
Oncogene | 2002

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor activates the ETS1 transcription factor by a RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway

Réjane Paumelle; David Tulashe; Zoulika Kherrouche; Serge Plaza; Catherine Leroy; Syline Reveneau; Bernard Vandenbunder; Véronique Fafeur

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) induces scattering and morphogenesis of epithelial cells through the activation of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor. Although the activated MET receptor recruits a number of signaling proteins, little is known of the downstream signaling pathways activated by HGF/SF. In this study, we wished to examine the signaling pathway leading to activation of the ETS1 transcription factor. Using in vitro and in vivo kinase assays, we found that HGF/SF activates the ERK1 MAP kinase, leading to the phosphorylation of the threonine 38 residue of ETS1 within a putative MAP kinase phosphorylation site (PLLT38P). This threonine residue was neither phosphorylated by JNK1, nor by p38 MAP kinases and was required for the induction of transcriptional activity of ETS1 by HGF/SF. Using kinase and transcription assays, we further demonstrated that phosphorylation and activation of ETS1 occurs downstream of a RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway. The functional involvement of this pathway in HGF/SF action was demonstrated using U0126, a pharmacological inhibitor of MEK, which blocked phosphorylation and activation of ETS1, RAS-dependent transcriptional responses, cell scattering and morphogenesis. These data demonstrated that ETS1 is a downstream target of HGF/SF acting through a RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway and provides a signaling pathway leading to the regulation of gene expression by HGF/SF.

Molecular Biology of the Cell | 2009

Down-Regulation of the Met Receptor Tyrosine Kinase by Presenilin-dependent Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis

Bénédicte Foveau; Frédéric Ancot; Catherine Leroy; Annalisa Petrelli; Karina Reiss; Valérie Vingtdeux; Silvia Giordano; Véronique Fafeur; David Tulasne

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) acts through the membrane-anchored Met receptor tyrosine kinase to induce invasive growth. Deregulation of this signaling is associated with tumorigenesis and involves, in most cases, overexpression of the receptor. We demonstrate that Met is processed in epithelial cells by presenilin-dependent regulated intramembrane proteolysis (PS-RIP) independently of ligand stimulation. The proteolytic process involves sequential cleavage by metalloproteases and the gamma-secretase complex, leading to generation of labile fragments. In normal epithelial cells, although expression of cleavable Met by PS-RIP is down-regulated, uncleavable Met displayed membrane accumulation and induced ligand-independent motility and morphogenesis. Inversely, in transformed cells, the Met inhibitory antibody DN30 is able to promote Met PS-RIP, resulting in down-regulation of the receptor and inhibition of the Met-dependent invasive growth. This demonstrates the original involvement of a proteolytic process in degradation of the Met receptor implicated in negative regulation of invasive growth.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004

Proapoptotic Function of the MET Tyrosine Kinase Receptor through Caspase Cleavage

David Tulasne; Julien Deheuninck; Filipe Calheiros Lourenço; Fabienne Lamballe; Zongling Ji; Catherine Leroy; Emilie Puchois; Anice Moumen; Flavio Maina; Patrick Mehlen; Véronique Fafeur

ABSTRACT The MET tyrosine kinase, the receptor of hepatocyte growth factor-scatter factor (HGF/SF), is known to be essential for normal development and cell survival. We report that stress stimuli induce the caspase-mediated cleavage of MET in physiological cellular targets, such as epithelial cells, embryonic hepatocytes, and cortical neurons. Cleavage occurs at aspartic residue 1000 within the SVD site of the juxtamembrane region, independently of the crucial docking tyrosine residues Y1001 or Y1347 and Y1354. This cleavage generates an intracellular 40-kDa MET fragment containing the kinase domain. The p40 MET fragment itself causes apoptosis of MDCK epithelial cells and embryonic cortical neurons, whereas its kinase-dead version is impaired in proapoptotic activity. Finally, HGF/SF treatment does not favor MET cleavage and apoptosis, confirming the known survival role of ligand-activated MET. Our results show that stress stimuli convert the MET survival receptor into a proapoptotic factor.

Cell Death & Differentiation | 2007

Amplification of apoptosis through sequential caspase cleavage of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor.

