Urlaub in einem fremden Land machte, dessen Sprache er nicht beherrschte, erahnt leise, wie es wohl jemandem ergehen mag, der seine Sprache verloren hat. Betroffene erleben sich von der Umwelt abgeschnitten. Sie haben keine Moglichkeiten mehr, sich angemessen mitzuteilen und ihre Bedurfnisse auszudrucken. Sprachstorungen konnen sowohl das Verstehen als auch das Produzieren von Sprache umfassen. In der Fachsprache nennt man sie Aphasie. Aphasiker sind Menschen mit einer erworbenen Sprachstorung. Es gibt vier Grundformen der Aphasie: die amnestische Aphasie, die Broca-Aphasie, die Wernicke-Aphasie und die Globalaphasie. Nach einer erworbenen Hirnschadigung an den betreffenden Gehirnabschnitten kann auch eine Storung des Sprechens auftreten. Dabei ist die motorische Ausfuhrung der Sprechbewegungen beschadigt.
Archive | 2018
Caroline Kuhn
Schwindel kann, er muss aber nicht mit Gleichgewichtsstorungen einhergehen. Das macht es vielen Betroffenen so schwer, ihren Schwindel glaubhaft darzustellen. Viele Menschen setzen Schwindel mit Gleichgewichtsstorungen gleich. Dem ist aber nicht so, denn umgekehrt gibt es Patienten mit schweren Gleichgewichtsstorungen, die keinerlei Schwindelbeschwerden haben. Schwindel ist demnach ein subjektives, individuelles Gefuhl, dass die Welt aus irgendwelchen Grunden ins Wanken geraten ist. Subjektivitat ist aber nicht damit zu verwechseln, dass die Betroffenen sich den Schwindel blos „einbilden“, dass sie eigentlich kein Problem haben oder sich nur interessant machen wollen. Das ist ein potenziell sehr groses Missverstandnis, das den Betroffenen und den Ursachen fur den Schwindel in keiner Weise gerecht wurde.