Christian Kobbernagel
Roskilde University
Learning, Media and Technology | 2014
Kirsten Drotner; Christian Kobbernagel
This article suggests how we should study media and information literacies (MIL) and do so at a time, when young people nurture these literacies through multiple media practices and across spaces of learning. Our basic argument is this: in order to gain a robust knowledge base for the development of MIL we need to study literacy practices beyond print literacy and numeracy, and we need to study these practices beyond formal spaces of learning. The argument is unfolded with particular focus on ethnic minority youth since this group routinely figures as under-achieving in studies of school literacy, such as Programme for International Student Assessment. Based on a brief overview of literacy studies in view of digitization and a critical examination of recent studies of youthful media practices and ethnicity, the argument is illustrated through an empirical analysis that draws on results from a nationally representative survey of media uses among Danes aged 13–23 years. The analysis demonstrates that ethnic minority youth offer the most serious challenge to existing literacy hierarchies found in formal education. We discuss the implications of these results for educational policy-making and for future research on MIL, advocating inclusive approaches in terms of media for learning and spaces of learning.
Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook | 2010
Kim Christian Schrøder; Christian Kobbernagel
MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research | 2016
Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder
Archive | 2011
Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder; Kirsten Drotner
Annual Conference: Challenging Communication Research, Abstracts | 2013
Cédric Courtois; Kim Christian Schrøder; Christian Kobbernagel
Participations.Journal of audience and reception studies | 2017
Kristin Van Damme; Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder
International Communication Association (ICA) | 2017
Kristin Van Damme; Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder
Particip@tions | 2016
Anne Jerslev; Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder
Archive | 2015
Cédric Courtois; Kim Christian Schrøder; Christian Kobbernagel
Archive | 2015
Christian Kobbernagel; Kim Christian Schrøder; Kirsten Drotner