
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2013

Subfertility Problems Leading to Disposal of Breeding Bulls

Marzina Khatun; Simarjeet Kaur; Kanchan; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay

Subfertility problems are encountered frequently in the cattle and buffalo bulls commercially maintained for semen production in dairy farms and under field conditions for natural insemination. Reports are scarce on the incidence of subfertility in breeding bulls, especially in India. The objective of the present study was to assess the incidence of the male reproductive anomalies leading to disposal of bovine bulls at GADVASU dairy farm, Ludhiana, Punjab (India). Data on frequency of various subfertility and disposal pattern of bulls maintained at the dairy farm, GADVASU, were collected for 12 yrs (1999 to 2010) and compiled from different record registers. Percentage of bulls that produced freezable semen (out of reserved ones) was less in cattle (25.641%) as compared to that of buffalo (30.4%). Various subfertility traits like poor libido and unacceptable seminal profile were found to be the significant reasons (p<0.01) for culling of the breeding bulls. Inadequate sex drive and poor semen quality were the main contributing factors for bull disposal in cattle whereas poor semen freezability was most frequently observed in buffalo bulls. All the male reproductive traits were significantly different (p<0.05) for the periods of birth, except for semen volume, initial motility (IM), age at last semen collection (ALSC) and age at disposal. The ages at first and last semen collection as well as freezing (i.e. AFSC, ALSC and AFSF, ALSF, respectively) and age at disposal (AD) were higher in buffalo. The spermatological parameters and semen production period (SPP) were higher in cattle. The age at first semen donation and breeding period could be reduced by introducing the bulls to training at an early age. The results revealed an increasing trend in individual motility (IM) while semen volume, AFSC, AFSF, AD, FSPP, SPP, ALSC and ALSF showed a decreasing, however, not a definite trend, over the periods. The semen donation traits like, AFSF, of the cattle and buffalo bulls could be predicted from the AFSC, using prediction equation derived in the present study.

PLOS ONE | 2016

Identification of the MicroRNA Repertoire in TLR-Ligand Challenged Bubaline PBMCs as a Model of Bacterial and Viral Infection

Jasdeep Singh; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; Simarjeet Kaur; Puneet Malhotra; R. S. Sethi; R. K. Choudhary

In the present study, we used high-throughput sequencing, miRNA-seq, to discover and explore the expression profiles of known and novel miRNAs in TLR ligand-stimulated vis-à-vis non-stimulated (i.e. Control) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from blood of healthy Murrah buffaloes. Six small RNA (sRNA) libraries were multiplexed in Ion Torrent PI chip and sequenced on Ion Proton System. The reads obtained were aligned to the Bos taurus genome (UMD3.1 assembly), which is phylogenetically closest species to buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). A total of 160 bovine miRNAs were biocomputationally identified in buffalo PBMCs and 130 putatively novel miRNAs (not enlisted in the bovine mirBase) were identified. All of these 290 miRNAs identified across the six treatment and control samples represent the repertoire of novel miRNAs for the buffalo species. The expression profiles of these miRNAs across the samples have been represented by sample dendrogram and heatmap plots. The uniquely expressed miRNAs in each treatment and control groups were identified. A few miRNAs were expressed at very high levels while the majority of them were moderately expressed. The miRNAs bta-miR-103 and -191 were found to be highly abundant and expressed in all the samples. Other abundantly expressed miRNAs include bta-miR-19b, -29b, -15a, -19a, -30d, -30b-5p and members of let family (let 7a-5p, let 7g & let 7f) in LPS and CpG treated PBMCS and bta-miR-191, -103 & -19b in Poly I:C stimulated PBMCs. Only one novel miRNA (bta-miR-11039) out of 130 identified putatively novel miRNAs, was expressed in all the six samples and differentially expressed (>2- fold) miRNAs were identified. Six of the differentially expressed miRNAs across the groups (bta-miR-421, bta-let-7i, bta-miR-138, bta-miR-21-5p, bta-miR-222 and bta-miR-27b) were subsequently confirmed by TaqMan quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Furthermore, the target genes of differentially expressed miRNAs were enriched for the roles in innate immunity and TLR signaling pathways. This maiden study on profiling and cataloguing of bubaline miRNAs expressed in TLR-ligand stimulated PBMCs will provide an important reference point for future studies on regulatory roles of miRNAs in immune system of buffaloes.

