Christian Steuwe
University of Cambridge
Nano Letters | 2011
Christian Steuwe; Clemens F. Kaminski; Jeremy J. Baumberg; Sumeet Mahajan
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) is a well-known tool in multiphoton imaging and nonlinear spectroscopy. In this work we combine CARS with plasmonic surface enhancement on reproducible nanostructured surfaces. We demonstrate strong correlation between plasmon resonances and surface-enhanced CARS (SECARS) intensities on our nanostructured surfaces and show that an enhancement of ∼10(5) can be obtained over standard CARS. Furthermore, we find SECARS to be >10(3) times more sensitive than surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). We also demonstrate SECARS imaging of molecular monolayers. Our work paves the way for reliable single molecule Raman spectroscopy and fast molecular imaging on plasmonic surfaces.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2016
Haifeng Yuan; Elke Debroye; Kris P. F. Janssen; Hiroyuki Naiki; Christian Steuwe; Gang Lu; Michèle Moris; Emanuele Orgiu; Hiroshi Uji-i; Frans C. De Schryver; Paolo Samorì; Johan Hofkens; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers
Organometal halide perovskites show promising features for cost-effective application in photovoltaics. The material instability remains a major obstacle to broad application because of the poorly understood degradation pathways. Here, we apply simultaneous luminescence and electron microscopy on perovskites for the first time, allowing us to monitor in situ morphology evolution and optical properties upon perovskite degradation. Interestingly, morphology, photoluminescence (PL), and cathodoluminescence of perovskite samples evolve differently upon degradation driven by electron beam (e-beam) or by light. A transversal electric current generated by a scanning electron beam leads to dramatic changes in PL and tunes the energy band gaps continuously alongside film thinning. In contrast, light-induced degradation results in material decomposition to scattered particles and shows little PL spectral shifts. The differences in degradation can be ascribed to different electric currents that drive ion migration. Moreover, solution-processed perovskite cuboids show heterogeneity in stability which is likely related to crystallinity and morphology. Our results reveal the essential role of ion migration in perovskite degradation and provide potential avenues to rationally enhance the stability of perovskite materials by reducing ion migration while improving morphology and crystallinity. It is worth noting that even moderate e-beam currents (86 pA) and acceleration voltages (10 kV) readily induce significant perovskite degradation and alter their optical properties. Therefore, attention has to be paid while characterizing such materials using scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy techniques.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine | 2017
Nelly D. Saenen; Hannelore Bové; Christian Steuwe; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers; Eline B. Provost; Wouter Lefebvre; Charlotte Vanpoucke; Marcel Ameloot; Tim S. Nawrot
Rationale: Ambient air pollution, including black carbon, entails a serious public health risk because of its carcinogenic potential and as climate pollutant. To date, an internal exposure marker for black carbon particles that have cleared from the systemic circulation into the urine does not exist. Objectives: To develop and validate a novel method to measure black carbon particles in a label‐free way in urine. Methods: We detected urinary carbon load in 289 children (aged 9‐12 yr) using white‐light generation under femtosecond pulsed laser illumination. Childrens residential black carbon concentrations were estimated based on a high‐resolution spatial temporal interpolation method. Measurements and Main Results: We were able to detect urinary black carbon in all children, with an overall average (SD) of 98.2 × 105 (29.8 × 105) particles/ml. The urinary black carbon load was positively associated with medium‐term to chronic (1 mo or more) residential black carbon exposure: +5.33 × 105 particles/ml higher carbon load (95% confidence interval, 1.56 × 105 to 9.10 × 105 particles/ml) for an interquartile range increment in annual residential black carbon exposure. Consistently, children who lived closer to a major road (≤160 m) had higher urinary black carbon load (6.93 × 105 particles/ml; 95% confidence interval, 0.77 × 105 to 13.1 × 105). Conclusions: Urinary black carbon mirrors the accumulation of medium‐term to chronic exposure to combustion‐related air pollution. This specific biomarker reflects internal systemic black carbon particles cleared from the circulation into the urine, allowing investigators to unravel the complexity of particulate‐related health effects.
