
Genome Biology | 2010

NetPath: a public resource of curated signal transduction pathways.

Kumaran Kandasamy; S. Sujatha Mohan; Rajesh Raju; Shivakumar Keerthikumar; Ghantasala S. Sameer Kumar; Abhilash Venugopal; Deepthi Telikicherla; Daniel J. Navarro; Suresh Mathivanan; Christian Pecquet; Sashi Kanth Gollapudi; Sudhir Gopal Tattikota; Shyam Mohan; Hariprasad Padhukasahasram; Yashwanth Subbannayya; Renu Goel; Harrys K.C. Jacob; Jun Zhong; Raja Sekhar; Vishalakshi Nanjappa; Lavanya Balakrishnan; Roopashree Subbaiah; Yl Ramachandra; B. Abdul Rahiman; T. S. Keshava Prasad; Jian Xin Lin; Jon C. D. Houtman; Stephen Desiderio; Jean-Christophe Renauld; Stefan N. Constantinescu

We have developed NetPath as a resource of curated human signaling pathways. As an initial step, NetPath provides detailed maps of a number of immune signaling pathways, which include approximately 1,600 reactions annotated from the literature and more than 2,800 instances of transcriptionally regulated genes - all linked to over 5,500 published articles. We anticipate NetPath to become a consolidated resource for human signaling pathways that should enable systems biology approaches.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences | 2008

Mining for JAK-STAT mutations in cancer.

Stefan N. Constantinescu; Michael Girardot; Christian Pecquet

The Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) pathway mediates signaling by cytokines, which control survival, proliferation and differentiation of several cell types. Constitutive JAK activation leads to persistent activation of STAT transcription factors, and several cancers exhibit constitutive STAT activation, in the absence of JAK or STAT activating mutations. Recently, a unique somatic mutation in JAK2 was identified in a majority of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. This mutation, encoding a V617F substitution, promotes JAK2 catalytic activation and cytokine-independent signaling. JAK2 and JAK3 mutations have also been identified in a minority of polycythemia vera and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia patients, and it is predicted that further JAK-STAT mutations will be identified in different cancers. Recent discoveries also suggest that mutated JAK proteins will be potent targets for anti-cancer therapy.

Blood | 2016

Calreticulin mutants in mice induce an MPL-dependent thrombocytosis with frequent progression to myelofibrosis.

Caroline Marty; Christian Pecquet; Harini Nivarthi; Mira Elkhoury; Ilyas Chachoua; Micheline Tulliez; Jean-Luc Villeval; Hana Raslova; Robert Kralovics; Stefan N. Constantinescu; Isabelle Plo; William Vainchenker

Frameshift mutations in the calreticulin (CALR) gene are seen in about 30% of essential thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis patients. To address the contribution of the CALR mutants to the pathogenesis of myeloproliferative neoplasms, we engrafted lethally irradiated recipient mice with bone marrow cells transduced with retroviruses expressing these mutants. In contrast to wild-type CALR, CALRdel52 (type I) and, to a lesser extent, CALRins5 (type II) induced thrombocytosis due to a megakaryocyte (MK) hyperplasia. Disease was transplantable into secondary recipients. After 6 months, CALRdel52-, in contrast to rare CALRins5-, transduced mice developed a myelofibrosis associated with a splenomegaly and a marked osteosclerosis. Monitoring of virus-transduced populations indicated that CALRdel52 leads to expansion at earlier stages of hematopoiesis than CALRins5. However, both mutants still specifically amplified the MK lineage and platelet production. Moreover, a mutant deleted of the entire exon 9 (CALRdelex9) did not induce a disease, suggesting that the oncogenic property of CALR mutants was related to the new C-terminus peptide. To understand how the CALR mutants target the MK lineage, we used a cell-line model and demonstrated that the CALR mutants, but not CALRdelex9, specifically activate the thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor (MPL) to induce constitutive activation of Janus kinase 2 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5/3/1. We confirmed in c-mpl- and tpo-deficient mice that expression of Mpl, but not of Tpo, was essential for the CALR mutants to induce thrombocytosis in vivo, although Tpo contributes to disease penetrance. Thus, CALR mutants are sufficient to induce thrombocytosis through MPL activation.