Bénédicte Foveau; Catherine Leroy; F Ancot; Julien Deheuninck; Zongling Ji; Véronique Fafeur; David Tulasne

Activation of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor by hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor is classically associated with cell survival. Nonetheless, stress stimuli can lead to a caspase-dependent cleavage of MET within its juxtamembrane region, which generate a proapoptotic 40 kDa fragment (p40 MET). We report here that p40 MET is in fact generated through an additional caspase cleavage of MET within its extreme C-terminal region, which removes only few amino acids. We evidenced a hierarchical organization of these cleavages, with the C-terminal cleavage favoring the juxtamembrane one. As a functional consequence, the removal of the last amino acids of p40 MET increases its apoptotic capacity. Finally, cells expressing a MET receptor mutated at the C-terminal caspase site are unable to generate p40 MET and are resistant to apoptosis, indicating that generation of p40 MET amplifies apoptosis. These results revealed a two-step caspase cleavage of MET resulting in the reshaping of this survival receptor to a proapoptotic factor.

Oncogene | 2007

Regulation of the Ets-1 transcription factor by sumoylation and ubiquitinylation.

Zongling Ji; C. Degerny; N. Vintonenko; Julien Deheuninck; Bénédicte Foveau; Catherine Leroy; J. Coll; David Tulasne; J. L. Baert; Véronique Fafeur

Sumoylation and ubiquitinylation reversibly regulate the activity of transcription factors through covalent attachment to lysine residues of target proteins. We examined whether the Ets-1 transcription factor is modified by sumoylation and/or ubiquitinylation. Among four potential SUMO motifs in Ets-1, we identified lysines 15 and 227 within the LK15YE and IK227QE motifs, as being the sumoylation acceptor sites. Using transfection of Ets-1 wildtype (WT) or its sumoylation deficient version (Ets-1 K15R/K227R), as well as WT or mutant proteins of the SUMO pathway, we further demonstrated that the E2 SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 and a E3 SUMO ligase, PIASy, can enhance Ets-1 sumoylation, while a SUMO protease, SENP1, can desumoylate Ets-1. We also found that Ets-1 is modified by K48-linked polyubiquitinylation independently of the sumoylation acceptor sites and is degraded through the 26S proteasome pathway, while sumoylation of Ets-1 does not affect its stability. Finally, sumoylation of Ets-1 leads to reduced transactivation and we demonstrated that previously identified critical lysine residues in Synergistic Control motifs are the sumoylation acceptor sites of Ets-1. These data show that Ets-1 can be modified by sumoylation and/or ubiquitinylation, with sumoylation repressing transcriptional activity of Ets-1 and having no clear antagonistic action on the ubiquitin-proteasome degradation pathway.

Oncogene | 2009

Proteolytic cleavages give receptor tyrosine kinases the gift of ubiquity

F Ancot; Bénédicte Foveau; J Lefebvre; Catherine Leroy; David Tulasne

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) constitute a large family of membrane receptors which, in response to their respective ligand, transmit information into cells. RTK regulate multiple biological responses, and their deregulation is often associated with tumourigenesis. The intracellular signalling pathways initiated by full-length membrane RTK are studied extensively, but many RTK fragments showing unexpected cellular localization have been observed. These fragments are generated by proteolytic cleavages, catalyzed notably by caspases, membrane metalloproteases or γ-secretase. Interestingly, these cleavages, in addition to regulating membrane receptor levels, generate active fragments that can regulate biological processes, such as transcription or the survival/apoptosis balance. Thus, proteolytic cleavages release RTK from the membrane and extend their functions. Furthermore, the RTK proteolysis are involved in regulating cell transformation, which highlights their potential as attractive targets for therapeutic strategies.

Traffic | 2012

Shedding-generated Met receptor fragments can be routed to either the proteasomal or the lysosomal degradation pathway.

