Catia Grisa
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2014
Catia Grisa; Sergio Schneider
This article aims to analyze the trajectory of construction of public policies for family farming in Brazil, trying to emphasize the “generation” or public policy referentials strengthened in some key moments, the way these benchmarks were built and the relations between state and civil society. The analysis points to the emergence, in different periods and contexts, of three generations or public policy benchmarks for family farming, the first being guided by strengthening the agricultural and agrarian bias of these social group; the second focusing on social and welfare policies, and the third, by building market devices for food and nutritional security and enviromental sustainability. This analysis also highlights that the relations between state and civil society have changed and become more complex over time. From criticism and claiming positions, civil society actors came to be proactive and, more recently, also a partner in the implementation and management public policies. It is noteworthy that the three generations of public policies and various forms of relationship between civil society and state follow and coexist in public arenas till today.
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2014
Catia Grisa; Valdermar João Wesz Junior; Vitor Duarte Buchweitz
This paper aims at updating Pronaf ’s performance in Brazil, deepening the discussion about the beneficiary public and financed activities. The main source used for the analysis is the Statistical Yearbook of Rural Credit of Brazil’s Central Bank (1999-2012), supplemented with information from the Family Farming Secretariat (SAF) of the Agrarian Development Ministry (MDA), mainly for the period from 1996 to 1998. The results show that Pronaf maintains a concentration of resources and contracts on more capitalized farmers, commodity producers (mainly corn, soybeans and coffee) located in the South, Southeast and Center-West in Brazil, reinforcing its strong productivity-based bias. However, on the other hand, when analyzing spatialized data, we find the funding for a variety of crops in different regions. In regional terms, the increase of the overall resources and contracts has been higher in the Northeast and North. Despite this expansion, these regions and public remain, in absolute terms, the minority accessing Pronaf despite amounting for most of Brazilian family farmers.
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2008
Catia Grisa; Sergio Schneider
Revista agroalimentaria | 2010
Catia Grisa; Marcio Gazolla; Sergio Schneider
Teoria & Pesquisa: Revista de Ciência Política | 2008
Catia Grisa; Sergio Schneider
Estudos Sociedade E Agricultura | 2014
Nelson Giordano Delgado; Catia Grisa
Archive | 2015
Catia Grisa; Sergio Schneider
Archive | 2018
Catia Grisa; Doris Sayago; Eduardo de Lima Caldas; Eric Sabourin; Marcos Aurélio Lopes Filho; Mário Lúcio Ávila; Mireya Eugenia Valencia Perafan; Moises Balestro
Archive | 2018
Eric Sabourin; Catia Grisa
Archive | 2018
Eric Sabourin; Catia Grisa