Christian Koeberl
University of Vienna
Science | 2010
Peter Schulte; Laia Alegret; Ignacio Arenillas; José Antonio Arz; Penny J. Barton; Paul R. Bown; Timothy J. Bralower; Gail L. Christeson; Philippe Claeys; Charles S. Cockell; Gareth S. Collins; Alexander Deutsch; Tamara Joan Goldin; Kazuhisa Goto; José Manuel Grajales-Nishimura; R. A. F. Grieve; Sean Paul Sandifer Gulick; Kirk R. Johnson; Wolfgang Kiessling; Christian Koeberl; David A. Kring; Kenneth G MacLeod; Takafumi Matsui; Jay Melosh; Alessandro Montanari; Joanna Morgan; Clive R. Neal; Douglas J. Nichols; Richard D. Norris; Elisabetta Pierazzo
The Fall of the Dinosaurs According to the fossil record, the rule of dinosaurs came to an abrupt end ∼65 million years ago, when all nonavian dinosaurs and flying reptiles disappeared. Several possible mechanisms have been suggested for this mass extinction, including a large asteroid impact and major flood volcanism. Schulte et al. (p. 1214) review how the occurrence and global distribution of a global iridium-rich deposit and impact ejecta support the hypothesis that a single asteroid impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, triggered the extinction event. Such an impact would have instantly caused devastating shock waves, a large heat pulse, and tsunamis around the globe. Moreover, the release of high quantities of dust, debris, and gases would have resulted in a prolonged cooling of Earths surface, low light levels, and ocean acidification that would have decimated primary producers including phytoplankton and algae, as well as those species reliant upon them. The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary ~65.5 million years ago marks one of the three largest mass extinctions in the past 500 million years. The extinction event coincided with a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, and occurred within the time of Deccan flood basalt volcanism in India. Here, we synthesize records of the global stratigraphy across this boundary to assess the proposed causes of the mass extinction. Notably, a single ejecta-rich deposit compositionally linked to the Chicxulub impact is globally distributed at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The temporal match between the ejecta layer and the onset of the extinctions and the agreement of ecological patterns in the fossil record with modeled environmental perturbations (for example, darkness and cooling) lead us to conclude that the Chicxulub impact triggered the mass extinction.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1994
G. Kurat; Christian Koeberl; Thomas Presper; Franz Brandstatter; Michel Maurette
Abstract The petrology and geochemistry of twentythree chondritic dust particles with masses of 1–47 μg (sizes 100–400 μm) were recovered from blue ice near Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica, and studied by INAA, ASEM, EMPA, and optical microscopy. Sample selection criteria were irregular shape and (for a subsample) black color, with the aim of studying as many unmelted micrometeorites (MMs) as possible. Of thirteen unmelted MMs, six were phyllosilicate-dominated MMs, and seven were coarsegrained crystalline MMs consisting mainly of olivine and pyroxene. The remaining ten particles were largely melted and consisted of a foamy melt with variable amounts of relic phases (scoriaceous MMs). Thus, of the black particles selected, an astonishing portion, 40% (by number), consisted of largely unmelted MMs. Although unmelted, most phyllosilicate MMs have been thermally metamorphosed to a degree that most of the phyllosilicates were destroyed, but not melted. The original preterrestrial mineralogy is occasionally preserved and consists of serpentine-like phyllosilicates with variable amounts of cronstedtite, tochilinite-like oxides, olivine, and pyroxene. The crystalline MMs consist of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, tochilinite-like oxides, and occasional Ni-poor metal. Relics in scoriaceous MMs consist of the same phases. Mineral compositions and the coexistence of phyllosilicates with anhydrous phases are typical of CM and CR-type carbonaceous chondrites. However, the olivine/pyroxene ratio (~ 1) and the lack of carbonates, sulfates, and of very Fe-poor, refractory element-rich olivines and pyroxenes sets the MMs apart from CM and CR chondrites. The bulk chemistry of the phyllosilicate MMs is similar to that of CM chondrites. However, several elements are either depleted (Ca, Ni, S, less commonly Na, Mg, and Mn) or enriched (K, Fe, As, Br, Rb, Sb, and Au) in MMs as compared to CM chondrites. Similar depletions and enrichments are also found in the scoriaceous MMs. We suggest that the depletions are probably due to terrestrial leaching of sulfates and carbonates from unmelted MMs. The overabundance of some elements may also be due to processes acting during atmospheric passage such as the recondensation of meteoric vapors in the high atmosphere. Most MMs are coated by magnetite of platy or octahedral habit, which is rich in Mg, Al, Si, Mn, and Ni. We interpret the magnetites to be products of recondensation processes in the high (>90 km) atmosphere, which are, therefore, probably the first refractory aerominerals identified.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 1993