PLOS ONE | 2010

JAK2 V617F constitutive activation requires JH2 residue F595: a pseudokinase domain target for specific inhibitors.

Alexandra Dusa; Céline Mouton; Christian Pecquet; Murielle Herman; Stefan N. Constantinescu

The JAK2 V617F mutation present in over 95% of Polycythemia Vera patients and in 50% of Essential Thrombocythemia and Primary Myelofibrosis patients renders the kinase constitutively active. In the absence of a three-dimensional structure for the full-length protein, the mechanism of activation of JAK2 V617F has remained elusive. In this study, we used functional mutagenesis to investigate the involvement of the JH2 αC helix in the constitutive activation of JAK2 V617F. We show that residue F595, located in the middle of the αC helix of JH2, is indispensable for the constitutive activity of JAK2 V617F. Mutation of F595 to Ala, Lys, Val or Ile significantly decreases the constitutive activity of JAK2 V617F, but F595W and F595Y are able to restore it, implying an aromaticity requirement at position 595. Substitution of F595 to Ala was also able to decrease the constitutive activity of two other JAK2 mutants, T875N and R683G, as well as JAK2 K539L, albeit to a lower extent. In contrast, the F595 mutants are activated by erythropoietin-bound EpoR. We also explored the relationship between the dimeric conformation of EpoR and several JAK2 mutants. Since residue F595 is crucial to the constitutive activation of JAK2 V617F but not to initiation of JAK2 activation by cytokines, we suggest that small molecules that target the region around this residue might specifically block oncogenic JAK2 and spare JAK2 wild-type.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2008

Substitution of pseudokinase domain residue Val-617 by large non-polar amino acids causes activation of JAK2.

Alexandra Dusa; Judith Staerk; Joanne Elliott; Christian Pecquet; Hélène Poirel; James A. Johnston; Stefan N. Constantinescu

Explaining the uniqueness of the acquired somatic JAK2 V617F mutation, which is present in more than 95% of polycythemia vera patients, has been a challenge. The V617F mutation in the pseudokinase domain of JAK2 renders the unmutated kinase domain constitutively active. We have performed random mutagenesis at position 617 of JAK2 and tested each of the 20 possible amino acids for ability to induce constitutive signaling in Ba/F3 cells expressing the erythropoietin receptor. Four JAK2 mutants, V617W, V617M, V617I, and V617L, were able to induce cytokine independence and constitutive downstream signaling. Only V617W induced a level of constitutive activation comparable with V617F. Also, only V617W stabilized tyrosine-phosphorylated suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3), a mechanism by which JAK2 V617F overcomes inhibition by SOCS3. The V617W mutant induced a myeloproliferative disease in mice, mainly characterized by erythrocytosis and megakaryocytic proliferation. Although JAK2 V617W would predictably be pathogenic in humans, the substitution of the Val codon, GTC, by TTG, the codon for Trp, would require three base pair changes, and thus it is unlikely to occur. We discuss how the predicted conformations of the activated JAK2 mutants can lead to better screening assays for novel small molecule inhibitors.