Journal of animal science and biotechnology | 2015

Handmade cloning: recent advances, potential and pitfalls.

Geetika Verma; Jaspreet Singh Arora; R. S. Sethi; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; Ramneek Verma

Handmade cloning (HMC) is the most awaited, simple and micromanipulator-free version of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The requirement of expensive micromanipulators and skilled expertise is eliminated in this technique, proving it as a major revolution in the field of embryology. During the past years, many modifications have been incorporated in this technique to boost its efficiency. This alternative approach to micromanipulator based traditional cloning (TC) works wonder in generating comparable or even higher birth rates in addition to declining costs drastically and enabling cryopreservation. This technique is not only applicable to intraspecies nuclear transfer but also to interspecies nuclear transfer (iSCNT) thus permitting conservation of endangered species. It also offers unique possibilities for automation of SCNT which aims at production of transgenic animals that can cure certain human diseases by producing therapeutics hence, providing a healthier future for the wellbeing of humans. The present review aims at highlighting certain aspects of HMC including recent advancements in procedure and factors involved in elevating its efficiency besides covering the potentials and pitfalls of this technique.

Veterinary World | 2016

Y-chromosomal genes affecting male fertility: A review

Jasdeep Kaur Dhanoa; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; Jaspreet Singh Arora

The mammalian sex-chromosomes (X and Y) have evolved from autosomes and are involved in sex determination and reproductive traits. The Y-chromosome is the smallest chromosome that consists of 2-3% of the haploid genome and may contain between 70 and 200 genes. The Y-chromosome plays major role in male fertility and is suitable to study the evolutionary relics, speciation, and male infertility and/or subfertility due to its unique features such as long non-recombining region, abundance of repetitive sequences, and holandric inheritance pattern. During evolution, many holandric genes were deleted. The current review discusses the mammalian holandric genes and their functions. The commonly encountered infertility and/or subfertility problems due to point or gross mutation (deletion) of the Y-chromosomal genes have also been discussed. For example, loss or microdeletion of sex-determining region, Y-linked gene results in XY males that exhibit female characteristics, deletion of RNA binding motif, Y-encoded in azoospermic factor b region results in the arrest of spermatogenesis at meiosis. The holandric genes have been covered for associating the mutations with male factor infertility.

Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2015

Biocomputational Characterization and Evolutionary Analysis of Bubaline Dicer1 Enzyme

Jasdeep Singh; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; Jaspreet Singh Arora; Simarjeet Kaur

Dicer, an ribonuclease type III type endonuclease, is the key enzyme involved in biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and thus plays a critical role in RNA interference through post transcriptional regulation of gene expression. This enzyme has not been well studied in the Indian water buffalo, an important species known for disease resistance and high milk production. In this study, the primary coding sequence (5,778 bp) of bubaline dicer (GenBank: AB969677.1) was determined and the bubaline Dicer1 biocomputationally characterized to determine the phylogenetic signature among higher eukaryotes. The evolutionary tree revealed that all the transcript variants of Dicer1 belonging to a specific species were within the same node and the sequences belonging to primates, rodents and lagomorphs, avians and reptiles formed independent clusters. The bubaline dicer1 is closely related to that of cattle and other ruminants and significantly divergent from dicer of lower species such as tapeworm, sea urchin and fruit fly. Evolutionary divergence analysis conducted using MEGA6 software indicated that dicer has undergone purifying selection over the time. Seventeen divergent sequences, representing each of the families/taxa were selected to study the specific regions of positive vis-à-vis negative selection using different models like single likelihood ancestor counting, fixed effects likelihood, and random effects likelihood of Datamonkey server. Comparative analysis of the domain structure revealed that Dicer1 is conserved across mammalian species while variation both in terms of length of Dicer enzyme and presence or absence of domain is evident in the lower organisms.

