Celaleddin Barutçular
Çukurova University
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Featured researches published by Celaleddin Barutçular.
Crop & Pasture Science | 2000
M Koç; Celaleddin Barutçular; N. Zencirci
High grain protein in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. turgidum L. conv. Durum (Desf.)) is one of the main goals of breeding programs. Landraces may be very useful germplasm for achieving this goal. To examine their potential as a source of high grain protein content, 11 genotypes, including 7 landraces, were evaluated in 8 environments. Environment, genotype, and the interaction of the two (G × E) significantly influenced the variation in grain yield, grain protein content, and grain protein yield. The environmental effect was the strongest, mostly due to dif- ferences in water supply. Grain yields of the modern genotypes were higher than those of landraces. Yields of the modern genotypes tended to respond more strongly to the higher yielding environments, but they varied more than the yields of landraces. With the exception of VK.85.18, the grain protein content of the high-yielding genotypes was almost as high as that of the best landraces. Moreover, grain protein content of these bred genotypes tended to respond more strongly to the higher protein environments. Differences in grain protein yield were closely related to the differences in grain yield. The results indicate that it is possible to improve grain protein content without grain yield being adversely affected. The results also indicate that potential gene sources should be compared over a number of environments before they can be used as breeding material or as crop varieties producing high grain protein yields. Additional keywords: Durum landraces, grain protein content, genotype × environment interaction, Triticum turgidum ssp. turgidum L. conv. Durum (Desf.).
Plant Production Science | 2012
Tohru Kobata; Müjde Koç; Celaleddin Barutçular; Takuya Matsumoto; Hiroshi Nakagawa; Fumihiko Adachi; Mustafa Ünlü
Abstract Wheat in the Mediterranean zone often encounters high temperatures during the terminal growth stage. This study investigated whether assimilate supply by source-function plays a dominant role in determining grain production in spring wheat exposed to high terminaltemperatures in the Mediterranean zone of south-east Turkey. The spring wheat cultivar Adana99 was grown under irrigated conditions sowing according to the current schedule (CS plants) and late-sowing (LS plants) for two years. Grain yield of CS plants, which were subjected to relatively lower temperatures during the terminal growth stage, was higher than that of LS plants, which were subjected to relatively higher temperatures. A high temperature in the post-anthesis period accelerated leaf senescence and reduced radiation-use efficiency. Halving the plant density at anthesis, which increases assimilate supply to grains, significantly increased the grain dry weight (GDW) and whole plant dry weight (WPDW) in the post-anthesis period. Grain filling percentage (F%, observed/final GDW) in thinned plants, which was regarded as potential F%, showed a single logistic equation based on cumulative temperature after anthesis, regardless of post-anthesis temperatures. In the LS plants, the daily increase in WPDM ( Δwpdw) decreased, but the peak of an increase rate of potential GDW estimated from F% was shifted to earlier-filling stage, resulting in reduced GDW at harvest. The final GDW in both years closely correlated with the estimated Δwpdw in the grain-filling period. These results suggest that source-function for assimilate supply in the post-anthesis period is one of the important yield-determining processes in spring wheat subjected to high temperatures.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International | 2016
A Hefena; M. S. Sultan; M. A Abdel-Moneam; S. A. Hammoud; Celaleddin Barutçular; Ayman EL-Sabagh
This study was conducted to evaluate genetic components, heritability and correlation coefficient effects of the parents and their F1 for some agronomic as well as yield and yield traits. A line x tester cross was conducted among the ten parents (four lines and six testers) in 2010 to produce (24) F1 crosses evaluated during 2011. The results indicated that both GCA showed highly significant for all studied traits. The mean squares of lines x testers interaction (SCA) exhibited highly significant differences for all studied traits. Higher estimates for non-additive or dominance genetic variance was computed for number of panicles / plant, number of filled grains / panicle and grain yield / plant in comparison with its corresponding evaluates of additive genetic variance. Original Research Article Hefena et al.; JEAI, 14(5): xxx-xxx, 2016; Article no.JEAI.29743 2 Concerning to heritability estimates, high values were observed in broad sense heritability. Meanwhile, evaluate of narrow-sense heritability were low to moderate for number of panicles / plant, number of filled grains / panicle, 1000-grain weight and grain yield / plant. Heritability estimates in narrow sense were relatively low for panicle weight and spikelet fertility percentage. As for correlation for grain yield / plant the results recorded highly positive correlation coefficient with each number of days to heading, plant height, number of panicles / plant, panicle length, panicle weight, fertility percentage and 1000-grain weight.
