
Featured researches published by Charles S. Davis.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 1991

A Phase I Evaluation of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Vaccination with Recombinant gp160 in Patients with Early Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

Robert R. Redfield; Deborah L. Birx; Nzeera Ketter; Edmund C. Tramont; Victoria R. Polonis; Charles S. Davis; John F. Brundage; Gale Smith; Steven B. Johnson; Arnold K. Fowler; Thomas F. Wierzba; Avigdor Shafferman; Franklin Volvovitz; Charles N. Oster; Donald S. Burke

BACKGROUND Despite multiple antiviral humoral and cellular immune responses, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) results in a progressively debilitating disease. We hypothesized that a more effective immune response could be generated by post-infection vaccination with HIV-specific antigens. METHODS We performed a phase I trial of the safety and immunogenicity of a vaccine prepared from molecularly cloned envelope protein, gp160, in 30 volunteer subjects with HIV infection in Walter Reed stage 1 or 2. The vaccine was administered either on days 0, 30, and 120 or on days 0, 30, 60, 120, 150, and 180. HIV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses were measured; local and systemic reactions to vaccination, including general measures of immune function, were monitored. RESULTS In 19 of the 30 subjects both humoral and cellular immunity to HIV envelope proteins increased in response to vaccination with gp160. Seroconversion to selected envelope epitopes was observed, as were new T-cell proliferative responses to gp160. Response was associated with the CD4 cell count determined before vaccination (13 of 16 subjects [81 percent] with greater than 600 cells per milliliter responded, as compared with 6 of 14 [43 percent] with less than or equal to 600 cells per milliliter; P = 0.07) and with the number of injections administered (87 percent of subjects randomly assigned to receive six injections responded, as compared with 40 percent of those assigned to three injections; P = 0.02). Local reactions at the site of injection were mild. There were no adverse systemic reactions, including diminution of general in vitro or in vivo cellular immune function. After 10 months of follow-up, the mean CD4 count had not decreased in the 19 subjects who responded, but it had decreased by 7.3 percent in the 11 who did not respond. CONCLUSIONS This gp160 vaccine is safe and immunogenic in volunteer patients with early HIV infection. Although it is too early to know whether this approach will be clinically useful, further scientific and therapeutic evaluation of HIV-specific vaccine therapy is warranted. Similar vaccines may prove to be effective for other chronic infections.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1995

Tumor perfusion studies using fast magnetic resonance imaging technique in advanced cervical cancer: A new noninvasive predictive assay

Nina A. Mayr; William T. C. Yuh; Vincent A. Magnotta; James C. Ehrhardt; James A. Wheeler; Joel I. Sorosky; Charles S. Davis; B.-Chen Wen; Douglas Martin; Retta E. Pelsang; Richard E. Buller; Larry W. Oberley; David E. Mellenberg; David H. Hussey

