Charles V. Privette
Clemson University
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Featured researches published by Charles V. Privette.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | 2017
Stephen Cole; E. A. Mikhailova; Christopher J. Post; Charles V. Privette; Mark A. Schlautman; Michael P. Cope
ABSTRACT The infiltration rate (IR) of water is a key soil property related to hydrological processes, soil health, and ecosystem services. However, detailed measurements of IR in the field and/or laboratory are labor-intensive and expensive to perform. Soil judging in the field provides a rapid and inexpensive method to estimate IR classes based on soil texture, soil organic carbon/matter, and soil structure. The objectives of this study were to classify and compare soil texture and IR for the A horizon across the 147 ha Cornell University Willsboro Research Farm using the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database and field-based measurements. Soil texture was the dominating factor to explain the general trend of Entisols > Inceptisols > Alfisols with regard to IR in the A horizon. In general, the variability in soil texture observed in field measurements was consistent with the variability reported in the SSURGO database, although the SSURGO representative values for soil texture did not completely match measured mean values for all soil map units. With the exception of one soil map unit, estimates of IR classes utilizing soil judging in the field criteria also were consistent when using either SSURGO or field-based data. Estimating infiltration rate classes for ecosystem services frameworks using geospatial analysis of field and/or SSURGO data can be enhanced with emerging technologies (e.g., sensors) and/or easily measured conventional soil properties.
2013 Fourth International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application | 2013
Ian Taylor; Julia L. Sharp; David L. White; Jason O. Hallstrom; Gene Eidson; J. Barr von Oehsen; Edward B. Duffy; Charles V. Privette; Charles T. Cook; Aravindh Sampath; Gyanas Radhakrishnan
Real-time quality control (QC) of streaming natural resource data is needed to support the delivery of high quality data to system users. QC processes need to enable the identification of aberrations, as well as trends that may indicate degradation or component failures. These QC processes form a framework to support the goal of verified data delivered in a timely manner. In this paper, we investigate a method of computing Local Correlation Score (LCS) to detect anomalous patterns among sensor platforms in a concurrent manner. We use the R programming language and OpenMPI. Using empirical tests, we determine the benefits of computing the LCS in parallel, and on various sizes of clusters. We also analyze its use for real time mapping of Intelligent River data. Our results show that the LCS computed concurrently is an effective means for prompt quality assurance of natural resource data.
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012 | 2012
Charles V. Privette; John C Hayes; Stephen Taylor
With ever changing water quality regulations, continuing development of Greenville County, and the increased demand for our water resources, modeling the impacts that future development, and the pattern of that development, may have on the area is critical for preserving our water resources and for the economic health of the region. As the Upstate continues to develop, the negative effects that have been observed in the Reedy River Watershed will only increase. The objective of this study was to model and analyze the water quantity and quality impacts within the Reedy River Watershed from future growth.
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability | 2011
John C Hayes; Charles V. Privette; Calvin Sawyer; J. W. Price
Sediment is a significant negative byproduct of construction sites, agriculture, mining, and other land disturbing operations. Recently renewed attention has been given to controlling construction-derived sediment loading to natural waters. Evaluation of sediment control systems usually involves models that require input for prediction of sediment transport and deposition; therefore it is important to obtain eroded size distributions (ESD). ESD is used in detachment equations and determining pond efficiencies. Currently recommended procedures for estimating eroded size distributions used in design of sediment control structures often revert to simplistic rule of thumb methods, primarily due to lack of a universally accepted method. Sediment ponds and other structures designed by such estimates may be oversized or undersized. Another recommended method is based upon equations to determine amounts of sand, silt, clay, and large and small aggregates. Percentages of each are then used to estimate an ESD. Much research has been done for primary particle size distributions. The basic process is to take a sample of soil and mix a solution of sodium hexamedaphosphate and water to disperse aggregates into primary particles. However, primary particle distributions are not what are needed for estimating sediment transport and deposition because aggregates are naturally present in sediment-laden runoff. The importance of ESD becomes evident in settling velocities and in the amount of force required to keep the particle in transport. Previously, equations were statistically produced from a limited number of soils and later improved to better predict the amount of eroded material. These equations are used in the CREAMS (Chemical, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems) and other models. However, these equations have limited applicability because they were developed for agricultural soils with high clay content and organic matter. This paper compares methods based on the CREAMS equations with ESD obtained from a rainfall simulator in predicting ESD from soil textures in 17 southeastern U.S. topsoils and subsoils. Additionally, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service soil surveys contain dispersed particle size data in the engineering section. These data were used to get average percent clay and sand as input for the CREAMS equations, and values are then interpolated for ESD. A standard hydrometer test was also performed on each soil sampled in this project. ESD was calculated in much the same way as the soil surveys, except texture is a direct result of the hydrometer test. In addition, impact of errors in eroded size distribution on trapping efficiency of sediment control structures will also be demonstrated.