Evolutionary Bioinformatics | 2015

In Silico Characterization of Functional Divergence of Two Cathelicidin Variants in Indian Sheep

Kamaljeet K. Dhaliwal; Jaspreet Singh Arora; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; P. P. Dubey

The present work focuses on the in silico characterization of functional divergence of two ovine cathelicidin coding sequence (cds) variants (ie, Cath1 and Cath2) of Indian sheep. Overlapping partial cds of both the cathelicidin variants were cloned in pJet1.2/blunt vector and sequenced. Evolutionary analysis of the Cath2 and Cath1 indicated that the mammalian cathelicidins clustered separately from avian fowlicidins. The avian fowlicidins, which are very different from mammalian cathelicidins (Caths), clearly displayed signatures of purifying selection. The pairwise sequence alignments of translated amino acid sequences of these two sheep cathelicidins showed gaps in the antimicrobial domain of Cath1 variant; however, the amino terminal cathelin regions of both the Caths were conserved. Amino acid sequence analysis of full-length cathelicidins available at public database revealed that Cath1, Cath2, and Cath7 of different ruminant species (including our Cath1 and Cath2 variants) formed individual clads, suggesting that these types have evolved to target specific types of microbes. In silico analysis of Cath1 and Cath2 peptide sequences indicated that the C-terminal antimicrobial peptide domain of Cath2 is more immunogenic than that of the ovine Cath1 due to its higher positive antigenic index, making Cath1 a promising antigen for production of monoclonal antibodies.

Veterinary World | 2018

Validation of immunomodulatory effects of lipopolysaccharide through expression profiling of Th1 and Th2 biased genes in Newcastle disease virus vaccinated indigenous chicken

Rabia Bhardwaj; Ramneek Verma; Dipak Deka; P. P. Dubey; Jaspreet Singh Arora; R. S. Sethi; T. C. Tolenkhomba; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay

Background and Aim Newcastle disease (ND) is considered one of the most important poultry diseases with chicken morbidity and mortality rates up to 100%. Current vaccination programs allow the use of live attenuated vaccines in the field to protect against the disease, which alone is inefficient and requires repeat booster doses. Toll-like receptor agonists (e.g., lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) as adjuvants are the ones, most extensively studied and have shown to be very promising in delivering a robust balanced immune response. In the present study, we have evaluated the potential of LPS to elicit a strong immune response with respect to the elicitation of both Th1 (cell-mediated) and Th2 (humoral) immune arms. Materials and Methods A total of 72 apparently healthy 1-day-old indigenous unvaccinated chicks were randomly divided into six experimental Groups A to F (n=12). At 8-week of age chicks in Group A, C, and E were vaccinated with live attenuated La Sota strain ND vaccine along with LPS, bovine serum albumin, and normal saline solution, respectively, and those in Group B, D, and E were kept separately without vaccination. Sampling was done on days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 35, and 60 after vaccination. After vaccination and respective adjuvant application, Th1 and Th2 cytokine expression were measured in mRNA of both blood and tissue samples. Results The results were validated by, hemagglutination inhibition and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests, to check for the humoral as well as cell-mediated immune response in blood serum levels. The results showed an increase in mRNA expression of the Th1 biased cytokines in Group A (LPS+NDV) as compared to the control groups. Similar mRNA expression pattern was seen in blood as well as tissue samples. Validation of results also indicates an increase in Cell-mediated Immunity as well as a humoral immune response in Group A (LPS+NDV). Conclusion The results of the study provided enough evidence to consider LPS as a potential vaccine adjuvants candidate against ND in chicken.