PURPOSE This study investigated sequential changes in tumor blood supply using magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion imaging and assessed their significance in the prediction of outcome of patients with advanced cervical cancer. The purpose of this project was to devise a simple, noninvasive method to predict early signs of treatment failure in advanced cervical cancer treated with conventional radiation therapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS Sixty-eight MR perfusion studies were performed prospectively in 17 patients with squamous carcinomas (14) and adenocarcinomas (3) of the cervix, Stages bulky IB (1), IIB (5), IIIA (1), IIIB (8), and IVA (1), and recurrent (1). Four sequential studies were obtained in each patient: immediately before radiation therapy (pretherapy), after a dose of 20-22 Gy/ approximately 2 weeks (early therapy), after a dose of 40-45 Gy/ approximately 4-5 weeks (midtherapy), and 4-6 weeks after completion of therapy (follow-up). Perfusion imaging of the tumor was obtained at 3-s intervals in the sagittal plane. A bolus of 0.1 mmol/kg of MR contrast material (gadoteridol) was injected intravenously 30 s after beginning image acquisition at a rate of 9 ml/s using a power injector. Time/signal-intensity curves to reflect the onset, slope, and relative signal intensity (rSI) of contrast enhancement in the tumor region were generated. Median follow-up was 8 months (range 3-18 months). RESULTS Tumors with a higher tissue perfusion (rSI > or = 2.8) in the pretherapy and early therapy (20-22 Gy) studies had a lower incidence of local recurrence than those with a rSI of < 2.8, but this was not statistically significant (13% vs. 67%; p = 0.05). An increase in tumor perfusion early during therapy (20-22 Gy), particularly to an rSI of > or = 2.8, was the strongest predictor of local recurrence (0% vs. 78%; p = 0.002). However, pelvic examination during early therapy (20-22 Gy) commonly showed no appreciable tumor regression. The slope of the time/signal-intensity curve obtained before and during radiation therapy also correlated with local recurrence. Follow-up perfusion studies did not provide information to predict recurrence. CONCLUSION These preliminary results suggest that two simple MR perfusion studies before and early in therapy can offer important information on treatment outcome within the first 2 weeks of radiation therapy before response is evident by clinical examination. High tumor perfusion before therapy and increasing or persistent high perfusion early during the course of therapy appear to be favorable signs. High perfusion suggests a high blood and oxygen supply to the tumor. The increase in tumor perfusion seen in some patients early during radiation therapy suggests improved oxygenation of previously hypoxic cells following early cell kill. Radiation therapy is more effective in eradicating these tumors, resulting in improved local control. Our technique may be helpful in identifying early-while more aggressive therapy can still be implemented-those patients who respond poorly to conventional radiation therapy.

Neurology | 1994

The Clinician Interview‐ Based Impression (CIBI) A clinician's global change rating scale in Alzheimer's disease

David S. Knopman; Margaret J. Knapp; Stephen I. Gracon; Charles S. Davis

Global assessments are Food and Drug Administration-required primary outcome measures in trials of putative antidementia drugs. Global ratings are intended to provide an index of clinical importance of change that cannot be obtained from quantitative assessment measures such as mental status examinations. We examined the performance of a global assessment of change instrument, the Clinician Interview-Based Impression (CIBI), in the placebo group of a 30-week, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of tacrine in patients with Alzheimers disease. Initially there were 184 placebo patients, of whom 125 completed the 30-week study. Descriptive statistics, correlations with changes on other assessment instruments, and test-retest reliability were determined for the CIBI. At week 30, clinicians rated more than 40% of patients on the CIBI as unchanged. The CIBI ratings were weakly but significantly correlated, in the expected direction, with change scores on the quantitative cognitive assessments. The CIBI was modestly reliable on test- retest at weeks 22 and 24 but less reliable compared with other quantitative outcome measures. Modifications of the CIBI that might improve its reliability and acceptance include (1) no restrictions on the form of the bedside mental status assessment, (2) inclusion of caregiver input, and (3) better definition of ratings on the global scale. Global instruments, if properly constructed, can provide an index of clinically important change for the assessment of dementia patients.

Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2002


Brian C. Cooper; Anil K. Sood; Charles S. Davis; Justine M. Ritchie; Joel I. Sorosky; Barrie Anderson; Richard E. Buller

OBJECTIVE To estimate the association of preoperative CA 125 levels with outcome in primary ovarian cancer patients. METHODS One hundred forty‐two patients with epithelial ovarian cancer, who had a serum CA 125 level drawn before surgery, were retrospectively evaluated. The relationship of preoperative CA 125 levels and various preoperative and postoperative variables was evaluated. CA 125 levels were determined using a solid‐phase immunoassay. RESULTS The median CA 125 value for all patients was 582 U/mL (range 7–52,930 U/mL). Preoperative CA 125 values did not correlate with increasing age (P = .40), but were found to be significantly associated with serous histology compared with other histology (median CA 125 of 870 versus 334 U/mL, P = .02), high‐stage (III/IV) compared with low‐stage (median CA 125 of 893 versus 174 U/mL, P < .001), high tumor grade (3) compared with grade 1 or 2 (median CA 125 of 928 versus 323 U/mL, P < .001), and the presence of ascites compared with absence of ascites (median CA 125 of 893 versus 220 U/mL, P < .001). Suboptimal cytoreduction (more than 1 cm residual) was associated with significantly higher CA 125 levels (1067 U/mL) compared with individuals with optimal cytoreduction (399 U/mL, P < .001). Preoperative CA 125 values less than 500 U/mL had a positive predictive value for optimal cytoreduction of 82%, but a poor negative predictive value of 48%. After adjusting for covariates, there was a significant association between CA 125 levels and disease‐specific survival. As preoperative CA 125 levels increased, the risk of death increased except at the highest values of CA 125. CONCLUSION Preoperative CA 125 is an independent risk factor for death due to disease in ovarian cancer, but not a reliable predictor of optimal cytoreduction.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1995

