
Mammalian Genome | 2005

Construction of a cytogenetically anchored microsatellite map in rabbit.

Céline Chantry-Darmon; Céline Urien; H. Hayes; Maud Bertaud; Sead Taourit; Patrick Chardon; Daniel Vaiman; Claire Gaillard

Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) represents a valuable source of biomedical models and corresponds to a small but active economic sector in Europe for meat and fur. The rabbit genome has not been thoroughly studied until recently, and high-resolution maps necessary for identification of genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) are not yet available. Our aim was to isolate over 300 new and regularly distributed (TG)n or (TC)n rabbit microsatellites. To achieve this purpose, 164 microsatellite sequences were isolated from gene-containing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones previously localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on all the rabbit chromosomes. In addition, 141 microsatellite sequences were subcloned from a plasmid genomic library, and for 41 of these sequences, BAC clones were identified and FISH-mapped. TC repeats were present in 62% of the microsatellites derived from gene-containing BAC clones and in 22% of those from the plasmid genomic library, with an average of 42.9% irrespective of the microsatellite origin. These results suggest a higher proportion of (TC)n repeats and a nonhomogeneous distribution of (TG)n and (TC)n repeats in the rabbit genome compared to those in man. Among the 305 isolated microsatellites, 177 were assigned to 139 different cytogenetic positions on all the chromosomes except rabbit Chromosome 21. Sequence similarity searches provided hit locations on the Human Build 35a and hypothetical assignments on rabbit chromosomes for ten additional microsatellites. Taken together, these results report a reservoir of 305 new rabbit microsatellites of which 60% have a cytogenetic position. This is the first step toward the construction of an integrated cytogenetic and genetic map based on microsatellites homogeneously anchored to the rabbit genome.

Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2003

133 new gene localizations on the rabbit cytogenetic map

Céline Chantry-Darmon; Claire Rogel-Gaillard; Maud Bertaud; C. Urien; M. Perrocheau; Patrick Chardon; H. Hayes

Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), besides its interest for medical research and biotechnological applications, has a small agronomic production in southern European countries. However, it is still a “map-poor” species with about 80 genes mapped. Recently, useful tools for research on this species have been developed, such as heterologous human-rabbit chromosome painting data and a rabbit BAC library. In this study, our aim is to enrich the rabbit cytogenetic map using the FISH technique. Towards this, we have used cDNAs (rabbit and non rabbit) present in the public databases to determine intra-exon primers used to screen our three-genome equivalent BAC library, by standard PCR directly on DNA pools, and by hybridization of high-density filters. 133 BAC clones containing the genes of interest were isolated and FISH-mapped to the rabbit chromosomes. We present the localization of new genes on all rabbit chromosomes except OCU20 and OCUY and some preliminary data on the rabbit/human comparative map. In addition, this set of BAC clones quite regularly distributed on the rabbit genome will be useful to isolate microsatellites, in order to construct a first generation genetic map.

Veterinary Research | 2013

Population structure of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum at whole-country and model river levels in Japan

Erina Fujiwara-Nagata; Céline Chantry-Darmon; Jean-François Bernardet; Mitsuru Eguchi; Eric Duchaud; Pierre Nicolas

The bacterium Flavobacterium psychrophilum is a serious problem for salmonid farming worldwide. This study investigates by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) the population structure of this pathogen in Japan where it is also a major concern for ayu, a popular game fish related to salmoniforms. A total of 34 isolates collected across the country and 80 isolates sampled in a single model river by electrofishing were genotyped. The data accounting for 15 fish species allowed identifying 35 distinct sequence types (ST) in Japan. These ST are distinct from those reported elsewhere, except for some ST found in rainbow trout and coho salmon, two fish that have been the subject of intensive international trade. The pattern of polymorphism is, however, strikingly similar across geographical scales (model river, Japan, world) in terms of the fraction of molecular variance linked to the fish host (~50%) and of pairwise nucleotide diversity between ST (~5 Kbp-1). These observations go against the hypothesis of a recent introduction of F. psychrophilum in Japan. Two findings were made that are important for disease control: 1) at least two independent F. psychrophilum lineages infect ayu and 2) co-infections of the same individual fish by different strains occur.

Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2005

Expanded comparative mapping between man and rabbit and detection of a new conserved segment between HSA22 and OCU4

Céline Chantry-Darmon; Maud Bertaud; C. Urien; S. Chadi-Taourit; M. Perrocheau; Claire Rogel-Gaillard; H. Hayes

Rabbit, a domestic species exploited both in animal production and medical research has only recently begun to be included in gene mapping projects, in particular by the French National Institute of Agronomics. By 2002, less than 60 genes had been precisely localised on rabbit chromosomes, which led us to start a large-scale project on gene mapping in rabbit with the publication of 133 gene localisations in 2003 (Chantry-Darmon et al., 2003). Here, we report the localisation of 102 new genes resulting in good coverage of the rabbit genome and an eight-fold enrichment of the gene map. In addition, we have detected a new conserved segment between rabbit chromosome 4q15.3 and part of human chromosome 22 and thus improved the comparative map with the human genome.

PLOS ONE | 2011

A Deletion in Exon 9 of the LIPH Gene Is Responsible for the Rex Hair Coat Phenotype in Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Mathieu Diribarne; Xavier Mata; Céline Chantry-Darmon; Anne Vaiman; Gérard Auvinet; Stephan Bouet; Séverine Deretz; E. P. Cribiu; Hubert de Rochambeau; D. Allain; Gérard Guérin

The fur of common rabbits is constituted of 3 types of hair differing in length and diameter while that of rex animals is essentially made up of amazingly soft down-hair. Rex short hair coat phenotypes in rabbits were shown to be controlled by three distinct loci. We focused on the “r1” mutation which segregates at a simple autosomal-recessive locus in our rabbit strains. A positional candidate gene approach was used to identify the rex gene and the corresponding mutation. The gene was primo-localized within a 40 cM region on rabbit chromosome 14 by genome scanning families of 187 rabbits in an experimental mating scheme. Then, fine mapping refined the region to 0.5 cM (Z = 78) by genotyping an additional 359 offspring for 94 microsatellites present or newly generated within the first defined interval. Comparative mapping pointed out a candidate gene in this 700 kb region, namely LIPH (Lipase Member H). In humans, several mutations in this major gene cause alopecia, hair loss phenotypes. The rabbit gene structure was established and a deletion of a single nucleotide was found in LIPH exon 9 of rex rabbits (1362delA). This mutation results in a frameshift and introduces a premature stop codon potentially shortening the protein by 19 amino acids. The association between this deletion and the rex phenotype was complete, as determined by its presence in our rabbit families and among a panel of 60 rex and its absence in all 60 non-rex rabbits. This strongly suggests that this deletion, in a homozygous state, is responsible for the rex phenotype in rabbits.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Impact of Selection for Digestive Efficiency on Microbiota Composition in the Chicken.

Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau; Agnès Narcy; Nicole Rideau; Céline Chantry-Darmon; Marie-Yvonne Boscher; Nadine Sellier; Marie Chabault; Barbara Konsak-Ilievski; Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval; Irène Gabriel

Objectives Feed efficiency and its digestive component, digestive efficiency, are key factors in the environmental impact and economic output of poultry production. The interaction between the host and intestinal microbiota has a crucial role in the determination of the ability of the bird to digest its food and to the birds’ feed efficiency. We therefore investigated the phenotypic and genetic relationships between birds’ efficiency and the composition of the cecal microbiota in a F2 cross between broiler lines divergently selected for their high or low digestive efficiency. Methods Analyses were performed on 144 birds with extreme feed efficiency values at 3 weeks, with feed conversion values of 1.41±0.05 and 2.02±0.04 in the efficient and non-efficient groups, respectively. The total numbers of Lactobacillus, L. salivarius, L. crispatus, C. coccoides, C. leptum and E. coli per gram of cecal content were measured. Results The two groups mainly differed in larger counts of Lactobacillus, L. salivarius and E. coli in less efficient birds. The equilibrium between bacterial groups was also affected, efficient birds showing higher C. leptum, C. coccoides and L. salivarius to E. coli ratios. The heritability of the composition of microbiota was also estimated and L. crispatus, C. leptum, and C. coccoides to E. coli ratios were moderately but significantly heritable (0.16 to 0.24). The coefficient of fecal digestive use of dry matter was genetically and positively correlated with L. crispatus, C. leptum, C. coccoides (0.50 to 0.76) and negatively with E. coli (-0.66). Lipid digestibility was negatively correlated with E. coli (-0.64), and AMEn positively correlated with C. coccoides and with the C. coccoides to Lactobacillus ratio (0.48 to 0.64). We also detected 14 Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for microbiota on the host genome, mostly on C. leptum and Lactobacillus. The QTL for C. leptum on GGA6 was close to genome-wide significance. This region mainly includes genes involved in anti-inflammatory responses and in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

PLOS ONE | 2012

A 3.7 Mb Deletion Encompassing ZEB2 Causes a Novel Polled and Multisystemic Syndrome in the Progeny of a Somatic Mosaic Bull