Christian Koeberl
We have developed a fast and reliable procedure to routinely measure the abundances of up to about 35 elements even in small (<1 mg) samples. Depending on the type of samples, they are either irradiated for about 8 hours at a flux of about 2·1012n·cm−2·s−1, or up to 100 hours at a flux of about 6·1013n·cm−2·s−1. As standards, high-purity synthetic multielement standards and well-characterized geological reference materials are used. Synthetic standards are used as primary standards because they have several advantages over secondary (geological) standards. Three to four counts are done one each sample, starting 1–3 days after the end of the irradiation. We use high-purity germanium (HpGe) detectors with high efficiencies and very good energy resolution (1.6–1.8 keV at 1332 keV). To allow high throughput rates we use fast preamplifiers and gated integrator spectroscopy amplifiers with fast fixed conversion time ADCs. The signals are fed into an acquisition interface module (AIM) and via Ethernet into a Micro VAX. To allow better peak deconvolution, 8k spectra are taken where possible. A specially designed annular NaI(TI) guard detector allows Compton suppression spectrometry. The system uses standard software and was tested with sets of geological standards and has given reliable results for a wide variety of samples, e.g., cosmic spherules in the 30–200 μg weight range.
Science | 1996
Christian Koeberl; C.W. Poag; Wolf Uwe Reimold; Dion Brandt
Seismic profiles, drill core samples, and gravity data suggest that a complex impact crater ∼35.5 million years old and 90 kilometers in diameter is buried beneath the lower Chesapeake Bay. The breccia that fills the structure contains evidence of shock metamorphism, including impact melt breccias and multiple sets of planar deformation features (shock lamellae) in quartz and feldspar. The age of the crater and the composition of some breccia clasts are consistent with the Chesapeake Bay impact structure being the source of the North American tektites.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1997
Christian Koeberl; Richard Bottomley; Billy P. Glass; Dieter Storzer
Abstract Ivory Coast tektites were first reported in 1934 from a geographically restricted area at Ivory Coast, West Africa. Although some additional specimens have been found later, the total number remains small (a few hundred). The Bosumtwi impact crater in Ghana is most likely the source crater for the Ivory Coast tektites, based on the finding that the tektites and the crater have the same age as well as similar isotopic and chemical compositions. In addition to tektites on land, microtektites were found in (so far) eleven deep-sea cores off the West African coast, between about 9°N and 11°S and 0° and 23°W, defining the extent of the Ivory Coast tektite strewn field. In this study we analyzed eleven Ivory Coast tektites for their major and trace element composition, studied their petrographical characteristics, provided major element data for 111 microtektites, and major and trace element data for four microtektites. We determined the 40Ar 39Ar step-heating age of five Ivory Coast tektites and four microtektites and obtained fission-track dates for ten tektites and one Bosumtwi impact glass. The tektites have very small intersample and intrasample variations of their major and trace element composition. 