Blood | 2010

Induction of myeloproliferative disorder and myelofibrosis by thrombopoietin receptor W515 mutants is mediated by cytosolic tyrosine 112 of the receptor

Christian Pecquet; Judith Staerk; Ronan Chaligné; Valerie Goss; Kimberley A. Lee; Xiaowu Zhang; John Rush; Joanne Van Hees; Hélène Poirel; Jean-Marie Scheiff; William Vainchenker; Stéphane Giraudier; Roberto D. Polakiewicz; Stefan N. Constantinescu

Constitutively active JAK2V617F and thrombopoietin receptor (TpoR) W515L/K mutants are major determinants of human myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). We show that a TpoRW515 mutation (W515A), which we detected in 2 myelofibrosis patients, and the Delta5TpoR active mutant, where the juxtamembrane R/KW(515)QFP motif is deleted, induce a myeloproliferative phenotype in mouse bone marrow reconstitution experiments. This phenotype required cytosolic Y112 of the TpoR. Phosphotyrosine immunoprofiling detected phosphorylated cytosolic TpoR Y78 and Y112 in cells expressing TpoRW515A. Mutation of cytosolic Y112 to phenylalanine prevented establishment of the in vivo phenotype and decreased constitutive active signaling by Delta5TpoR and TpoRW515A, especially via the mitogen-activated protein (MAP)-kinase pathway, without decreasing Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) activation. In contrast, mutation of cytosolic Y78 to phenylalanine enhanced the myeloproliferative syndrome induced by the TpoRW515 mutants, by enhancing receptor-induced JAK2 activation. We propose that TpoR cytosolic phosphorylated Y112 and flanking sequences could become targets for pharmacologic inhibition in MPNs.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013

Tryptophan at the transmembrane–cytosolic junction modulates thrombopoietin receptor dimerization and activation

Jean-Philippe Defour; Miki Itaya; Vitalina Gryshkova; Ian C. Brett; Christian Pecquet; Takeshi Sato; Steven O. Smith; Stefan N. Constantinescu

Dimerization of single-pass membrane receptors is essential for activation. In the human thrombopoietin receptor (TpoR), a unique amphipathic RWQFP motif separates the transmembrane (TM) and intracellular domains. Using a combination of mutagenesis, spectroscopy, and biochemical assays, we show that W515 of this motif impairs dimerization of the upstream TpoR TM helix. TpoR is unusual in that a specific residue is required for this inhibitory function, which prevents receptor self-activation. Mutations as diverse as W515K and W515L cause oncogenic activation of TpoR and lead to human myeloproliferative neoplasms. Two lines of evidence support a general mechanism in which W515 at the intracellular juxtamembrane boundary inhibits dimerization of the TpoR TM helix by increasing the helix tilt angle relative to the membrane bilayer normal, which prevents the formation of stabilizing TM dimer contacts. First, measurements using polarized infrared spectroscopy show that the isolated TM domain of the active W515K mutant has a helix tilt angle closer to the bilayer normal than that of the wild-type receptor. Second, we identify second-site R514W and Q516W mutations that reverse dimerization and tilt angle changes induced by the W515K and W515L mutations. The second-site mutations prevent constitutive activation of TpoR W515K/L, while preserving ligand-induced signaling. The ability of tryptophan to influence the angle and dimerization of the TM helix in wild-type TpoR and in the second-site revertants is likely associated with its strong preference to be buried in the headgroup region of membrane bilayers.

The EMBO Journal | 2011

Orientation-specific signalling by thrombopoietin receptor dimers.

Judith Staerk; Jean-Philippe Defour; Christian Pecquet; Emilie Leroy; Hélène Antoine-Poirel; Ian C. Brett; Miki Itaya; Steven O. Smith; William Vainchenker; Stefan N. Constantinescu

Ligand binding to the thrombopoietin receptor is thought to stabilize an active receptor dimer that regulates megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet formation, as well as haematopoietic stem cell renewal. By fusing a dimeric coiled coil in all seven possible orientations to the thrombopoietin receptor transmembrane (TM)–cytoplasmic domains, we show that specific biological effects and in vivo phenotypes are imparted by distinct dimeric orientations, which can be visualized by cysteine mutagenesis and crosslinking. Using functional assays and computational searches, we identify one orientation that represents the inactive dimeric state and another similar to a physiologically activated receptor. Several other dimeric orientations are identified that induce proliferation and in vivo myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disorders, indicating the receptor can signal from several dimeric interfaces. The set of dimeric thrombopoietin receptors with different TM orientations may offer new insights into the activation of distinct signalling pathways by a single receptor and suggests that subtle differences in cytokine receptor dimerization provide a new layer of signalling regulation that is relevant for disease.

