
Molecular Microbiology | 1999

Evidence for a system of general protein glycosylation in Campylobacter jejuni

Christine M. Szymanski; Ruijin Yao; Cheryl P. Ewing; Trevor J. Trust; Patricia Guerry

A genetic locus from Campylobacter jejuni 81‐176 (O:23, 36) has been characterized that appears to be involved in glycosylation of multiple proteins, including flagellin. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core of Escherichia coli DH5α containing some of these genes is modified such that it becomes immunoreactive with O:23 and O:36 antisera and loses reactivity with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Site‐specific mutation of one of these genes in the E. coli host causes loss of O:23 and O:36 antibody reactivity and restores reactivity with WGA. However, site‐specific mutation of each of the seven genes in 81‐176 failed to show any detectable changes in LPS. Multiple proteins from various cellular fractions of each mutant showed altered reactivity by Western blot analyses using O:23 and O:36 antisera. The changes in protein antigenicity could be restored in one of the mutants by the presence of the corresponding wild‐type allele in trans on a shuttle vector. Flagellin, which is known to be a glycoprotein, was one of the proteins that showed altered reactivity with O:23 and O:36 antiserum in the mutants. Chemical deglycosylation of protein fractions from the 81‐176 wild type suggests that the other proteins with altered antigenicity in the mutants are also glycosylated.

Infection and Immunity | 2000

Involvement of a plasmid in virulence of Campylobacter jejuni 81-176.

David J. Bacon; Richard A. Alm; Don H. Burr; Lan Hu; Dennis J. Kopecko; Cheryl P. Ewing; Trevor J. Trust; Patricia Guerry

ABSTRACT Campylobacter jejuni strain 81-176 contains two, previously undescribed plasmids, each of which is approximately 35 kb in size. Although one of the plasmids, termed pTet, carries atetO gene, conjugative transfer of tetracycline resistance to another strain of C. jejuni could not be demonstrated. Partial sequence analysis of the second plasmid, pVir, revealed the presence of four open reading frames which encode proteins with significant sequence similarity to Helicobacter pyloriproteins, including one encoded by the cag pathogenicity island. All four of these plasmid-encoded proteins show some level of homology to components of type IV secretion systems. Mutation of one of these plasmid genes, comB3, reduced both adherence to and invasion of INT407 cells to approximately one-third that seen with wild-type strain 81-176. Mutation of comB3 also reduced the natural transformation frequency. A mutation in a second plasmid gene, a virB11 homolog, resulted in a 6-fold reduction in adherence and an 11-fold reduction in invasion compared to the wild type. The isogenic virB11 mutant of strain 81-176 also demonstrated significantly reduced virulence in the ferret diarrheal disease model. The virB11 homolog was detected on plasmids in 6 out of 58 fresh clinical isolates of C. jejuni, suggesting that plasmids are involved in the virulence of a subset ofC. jejuni pathogens.

Molecular Microbiology | 2006

Changes in flagellin glycosylation affect Campylobacter autoagglutination and virulence

Patricia Guerry; Cheryl P. Ewing; Michael Schirm; Maria Lorenzo; John F. Kelly; Dawn Pattarini; Gary Majam; Pierre Thibault; Susan M. Logan

Analysis of the complete flagellin glycosylation locus of Campylobacter jejuni strain 81–176 revealed a less complex genomic organization than the corresponding region in the genome strain, C. jejuni NCTC 11168. Twenty‐four of the 45 genes found between Cj1293 and Cj1337 in NCTC 11168 are missing in 81–176. Mutation of six new genes, in addition to three previously reported, resulted in a non‐motile phenotype, consistent with a role in synthesis of pseudaminic acid (PseAc) or transfer of PseAc to flagellin. Mutation of Cj1316c or pseA had been shown to result in loss of the acetamidino form of pseudaminic acid (PseAm). Mutation of a second gene also resulted in loss of PseAm, as well as a minor modification that appears to be PseAm extended with N‐acetyl‐glutamic acid. Previously described mutants in C. jejuni 81–176 and Campylobacter coli VC167 that produced flagella lacking PseAm or PseAc failed to autoagglutinate. This suggests that interactions between modifications on adjacent flagella filaments are required for autoagglutination. Mutants (81–176) defective in autoagglutination showed a modest reduction in adherence and invasion of INT407 cells. However, there was a qualitative difference in binding patterns to INT407 cells using GFP‐labelled 81–176 and mutants lacking PseAm. A mutant lacking PseAm was attenuated in the ferret diarrhoeal disease model.

