Cemile Dayangan Sayan
Kırıkkale University
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Featured researches published by Cemile Dayangan Sayan.
Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi | 2018
İlkin Yeral; Cemile Dayangan Sayan
Amac: Jinekolojik kanserler arasinda en sik goruleni endometrium kanseridir. Tum kanserlerde oldugu gibi, endometrium kanserinde de kronik inflamasyon etyolojik faktor olarak rol oynamaktadir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiza her grupta 35 olmak uzere uc grup ve toplam 105 hasta dahil edildi. Endometrial ornekleme sonuclarina gore gruplar; benign grup, hiperplazi grubu ve malign grup olarak isimlendirildi. Gruplar arasinda hematolojik parametrelerde anlamli fark olup olmadigi arastirildi. Bulgular: Notrofil sayisi, lenfosit sayisi, platelet sayisi, notrofil/lenfosit orani ve platelet/lenfosit orani bakimindan gruplar arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark saptanmadi (p>0,05). Hemoglobin, ortalama platelet volumu ve Platelet dagilim genisligi degerleri malign grupta istatistiksel olarak anlamli derecede yuksek saptandi (p<0,05). Sonuc: Calismamizda elde ettigimiz sonuclar bize; inflamasyonun, platelet aktivitesini arttirarak endometrium kanserine zemin hazirlayabilecegini dusundurdu.
Medieval Archaeology | 2018
Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Mahmut İlkin Yeral; Zehra Sema Ozkan; Gökhan Karaca; Nese Asal; Oktay Aydin; Nevin Sağsöz
Introduction An adnexal mass may be diagnosed after a routine pelvic ultrasonographic examination or an emergent hospital admission due to rupture of ectopic pregnancy, adnexal torsion or rupture of tuboovarian abscess. It is necessary to evaluate the origin of the mass initially and to classify patients who need further evaluation and treatment for an urgent condition. Case presentation We report a case of sigmoid colon rupture due to sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma presenting as acute abdomen with left adnexal mass in a 28 years old woman. Abdominopelvic computed tomography revealed a left adnexal mass with suspicion of tuboovarian abscess. In laparatomy, rupture of sigmoid colon was observed and resection of sigmoid colon was performed. Histological examination of resection part revealed diagnosis of sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma due to familial adenomatous polyposis. Conclusion This case may be interesting for clinicians because pelvic pain, fever, increased infection markers in the laboratory and mass at ultrasonography or other screening methods could cause a misdiagnosis of tubaovarian abscess especially in reproductive age women. Before the operation of the pelvic mass of all age women with the diagnosis of tuboovarian abscess other causes of the pelvic abscess should come into mine and necessary preparation for operation must be done.
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2018
Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Zehra Sema Ozkan; Mahmut İlkin Yeral; Funda Erdoğan; Zeynep İslambay
Pelvik inflamatuvar hastalik, endometrit, parametrit, ooforit, tubo-ovaryan abse ve/veya peritoniti kapsayan ust genital yollarinin inflamasyonu olarak tanimlanir. Pelvik inflamatuar hastalik cogunlukla alt genital trakttan asendan yolla gelen enfeksiyonlardan kaynaklanir. Reproduktif cagda olan ve rahim ici arac kullanan kadinlar pelvik inflamatuvar hastalik acisindan yuksek risk tasirlar. Bu calismada yeni seksuel aktif genc kadinda dev hidrosalpenks olgusu sunuldu. Yeni seksuel aktif (4 ay), 23 yasinda kadin hasta jinekoloji poliklinigimize karin agrisi, ates ve halsizlik sikâyetleri ile basvurdu. Atesi 38.7 o C olarak olculdu. Jinekolojik muayenede eksternal genital organlar normal, serviks nullipar gorunumde idi ve gri-kahverengi kokulu akinti izlendi. Transvajinal ultrasonografide sag adneksiyel alanda 91x29 mm boyutunda hidrosalpenks gorunumu izlendi. Hasta hastaneye yatirilarak 14 gun sure ile parenteral genis spektrumlu antibiyotik tedavisi verildi. Taburculuk sonrasi oral antibiyotik tedavisine devam edildi. Oral antibiyotik tedavisinin 2. hafta ve 1. ay kontrollerinde hidrosalpenks gorunumu sirasi ile 48x9 mm ve 30x8 mm boyutlarina geriledi. Reproduktif cagdaki kadinlari etkileyen pelvik inflamatuvar hastalik seksuel aktivitenin baslamasindan kisa bir sure sonra ortaya cikabilir ve erken donemde ciddi komplikasyonlara sebep olabilir. Bu nedenle seksuel aktivitesi yeni baslamis genc yas kadinlarin seksuel gecisli hastaliklar hakkinda bilgilendirilmesi gereklidir.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research | 2018
Ozlem Banu Tulmac; Zeynep Ozcan Dag; Funda Erdoğan; Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Nevin Sağsöz
We examined body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) patterns of pregnant women and investigated the impact of these factors on the urinary albumin‐creatinine ratio (ACR) during pregnancy.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research | 2018
Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Gökhan Karaca; Zehra Sema Ozkan; Ozlem Banu Tulmac; Aslı Ceylan Isik; Tuba Devrim; Gülçin Aydin; İlkin Yeral
The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of metformin on the rat ovary against ischemia‐reperfusion injury.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 2018
Cemile Dayangan Sayan
Abstract Hyperemesis gravidarum is defined as a condition emerging during pregnancy, is prominent with severe nausea and vomiting, a water-electrolyte imbalance and liver-kidney function disorder and causes more than 5% loss of body weight. In cases of severe hyperemesis gravidarum, maternal morbidities such as water-electrolyte imbalance, hepatorenal failure, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, splenic avulsion, oesophageal rupture, pneumothorax have been reported. We present a case of hyperemesis gravidarum, which continued until the third trimester and developed secondary hepatorenal failure, a water-electrolyte imbalance, intrauterine growth restriction, anhydramnios, foetal distress and neonatal mortality.Hyperemesis gravidarum is defined as a condition emerging during pregnancy, is prominent with severe nausea and vomiting, a water-electrolyte imbalance and liver-kidney function disorder and causes more than 5% loss of body weight. In cases of severe hyperemesis gravidarum, maternal morbidities such as water-electrolyte imbalance, hepatorenal failure, Wernickes encephalopathy, splenic avulsion, oesophageal rupture, pneumothorax have been reported. We present a case of hyperemesis gravidarum, which continued until the third trimester and developed secondary hepatorenal failure, a water-electrolyte imbalance, intrauterine growth restriction, anhydramnios, foetal distress and neonatal mortality.