International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution (ISELE), 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska | 2011
Elizabeth Tempel; Charles V. Privette; Calvin Sawyer; John C Hayes
The conventional method of controlling sediment-laden runoff on construction sites is the use of sediment basins. These basins slow the velocity of runoff and allow particles to settle from the water column before discharge to surface waters offsite. This best management practice, however, may create a reservoir for Escherichia coli. Sediment is known to provide protection for bacteria; therefore, while these basins decrease sediment loadings to water bodies downstream, they may introduce harmful levels of pathogenic bacteria into receiving waters. In addition to increasing risk to human health, high bacteria levels may alter natural biological complexity of downstream ecosystems.
International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution (ISELE), 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska | 2011
Katherine E Resler; Calvin Sawyer; Charles V. Privette; John C Hayes
EPA has published effluent limitations guidelines (ELGs) to control discharge of pollutants from construction sites. Numeric turbidity limits for construction site discharge are expected to be required in the near future. Such requirements will likely include subjecting construction site stormwater discharges to a maximum allowable turbidity numeric effluent limit in nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) for sites disturbing 10 acres or more
21st Century Watershed Technology: Improving Water Quality and Environment Conference Proceedings, 21-24 February 2010, Universidad EARTH, Costa Rica | 2010
John C Hayes; Charles V. Privette; Elizabeth Tempel; David B. Willis; Matthew C. Huber
As upstate South Carolina continues to develop, stormwater runoff must be managed for its quantity and quality. Therefore, an incentive-based program to encourage developers to use low impact development (LID) designs is being developed for Greenville County. To achieve this goal, various best management practices (BMPs) were researched for their effectiveness and feasibility, and a post construction index (PCI) was developed to rate development. The PCI helps address questions about the benefit of small structures scattered around a development as compared to larger structures located near the outlet point and also considers economics of BMPs. The PCI is related to available parameters to scientifically anchor the PCI and make it directly related to stormwater runoff and water quality characteristics that reflect benefits of structural, non-structural, management and maintenance practices. The PCI is a function of nine (9) defined sub-factors with each having a range from zero to a maximum score of 5, 10, 15 or 20. Total scores for all sub-factors are used to differentiate between the water quality impacts of legacy, conventional, and innovative housing developments/LID designs.
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010 | 2010
Charles V. Privette; Ahmad Khalilian; Omar Torres; Katsberg
Water resources protection at the local level is becoming more complicated, largely due to non-point source (NPS) pollution. NPS pollution control requires identification of pollutant sources within a watershed and assessment of the hydrologic transport system (runoff) from the source to the water resource of concern. The amount of polluted runoff depends on many factors, including watershed land use, rainfall, and antecedent moisture conditions of the soil.
2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008 | 2008
Charles V. Privette; Bradley L Weeber
This work investigated the effectiveness of an anaerobically enhanced bioretention cell (BRC) for the treatment of highway runoff. The enhanced bioretention cell was design to capture the first half inch of runoff from the impervious surface of a highway intersection. The enhanced cell design included a bottom layer not traditionally found in bioretention systems whereby the process of denitrification could occur. Highway runoff and BRC discharge data were monitored and sampled for both water quantity and quality parameters. Common pollutants such as zinc, copper, nitrate, phosphate, oil, grease, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were analyzed. Samples were also drawn from the anoxic layer of the bioretention cell to determine the occurrence of denitrification.
2007 Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-20, 2007 | 2007
Charles V. Privette; Bradley L Weeber
The goal of this research was to investigate the phenomenon of first flush and to measure the effectiveness of an anaerobically enhanced bioretention cell (BRC) as a best management practice for treating highway runoff. If a strong first flush is present for a watershed, a bioretention cell or other BMP would not need to treat the entire runoff volume to make significant improvements on water quality. The enhanced bioretention cell for this study was design to capture the first half inch of runoff from the impervious surface of a highway intersection. The enhanced cell designed included an anaerobic bottom layer not traditionally found in bioretention systems. Highway runoff and BRC discharge data were monitored and sampled for both water quantity and quality parameters.