
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2009

Transport and release of chemicals from plastics to the environment and to wildlife.

Emma L. Teuten; Jovita M. Saquing; Detlef R.U. Knappe; Morton A. Barlaz; Susanne Jonsson; Annika Björn; Steven J. Rowland; Richard C. Thompson; Tamara S. Galloway; Rei Yamashita; Daisuke Ochi; Yutaka Watanuki; Charles J. Moore; Pham Hung Viet; Touch Seang Tana; Maricar Prudente; Ruchaya Boonyatumanond; Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria; Kongsap Akkhavong; Yuko Ogata; Hisashi Hirai; Satoru Iwasa; Kaoruko Mizukawa; Yuki Hagino; Ayako Imamura; Mahua Saha; Hideshige Takada

Plastics debris in the marine environment, including resin pellets, fragments and microscopic plastic fragments, contain organic contaminants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides (2,2′-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane, hexachlorinated hexanes), polybrominated diphenylethers, alkylphenols and bisphenol A, at concentrations from sub ng g–1 to µg g–1. Some of these compounds are added during plastics manufacture, while others adsorb from the surrounding seawater. Concentrations of hydrophobic contaminants adsorbed on plastics showed distinct spatial variations reflecting global pollution patterns. Model calculations and experimental observations consistently show that polyethylene accumulates more organic contaminants than other plastics such as polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. Both a mathematical model using equilibrium partitioning and experimental data have demonstrated the transfer of contaminants from plastic to organisms. A feeding experiment indicated that PCBs could transfer from contaminated plastics to streaked shearwater chicks. Plasticizers, other plastics additives and constitutional monomers also present potential threats in terrestrial environments because they can leach from waste disposal sites into groundwater and/or surface waters. Leaching and degradation of plasticizers and polymers are complex phenomena dependent on environmental conditions in the landfill and the chemical properties of each additive. Bisphenol A concentrations in leachates from municipal waste disposal sites in tropical Asia ranged from sub µg l–1 to mg l–1 and were correlated with the level of economic development.

PLOS ONE | 2014

Plastic Pollution in the World's Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea

Marcus Eriksen; Laurent Lebreton; Henry S. Carson; Martin Thiel; Charles J. Moore; Jose C. Borerro; François Galgani; Peter G. Ryan; Julia Reisser

Plastic pollution is ubiquitous throughout the marine environment, yet estimates of the global abundance and weight of floating plastics have lacked data, particularly from the Southern Hemisphere and remote regions. Here we report an estimate of the total number of plastic particles and their weight floating in the worlds oceans from 24 expeditions (2007–2013) across all five sub-tropical gyres, costal Australia, Bay of Bengal and the Mediterranean Sea conducting surface net tows (N = 680) and visual survey transects of large plastic debris (N = 891). Using an oceanographic model of floating debris dispersal calibrated by our data, and correcting for wind-driven vertical mixing, we estimate a minimum of 5.25 trillion particles weighing 268,940 tons. When comparing between four size classes, two microplastic <4.75 mm and meso- and macroplastic >4.75 mm, a tremendous loss of microplastics is observed from the sea surface compared to expected rates of fragmentation, suggesting there are mechanisms at play that remove <4.75 mm plastic particles from the ocean surface.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2009

Plastics, the environment and human health: current consensus and future trends

Richard C. Thompson; Charles J. Moore; S Frederick; Shanna H. Swan

Plastics have transformed everyday life; usage is increasing and annual production is likely to exceed 300 million tonnes by 2010. In this concluding paper to the Theme Issue on Plastics, the Environment and Human Health, we synthesize current understanding of the benefits and concerns surrounding the use of plastics and look to future priorities, challenges and opportunities. It is evident that plastics bring many societal benefits and offer future technological and medical advances. However, concerns about usage and disposal are diverse and include accumulation of waste in landfills and in natural habitats, physical problems for wildlife resulting from ingestion or entanglement in plastic, the leaching of chemicals from plastic products and the potential for plastics to transfer chemicals to wildlife and humans. However, perhaps the most important overriding concern, which is implicit throughout this volume, is that our current usage is not sustainable. Around 4 per cent of world oil production is used as a feedstock to make plastics and a similar amount is used as energy in the process. Yet over a third of current production is used to make items of packaging, which are then rapidly discarded. Given our declining reserves of fossil fuels, and finite capacity for disposal of waste to landfill, this linear use of hydrocarbons, via packaging and other short-lived applications of plastic, is simply not sustainable. There are solutions, including material reduction, design for end-of-life recyclability, increased recycling capacity, development of bio-based feedstocks, strategies to reduce littering, the application of green chemistry life-cycle analyses and revised risk assessment approaches. Such measures will be most effective through the combined actions of the public, industry, scientists and policymakers. There is some urgency, as the quantity of plastics produced in the first 10 years of the current century is likely to approach the quantity produced in the entire century that preceded.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2009

