
Featured researches published by Charlotte Z. Bond.

Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems | 2017

Quantifying telescope phase discontinuities external to adaptive optics systems by use of phase diversity and focal plane sharpening

Masen Lamb; Carlos Correia; Jean-François Sauvage; Jean-Pierre Véran; David R. Andersen; A. Vigan; Peter L. Wizinowich; Marcos A. van Dam; Laurent M. Mugnier; Charlotte Z. Bond

Abstract. We propose and apply two methods to estimate pupil plane phase discontinuities for two realistic scenarios on the very large telescope (VLT) and Keck. The methods use both phase diversity and a form of image sharpening. For the case of VLT, we simulate the “low wind effect” (LWE) that is responsible for focal plane errors in the spectro-polarimetric high contrast exoplanet research (SPHERE) system in low wind and good seeing conditions. We successfully estimate the simulated LWE using both methods and show that they are complimentary to one another. We also demonstrate that single image phase diversity (also known as phase retrieval with diversity) is also capable of estimating the simulated LWE when using the natural defocus on the SPHERE/differential tip tilt sensor (DTTS) imager. We demonstrate that phase diversity can estimate the LWE to within 30-nm root mean square wavefront error (RMS WFE), which is within the allowable tolerances to achieve a target SPHERE contrast of 10−6. Finally, we simulate 153-nm RMS of piston errors on the mirror segments of Keck and produce NIRC2 images subject to these effects. We show that a single, diverse image with 1.5 waves (peak-to-valley) of focus can be used to estimate this error to within 29-nm RMS WFE, and a perfect correction of our estimation would increase the Strehl ratio of an NIRC2 image by 12%.

Optics Express | 2017

Iterative wave-front reconstruction in the Fourier domain

Charlotte Z. Bond; Carlos Correia; Jean-François Sauvage; Benoit Neichel; T. Fusco

The use of Fourier methods in wave-front reconstruction can significantly reduce the computation time for large telescopes with a high number of degrees of freedom. However, Fourier algorithms for discrete data require a rectangular data set which conform to specific boundary requirements, whereas wave-front sensor data is typically defined over a circular domain (the telescope pupil). Here we present an iterative Gerchberg routine modified for the purposes of discrete wave-front reconstruction which adapts the measurement data (wave-front sensor slopes) for Fourier analysis, fulfilling the requirements of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and providing accurate reconstruction. The routine is used in the adaptation step only and can be coupled to any other Wiener-like or least-squares method. We compare simulations using this method with previous Fourier methods and show an increase in performance in terms of Strehl ratio and a reduction in noise propagation for a 40×40 SPHERE-like adaptive optics system. For closed loop operation with minimal iterations the Gerchberg method provides an improvement in Strehl, from 95.4% to 96.9% in K-band. This corresponds to ~ 40 nm improvement in rms, and avoids the high spatial frequency errors present in other methods, providing an increase in contrast towards the edge of the correctable band.

Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018

Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC): status update

Dimitri Mawet; Nemanja Jovanovic; Jacques-Robert Delorme; Peter L. Wizinowich; James K. Wallace; Charlotte Z. Bond; Mark Richard Chun; Sylvain Cetre; Scott Lilley; Donald N. Hall; Daniel Echeverri

Here we report on the status of the The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC), which is an on-going series of upgrades to the W.M. Keck II adaptive optics system and instrument suite focused on exoplanet imaging and spectroscopic characterization. The KPIC infrared pyramid wavefront sensor and fiber injection unit to high-resolution infrared spectrograph NIRSPEC have been assembled, integrated and are under-going tests at the University of Hawaii before installation at the Summit in the Fall of 2018.

Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018

Fourier wavefront reconstruction with a pyramid wavefront sensor

Charlotte Z. Bond; Carlos Correia; Jean-François Sauvage; Kacem El Hadi; Benoit Neichel; Thierry Fusco

Using Fourier methods to reconstruct the phase measured by a wavefront sensor (WFS) can significantly re- duce the number of computations required, as well as easily enable predictive reconstruction methods based on knowledge of the adaptive optics system, atmospheric turbulence and wind profile. Previous work on Fourier re- construction has focused on the Shack-Hartmann WFS. With increasing interest in the highly sensitive Pyramid WFS we present the development of Fourier reconstruction tools tailored to the Pyramid sensor. We include the development of the Fourier model, it’s use for formulating error budgets and a laboratory demonstration of Fourier reconstruction with a Pyramid WFS.

Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII | 2018

First version of the fiber injection unit for the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer

Dimitri Mawet; Nemanja Jovanovic; James K. Wallace; Randall D. Bartos; Peter L. Wizinowich; Mike Fitzgerald; Jacques-Robert Delorme; Daniel Echeverri; Charlotte Z. Bond; Sylvain Cetre; Scott Lilley; Shane Jacobson

Coupling a high-contrast imaging instrument to a high-resolution spectrograph has the potential to enable the most detailed characterization of exoplanet atmospheres, including spin measurements and Doppler mapping. The high-contrast imaging system serves as a spatial filter to separate the light from the star and the planet while the high-resolution spectrograph acts as a spectral filter, which differentiates between features in the stellar and planetary spectra. The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) located downstream from the current W. M. Keck II adaptive optics (AO) system will contain a fiber injection unit (FIU) combining a high-contrast imaging system and a fiber feed to Keck’s high resolution infrared spectrograph NIRSPEC. Resolved thermal emission from known young giant exoplanets will be injected into a single-mode fiber linked to NIRSPEC, thereby allowing the spectral characterization of their atmospheres. Moreover, the resolution of NIRSPEC (R = 37,500 after upgrade) is high enough to enable spin measurements and Doppler imaging of atmospheric weather phenomenon. The module was integrated at Caltech and shipped to Hawaii at the beginning of 2018 and is currently undergoing characterization. Its transfer to Keck is planned in September and first on-sky tests sometime in December.

Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018

A near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor for Keck adaptive optics: real-time controller

Sylvain Cetre; Olivier Guyon; Charlotte Z. Bond; Mark Richard Chun; Sean B. Goebel; Charles Lockhart; Dimitri Mawet; E. Wetherell; Peter L. Wizinowich

A new real-time control system will be implemented within the Keck II adaptive optics system to support the new near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor. The new real-time computer has to interface with an existing, very productive adaptive optics system. We discuss our solution to install it in an operational environment without impacting science. This solution is based on an independent SCExAO-based pyramid wavefront sensor realtime processor solution using the hardware interfaces provided by the existing Keck II real-time controller. We introduce the new pyramid real-time controller system design, its expected performance, and the modification of the operational real-time controller to support the pyramid system including interfacing with the existing deformable and tip-tilt mirrors. We describe the integration of the Saphira detector-based camera and the Boston Micromachines kilo-DM in this new architecture. We explain the software architecture and philosophy, the shared memory concept and how the real-time computer uses the power of GPUs for adaptive optics control. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this architecture and how it can benefit other projects. The motion control of the devices deployed on the Keck II adaptive optics bench to support the alignment of the light on the sensors is also described. The interfaces, developed to deal with the rest of the Keck telescope systems in the observatory distributed system, are reviewed. Based on this experience, we present which design ideas could have helped us integrate the new system with the previous one and the resultant performance gains.

Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018

Near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor for Keck adaptive optics: opto-mechanical design

Peter L. Wizinowich; Adam Vandenberg; Mojtaba Taheri; James K. Wallace; Mark Richard Chun; Charlotte Z. Bond; Shane Jacobson; Scott Lilley; Dimitri Mawet; Jacques-Robert Delorme; Nemanja Jovanovic

A near-infrared, high order pyramid wavefront sensor will be implemented on the Keck telescope, with the aim of providing high resolution adaptive optics correction for the study of exoplanets around M-type stars and planet formation in obscured star forming regions. The pyramid wavefront sensor is designed to support adaptive optics correction of the light to an imaging vortex coronagraph and to a fiber injection unit that will feed a spectrograph. We present the opto-mechanical design of the near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor, the optical performance, and the alignment strategy. The challenges of designing the assembly, as well as a fiber injection unit, to fit into the limited available space on the Keck adaptive optics bench, will also be discussed.

Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018

Keck II adaptive optics upgrade: simulations of the near-infrared pyramid sensor

Cedric Plantet; Guido Agapito; Christophe Giordano; Charlotte Z. Bond; Simone Esposito; Peter L. Wizinowich; Mojtaba Taheri

A future upgrade of the Keck II telescope’s adaptive optics system will include a near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor. It will benefit from low-noise infrared detector technology, specifically the avalanche photodiode array SAPHIRA (Leonardo). The system will either operate with a natural guide star in a single conjugated adaptive optics system, or using a laser guide star (LGS), with the pyramid working as a low-order sensor. We present a study of the pyramid sensor’s performance via end-to-end simulations, including an analysis of calibration strategies. For LGS operation, we compare the pyramid to LIFT, a focal-plane sensor dedicated to low-order sensing.

Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5 | 2017

Optimized calibration of the adaptive optics system on the LAM Pyramid bench

Charlotte Z. Bond; Carlos Correia; Jean-François Sauvage; Kacem El Hadi; Yannick Abautret; Benoit Neichel; Thierry Fusco

The Pyramid wave-front sensor (WFS) is currently the baseline for several future adaptive optics (AO) systems, including the first light systems planned for the era of Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). Extensive investigation into the Pyramid WFS aim to prepare for this new generation of AO systems, characterizing its behavior under realistic conditions and developing experimental procedures to optimise performance. An AO bench at Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille has been developed to analyze the behavior of the Pyramid and develop the necessary operational and calibration routines to optimize performance. The test bench comprises a Pyramid WFS, an ALPAO 9×9 deformable mirror (DM), a rotating phase screen to simulate atmospheric turbulence and imaging camera. The Pyramid WFS utilizes the low noise OCAM camera to image the four pupils and real time control is realized using the adaptive optics simulation software OOMAO (Object Oriented Matlab Adaptive Optics toolbox). Here we present the latest experimental results from the Pyramid test bench, including comparison with current Pyramid models and AO simulations. We focus on the calibration of the AO system and testing the impact of non-linear effects on the performance of the Pyramid. The results demonstrate good agreement with our current models, in particular with the addition of more realistic elements: non-common path aberrations and the optical quality of the Pyramid prism.

Journal of The Optical Society of America A-optics Image Science and Vision | 2017

Modeling astronomical adaptive optics performance with temporally filtered Wiener reconstruction of slope data

Carlos Correia; Charlotte Z. Bond; Jean-François Sauvage; T. Fusco; Rodolphe Conan; Peter L. Wizinowich

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