Journal of Optics | 2013
Imran I. Patel; Christian Steuwe; Stefanie Reichelt; Sumeet Mahajan
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) has established itself as an imaging technique capable of providing video-rate imaging of biological specimens through vibrational coherence of endogenous molecules. Current techniques predominantly involve the application of costly, invasive and potentially non-specific dyes or labels for imaging biomolecules. CARS microscopy can however provide a high-resolution and non-invasive alternative for imaging biomolecules of interest without the need for exogenous labels. Here we provide an overview of CARS including the technique and common instrumentation as well as its applications in biomedical imaging. We discuss the major biomedical areas where CARS has been applied such as in evaluating liver disease, progression of atherosclerosis, tumour classification and tracking drug delivery, whilst also assessing the future challenges for clinical translation.
Journal of Biophotonics | 2014
Christian Steuwe; Imran I. Patel; Mahmud Ul-Hasan; Alexander Schreiner; Joan Boren; Kevin M. Brindle; Stefanie Reichelt; Sumeet Mahajan
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is becoming an established tool for label-free multi-photon imaging based on molecule specific vibrations in the sample. The technique has proven to be particularly useful for imaging lipids, which are abundant in cells and tissues, including cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LD), which are recognized as dynamic organelles involved in many cellular functions. The increase in the number of lipid droplets in cells undergoing cell proliferation is a common feature in many neoplastic processes [1] and an increase in LD number also appears to be an early marker of drug-induced cell stress and subsequent apoptosis [3]. In this paper, a CARS-based label-free method is presented to monitor the increase in LD content in HCT116 colon tumour cells treated with the chemotherapeutic drugs Etoposide, Camptothecin and the protein kinase inhibitor Staurosporine. Using CARS, LDs can easily be distinguished from other cell components without the application of fluorescent dyes and provides a label-free non-invasive drug screening assay that could be used not only with cells and tissues ex vivo but potentially also in vivo.
Nano Letters | 2016
Hannelore Bové; Christian Steuwe; Eduard Fron; Eli Slenders; J. D’Haen; Yasuhiko Fujita; Hiroshi Uji-i; Martin vandeVen; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers; Marcel Ameloot
Although adverse health effects of carbon black (CB) exposure are generally accepted, a direct, label-free approach for detecting CB particles in fluids and at the cellular level is still lacking. Here, we report nonincandescence related white-light (WL) generation by dry and suspended carbon black particles under illumination with femtosecond (fs) pulsed near-infrared light as a powerful tool for the detection of these carbonaceous materials. This observation is done for four different CB species with diameters ranging from 13 to 500 nm, suggesting this WL emission under fs near-infrared illumination is a general property of CB particles. As the emitted radiation spreads over the whole visible spectrum, detection is straightforward and flexible. The unique property of the described WL emission allows optical detection and unequivocal localization of CB particles in fluids and in cellular environments while simultaneously colocalizing different cellular components using various specific fluorophores as shown here using human lung fibroblasts. The experiments are performed on a typical multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy platform, widely available in research laboratories.
ACS Nano | 2017
Julian A. Steele; Haifeng Yuan; Collin Y. X. Tan; Masoumeh Keshavarz; Christian Steuwe; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers; Johan Hofkens
Organolead halide perovskites are increasingly considered for applications well beyond photovoltaics, for example, as the active regions within photonic devices. Herein, we report the direct laser writing (DLW: 458 nm cw-laser) of the formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) yellow δ-phase into its high-temperature luminescent black α-phase, a remarkably easy and scalable approach that takes advantage of the material’s susceptibility to transition under ambient conditions. Through the DLW of α-FAPbI3 tracks on δ-FAPbI3 single-crystal surfaces, the controlled and rapid microfabrication of highly luminescent structures exhibiting long-term phase stability is detailed, offering an avenue toward the prototyping of complex perovskite-based optical devices. The dynamics and kinetics of laser-induced δ- to α-phase transformations are investigated in situ by Raman microprobe analysis, as a function of irradiation power, time, temperature, and atmospheric conditions, revealing an interesting connection between oxygen intercalation at the surface and the δ- to α-phase transformation dynamics, an insight that will find application within the wider context of FAPbI3 thermal phase relations.
