
Physical Review Letters | 2017

10-Qubit Entanglement and Parallel Logic Operations with a Superconducting Circuit.

Chao Song; Kai Xu; Wuxin Liu; Chui-Ping Yang; Shi-Biao Zheng; Hui Deng; Qiwei Xie; Keqiang Huang; Qiujiang Guo; Libo Zhang; Pengfei Zhang; Da Xu; Dongning Zheng; Xiaobo Zhu; H. Wang; Yu-Ao Chen; Chao-Yang Lu; Siyuan Han; Jian-Wei Pan

Here we report on the production and tomography of genuinely entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with up to ten qubits connecting to a bus resonator in a superconducting circuit, where the resonator-mediated qubit-qubit interactions are used to controllably entangle multiple qubits and to operate on different pairs of qubits in parallel. The resulting 10-qubit density matrix is probed by quantum state tomography, with a fidelity of 0.668±0.025. Our results demonstrate the largest entanglement created so far in solid-state architectures and pave the way to large-scale quantum computation.

Nature Communications | 2016

Coherent population transfer between uncoupled or weakly coupled states in ladder-type superconducting qutrits

H. K. Xu; Chao Song; W. Y. Liu; G. M. Xue; Feifan Su; Hui Deng; Ye Tian; Dongning Zheng; Siyuan Han; Y. P. Zhong; Hongtao Wang; Yu-xi Liu; S. P. Zhao

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage offers significant advantages for coherent population transfer between uncoupled or weakly coupled states and has the potential of realizing efficient quantum gate, qubit entanglement and quantum information transfer. Here we report on the realization of the process in the superconducting Xmon and phase qutrits—two ladder-type three-level systems in which the ground state population is coherently transferred to the second excited state via the dark state subspace. We demonstrate that the population transfer efficiency is no less than 96% and 67% for the two devices, which agree well with the numerical simulation of the master equation. Population transfer via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage is significantly more robust against variations of the experimental parameters compared with that via the conventional resonant π pulse method. Our work opens up a new venue for exploring the process for quantum information processing using the superconducting artificial atoms.

Physical Review Letters | 2016

Emulating Anyonic Fractional Statistical Behavior in a Superconducting Quantum Circuit

Y. P. Zhong; Da Xu; P. Wang; Chao Song; Qiujiang Guo; Wuxin Liu; Kuiwen Xu; B. X. Xia; Chao-Yang Lu; Siyuan Han; Jian-Wei Pan; Haohua Wang

Anyons are exotic quasiparticles obeying fractional statistics, whose behavior can be emulated in artificially designed spin systems. Here we present an experimental emulation of creating anyonic excitations in a superconducting circuit that consists of four qubits, achieved by dynamically generating the ground and excited states of the toric code model, i.e., four-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. The anyonic braiding is implemented via single-qubit rotations: a phase shift of π related to braiding, the hallmark of Abelian 1/2 anyons, has been observed through a Ramsey-type interference measurement.

Physical Review Letters | 2017

Solving Systems of Linear Equations with a Superconducting Quantum Processor

Yarui Zheng; Chao Song; Ming-Cheng Chen; Benxiang Xia; Wuxin Liu; Qiujiang Guo; Libo Zhang; Da Xu; Hui Deng; Keqiang Huang; Yulin Wu; Zhiguang Yan; Dongning Zheng; Li Lu; Jian-Wei Pan; Hongtao Wang; Chao-Yang Lu; Xiaobo Zhu

Superconducting quantum circuits are a promising candidate for building scalable quantum computers. Here, we use a four-qubit superconducting quantum processor to solve a two-dimensional system of linear equations based on a quantum algorithm proposed by Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 150502 (2009)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.103.150502], which promises an exponential speedup over classical algorithms under certain circumstances. We benchmark the solver with quantum inputs and outputs, and characterize it by nontrace-preserving quantum process tomography, which yields a process fidelity of 0.837±0.006. Our results highlight the potential of superconducting quantum circuits for applications in solving large-scale linear systems, a ubiquitous task in science and engineering.