Gynecological Endocrinology | 2018
Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Ozlem Banu Tulmac; Gökhan Karaca; Zehra Sema Ozkan; Selim Yalçın; Tuba Devrim; Nermin Dindar Badem
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate whether erythropoietin (EPO) can reduce the ovarian damage of cisplatin or not. Thirty, female, Wistar-Albino rats were used in the study. Control group (N = 10): Intraperitoneal saline infusion, Cisplatin group (N = 10): Intraperitoneal 7 mg/kg cisplatin, Cisplatin + EPO group (N = 10): Intraperitoneal 7 mg/kg cisplatin and subcutaneous 200 IU/kg/day EPO. Serum AMH concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit of AMH. Follicular counts were evaluated according to mean diameter of the follicles. Ovarian damage; including follicular cell degeneration, vascular congestion, hemorrhage, and inflammation was scored histologically using a graduated scale. Posttreatment AMH levels of cisplatin group were significantly lower than control and cisplatin + EPO groups. In cisplatin group, there was a significant decrement in posttreatment AMH level compared to pretreatment AMH level. The total damage score of cisplatin group was significantly higher than scores of control and cisplatin + EPO groups. The mean primordial follicle counts of control and cisplatin + EPO groups were significantly higher than that of cisplatin group (p = .007 and p = .003). The results of this study revealed that EPO administration to cisplatin chemotherapy could ameliorate the ovarian damage. Erythropoietin administration to chemotherapeutic agents might suggest to protect ovarian failure and infertility.
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2016
Gülçin Aydin; Cemile Dayangan Sayan; İsmahan Gül Özbayrak; Ferda Yaman; Işın Gençay; Selim Çolak; Ünase Büyükkoçak
Norofibromatozis Tip 1 (NF-1) ektodermal ve mezodermal dokulardaki yaygin etkileri nedeniyle otozomal dominant gecis gosteren kalitsal bir hastalik grubudur. Periferik sinirlerde multipl norofibromlar ile karakterize olan hastalikta kutanoz pigmente lekeler (cafe au lait spots) mevcuttur. Bu norofibromlar sadece sinir sisteminde degil, orofarinks ve larinkste de bulunarak laringoskopiyi ve endotrakeal entubasyonu zorlastirabilir. Bu olgu sunumuyla NF-1 tanili gebe kadinda elektif sezaryen operasyonunda spinal anestezi uygulamamizi sunmayi amacladik.
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2016
Gülçin Aydin; Işın Gençay; Ferda Yaman; Selim Çolak; Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Gülcan Bakkal; Ünase Büyükkoçak
Marfan Sendromu (MS) 1/5000 oraninda otozomal dominant gecis gosteren bir bag doku hastaligidir. Fibrillin-1 (FBN1) geninin 15q21 kromozomunda mutasyon vardir. Iskelet sistemi anormallikleri, lens dislokasyonu, dural ektazi ve aort dilatasyonu ile karakterizedir. Hastalarin %80’ninde kardiyovaskuler sistemde birtakim degisiklikler mevcut olup bunlar; aort dilatasyonu, aort yetmezligi, mitral-trikuspit valv prolapsusu ve regurjitasyonudur. Major olum nedenleri arasinda aortik anevrizma rupturu ve diseksiyonu yer alir. Gebelikteki fizyolojik degisiklikler aort diseksiyonu patogenezi ve progresyonuna katkida bulunmaktadir. Gebelikte artmis aort kompliyansi ve bunun sonucunda aort dilatasyonu sozkonusudur. Gebelik ve dogum MS’lu hastalarda yasami tehdit eden diseksiyonlara yol acar; ozellikle de aort capi 40 mm’ den genis ise. MS’lu gebelerde lumbal spinal deformiteler ve yaygin artrodezisler, epidural ve spinal anestezi basarisizligini artirir. Benzer sekilde dural ektaziler dural delinme riskinin artmasina neden olur. Bu olgu sunumuyla MS’lu gebe kadinda elektif sezaryen operasyonunda genel anestezi uygulamamizi sunmayi amacladik.
BMC Ophthalmology | 2015
Erhan Yumusak; Aydın Çiftçi; Selim Yalçın; Cemile Dayangan Sayan; Nevin Hande Dikel; Kemal Örnek