Cesare Nardini
École normale supérieure de Lyon
Physical Review Letters | 2016
Étienne Fodor; Cesare Nardini; Michael Cates; Julien Tailleur; Paolo Visco; Frédéric van Wijland
Active matter systems are driven out of thermal equilibrium by a lack of generalized Stokes-Einstein relation between injection and dissipation of energy at the microscopic scale. We consider such a system of interacting particles, propelled by persistent noises, and show that, at small but finite persistence time, their dynamics still satisfy a time-reversal symmetry. To do so, we compute perturbatively their steady-state measure and show that, for short persistent times, the entropy production rate vanishes. This endows such systems with an effective fluctuation-dissipation theorem akin to that of thermal equilibrium systems. Last, we show how interacting particle systems with viscous drags and correlated noises can be seen as in equilibrium with a viscoelastic bath but driven out of equilibrium by nonconservative forces, hence providing energetic insight into the departure of active systems from equilibrium.
Journal of Statistical Physics | 2013
Freddy Bouchet; Cesare Nardini; Tomás Tangarife
We discuss the dynamics of zonal (or unidirectional) jets for barotropic flows forced by Gaussian stochastic fields with white in time correlation functions. This problem contains the stochastic dynamics of 2D Navier-Stokes equation as a special case. We consider the limit of weak forces and dissipation, when there is a time scale separation between the inertial time scale (fast) and the spin-up or spin-down time (large) needed to reach an average energy balance. In this limit, we show that an adiabatic reduction (or stochastic averaging) of the dynamics can be performed. We then obtain a kinetic equation that describes the slow evolution of zonal jets over a very long time scale, where the effect of non-zonal turbulence has been integrated out. The main theoretical difficulty, achieved in this work, is to analyze the stationary distribution of a Lyapunov equation that describes quasi-Gaussian fluctuations around each zonal jet, in the inertial limit. This is necessary to prove that there is no ultraviolet divergence at leading order, in such a way that the asymptotic expansion is self-consistent. We obtain at leading order a Fokker–Planck equation, associated to a stochastic kinetic equation, that describes the slow jet dynamics. Its deterministic part is related to well known phenomenological theories (for instance Stochastic Structural Stability Theory) and to quasi-linear approximations, whereas the stochastic part allows to go beyond the computation of the most probable zonal jet. We argue that the effect of the stochastic part may be of huge importance when, as for instance in the proximity of phase transitions, more than one attractor of the dynamics is present.
Physical Review X | 2017
Cesare Nardini; Étienne Fodor; Elsen Tjhung; Frédéric van Wijland; Julien Tailleur; Michael Cates
Active matter systems operate far from equilibrium due to the continuous energy injection at the scale of constituent particles. At larger scales, described by coarse-grained models, the global entropy production rate S quantifies the probability ratio of forward and reversed dynamics and hence the importance of irreversibility at such scales: it vanishes whenever the coarse-grained dynamics of the active system reduces to that of an effective equilibrium model. We evaluate S for a class of scalar stochastic field theories describing the coarse-grained density of self-propelled particles without alignment interactions, capturing such key phenomena as motility-induced phase separation. We show how the entropy production can be decomposed locally (in real space) or spectrally (in Fourier space), allowing detailed examination of the spatial structure and correlations that underly departures from equilibrium. For phase-separated systems, the local entropy production is concentrated mainly on interfaces with a bulk contribution that tends to zero in the weak-noise limit. In homogeneous states, we find a generalized Harada-Sasa relation that directly expresses the entropy production in terms of the wavevector-dependent deviation from the fluctuation-dissipation relation between response functions and correlators. We discuss extensions to the case where the particle density is coupled to a momentum-conserving solvent, and to situations where the particle current, rather than the density, should be chosen as the dynamical field. We expect the new conceptual tools developed here to be broadly useful in the context of active matter, allowing one to distinguish when and where activity plays an essential role in the dynamics.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2012
Cesare Nardini; Shamik Gupta; Stefano Ruffo; Thierry Dauxois; Freddy Bouchet
We study long-range interacting systems perturbed by external stochastic forces. Unlike the case of short-range systems, where stochastic forces usually act locally on each particle, here we consider perturbations by external stochastic fields. The system reaches stationary states where the external forces balance the dissipation on average. These states do not respect detailed balance and support non-vanishing fluxes of conserved quantities. We generalize the kinetic theory of isolated long-range systems to describe the dynamics of this non-equilibrium problem. The kinetic equation that we obtain applies to plasmas, self-gravitating systems, and to a broad class of other systems. Our theoretical results hold for homogeneous states, but may also be generalized to apply to inhomogeneous states. We obtain an excellent agreement between our theoretical predictions and numerical simulations. We discuss possible applications to describe non-equilibrium phase transitions.
Physical Review E | 2012
Aurelio Patelli; Shamik Gupta; Cesare Nardini; Stefano Ruffo
Long-range interacting systems, while relaxing to equilibrium, often get trapped in long-lived quasistationary states which have lifetimes that diverge with the system size. In this work, we address the question of how a long-range system in a quasistationary state (QSS) responds to an external perturbation. We consider a long-range system that evolves under deterministic Hamilton dynamics. The perturbation is taken to couple to the canonical coordinates of the individual constituents. Our study is based on analyzing the Vlasov equation for the single-particle phase-space distribution. The QSS represents a stable stationary solution of the Vlasov equation in the absence of the external perturbation. In the presence of small perturbation, we linearize the perturbed Vlasov equation about the QSS to obtain a formal expression for the response observed in a single-particle dynamical quantity. For a QSS that is homogeneous in the coordinate, we obtain an explicit formula for the response. We apply our analysis to a paradigmatic model, the Hamiltonian mean-field model, which involves particles moving on a circle under Hamiltonian dynamics. Our prediction for the response of three representative QSSs in this model (the water-bag QSS, the Fermi-Dirac QSS, and the Gaussian QSS) is found to be in good agreement with N-particle simulations for large N. We also show the long-time relaxation of the water-bag QSS to the Boltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium state.
Journal of Statistical Physics | 2016
Freddy Bouchet; Krzysztof Gawedzki; Cesare Nardini
In stochastic systems with weak noise, the logarithm of the stationary distribution becomes proportional to a large deviation rate function called the quasi-potential. The quasi-potential, and its characterization through a variational problem, lies at the core of the Freidlin–Wentzell large deviations theoryxa0(Freidlin and Wentzell, Random perturbations of dynamical systems, 2012). In many interacting particle systems, the particle density is described by fluctuating hydrodynamics governed by Macroscopic Fluctuation Theoryxa0(Bertini et al., arXiv:1404.6466, 2014), which formally fits within Freidlin–Wentzell’s framework with a weak noise proportional to
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2012
Cesare Nardini; Shamik Gupta; Stefano Ruffo; Thierry Dauxois; Freddy Bouchet
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2010
Lapo Casetti; Cesare Nardini
Physical Review E | 2013
Pierre de Buyl; Giovanni De Ninno; Duccio Fanelli; Cesare Nardini; Aurelio Patelli; Francesco Piazza; Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters | 2011
Lapo Casetti; Cesare Nardini; Rachele Nerattini
1/N, where N is the number of particles. The quasi-potential then appears as a natural generalization of the equilibrium free energy to non-equilibrium particle systems. A key physical and practical issue is to actually compute quasi-potentials from their variational characterization for non-equilibrium systems for which detailed balance does not hold. We discuss how to perform such a computation perturbatively in an external parameter