Archive | 2018

Omics Approaches and Applications in Dairy and Food Processing Technology

Rekha Chawla; Jaspreet Singh Arora; Rajesh K. Dubey; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay

Abstract This chapter deals with the specific information on the use of omics techniques with its special relevance to the proteomics of milk and milk products. It starts with the general overview of the proteomics techniques that can be used for food products with difference in their preliminarily processing and fractionization based on the food product under target. Assessing quality at farm to the consumer table has been well taken up to match quality parameters in terms of consumers’ needs. It then explains the researches being done on milk and a few milk products. In context of food quality, the use of proteomics in assessing food quality and managing the same at farm level has also been demonstrated. By the end of this chapter, role of transcriptomics in food safety was taken up in detail and its future prospects in food formulation have been discussed.

Computational Biology and Chemistry | 2017

Biocomputational identification and validation of novel microRNAs predicted from bubaline whole genome shotgun sequences

H.K. Manku; Jasdeep Kaur Dhanoa; Simarjeet Kaur; Jaspreet Singh Arora; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small (19-25 base long), non-coding RNAs that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression by cleaving targeted mRNAs in several eukaryotes. The miRNAs play vital roles in multiple biological and metabolic processes, including developmental timing, signal transduction, cell maintenance and differentiation, diseases and cancers. Experimental identification of microRNAs is expensive and lab-intensive. Alternatively, computational approaches for predicting putative miRNAs from genomic or exomic sequences rely on features of miRNAs viz. secondary structures, sequence conservation, minimum free energy index (MFEI) etc. To date, not a single miRNA has been identified in bubaline (Bubalus bubalis), which is an economically important livestock. The present study aims at predicting the putative miRNAs of buffalo using comparative computational approach from buffalo whole genome shotgun sequencing data (INSDC: AWWX00000000.1). The sequences were blasted against the known mammalian miRNA. The obtained miRNAs were then passed through a series of filtration criteria to obtain the set of predicted (putative and novel) bubaline miRNA. Eight miRNAs were selected based on lowest E-value and validated by real time PCR (SYBR green chemistry) using RNU6 as endogenous control. The results from different trails of real time PCR shows that out of selected 8 miRNAs, only 2 (hsa-miR-1277-5p; bta-miR-2285b) are not expressed in bubaline PBMCs. The potential target genes based on their sequence complementarities were then predicted using miRanda. This work is the first report on prediction of bubaline miRNA from whole genome sequencing data followed by experimental validation. The finding could pave the way to future studies in economically important traits in buffalo.

Journal of Pesticide Science | 2016

Indoxacarb interaction alters immunotoxic and genotoxic potential of endotoxin

Kaur Sandeep; Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay; Jaspreet Singh Arora; R. S. Sethi

Indoxacarb is commonly used to effectively control pests, cockroaches, termites, fleas, and houseflies. Although the toxicological profile of indoxacarb had already been well characterized, we examined the possible toxicological interaction with indoxacarb and endotoxin. Male Swiss albino mice aged 8-10 weeks were orally administered indoxacarb dissolved in groundnut oil at 4 mg/kg/day and 2 mg/kg/day for 90 days. On day 91, five animals from each group were challenged with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) at 80 µg/mouse, administered intranasally. Indoxacarb at 4 mg/kg significantly decreased Total leukocyte count, lymphocytopenia, and neutrophilia. Both doses of indoxacarb combined with LPS resulted in significant lymphocytopenia. Indoxacarb did not produce DNA damage in comet assay, but when combined with LPS, it resulted in a significant increase in tail length, tail moment, and olive moment. The data indicate that indoxacarb at 4 mg/kg administered orally for 90 days induced immune-response change. Further, both doses of indoxacarb, when combined with LPS, accelerate immunotoxicity and endotoxin-induced DNA damage.

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