Blood | 2014

Germ-line JAK2 mutations in the kinase domain are responsible for hereditary thrombocytosis and are resistant to JAK2 and HSP90 inhibitors

Caroline Marty; Cécile Saint-Martin; Christian Pecquet; Sarah Grosjean; Joseph Saliba; Céline Mouton; Emilie Leroy; Ashot S. Harutyunyan; Jean-François Abgrall; Rémi Favier; Aurélie Toussaint; Eric Solary; Robert Kralovics; Stefan N. Constantinescu; Albert Najman; William Vainchenker; Isabelle Plo; Christine Bellanné-Chantelot

The main molecular basis of essential thrombocythemia and hereditary thrombocytosis is acquired, and germ-line-activating mutations affect the thrombopoietin signaling axis. We have identified 2 families with hereditary thrombocytosis presenting novel heterozygous germ-line mutations of JAK2. One family carries the JAK2 R867Q mutation located in the kinase domain, whereas the other presents 2 JAK2 mutations, S755R/R938Q, located in cis in both the pseudokinase and kinase domains. Expression of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) R867Q and S755R/R938Q induced spontaneous growth of Ba/F3-thrombopoietin receptor (MPL) but not of Ba/F3-human receptor of erythropoietin cells. Interestingly, both Ba/F3-MPL cells expressing the mutants and platelets from patients displayed thrombopoietin-independent phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1. The JAK2 R867Q and S755R/R938Q proteins had significantly longer half-lives compared with JAK2 V617F. The longer half-lives correlated with increased binding to the heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) chaperone and with higher MPL cell-surface expression. Moreover, these mutants were less sensitive to JAK2 and HSP90 inhibitors than JAK2 V617F. Our results suggest that the mutations in the kinase domain of JAK2 may confer a weak activation of signaling specifically dependent on MPL while inducing a decreased sensitivity to clinically available JAK2 inhibitors.

Cell Reports | 2013

FLT3-ITDs Instruct a Myeloid Differentiation and Transformation Bias in Lymphomyeloid Multipotent Progenitors.

Adam Mead; Shabnam Kharazi; Deborah Atkinson; Iain C Macaulay; Christian Pecquet; Stephen Loughran; Michael Lutteropp; Petter S. Woll; Onima Chowdhury; Sidinh Luc; Natalija Buza-Vidas; Helen Ferry; Sally-Ann Clark; Nicolas Goardon; Paresh Vyas; Stefan N. Constantinescu; Ewa Sitnicka; Claus Nerlov; Sten Eirik W. Jacobsen

Summary Whether signals mediated via growth factor receptors (GFRs) might influence lineage fate in multipotent progenitors (MPPs) is unclear. We explored this issue in a mouse knockin model of gain-of-function Flt3-ITD mutation because FLT3-ITDs are paradoxically restricted to acute myeloid leukemia even though Flt3 primarily promotes lymphoid development during normal hematopoiesis. When expressed in MPPs, Flt3-ITD collaborated with Runx1 mutation to induce high-penetrance aggressive leukemias that were exclusively of the myeloid phenotype. Flt3-ITDs preferentially expanded MPPs with reduced lymphoid and increased myeloid transcriptional priming while compromising early B and T lymphopoiesis. Flt3-ITD-induced myeloid lineage bias involved upregulation of the transcription factor Pu.1, which is a direct target gene of Stat3, an aberrantly activated target of Flt3-ITDs, further establishing how lineage bias can be inflicted on MPPs through aberrant GFR signaling. Collectively, these findings provide new insights into how oncogenic mutations might subvert the normal process of lineage commitment and dictate the phenotype of resulting malignancies.

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