111 Ivory Coast microtektites from eleven cores were analyzed for their major element compositional range. Their compositional range is significantly wider than that of the Ivory Coast tektites, but the majority of all microtektites have compositions very similar to those of the tektites (within a factor of 1.2). Trace element compositions of the tektites also show little variation between samples. The samples do not show any distinct Eu anomaly in the REE patterns. This characteristic, as well as the high absolute REE abundances and La NYbN ratios of about 8, indicate that Archean rocks are plausible source rocks. The major and trace element contents of four individually analyzed Ivory Coast microtektites show compositions that are very similar to those of the Ivory Coast tektites. However, the microtektites contain >20 rel% higher abundances of some of the lithophile and siderophile trace elements, such as Sc, Cr, Co, Ni, Sr, Zr, Ba, Hf, Ta, Th, and the REEs. These differences are probably due to incorporation of a higher abundance of accessory trace minerals with the microtektite-forming melt. The Ivory Coast microtektites also have a uniform internal composition. Duplicate 40Ar 39Ar step-heating age analyses were performed on five tektites. The best age estimate for the formation age of the tektites was calculated by taking a weighted average of the ages from the plateau portions of the runs, resulting in an age of 1.1 ± 0.05 Ma. We also tried to date four microtektites by 40Ar 39Ar age analyses, but their young age and small sample size makes it impossible to assign a reliable age to the microtektites. One run yielded satisfactory results that were similar to the tektite age. In addition, we determined the fission-track ages for ten individual Ivory Coast tektite samples and for one impact glass sample from the Bosumtwi crater. The track-size corrected ages for the Ivory Coast tektites ranged from 0.91 to 1.18 Ma, resulting in an average fission-track age of 1.05 ± 0.11 Ma. This age is, within errors, identical to that of the Bosumtwi impact glass at 1.03 ± 0.11 Ma, and to the 40Ar 39Ar age of 1.1 ± 0.05 Ma. The preferred age of the Ivory Coast tektite event is 1.07 Ma.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1994
Wolf Uwe Reimold; Christian Koeberl; Janice L. Bishop
Abstract The Roter Kamm crater in the southern Namib Desert has previously been identified as an impact structure on the basis of crater morphology and the presence of impact melt breccias which contain shock metamorphosed quartz and lithic clasts. To better define the variety of target rocks and breccias, we studied the petrography and chemical composition of a new suite of twenty-eight basement and breccia samples from the Roter Kamm crater. Based on chemical data for target lithologies and breccias we suggest that the crater was formed in a two-layer target region: an upper layer of Gariep metasediments (schist, marble, ± quartzite and sandstone) overlying the crystalline basement of the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex. The basement was also heavily intruded by coarse-grained quartz veins and quartz- and quartz-feldspar pegmatites. The clast population in the melt breccias indicates that impact-induced melting involved mainly metasedimentary target rocks, with rarely detected contributions from pegmatite and granite/granodiorite. Three varieties of melt breccias can be defined: (1) “schistose,” (2) quartzitic melt breccias, (3) “true” impact melt breccias. These melt breccia types are chemically heterogeneous, and even the impact melt breccias may have been produced in situ and not from a coherent melt body. The shapes of the schistose melt breccias, previously thought to be ejected impact breccias, are most likely caused by erosion, and these breccias are now interpreted to be locally derived. The crater basement as exposed at the rim was structurally severely affected and, at least locally, considerable thermal energy was generated during formation of large volumes of cataclastic, mylonitic, and pseudotachylitic breccias. Analyses of mylonite and pseudotachylites from the crater rim, as well as their respective host rocks, show that these breccias were mainly formed from local material. Analyses of pseudotachylite-like breccias indicate that these possible friction melts are generated by preferential melting of hydrous ferromagnesian minerals and feldspar, similar to their tectonically produced counterparts. Although no significant fluid effects resulting from formation of mylonites or pseudotachylites are indicated, several breccias (compared to their host rocks) do show evidence of severe chemical alteration (chloritisation and sericitisation). The presence of large vesicles filled with hydrothermal mineral assemblages in some schistose breccias and other petrographic and chemical data support the hypothesis of an impact-induced hydrothermal event in the crater area.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1999
Hugues Leroux; Wolf Uwe Reimold; Christian Koeberl; U. Hornemann; J. C. Doukhan
