
Archive | 2009

Omega3P: A Parallel Finite-Element Eigenmode Analysis Code for Accelerator Cavities

Lie-Quan Lee; Zenghai Li; Cho Ng; Kwok Ko

Omega3P is a parallel eigenmode calculation code for accelerator cavities in frequency domain analysis using finite-element methods. In this report, we will present detailed finite-element formulations and resulting eigenvalue problems for lossless cavities, cavities with lossy materials, cavities with imperfectly conducting surfaces, and cavities with waveguide coupling. We will discuss the parallel algorithms for solving those eigenvalue problems and demonstrate modeling of accelerator cavities through different examples.

Engineering With Computers | 2011

Moving curved mesh adaptation for higher-order finite element simulations

Xiaojuan Luo; Mark S. Shephard; Lie-Quan Lee; Lixin Ge; Cho Ng

Higher-order finite element method requires valid curved meshes in three-dimensional domains to achieve the solution accuracy. When applying adaptive higher-order finite elements in large-scale simulations, complexities that arise include moving the curved mesh adaptation along with the critical domains to achieve computational efficiency. This paper presents a procedure that combines Bézier mesh curving and size-driven mesh adaptation technologies to address those requirements. A moving mesh size field drives a curved mesh modification procedure to generate valid curved meshes that have been successfully analyzed by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory researchers to simulate the short-range wakefields in particle accelerators. The analysis results for a 8-cavity cryomodule wakefield demonstrate that valid curvilinear meshes not only make the time-domain simulations more reliable, but also improve the computational efficiency up to 30%. The application of moving curved mesh adaptation to an accelerator cavity coupler shows a tenfold reduction in execution time and memory usage without loss in accuracy as compared to uniformly refined meshes.

Journal Name: Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Conference: Invited talk at SCIDAC 2009: Scientific discovery through advanced computing program, San Diego, California, 14-18 Jun 2009 | 2009

State of the art in electromagnetic modeling for the Compact Linear Collider

Arno Candel; A. Kabel; Lie-Quan Lee; Zenghai Li; Cho Ng; Greg Schussman; Kwok Ko

SLACs Advanced Computations Department (ACD) has developed the parallel 3D electromagnetic time-domain code T3P for simulations of wakefields and transients in complex accelerator structures. T3P is based on state-of-the-art Finite Element methods on unstructured grids and features unconditional stability, quadratic surface approximation and up to 6 th -order vector basis functions for unprecedented simulation accuracy. Optimized for large-scale parallel processing on leadership supercomputing facilities, T3P allows simulations of realistic 3D structures with fast turn-around times, aiding the design of the next generation of accelerator facilities. Applications include simulations of the proposed two-beam accelerator structures for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - wakefield damping in the Power Extraction and Transfer Structure (PETS) and power transfer to the main beam accelerating structures are investigated.

Journal Name: J.Phys.Conf.Ser.78:012040,2007; Conference: Presented at Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC 2007), Boston, Massachusetts, 24-28 Jun 2007 | 2007

Enabling technologies for petascale electromagnetic accelerator simulation

Lie-Quan Lee; Volkan Akcelik; Sheng Chen; Lixin Ge; Ernesto Prudencio; Greg Schussman; Ravi Uplenchwar; Cho Ng; Kwok Ko; Xiaojun Luo; Mark S. Shephard

The SciDAC2 accelerator project at SLAC aims to simulate an entire three-cryomodule radio frequency (RF) unit of the International Linear Collider (ILC) main Linac. Petascale computing resources supported by advances in Applied Mathematics (AM) and Computer Science (CS) and INCITE Program are essential to enable such very large-scale electromagnetic accelerator simulations required by the ILC Global Design Effort. This poster presents the recent advances and achievements in the areas of CS/AM through collaborations.

Journal of Computational Physics | 2010

On using moving windows in finite element time domain simulation for long accelerator structures

Lie-Quan Lee; Arno Candel; Cho Ng; Kwok Ko

A finite element moving window technique is developed to simulate the propagation of electromagnetic waves induced by the transit of a charged particle beam inside large and long structures. The window moving along with the beam in the computational domain adopts high-order finite element basis functions through p refinement and/or a high-resolution mesh through h refinement so that a sufficient accuracy is attained with substantially reduced computational costs. Algorithms to transfer discretized fields from one mesh to another, which are the keys to implementing a moving window in a finite element unstructured mesh, are presented. Numerical experiments are carried out using the moving window technique to compute short-range wakefields in long accelerator structures. The results are compared with those obtained from the normal finite element time domain (FETD) method and the advantages of using the moving window technique are discussed.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2005

Achievements in ISICs/SAPP collaborations for electromagnetic modeling of accelerators