Aurélien Capitan; Aurélie Allais-Bonnet; Alain Pinton; Brigitte Marquant-Le Guienne; Daniel Le Bourhis; Cécile Grohs; Stephan Bouet; Laëtitia Clément; Laura Salas-Cortés; Eric Venot; Stéphane Chaffaux; Bernard Weiss; Arnaud Delpeuch; Guy Noé; Marie-Noelle Rossignol; Sarah Barbey; Dominique Dozias; Emilie Cobo; Harmonie Barasc; Aurélie Auguste; Maëlle Pannetier; Marie-Christine Deloche; Emeline Lhuilier; Olivier Bouchez; Diane Esquerre; Gerald Salin; Christophe Klopp; Cécile Donnadieu; Céline Chantry-Darmon; H. Hayes

Polled and Multisystemic Syndrome (PMS) is a novel developmental disorder occurring in the progeny of a single bull. Its clinical spectrum includes polledness (complete agenesis of horns), facial dysmorphism, growth delay, chronic diarrhea, premature ovarian failure, and variable neurological and cardiac anomalies. PMS is also characterized by a deviation of the sex-ratio, suggesting male lethality during pregnancy. Using Mendelian error mapping and whole-genome sequencing, we identified a 3.7 Mb deletion on the paternal bovine chromosome 2 encompassing ARHGAP15, GTDC1 and ZEB2 genes. We then produced control and affected 90-day old fetuses to characterize this syndrome by histological and expression analyses. Compared to wild type individuals, affected animals showed a decreased expression of the three deleted genes. Based on a comparison with human Mowat-Wilson syndrome, we suggest that deletion of ZEB2, is responsible for most of the effects of the mutation. Finally sperm-FISH, embryo genotyping and analysis of reproduction records confirmed somatic mosaicism in the founder bull and male-specific lethality during the first third of gestation. In conclusion, we identified a novel locus involved in bovid horn ontogenesis and suggest that epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition plays a critical role in horn bud differentiation. We also provide new insights into the pathogenicity of ZEB2 loss of heterozygosity in bovine and humans and describe the first case of male-specific lethality associated with an autosomal locus in a non-murine mammalian species. This result sets PMS as a unique model to study sex-specific gene expression/regulation.

Bone reports | 2016

Genetic determinism of bone and mineral metabolism in meat-type chickens: A QTL mapping study

Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau; Céline Chantry-Darmon; Marie-Yvonne Boscher; Nadine Sellier; Marie Chabault-Dhuit; Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval; Agnès Narcy

Skeletal integrity in meat-type chickens is affected by many factors including rapid growth rate, nutrition and genetics. To investigate the genetic basis of bone and mineral metabolism, a QTL detection study was conducted in an intercross between two lines of meat-type chickens divergently selected for their high (D +) or low (D −) digestive efficiency. Tibia size (length, diameter, volume) and ash content were determined at 3 weeks of age as well as phosphorus (P) retention and plasma concentration. Heritability of these traits and their genetic correlations with digestive efficiency were estimated. A QTL mapping study was performed using 3379 SNP markers. Tibia size, weight, ash content and breaking strength were highly heritable (0.42 to 0.61). Relative tibia diameter and volume as well as P retention were strongly and positively genetically correlated with digestive efficiency (0.57 to 0.80). A total of 35 QTL were identified (9 for tibia weight, 13 for tibia size, 5 for bone strength, 5 for bone mineralization, 2 for plasma P concentration and 1 for P retention). Six QTL were genome-wide significant, and 3 QTL for tibia relative volume, weight and ash weight on chromosome 6 were fixed, the positive allele coming from the D-line. For two QTL for ash content on chromosome 18 and relative tibia length on chromosome 26, the confidence intervals were small enough to identify potential candidate genes. These findings support the evidence of multiple genetic loci controlling bone and mineral metabolism. The identification of candidate genes may provide new perspectives in the understanding of bone regulation, even beyond avian species.

Animal Genetics | 2006

A first-generation microsatellite-based integrated genetic and cytogenetic map for the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and localization of angora and albino

Céline Chantry-Darmon; C. Urien; H. de Rochambeau; D. Allain; B. Pena; H. Hayes; C. Grohs; E. P. Cribiu; S. Deretz‐Picoulet; Catherine Larzul; J. C. Save; A. Neau; Patrick Chardon; Claire Rogel-Gaillard

Genetics Selection Evolution | 2015

Detection of QTL controlling feed efficiency and excretion in chickens fed a wheat-based diet

Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau; Nicole Rideau; Irène Gabriel; Céline Chantry-Darmon; Marie-Yvonne Boscher; Nadine Sellier; Marie Chabault; Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval; Agnès Narcy

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