Frédéric Ancot; Catherine Leroy; Ghaffar Muharram; Jonathan Lefebvre; Jérôme Vicogne; Arnaud Lemiere; Zoulika Kherrouche; Bénédicte Foveau; Albin Pourtier; Oleg Melnyk; Silvia Giordano; Anne Chotteau-Lelievre; David Tulasne

The receptor tyrosine kinase Met and its ligand, the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, are essential for embryonic development, whereas deregulation of Met signaling pathways is associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis. The presenilin‐regulated intramembrane proteolysis (PS‐RIP) is involved in ligand‐independent downregulation of Met. This proteolytic process involves shedding of the Met extracellular domain followed by γ‐secretase cleavage, generating labile intracellular fragments degraded by the proteasome. We demonstrate here that upon shedding both generated Met N‐ and C‐terminal fragments are degraded directly in the lysosome, with C‐terminal fragments escaping γ‐secretase cleavage. PS‐RIP and lysosomal degradation are complementary, because their simultaneous inhibition induces synergistic accumulation of fragments. Met N‐terminal fragments associate with the high‐affinity domain of HGF/SF, confirming its decoy activity which could be reduced through their routing to the lysosome at the expense of extracellular release. Finally, the DN30 monoclonal antibody inducing Met shedding promotes receptor degradation through induction of both PS‐RIP and the lysosomal pathway. Thus, we demonstrate that Met shedding initiates a novel lysosomal degradation which participates to ligand‐independent downregulation of the receptor.

Cell Death & Differentiation | 2015

Caspases shutdown nonsense-mediated mRNA decay during apoptosis

J Jia; A Furlan; S Gonzalez-Hilarion; Catherine Leroy; D C Gruenert; David Tulasne; F Lejeune

Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is an mRNA surveillance mechanism that plays integral roles in eliminating mRNAs with premature termination codons to prevent the synthesis of truncated proteins that could be pathogenic. One response to the accumulation of detrimental proteins is apoptosis, which involves the activation of enzymatic pathways leading to protein and nucleic acid cleavage and culminating in cell death. It is not clear whether NMD is required to ensure the accurate expression of apoptosis genes or is no longer necessary since cytotoxic proteins are not an issue during cell death. The present study shows that caspases cleave the two NMD factors UPF1 and UPF2 during apoptosis impairing NMD. Our results demonstrate a new regulatory pathway for NMD that occurs during apoptosis and provide evidence for role of the UPF cleaved fragments in apoptosis and NMD inhibition.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2008

Caspase cleavage of the MET receptor generates an HGF interfering fragment.

Julien Deheuninck; Bénédicte Foveau; Gautier Goormachtigh; Catherine Leroy; Zongling Ji; David Tulasne; Véronique Fafeur

The MET tyrosine kinase receptor activated by its ligand HGF/SF, induces several cellular responses, including survival. Nonetheless, the MET receptor is cleaved in stress conditions by caspases within its intracellular region, generating a 40kDa fragment, p40 MET, with pro-apoptotic properties. Here, we established that this cleavage splits the receptor at the juxtamembrane ESVD site, causing the concomitant generation of p100 MET, corresponding to the entire extracellular region of the MET receptor still spanning the membrane. This fragment is able to bind HGF/SF and to prevent HGF-dependent signaling downstream of full MET, demonstrating its function as a decoy receptor.

Cellular Signalling | 2009

Phosphorylation of the MET receptor on juxtamembrane tyrosine residue 1001 inhibits its caspase-dependent cleavage

Julien Deheuninck; Gautier Goormachtigh; Bénédicte Foveau; Zongling Ji; Catherine Leroy; Frédéric Ancot; Vincent Villeret; David Tulasne; Véronique Fafeur

The MET tyrosine kinase is the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) receptor, which elicits multiple biological responses in epithelial cells, including cell survival. We previously demonstrated that in stress conditions, the MET receptor is cleaved by caspases within its juxtamembrane region, generating a pro-apoptotic intracellular fragment of 40 kDa. The caspase cleavage site at aspartic acid D1000 is adjacent to tyrosine Y1001, which when phosphorylated upon MET activation, is involved in CBL recruitment, allowing receptor ubiquitination and down regulation. Scanning mutagenesis of the MET juxtamembrane region led us to demonstrate that V999 and D1000 are essential for the caspase cleavage, while D1000 and Y1001 are essential for CBL recruitment. By examining whether overlapping of these sites leads to a functional interference, an inverse relationship was found between generation of p40 MET and phosphorylation of MET, with a direct involvement of phosphorylated Y1001 in protecting MET against its caspase cleavage. A molecular modeling analysis of caspase 3 interaction with the juxtamembrane region of MET confirmed that phosphorylation of this tyrosine is not compatible with its recognition by active caspase 3. These data demonstrate a direct protection mechanism of an activated phosphorylated MET receptor, against its caspase-dependent cleavage.

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