Abstract In recent years, apparently shock-induced and, thus, impact-characteristic microdeformations, in the form of planar microdeformation features and so-called strawberry (granular) texture, have been observed in zircons in rocks from confirmed impact structures and from the K / T boundary. The nature of the planar microdeformations in this mineral is, however, still unknown, and critical information is needed regarding the shock pressure range in which these deformation effects are produced. We experimentally shock deformed two series of thin zircon (ZrSiO 4 ) target plates, cut perpendicular to the c -axis, at shock pressures of 20, 40, and 60 GPa. The recovered samples were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, one sample series was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Microdeformation effects observed at 20 GPa include pervasive micro-cleavage and dislocation patterns. Plastic deformation is indicated by a high density of straight dislocations in glide configuration. The dominant glide systems are {010}. Micro-cleavages, induced by shear stresses during the compression stage, occur mostly in the {100} planes. The large density of dislocations at crack tips shows that plastic deformation was initiated by the micro-cracking processs. At 40 GPa, the sample was partly transformed from the zircon (z) to a scheelite (CaWO 4 )-type (s) structure. Planar deformation features (PDFs) containing an amorphous phase of zircon composition are present in the not yet transformed zircon relics. The phase with scheelite structure, initiated in the {100} planes of zircon, consists of thin (0.1 to several μm) bands that crosscut the zircon matrix. The phase transformation is displacive (martensitic) and can be related by {100} z // {112} s and [001] z // s . The scheelite structure phase is densely twinned, with twins in the (112) plane. The 60-GPa sample consists completely of the scheelite structure phase. Crosscutting and displacing relationships between twins and PDFs demonstrate that PDFs are formed in the zircon structure, i.e., before the phase transformation to the scheelite structure occurred, most likely at the shock front. Crystallographic orientations of optically visible planar features in zircon, in comparison with orientations of planar defects at the TEM scale, suggest that the optically visible features are more likely planar microfractures than PDFs.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1996
Marcus Schrauder; Christian Koeberl; Oded Navon
Abstract Fibrous diamonds from Botswana contain abundant micro-inclusions, which represent syngenetic mantle fluids under high pressure. The major element composition of the fluids within individual diamonds was found to be uniform, but a significant compositional variation exists between different diamond specimens. The composition of the fluids varies between a carbonatitic and a hydrous endmember. To constrain the composition of fluids in the mantle, the trace element contents of thirteen micro-inclusion-bearing fibrous diamonds from Botswana was studied using neutron activation analysis. The concentrations of incompatible elements (including K, Na, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, Th, U, and the LREEs) in the fluids are higher than those of mantle-derived rocks and melt inclusions. The compatible elements (e.g., Cr, Co, Ni) have abundances that are similar to those of the primitive mantle. The concentrations of most trace elements decrease by a factor of two from the carbonate-rich fluids to the hydrous fluids. Several models may explain the observed elemental variations. Minerals in equilibrium with the fluid were most likely enriched in incompatible elements, which does not agree with derivation of the fluids by partial melting of common peridotites or eclogites. Fractional crystallization of a kimberlite-like magma at depth may yield carbonatitic fluids with low mg numbers (atomic ratio [Mg/(Mg+Fe)]) and high trace element contents. Fractionation of carbonates and additional phases (e.g., rutile, apatite, zircon) may, in general, explain the concentrations of incompatible elements in the fluids, which preferably partition into these phases. Alternatively, mixing of fluids with compositions similar to those of the two endmembers may explain the observed variation of the elemental contents. The fluids in fibrous diamonds might have equilibrated with mineral inclusions in eclogitic diamonds, while peridotitic diamonds do not show evidence of interaction with these fluids. The chemical composition of the fluids in fibrous diamonds indicates that, at p , T conditions that are characteristic for diamond formation, carbonatitic and hydrous fluids are efficient carriers of incompatible elements.