Monitoring the abundance of plastic debris in the marine environment

Peter G. Ryan; Charles J. Moore; Jan A. van Franeker; Coleen L. Moloney

Plastic debris has significant environmental and economic impacts in marine systems. Monitoring is crucial to assess the efficacy of measures implemented to reduce the abundance of plastic debris, but it is complicated by large spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the amounts of plastic debris and by our limited understanding of the pathways followed by plastic debris and its long-term fate. To date, most monitoring has focused on beach surveys of stranded plastics and other litter. Infrequent surveys of the standing stock of litter on beaches provide crude estimates of debris types and abundance, but are biased by differential removal of litter items by beachcombing, cleanups and beach dynamics. Monitoring the accumulation of stranded debris provides an index of debris trends in adjacent waters, but is costly to undertake. At-sea sampling requires large sample sizes for statistical power to detect changes in abundance, given the high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Another approach is to monitor the impacts of plastics. Seabirds and other marine organisms that accumulate plastics in their stomachs offer a cost-effective way to monitor the abundance and composition of small plastic litter. Changes in entanglement rates are harder to interpret, as they are sensitive to changes in population sizes of affected species. Monitoring waste disposal on ships and plastic debris levels in rivers and storm-water runoff is useful because it identifies the main sources of plastic debris entering the sea and can direct mitigation efforts. Different monitoring approaches are required to answer different questions, but attempts should be made to standardize approaches internationally.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2001

A comparison of plastic and plankton in the north Pacific central gyre.

Charles J. Moore; Shelly L. Moore; Molly K. Leecaster; Stephen B. Weisberg

The potential for ingestion of plastic particles by open ocean filter feeders was assessed by measuring the relative abundance and mass of neustonic plastic and zooplankton in surface waters under the central atmospheric high-pressure cells of the North Pacific Ocean. Neuston samples were collected at 11 random sites, using a manta trawl lined with 333 u mesh. The abundance and mass of neustonic plastic was the largest recorded anywhere in the Pacific Ocean at 334271 pieces km2 and 5114 g km2, respectively. Plankton abundance was approximately five times higher than that of plastic, but the mass of plastic was approximately six times that of plankton. The most frequently sampled types of identifiable plastic were thin films, polypropylene/monofilament line and unidentified plastic, most of which were miscellaneous fragments. Cumulatively, these three types accounted for 99% of the total number of plastic pieces.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2010

Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Central Gyre

Christiana M. Boerger; Gwendolyn L. Lattin; Shelly L. Moore; Charles J. Moore

A significant amount of marine debris has accumulated in the North Pacific Central Gyre (NPCG). The effects on larger marine organisms have been documented through cases of entanglement and ingestion; however, little is known about the effects on lower trophic level marine organisms. This study is the first to document ingestion and quantify the amount of plastic found in the gut of common planktivorous fish in the NPCG. From February 11 to 14, 2008, 11 neuston samples were collected by manta trawl in the NPCG. Plastic from each trawl and fish stomach was counted and weighed and categorized by type, size class and color. Approximately 35% of the fish studied had ingested plastic, averaging 2.1 pieces per fish. Additional studies are needed to determine the residence time of ingested plastics and their effects on fish health and the food chain implications.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2009