PLOS ONE | 2018
Asefeh Golreihan; Christian Steuwe; Lineke Woelders; Arne Deprez; Yasuhiko Fujita; Johan Vellekoop; Rudy Swennen; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers
In micropaleontological and paleoclimatological studies based on microfossil morphology and geochemistry, assessing the preservation state of fossils is of the highest importance, as diagenetic alteration invalidates textural features and compromises the correct interpretation of stable isotope and trace elemental analysis. In this paper, we present a novel non-invasive and label-free tomographic approach to reconstruct the three-dimensional architecture of microfossils with submicron resolution based on stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). Furthermore, this technique allows deciphering the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the minerals within these fossils in a chemically sensitive manner. Our method, therefore, allows to identify microfossils, to chemically map their internal structure and eventually to determine their preservation state. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method by analyzing several benthic and planktonic foraminifera, obtaining full 3D distributions of carbonate, iron oxide and porosity for each specimen. Subsequently, the preservation state of each microfossil can be assessed using these 3D compositional maps. The technique is highly sensitive, non-destructive, time-efficient and avoids the need for sample pretreatment. Therefore, its predestined application is the final check of the state of microfossils before applying subsequent geochemical analyses.
Journal of Biophotonics | 2018
Christian Steuwe; Hannelore Bové; Jan Clerinx; Martin vandeVen; Eduard Fron; Tim S. Nawrot; Marcel Ameloot; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers
Carbonaceous particle exposure and air pollution in general lead to a multitude of adverse human health effects and pose multiple challenges in terms of exposure, risk and safety assessment. Highly desirable for fast screening are label-free approaches for detecting these particle types in biological or medical context. We report a powerful approach for detecting carbonaceous particles using photothermal pump-probe microscopy, which directly probes their strong light absorption. The principle and reliability of this approach is demonstrated by examining 4 different carbon black (CB) species modeling soot with diameters ranging from 13 to 500 nm. Our results show that the proposed approach is applicable to a large number of CB types as well as black carbon. As the particles show a strong absorption over a wide spectral range as compared to other absorbing species, we can image CB particles almost background free. Our pump-probe approach allows label-free optical detection and unambiguous localization of CB particles in (bio)fluids and 3D cellular environments. In combination with fluorescence microscopy, this method allows for simultaneous colocalization of CB with different cellular components using fluorophores as shown here for human lung fibroblasts. We further demonstrate the versatility of pump-probe detection in a flow cell.
Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care VI | 2018
Christian Steuwe; Nelly D. Saenen; Maarten B. J. Roeffaers; Marcel Ameloot; Leentje Rasking; Hannelore Bové
Worldwide, outdoor air pollution is responsible for 4.2 million premature deaths per year. Both chronic and acute exposure to particulate matter air pollution is a risk factor for heart and lung diseases. One of the atmospheric pollutant particles is represented by soot or carbonaceous particles (CPs), which are produced during the incomplete combustion of fuels. To evaluate human CP exposure, a direct and label-free approach for detecting such particles in body fluids and tissues was still lacking. We present a novel technique to finally close the diagnostic gap. We report for the first time white-light generation by CPs under femtosecond pulsed near-infrared light illumination in aqueous environments and demonstrate the potential of this approach in biomedical and diagnostic context. In fact, it was shown that urinary carbon loading can serve as an exposure matrix to carbon-based air pollution, reflecting the passage of soot particles from circulation into urine. The novel method is straightforward, fast and flexible without the need of sample pretreatment. Moreover, the technique offers several other advantages such as inherent 3D sectioning and high imaging depths making it possible to screen at the cellular and tissue level. In conclusion, this novel diagnostic technique allows to quantify exposure at the personal level including different scenarios like occupational exposure, smog, forest fires, etc.. Additionally, this approach paves the way to unravel the complexity of soot-related health effects.