Plant Production Science | 2018
Tohru Kobata; Müjde Koç; Celaleddin Barutçular; Ken-ichi Tanno; Masanori Inagaki
Abstract Environmental and plant factors critical to the grain yields of bread (Triticum aestivum L.), durum (T. durum L.) and emmer (T. dicoccum L.) wheat cultivars were investigated at two Mediterranean rain-fed field sites: Adana in southeastern Turkey (2009 and 2010) and Aleppo in northern Syria (2009). The grain yield (GY) and biological yield (BY) of most cultivars were higher in Adana than in Aleppo, and the lower GY in Aleppo resulted from lower harvest index (HI) and lower BY due to higher temperatures and lower rainfall. The variations in the HI among cultivars were greater in Adana than in Aleppo. The GY was closely related to the HI but not the BY across cultivars at each site, and a higher GY was accompanied by a superior conversion-efficiency of incident radiation during the grain filling period for grain yield [GY/Ra, where Ra is the cumulative radiation for 30 days after heading (D30)] across all observations. The GY/Ra correlated negatively with the average temperature for D30, and higher HI values resulted in higher GY/Ra. In Adana, the time from anthesis to physiological-maturity decreased as the average temperature for D30 increased, resulting in a lower HI. Cultivars exhibiting the early heading trait can effectively escape the negative impacts of terminal high-temperature and water-shortage conditions on the HI. The results suggested that the HI is a critical factor for GY across diverse wheat cultivars under terminal high-temperatures and water-shortages in Mediterranean areas, and the BY is also an important factor under severe water-limitation conditions.
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences | 2018
Ayman El Sabagh; Akbar Hossain; Celaleddin Barutçular; Abdelaal Aa Khaled; Shah Fahad; Folake B Anjorin; Mohammad Sohidul Islam; Disna Ratnasekera; Ferhat Kizilgeçi; Gulab Singh Yadav; Mehmet Yildirim; Omer Konuskan; Hirofumi Saneoka
Maize is an essential dietary component in human food and in animal feed formulation. With the rising trend of global climate change, grain yield and quality losses of maize are expected to increase, because of various biotic and abiotic stress in all over the world. Among these, drought is most considerable one; it remarkably influences growth and yield traits of maize. Hence, the improvement of drought tolerant maize genotypes has potential to stabilize and even though increases the grain yield of maize. Therefore, developing cultivars tolerant to drought stress is a challenge for breeders. There are two ways to mitigate drought stress in maize production, either by developing and practicing improved drought * Corresponding author KEYWORDS
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences | 2017
A. El Sabagh; E.E. EL-Shawy; M. Mansour; Celaleddin Barutçular
This comparative study was conducted to access the drought tolerance and yield stability in different genotypes of barley. Study was conducted in growing seasons of 2013-14 and 2014-15 by imposing two water regimes viz. optimal and water stressed. Result of study revealed sufficient genetic variability among the genotypes, substantial expression of genetic potential and the importance of selection was based on stress condition. The mean squares of irrigation regimes explained most of the variations for all the traits in both growing seasons, indicating the relative importance of the genotypes in drought tolerance. Water deficient conditions highly affect the various growth parameters, yield and yield traits in both the studied growing seasons. Among the studied genotypes, Line 2 genotype have minimum heading and maturity time so this genotype could be use as a source of earliness in breeding program. Further, Line 7 and Line 11 genotypes showed highest yield potential under water deficit condition in both seasons, possessed high values for MP, YSI, STI, GMP, YI, and least SSI values less than one indicating suitability of these genotypes for drought tolerance and desirability for both water deficit and non-deficit conditions. E.E. EL-Shawy 1 , A. EL Sabagh 2,* , M. Mansour 1 and C. Barutcular 3
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences | 2017
A. El Sabagh; Kh. A.A. Abdelaal; Celaleddin Barutçular
In the present study, field experiments were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2012 and 2013 to examine the adverse effects of deficit irrigation on canola productivity and determining the role of ascorbic acid and salicylic acid (both of 200 ppm) in alleviating the adverse effects under deficit irrigation. Further, effects of these phytochemicals on canola growth, yield and quality characteristics were studied by imposing three irrigation intervals viz, 25 (I1), 35 (I2) and 45 (I3) days during both the growing seasons. The results of the study showed that the growth characteristics such as chlorophyll content and relative water content were decreased under the increase in irrigation intervals. Similarly, Yield and its components including plant height , silica number/plant, number of branches, seed number/ silica, seed yield/plant, seed yield / ha as well as, seed oil content of canola plant were decreased with increasing the intervals of irrigations. Application of both of phytochemical (salicylic acid and ascorbic acid) not only reversed the negative impact of water deficit conditions but also improved the growth and yield parameters of canola plant. However, the applications of antioxidants were more effective under the second irrigation intervals (I2) for both the cropping seasons. The maximum seed yield /ha, protein and oil yield was achieved by the applications of both antioxidants combined with irrigation every 35 days. From results of this study, it can be conclude that application of antioxidants could mitigate the harmful effects of deficit irrigation of canola. Accordingly, antioxidants supplementation could enhance the growth, yield and quality traits of canola under the increase of irrigation intervals in North Nile Delta. A. EL Sabagh 1,* , Kh. A. A. Abdelaal 2 and C. Barutcular 3
Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi | 2016
İrem Toptaş; Yusuf Kasap; Celaleddin Barutçular; Müjde Koç; Mehmet Yildirim
Bu calisma, 2011/2012 yetistirme sezonunda Cukurova (ADN) ve Diyarbakir (DYB) lokasyonlarinda normal ekim (NE) ve gec ekim (GE) yapilarak ve her ekim icin yagisa bagli (YB), sulamali (SU) kosullarda yetistirilen (NEYB, NESU, GEYB, GESU) 16 yazlik ekmeklik bugday genotiplerinin, laboratuvar kosullarindaki cimlenme ozellikleri ile dane verimi arasindaki iliskilerin saptamasi amaciyla yapilmistir. Cimlendirme, tam kontrollu kosullarda iki asamada yurutulmustur. Birinci asamada karanlik kosullarda, sabit (20°C) sicaklikta, 7. gundeki cimlerde, genotiplerin potansiyel koleoptil uzunlugu (PKU) saptanmis, ikinci asamada, farkli sicaklik (20°C ve 30°C) ve su geriliminde ( Ψ s=0.0 Mpa ve Ψ s=-0.6 Mpa) 12 saat gunduz/gece isik periyodunda cimlenme 7 gun surdurulmustur. Calismada, sicakliga duyarlilik indeksi (SDI ADN-SU ) ile PKU arasinda r= -0.551* duzeyinde onemli iliski saptanmistir. Normal ve kurakta cimlenme orani ile kurakliga duyarlilik indeksi (KDI ADN-NE ) arasinda sirasi ile r=-0.520* ve r=-0.568*, sicakta cimlenme orani ile KDI DYB-GE ve SDI DYB-SU arasinda sirasi ile r= 0.523* ve r= 0.564*, sicakta surgun uzunlugu ile KDI DYB-NE ve SDI DYB-SU arasinda sirasi ile r= 0.611* ve r= 0.618*, sicakta kok agirligi ile KDI ADN-NE ve KDI ADN-GE arasinda sirasi ile r= 0.516* ve r= -0.509* ve yine sicakta kok agirligi ile SDI DYB-YB ve SDI DYB-SU arasinda sirasi ile r= -0.525* ve r= -0.515* duzeyinde onemli iliskiler saptanmistir.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | 2016
Ozgul Gormus; Celaleddin Barutçular
ABSTRACT Wide variations in boron (B) contents are typical of Turkish soils and plants, and most of the variation, 84% of the plant-soil B values are within the “normal.” Boron application on low B soils can make a contribution to yield in cotton and sunflower crops. Field experiments were carried out on clayey and medium-textured soils, which are Chromoxererts, Haploxererts, Xerochrepts, and Xerofluvents in Southern Turkey to study the effects of boron fertilization on irrigated cotton and rainfed sunflower growth, yield, and yield components. Four levels of boron—0, 1, 2, and 3 kg ha−1—were applied at planting and the experimental design was completely randomized block design with four replications. There was a 31% and 31.9% increase in seedcotton yield at 3 kg and 2 kg ha−1 of B, compared to the control only two out of four sites. There was an average increase of 61.4% in boll weight with 2 kg B ha−1 application compared to the control. Effect of different application rates of B was not significant for fiber length, fiber strength, and fiber length uniformity. All levels of boron produced higher head diameters over control only one out of four sites. Boron applied at the level of 3 kg ha−1 produced the highest 1000 seed weight of 47.5 g representing an 18% increase over the control. Boron applied at the level of 1 kg ha−1 produced the highest seed yield, representing a 25% increase over the control only at one out of four sites. Boron was no value as a fertilizer for sunflower under given experimental conditions even though some uptake of boron was occurred. Boron fertilization may be regarded as effective in improving cotton yields.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops | 2015
Celaleddin Barutçular; Hatice Turkten; Mehmet Yildirim; Müjde Koç
Leaf chlorophyll (Chl) is emphasized as an indicator for photosynthesis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). SPAD greenness meters are used to predict extractable Chl, but few studies have evaluated relationships between flag leaf greenness and Chl among wheat genotypes. Sixteen spring wheat genotypes with similar development patterns were studied in eight environments (2 years, 2 irrigation treatments and 2 sowing times) to investigate the precision of the SPAD-502 meter to predict Chl content/concentration. Relationships of Chl with SPAD greenness generally best fit linear and quadratic models. Relationships of SPAD greenness with Chl concentration were weak and inconsistent. Strongest associations were observed with Chla content (highest R 2 = 0.71 under late sowing), whereas associations with Chlb content were weak (highest R 2 = 0.46) or insignificant. Relationships between SPAD greenness and total Chl content ranged from low (R 2 = 0.24, p = 0.054) to moderate (R = 0.64, p < 0.001) under rainfed conventional-sowing and late-sowing conditions in the second year, respectively. SPAD greenness can be used to diagnose spring wheat genotypes differing in flag leaf Chla and total Chl content under warm Mediterranean conditions, but may not always applicable in cooler Mediterranean conditions, where genetic variability, especially in Chlb, was not expressed adequately.