Infection and Immunity | 2002

Phase variation of Campylobacter jejuni 81-176 lipooligosaccharide affects ganglioside mimicry and invasiveness in vitro.

Patricia Guerry; Christine M. Szymanski; Martina M. Prendergast; Thomas E. Hickey; Cheryl P. Ewing; Dawn Pattarini; Anthony P. Moran

ABSTRACT The outer cores of the lipooligosaccharides (LOS) of many strains of Campylobacter jejuni mimic human gangliosides in structure. A population of cells of C. jejuni strain 81-176 produced a mixture of LOS cores which consisted primarily of structures mimicking GM2 and GM3 gangliosides, with minor amounts of structures mimicking GD1b and GD2. Genetic analyses of genes involved in the biosynthesis of the outer core of C. jejuni 81-176 revealed the presence of a homopolymeric tract of G residues within a gene encoding CgtA, an N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase. Variation in the number of G residues within cgtA affected the length of the open reading frame, and these changes in cgtA corresponded to a change in LOS structure from GM2 to GM3 ganglioside mimicry. Site-specific mutation of cgtA in 81-176 resulted in a major LOS core structure that lacked GalNAc and resembled GM3 ganglioside. Compared to wild-type 81-176, the cgtA mutant showed a significant increase in invasion of INT407 cells. In comparison, a site-specific mutation of the neuC1 gene resulted in the loss of sialic acid in the LOS core and reduced resistance to normal human serum but had no affect on invasion of INT407 cells.

Molecular Microbiology | 2003

Pseudaminic acid, the major modification on Campylobacter flagellin, is synthesized via the Cj1293 gene

Scarlett Goon; John F. Kelly; Susan M. Logan; Cheryl P. Ewing; Patricia Guerry

Flagellins from Campylobacter jejuni 81‐176 and Campylobacter coli VC167 are heavily glycosylated. The major modifications on both flagellins are pseudaminic  acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a  nine  carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino‐substituted analogue of pseudaminic acid (PseAm). Previous data have indicated that PseAm is synthesized via Pse5Ac7Ac in C. jejuni 81‐176, but that the two sugars are synthesized using independent pathways in C. coli VC167. The Cj1293 gene of C. jejuni encodes a putative UDP‐GlcNAc C6‐dehydratase/C4‐reductase that is similar to a protein required for glycosylation of Caulobacter crescentus flagellin. The Cj1293 gene is expressed either under the control of a σ54 promoter that overlaps the coding region of Cj1292 or as a polycistronic message under the control of a σ70 promoter upstream of Cj1292. A mutant in gene Cj1293 in C. jejuni 81‐176 was non‐motile and non‐flagellated and accumulated unglycosylated flagellin intracellularly. This mutant was complemented in trans with the homologous C. jejuni gene, as well as the Helicobacter pylori homologue, HP0840, which has been shown to encode a protein with UDP‐GlcNAc C6‐dehydratase/C4‐reductase activity. Mutation of Cj1293 in C. coli VC167 resulted in a fully motile strain that synthesized a flagella filament composed of flagellin in which Pse5Ac7Ac was replaced by PseAm. The filament from the C. coli Cj1293 mutant displayed increased solubility in SDS compared with the wild‐type filament. A double mutant in C. coli VC167, defective in both Cj1293 and ptmD, encoding part of the independent PseAm pathway, was also non‐motile and non‐flagellated and accumulated unglycosylated flagellin intracellularly. Collectively, the data indicate that Cj1293 is essential for Pse5Ac7Ac biosynthesis from UDP‐GlcNAc, and that glycosylation is required for flagella biogenesis in campylobacters.