Science | 1993
Christian Koeberl; Steven B. Shirey
Measurement of rhenium (Re) and osmium (Os) concentrations and Os isotopic compositions in Ivory Coast tektites (natural glasses with upper crustal compositions that are ejected great distances during meteorite impact) and rocks from the inferred source crater, Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, show that these tektites incorporate about 0.6 percent of a meteoritic component. Analysis of elemental abundances of noble metals alone gives equivocal results in the detection of meteoritic components because the target rocks already have relatively large amounts of noble metals. The Re-Os system is ideally suited for the study of meteorite impacts on old continental crust for three reasons. (i) The isotopic compositions of the target rocks and the meteoritic impactor are significantly different. (ii) Closed-system mixing of target rocks and meteorites is linear on Re-Os isochron diagrams, which thus permits identification of the loss of Re or Os. (iii) Osmium isotopic compositions are not likely to be altered during meteorite impact even if Re and Os are lost.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1992
Christian Koeberl
Abstract Muong Nong-type tektites are one of three tektite groups occurring on land (the others being splash-form and aerodynamically shaped tektites). They differ in appearance from splash-form tektites by having irregular, blocky shapes and a layered structure. In thin sections, dark and light colored layers alternate, with dark layers being less abundant and embedded in a lighter glass matrix. The dark layers contain fewer bubbles than the lighter zones, in which bubbles are much more abundant than in splash-form tektites. Lechatelierite is often frothy, indicating that homogenization with the surrounding glass was not as efficient as in splash-form tektites. All nineteen samples studied here belong to the high silica group. The major element contents show an inverse correlation with the SiO2 content. Additionally, forty-four trace elements have been determined in all samples, using various methods. Muong Nong-type tektites are enriched in volatile elements compared to splash-form tektites. The halogens F, Cl, Br, and I, and several other volatile elements (e.g., B, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Sb, and Pb), show enrichment factors that vary between about 1.5 and 25, with the highest enrichments being shown by Cl, Br, and Zn. Compared to volatile element contents of possible target rocks, Muong Nong-type tektites are only slightly depleted compared to the target rocks, while splash-form tektites show considerable depletions. Some volatilization and selective element loss affected the tektites during their production, but only the volatile elements were affected, in contrast to the suggestion that volatilization of silica took place. The water contents are also slightly higher in Muong Nong-type tektites than in splash-form tektites (0.014 wt% H2O vs. 0.008 wt% H2O). Trace element ratios such as K U , Th U , La Th , or Zr Hf of Muong Nong-type tektites are very similar to those of the average upper continental crust. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the Muong Nong-type tektites are very similar to those of post-Archean upper crustal sediments. Local soil samples have different REE patterns, La/Yb slopes, and Ce and Eu anomalies. Mixing of local soils, or with some related loess samples, cannot reproduce the tektite REE patterns, and any basaltic, oceanic, or extraterrestrial rocks can be excluded as source rocks as well. The La Th ratio of Muong Nong-type tektites is additional evidence for an origin from post-Archean sediments. Major and trace elements have been analyzed in chips of dark and light layers, showing that a distinct chemical difference exists between the layers. Light layers have higher contents of Al2O3, FeO, TiO2, and MgO, and lower contents of SiO2, but the enrichment is not in linear correlation with the SiO2 content, thus simple dilution with silica cannot account for these differences. Trace element abundances, element ratios (e.g., K U , Th U , and La Yb ), and REE patterns show marked differences between layers. This indicates incomplete mixing of different (but not completely dissimilar) parent rocks. Ferric/ferrous iron ratios were determined in all samples, yielding an average of 0.133, which is slightly higher than the ratio determined for two thailandite samples (0.07), but not different from the average ratio of 0.14 that was determined by previous analyses for australites. Muong Nong-type tektites differ in the following criteria from splash-form tektites: (1) higher concentrations of volatile elements (e.g., Cl, Br, Zn, Cu, Pb); (2) chemically inhomogeneous on a millimeter scale; (3) dark and light layers with different chemical compositions; (4) may contain relict mineral inclusions (e.g., zircon, chromite, rutile, quartz, monazite); (5) large and more abundant bubbles that may be elliptical, showing glass flow; (6) large and irregular sample size with no sign of ablation. Muong Nong-type tektites have most probably originated during impact melting from a mixture of post-Archean sediments with compositions close to that of the upper crust (e.g., greywacke, sandstone, shale, etc.). Local loess and soil mixtures may reproduce the major element chemistry of average Muong Nong-type tektites, but the trace element ratios and REE patterns differ, and Sm Nd - Rb Sr isotopic studies of Muong Nong-type tektites exclude recent young sediments such as soil or loess as tektite source materials. The data are in agreement with older sediments (with a sedimentation age of about 167 Ma) such as shales or greywacke. The chemical and isotopic data also do not support an origin of Muong Nong-type tektites from a multitude of very small impact craters. A single large impact, maybe occurring at an oblique angle, was probably responsible for all tektites in the Australasian strewn field. The crater is likely to be situated on or near Indochina, e.g., underwater, on the continental slope east of Vietnam, or on land (i.e., the Cambodian lake of Tonle Sap). The production of tektites seems to require special impact conditions because otherwise there should be more than four tektite strewn fields. Muong Nong-type tektites have not travelled far from the site of the impact, which most probably occurred somewhere in Indochina into post-Archean upper crustal sediments.