Usefulness of tumor volumetry by magnetic resonance imaging in assessing response to radiation therapy in carcinoma of the uterine cervix

Nina A. Mayr; Vincent A. Magnotta; James C. Ehrhardt; James A. Wheeler; Joel I. Sorosky; B.-Chen Wen; Charles S. Davis; Retta E. Pelsang; Barrie Anderson; J. Fred Doornbos; David H. Hussey; William T. C. Yuh

PURPOSE Clinical evaluation of tumor size in cervical cancer is often difficult, and clinical signs of radiation therapy failure may not be present until well after completion of treatment. The purpose of this study is to investigate early indicators of treatment response using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for quantitative assessment of tumor volume and tumor regression rate before, during, and after radiation therapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS Thirty-four patients with cervical cancer Stages IB [5], IIB [8], IIIA [1], IIIB [14], IVA [3], IVB [1], and recurrent [2] were studied prospectively with four serial MR examinations obtained at the start of radiation therapy, at 2-2.5 weeks (20-24 Gy), at 4-5 weeks (40-50 Gy), and 1-2 months after treatment completion. Tumor volume was assessed by three-dimensional volumetric measurements using T2-weighted images of each MR examination. The volume regression rate was generated based on the four sequential MR studies. These findings were correlated with local control, metastasis rate, and disease-free survival. Median follow-up was 18 months (range: 9-43 months). RESULTS The tumor regression rate after a dose of 40-50 Gy correlated significantly with treatment outcome. The actuarial 2-year disease-free survival was 88.4% in patients with tumors regressing to < 20% of the initial volume compared with 45.4% in those with > or = 20% residual (p = 0.007). The incidence of local recurrence was 9.5% (2 out of 21) and 76.9% (10 out of 13), respectively (p < 0.001). Analysis by initial tumor volume showed that this observation was valid in patients with initial volumes between 40 and 100 cm3. Analysis by FIGO stage confirmed this observation in all patients except those with Stage IB. CONCLUSION Sequential tumor volumetry using MR imaging appears to be a sensitive measure of the responsiveness of cervical cancer to irradiation. Treatment response can be assessed as early as during the course of radiation therapy by measurement of initial tumor volume and regression rate at 40-50 Gy. In patients with large (> 40 cm3) and advanced (Stage > or = IIIA) tumors, this technique may be helpful in supplementing the clinical examination for response assessment. The identification of patients at high risk for treatment failure may ultimately lead to improved clinical outcome.

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 1996

Obesity and prognosis in endometrial cancer.

Barrie Anderson; Joseph P. Connor; Janet I. Andrews; Charles S. Davis; Richard E. Buller; Joel I. Sorosky; Jo Ann Benda