Infection and Immunity | 2002

DNA sequence and mutational analyses of the pVir plasmid of Campylobacter jejuni 81-176.

David J. Bacon; Richard A. Alm; Lan Hu; Thomas E. Hickey; Cheryl P. Ewing; Roger A. Batchelor; Trevor J. Trust; Patricia Guerry

ABSTRACT The circular pVir plasmid of Campylobacter jejuni strain 81-176 was determined to be 37,468 nucleotides in length with a G+C content of 26%. A total of 83% of the plasmid represented coding information, and all but 2 of the 54 predicted open reading frames were encoded on the same DNA strand. There were seven genes on the plasmid in a continguous region of 8.9 kb that encoded orthologs of type IV secretion proteins found in Helicobacter pylori, including four that have been described previously (D. J. Bacon, R. A. Alm, D. H. Burr, L. Hu, D. J. Kopecko, C. P. Ewing, T. J. Trust, and P. Guerry, Infect. Immun. 68:4384-4390, 2000). There were seven other pVir-encoded proteins that showed significant similarities to proteins encoded by the plasticity zones of either H. pylori J99 or 26695. Mutational analyses of 19 plasmid genes identified 5 additional genes that affect in vitro invasion of intestinal epithelial cells. These included one additional gene encoding a component of a type IV secretion system, an ortholog of Cj0041 from the chromosome of C. jejuni NCTC 11168, two Campylobacter plasmid-specific genes, and an ortholog of HP0996 from the plasticity zone of H. pylori 26695.

Molecular Microbiology | 2002

Structural heterogeneity of carbohydrate modifications affects serospecificity of Campylobacter flagellins

Susan M. Logan; John F. Kelly; Pierre Thibault; Cheryl P. Ewing; Patricia Guerry

Flagellin from Campylobacter coli VC167 is post‐translationally modified at ≥ 16 amino acid residues with pseudaminic acid and three related derivatives. The predominant modification was 5,7‐diacetamido‐3,5,7,9 ‐ tetradeoxy ‐ l ‐ glycero ‐ l ‐ manno ‐ nonulosonic acid (pseudaminic acid, Pse5Ac7Ac), a modification that has been described previously on flagellin from Campylobacter jejuni 81‐176. VC167 lacked two modi‐fications present in 81‐176 and instead had two unique modifications of masses 431 and 432 Da. Flagellins from both C. jejuni 81‐176 and C. coli VC167 were also modified with an acetamidino form of pseudaminic acid (PseAm), but tandem mass spectrometry indicated that the structure of PseAm differed in the two strains. Synthesis of PseAm in C. coli VC167 requires a minimum of six ptm genes. In contrast, PseAm is synthesized in C. jejuni 81‐176 via an alternative pathway using the product of the pseA gene. Mutation of the ptm genes in C. coli VC167 can be detected by changes in apparent Mr of flagellin in SDS‐PAGE gels, changes in isoelectric focusing (IEF) patterns and loss of immunoreactivity with antiserum LAH2. These changes corresponded to loss of both 315 Da and 431 Da modifications from flagellin. Complementation of the VC167 ptm mutants with the 81‐176 pseA gene in trans resulted in flagellins containing both 315 and 431 Da modifications, but these flagellins remained unreactive in LAH2 antibody, suggesting that the unique form of PseAm encoded by the ptm genes contributes to the serospecificity of the flagellar filament.