Lie-Quan Lee; Lixin Ge; Zenghai Li; Cho Ng; Greg Schussman; Kwok Ko; ISICs

SciDAC provides the unique opportunity and the resources for the Electromagnetic System Simulations (ESS) component of High Energy Physics (HEP)s Accelerator Science and Technology (AST) project to work with researchers in the Integrated Software Infrastructure Centres (ISICs) and Scientific Application Pilot Program (SAPP) to overcome challenging barriers in computer science and applied mathematics in order to perform the large-scale simulations required to support the ongoing R&D efforts on accelerators across the Office of Science. This paper presents the resultant achievements made under SciDAC in important areas of computational science relevant to electromagnetic modelling of accelerators which include nonlinear eigensolvers, shape optimization, adaptive mesh refinement, parallel meshing, and visualization.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 2008

Community petascale project for accelerator science and simulation: advancing computational science for future accelerators and accelerator technologies

Panagiotis Spentzouris; John R. Cary; Lois Curfman McInnes; W. B. Mori; Cho Ng; Esmond G. Ng; Robert D. Ryne

The design and performance optimization of particle accelerators are essential for the success of the DOE scientific program in the next decade. Particle accelerators are very complex systems whose accurate description involves a large number of degrees of freedom and requires the inclusion of many physics processes. Building on the success of the SciDAC-1 Accelerator Science and Technology project, the SciDAC-2 Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation (ComPASS) is developing a comprehensive set of interoperable components for beam dynamics, electromagnetics, electron cooling, and laser/plasma acceleration modelling. ComPASS is providing accelerator scientists the tools required to enable the necessary accelerator simulation paradigm shift from high-fidelity single physics process modeling (covered under SciDAC1) to high-fidelity multiphysics modeling. Our computational frameworks have been used to model the behavior of a large number of accelerators and accelerator R&D experiments, assisting both their design and performance optimization. As parallel computational applications, the ComPASS codes have been shown to make effective use of thousands of processors.

Journal Name: J.Phys.Conf.Ser.125:012082,2008; Conference: Prepared for SCIDAC 2008: Scientific discovery through advanced computing, Seattle, Washington, 13-17 Jul 2008 | 2008

Curved mesh correction and adaptation tool to improve COMPASS electromagnetic analyses

Xiaojuan Luo; Mark S. Shephard; Lie-Quan Lee; Cho Ng; Lixin Ge

SLAC performs large-scale simulations for the next-generation accelerator design using higher-order finite elements. This method requires using valid curved meshes and adaptive mesh refinement in complex 3D curved domains to achieve its fast rate of convergence. ITAPS has developed a procedure to address those mesh requirements to enable petascale electromagnetic accelerator simulations by SLAC. The results demonstrate that those correct valid curvilinear meshes can not only make the simulation more reliable but also improve computational efficiency up to 30%. This paper presents a procedure to track moving adaptive mesh refinement in curved domains. The procedure is capable of generating suitable curvilinear meshes to enable large-scale accelerator simulations. The procedure can generate valid curved meshes with substantially fewer elements to improve the computational efficiency and reliability of the COMPASS electromagnetic analyses. Future work will focus on the scalable parallelization of all steps for petascale simulations.

SPIN PHYSICS: 18th International Spin Physics Symposium | 2009

High‐Fidelity RF Gun Simulations with the Parallel 3D Finite Element Particle‐In‐Cell Code Pic3P

Arno Candel; A. Kabel; Lie-Quan Lee; Zenghai Li; C. Limborg; Cho Ng; Greg Schussman; Kwok Ko

SLAC’s Advanced Computations Department (ACD) has developed the first parallel Finite Element 3D Particle‐In‐Cell (PIC) code, Pic3P, for simulations of RF guns and other spacecharge dominated beam‐cavity interactions. Pic3P solves the complete set of Maxwell‐Lorentz equations and thus includes space charge, retardation and wakefield effects from first principles. Pic3P uses higher‐order Finite Element methods on unstructured conformal meshes. A novel scheme for causal adaptive refinement and dynamic load balancing enable unprecedented simulation accuracy, aiding the design and operation of the next generation of accelerator facilities. Application to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) RF gun is presented.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2009

Large scale shape optimization for accelerator cavities

Volkan Akcelik; Lie-Quan Lee; Zenghai Li; Cho Ng; Liling Xiao; Kwok Ko

We present a shape optimization method for designing accelerator cavities with large scale computations. The objective is to find the best accelerator cavity shape with the desired spectral response, such as with the specified frequencies of resonant modes, field profiles, and external Q values. The forward problem is the large scale Maxwell equation in the frequency domain. The design parameters are the CAD parameters defining the cavity shape. We develop scalable algorithms with a discrete adjoint approach and use the quasi-Newton method to solve the nonlinear optimization problem. Two realistic accelerator cavity design examples are presented.

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