OBJECTIVE We tested the null hypothesis that morbid obesity as measured by the Quetelet index has no influence on survival in endometrial cancer. STUDY DESIGN A retrospective study of 492 women with endometrial carcinoma was performed. Age, height, weight, Quetelet index, stage, cell type, grade, node status, peritoneal cytologic findings, and depth of myometrial invasion were analyzed for influence on survival. RESULTS Mean Quetelet index was 34 (range 16 to 89). Quetelet index was < 30 in 45% of patients, 30 to 40 in 33%, and > 40 in 22%. Five percent of those with a Quetelet index > 40 had positive nodes, but 64% of patients with a Quetelet index > 40 did not have lymph node sampling done. Lack of sampling of lymph nodes in the entire group had no adverse effect on survival. In a proportional hazards regression model for time from diagnosis to death from disease, grade, node status, myometrial invasion, and stage had highly significant effects. When Quetelet index was analyzed as a continuous variable, as Quetelet index increased, time to recurrence was significantly increased (p = 0.0136), and significance was approached for survival (p = 0.0645). Quetelet index was strongly related to grade (p = 0.013), depth of myometrial invasion (p = 0.031), negative cytologic findings (p = 0.004), and stage (p = 0.011) with obese patients having better differentiated, less invasive tumors of lower stage with negative washings. CONCLUSIONS Morbid obesity positively affects survival in endometrial carcinoma. This effect is accounted for by the association of obesity with less aggressive disease. Morbid obesity is not associated with increased death from other causes. Lack of sampling of negative lymph nodes does not adversely affect survival.

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 1993

A computer program for regression analysis of repeated measures using generalized estimating equations

Charles S. Davis

RMGEE is an easy-to-use FORTRAN program for the analysis of repeated binary, count, and normally-distributed response variables using the generalized estimating equations approach of Liang and Zeger [1]. The program can be used when measurements are obtained at multiple time points from each subject or experimental unit, and also when the basic sampling unit is a group or cluster of subjects, and the response variable of interest is obtained from each subject within the cluster. It is not necessary for the number of repeated measurements to be the same for every experimental unit and missing data are easily accommodated. Both time-independent (cluster-specific) and time-dependent (occasion- or subject-specific) covariates are permitted. The program can be run on microcomputers, workstations, and mainframe computers. Three examples illustrating the usage and features of RMGEE are provided.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine | 2002

Workforce participation by persons with disabilities: the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement, 1994 to 1995.

Craig Zwerling; Paul S. Whitten; Nancy L. Sprince; Charles S. Davis; Robert B. Wallace; Peter Blanck; Steven G. Heeringa

Using the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement of 1994 to 1995, we examined the factors associated with employment among Americans with disabilities. Persons with disabilities who were more educated were more likely to be working. Married men were more likely to work than unmarried men (odds ratio [OR], 1.58). Blacks were less likely to work than whites (OR, 0.56). Persons with disabilities related to cardiovascular disease (OR, 0.23), musculoskeletal disease (OR, 0.37), and respiratory disease (OR, 0.23) were less likely to work than other Americans with disabilities. Among persons with psychiatric disorders, there was considerable variety in the propensity to work. Persons with schizophrenia (OR, 0.24) and paranoid delusional disorder (OR, 0.34) were markedly less likely to work; persons with bipolar disorder (OR, 0.60) and major depression (OR, 0.69) were also less likely to work. Lastly, persons with self-reported alcohol abuse (OR, 1.30) were more likely to work, and persons with self-reported drug abuse (OR, 0.93) were not less likely to work, than others in our study population of Americans with disabilities.

The Lancet | 2016

Efficacy and safety of tau-aggregation inhibitor therapy in patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, parallel-arm, phase 3 trial

Serge Gauthier; Howard Feldman; Lon S. Schneider; Gordon Wilcock; Giovanni B. Frisoni; Jiri Hardlund; Hans J Moebius; Peter Bentham; Karin A Kook; Damon Wischik; Bjoern Schelter; Charles S. Davis; Roger T. Staff; Luc Bracoud; Kohkan Shamsi; John M. D. Storey; Charles R. Harrington; Claude M. Wischik