Our plastic age

Richard C. Thompson; Shanna H. Swan; Charles J. Moore; Frederick S. vom Saal

Within the last few decades, plastics have revolutionized our daily lives. Globally we use in excess of 260 million tonnes of plastic per annum, accounting for approximately 8 per cent of world oil production. In this Theme Issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, we describe current and future trends in usage, together with the many benefits that plastics bring to society. At the same time, we examine the environmental consequences resulting from the accumulation of waste plastic, the effects of plastic debris on wildlife and concerns for human health that arise from the production, usage and disposal of plastics. Finally, we consider some possible solutions to these problems together with the research and policy priorities necessary for their implementation.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2009

International Pellet Watch: Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in coastal waters. 1. Initial phase data on PCBs, DDTs, and HCHs

Yuko Ogata; Hideshige Takada; Kaoruko Mizukawa; Hisashi Hirai; Satoru Iwasa; Satoshi Endo; Yukie Mato; Mahua Saha; Keiji Okuda; Arisa Nakashima; Michio Murakami; Nico Zurcher; Ruchaya Booyatumanondo; Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria; Le Quang Dung; Miriam Gordon; Carlos Miguez; Satoru Suzuki; Charles J. Moore; Hrissi K. Karapanagioti; Steven Weerts; Tim McClurg; Erick Burres; Wally Smith; Michael Van Velkenburg; Judith Selby Lang; Richard C. Lang; Duane Laursen; Brenda Danner; Nickol Stewardson

Samples of polyethylene pellets were collected at 30 beaches from 17 countries and analyzed for organochlorine compounds. PCB concentrations in the pellets were highest on US coasts, followed by western Europe and Japan, and were lower in tropical Asia, southern Africa and Australia. This spatial pattern reflected regional differences in the usage of PCBs and was positively correlated with data from Mussel Watch, another monitoring approach. DDTs showed high concentrations on the US west coast and in Vietnam. In Vietnam, DDT was predominant over its metabolites (DDE and DDD), suggesting the principal source may be current usage of the pesticide for malaria control. High concentrations of pesticide HCHs were detected in the pellets from southern Africa, suggesting current usage of the pesticides in southern Africa. This study demonstrates the utility and feasibility of the International Pellet Watch approach to monitor POPs at a global scale.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2011

Organic micropollutants in marine plastics debris from the open ocean and remote and urban beaches

Hisashi Hirai; Hideshige Takada; Yuko Ogata; Rei Yamashita; Kaoruko Mizukawa; Mahua Saha; Charita Kwan; Charles J. Moore; Holly Gray; Duane Laursen; Erik R. Zettler; John W. Farrington; Christopher M. Reddy; Emily E. Peacock; Marc W. Ward

To understand the spatial variation in concentrations and compositions of organic micropollutants in marine plastic debris and their sources, we analyzed plastic fragments (∼10 mm) from the open ocean and from remote and urban beaches. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), alkylphenols and bisphenol A were detected in the fragments at concentrations from 1 to 10,000 ng/g. Concentrations showed large piece-to-piece variability. Hydrophobic organic compounds such as PCBs and PAHs were sorbed from seawater to the plastic fragments. PCBs are most probably derived from legacy pollution. PAHs showed a petrogenic signature, suggesting the sorption of PAHs from oil slicks. Nonylphenol, bisphenol A, and PBDEs came mainly from additives and were detected at high concentrations in some fragments both from remote and urban beaches and the open ocean.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2002

A comparison of neustonic plastic and zooplankton abundance in southern California's coastal waters

Charles J. Moore; Shelly L. Moore; Stephen B. Weisberg; Gwen Lattin; Ann Zellers

The density of neustonic plastic particles was compared to that of zooplankton in the coastal ocean near Long Beach, California. Two trawl surveys were conducted, one after an extended dry period when there was little land-based runoff, the second shortly after a storm when runoff was extensive. On each survey, neuston samples were collected at five sites along a transect parallel to shore using a manta trawl lined with 333 micro mesh. Average plastic density during the study was 8 pieces per cubic meter, though density after the storm was seven times that prior to the storm. The mass of plastics was also higher after the storm, though the storm effect on mass was less than it was for density, reflecting a smaller average size of plastic particles after the storm. The average mass of plastic was two and a half times greater than that of plankton, and even greater after the storm. The spatial pattern of the ratio also differed before and after a storm. Before the storm, greatest plastic to plankton ratios were observed at two stations closest to shore, whereas after the storm these had the lowest ratios.

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