Nature Communications | 2017

Continuous-variable geometric phase and its manipulation for quantum computation in a superconducting circuit

Chao Song; Shi-Biao Zheng; Pengfei Zhang; Kai Xu; Libo Zhang; Qiujiang Guo; Wuxin Liu; Da Xu; Hui Deng; Keqiang Huang; Dongning Zheng; Xiaobo Zhu; Hongtao Wang

Geometric phase, associated with holonomy transformation in quantum state space, is an important quantum-mechanical effect. Besides fundamental interest, this effect has practical applications, among which geometric quantum computation is a paradigm, where quantum logic operations are realized through geometric phase manipulation that has some intrinsic noise-resilient advantages and may enable simplified implementation of multi-qubit gates compared to the dynamical approach. Here we report observation of a continuous-variable geometric phase and demonstrate a quantum gate protocol based on this phase in a superconducting circuit, where five qubits are controllably coupled to a resonator. Our geometric approach allows for one-step implementation of n-qubit controlled-phase gates, which represents a remarkable advantage compared to gate decomposition methods, where the number of required steps dramatically increases with n. Following this approach, we realize these gates with n up to 4, verifying the high efficiency of this geometric manipulation for quantum computation.Geometric phase is of fundamental interest and has practical application in quantum computation. Here the authors observe continuous-variable geometric phase in a superconducting circuit and demonstrate a multi-qubit controlled phase gate protocol based on this geometric effect.

Chinese Physics B | 2017

Fabrication and characterization of ultra-low noise narrow and wide band Josephson parametric amplifiers*

Keqiang Huang; Qiujiang Guo; Chao Song; Yarui Zheng; Hui Deng; Yulin Wu; Yirong Jin; Xiaobo Zhu; Dongning Zheng

We have fabricated two types of lumped-element Josephson parameter amplifiers (JPAs) by using a multilayer micro-fabrication process involving wet etching of Al films. The first type is a narrow band JPA which shows typical gain above 14 dB in a bandwidth around 35 MHz. The second type is a wideband JPA which is coupled to an input 50 Ω transmission line via an impedance transformer that changes the impedance from about 15 Ω on the non-linear resonator side to 50 Ω on the input transmission line side. The wideband JPA could operate in a 200 MHz range with a gain higher than 14 dB. The amplifiers were used for superconducting qubit readout. The results showed that the signal to noise ratio and hence the readout fidelity were improved significantly.

Physical Review Letters | 2018

Emulating Many-Body Localization with a Superconducting Quantum Processor

Kai Xu; Jin-Jun Chen; Yu Zeng; Yu-Ran Zhang; Chao Song; Wuxin Liu; Qiujiang Guo; Pengfei Zhang; Da Xu; Hui Deng; Keqiang Huang; H. Wang; Xiaobo Zhu; Dongning Zheng; Heng Fan

arXiv: Quantum Physics | 2018

Experimental Realization of non-Adiabatic Shortcut to non-Abelian Geometric Gates

Tongxing Yan; Bao-Jie Liu; Kai Xu; Chao Song; Song Liu; Zhensheng Zhang; Hui Deng; Zhiguang Yan; Hao Rong; Man-Hong Yung; Yuanzhen Chen; Dapeng Yu

Physical Review Letters | 2018

Demonstration of Topological Robustness of Anyonic Braiding Statistics with a Superconducting Quantum Circuit

Chao Song; Da Xu; Pengfei Zhang; Jianwen Wang; Qiujiang Guo; Wuxin Liu; Kai Xu; Hui Deng; Keqiang Huang; Dongning Zheng; Shi-Biao Zheng; H. Wang; Xiaobo Zhu; Chao-Yang Lu; Jian-Wei Pan

Physical Review Letters | 2018

Dephasing-Insensitive Quantum Information Storage and Processing with Superconducting Qubits

Qiujiang Guo; Shi-Biao Zheng; Jianwen Wang; Chao Song; Pengfei Zhang; Kemin Li; Wuxin Liu; Hui Deng; Keqiang Huang; Dongning Zheng; Xiaobo Zhu; H. Wang; Chao-Yang Lu; Jian-Wei Pan

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