BACKGROUND Leuco-methylthioninium bis(hydromethanesulfonate; LMTM), a stable reduced form of the methylthioninium moiety, acts as a selective inhibitor of tau protein aggregation both in vitro and in transgenic mouse models. Methylthioninium chloride has previously shown potential efficacy as monotherapy in patients with Alzheimers disease. We aimed to determine whether LMTM was safe and effective in modifying disease progression in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. METHODS We did a 15-month, randomised, controlled double-blind, parallel-group trial at 115 academic centres and private research clinics in 16 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, and Russia with patients younger than 90 years with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. Patients concomitantly using other medicines for Alzheimers disease were permitted to be included because we considered it infeasible not to allow their inclusion; however, patients using medicines carrying warnings of methaemoglobinaemia were excluded because the oxidised form of methylthioninium in high doses has been shown to induce this condition. We randomly assigned participants (3:3:4) to 75 mg LMTM twice a day, 125 mg LMTM twice a day, or control (4 mg LMTM twice a day to maintain blinding with respect to urine or faecal discolouration) administered as oral tablets. We did the randomisation with an interactive web response system using 600 blocks of length ten, and stratified patients by severity of disease, global region, whether they were concomitantly using Alzheimers disease-labelled medications, and site PET capability. Participants, their study partners (generally carers), and all assessors were masked to treatment assignment throughout the study. The coprimary outcomes were progression on the Alzheimers Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) and the Alzheimers Disease Co-operative Study-Activities of Daily Living Inventory (ADCS-ADL) scales from baseline assessed at week 65 in the modified intention-to-treat population. This trial is registered with (NCT01689246) and the European Union Clinical Trials Registry (2012-002866-11). FINDINGS Between Jan 29, 2013, and June 26, 2014, we recruited and randomly assigned 891 participants to treatment (357 to control, 268 to 75 mg LMTM twice a day, and 266 to 125 mg LMTM twice a day). The prespecified primary analyses did not show any treatment benefit at either of the doses tested for the coprimary outcomes (change in ADAS-Cog score compared with control [n=354, 6·32, 95% CI 5·31-7·34]: 75 mg LMTM twice a day [n=257] -0·02, -1·60 to 1·56, p=0·9834, 125 mg LMTM twice a day [n=250] -0·43, -2·06 to 1·20, p=0·9323; change in ADCS-ADL score compared with control [-8·22, 95% CI -9·63 to -6·82]: 75 mg LMTM twice a day -0·93, -3·12 to 1·26, p=0·8659; 125 mg LMTM twice a day -0·34, -2·61 to 1·93, p=0·9479). Gastrointestinal and urinary effects were the most common adverse events with both high doses of LMTM, and the most common causes for discontinuation. Non-clinically significant dose-dependent reductions in haemoglobin concentrations were the most common laboratory abnormality. Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities were noted in less than 1% (8/885) of participants. INTERPRETATION The primary analysis for this study was negative, and the results do not suggest benefit of LMTM as an add-on treatment for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. Findings from a recently completed 18-month trial of patients with mild Alzheimers disease will be reported soon. FUNDING TauRx Therapeutics.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine | 2003

Inhibition of oral cancer cell growth by adenovirusMnSOD plus BCNU treatment.

Christine J. Weydert; Benjamin Barnes Smith; Linjing Xu; Kevin C. Kregel; Justine M. Ritchie; Charles S. Davis; Larry W. Oberley

We hypothesized that inhibitors of peroxide removal, such as BCNU, an indirect inhibitor of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT), a direct inhibitor of catalase (CAT), should cause toxicity to cancer cells after manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) overexpression due to elevated peroxide levels. In vitro, hamster cheek pouch carcinoma cells (HCPC-1) and human oral squamous carcinoma cells (SCC-25) were infected with various combinations of adenovirus containing MnSOD cDNA (AdMnSOD). Cells were then treated with or without BCNU and assayed for viability using Annexin/PI staining and flow cytometry. In AdMnSOD plus BCNU-treated SCC-25 and HCPC-1 cells, a 30-60% decrease in cell viability was observed compared to BCNU alone. In vivo, HCPC-1 and SCC-25 xenografts were allowed to grow to approximately 70 mm(3) and 10(9) plaque forming units (pfu) of AdMnSOD were injected directly into the tumors. Two days later, 15 or 30 mg/kg BCNU was injected intratumorally. Tumor growth was greatly inhibited (4- to 20-fold) by this combined treatment, as well as increasing animal survival. Tumor volume could be decreased further by giving multiple doses of AdMnSOD or inhibiting catalase activity with AT. These results suggest that, by using these combination therapies, a significant decrease in tumor mass can be achieved.

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