Infection and Immunity | 2000

Sialylation of Lipooligosaccharide Cores Affects Immunogenicity and Serum Resistance of Campylobacter jejuni

Patricia Guerry; Cheryl P. Ewing; Thomas E. Hickey; Martina M. Prendergast; Anthony P. Moran

ABSTRACT Three genes involved in biosynthesis of the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) core of Campylobacter jejuni MSC57360, the type strain of the HS:1 serotype, whose structure mimics GM2ganglioside, have been cloned and characterized. Mutation of genes encoding proteins with homology to a sialyl transferase (cstII) and a putative N-acetylmannosamine synthetase (neuC1), part of the biosynthetic pathway ofN-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc), have identical phenotypes. The LOS cores of these mutants display identical changes in electrophoretic mobility, loss of reactivity with cholera toxin (CT), and enhanced immunoreactivity with a hyperimmune polyclonal antiserum generated against whole cells of C. jejuni MSC57360. Loss of sialic acid in the core of the neuC1 mutant was confirmed by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Mutation of a gene encoding a putative β-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (Cgt) resulted in LOS cores intermediate in electrophoretic mobility between that of wild type and the mutants lacking NeuNAc, loss of reactivity with CT, and a reduced immunoreactivity with hyperimmune antiserum. Chemical analyses confirmed the loss of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and the presence of NeuNAc in the cgt mutant. These data suggest that the Cgt enzyme is capable of transferring GalNAc to an acceptor with or without NeuNAc and that the Cst enzyme is capable of transferring NeuNAc to an acceptor with or without GalNAc. A mutant with a nonsialylated LOS core is more sensitive to the bactericidal effects of human sera than the wild type or the mutant lacking GalNAc.

Science | 2008

Divergence of Quaternary Structures Among Bacterial Flagellar Filaments

Vitold E. Galkin; Xiong Yu; Jakub Bielnicki; John E. Heuser; Cheryl P. Ewing; Patricia Guerry; Edward H. Egelman

It has been widely assumed that the atomic structure of the flagellar filament from Salmonella typhimurium serves as a model for all bacterial flagellar filaments given the sequence conservation in the coiled-coil regions responsible for polymerization. On the basis of electron microscopic images, we show that the flagellar filaments from Campylobacter jejuni have seven protofilaments rather than the 11 in S. typhimurium. The vertebrate Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) recognizes a region of bacterial flagellin that is involved in subunit-subunit assembly in Salmonella and many other pathogenic bacteria, and this short region has diverged in Campylobacter and related bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, which are not recognized by TLR5. The driving force in the change of quaternary structure between Salmonella and Campylobacter may have been the evasion of TLR5.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2007

Targeted metabolomics analysis of Campylobacter coli VC167 reveals legionaminic acid derivatives as novel flagellar glycans.

David J. McNally; Annie Aubry; Joseph P. M. Hui; Nam Huan Khieu; Dennis M. Whitfield; Cheryl P. Ewing; Patricia Guerry; Jean-Robert Brisson; Susan M. Logan; Evelyn C. Soo

Glycosylation of Campylobacter flagellin is required for the biogenesis of a functional flagella filament. Recently, we used a targeted metabolomics approach using mass spectrometry and NMR to identify changes in the metabolic profile of wild type and mutants in the flagellar glycosylation locus, characterize novel metabolites, and assign function to genes to define the pseudaminic acid biosynthetic pathway in Campylobacter jejuni 81-176 (McNally, D. J., Hui, J. P., Aubry, A. J., Mui, K. K., Guerry, P., Brisson, J. R., Logan, S. M., and Soo, E. C. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 18489-18498). In this study, we use a similar approach to further define the glycome and metabolomic complement of nucleotide-activated sugars in Campylobacter coli VC167. Herein we demonstrate that, in addition to CMP-pseudaminic acid, C. coli VC167 also produces two structurally distinct nucleotide-activated nonulosonate sugars that were observed as negative ions at m/z 637 and m/z 651 (CMP-315 and CMP-329). Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry yielded suitable amounts of the pure sugar nucleotides for NMR spectroscopy using a cold probe. Structural analysis in conjunction with molecular modeling identified the sugar moieties as acetamidino and N-methylacetimidoyl derivatives of legionaminic acid (Leg5Am7Ac and Leg5AmNMe7Ac). Targeted metabolomic analyses of isogenic mutants established a role for the ptmA-F genes and defined two new ptm genes in this locus as legionaminic acid biosynthetic enzymes. This is the first report of legionaminic acid in Campylobacter sp. and the first report of legionaminic acid derivatives as modifications on a protein.

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