Christiane Marques do Couto
State University of Campinas
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2009
Christiane Marques do Couto; Renata Mota Mamede Carvallo
Caracteristicas como a frequencia de ressonância da orelha externa e da orelha media podem interferir na captacao das emissoes otoacusticas. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influencia da frequencia de ressonância da orelha externa e da orelha media na resposta das emissoes otoacusticas. DESENHO CIENTIFICO: Estudo de serie, prospectivo, clinico. MATERIAL E METODO: Foram feitas medidas com microfone-sonda na orelha externa, timpanometria de multifrequencia e teste de emissoes otoacusticas por transitorio e produto de distorcao em 19 orelhas direitas e 20 orelhas esquerdas de individuos do sexo masculino e 23 orelhas direitas e 23 orelhas esquerdas de individuos do sexo feminino com 17 a 30 anos. As 85 orelhas eram audiologicamente normais. RESULTADOS: Nao foram observadas relacoes estatisticamente significantes entre a melhor frequencia de emissoes otoacusticas e a frequencia de ressonância da orelha externa oclusa e da orelha media. CONCLUSAO: Os niveis de respostas das emissoes otoacusticas por transitorio e produto de distorcao nao sao influenciadas apenas pela ressonância da orelha externa e da orelha media.
Revista Cefac | 2009
Cláudia Giglio de Oliveira Gonçalves; Christiane Marques do Couto; Juliana Malteze Carraro; Bianca Santos Leonelli
Purpose: to analyze the effectiveness for inserting different hearing protectors in trained and nontrained subjects. Methods: we investigated the attenuation for four models of hearing protectors (foam earplugs, three-flange silicone earplugs, olive end earplugs and shell earplugs) by means of two strategies, namely, free-field audiometry and microphone probe measurements, with and without h. p. for comparison and determination of noise elimination. Two groups were evaluated: Group 1, with workers trained (23) in the use of hearing protectors, and Group 2, with non-trained ones (8). Results: in group 1, the differences of hearing thresholds with and with no hearing protectors evaluated by the aforementioned methods, in general values, are greater than those of group 2. Shell earplugs submitted average values higher then those of the other types; and olive-end earplugs submitted the minor values. Conclusion: training for using hearing protectors is necessary and must be included in Hearing Conservation Programs (HCP).OBJETIVO: analisar a eficacia da colocacao de diferentes protetores auriculares em sujeitos treinados e nao-treinados e verificar a importância e a necessidade da realizacao de um treinamento para a colocacao adequada do Equipamento de Protecao Individual auricular. METODOS: investigou-se a atenuacao de quatro modelos diferentes de protetores auriculares (insercao de espuma, insercao de silicone tres flanges, insercao oliva e tipo concha) por meio de duas estrategias: audiometria em campo livre e medidas com microfone sonda, com e sem protetor auricular para comparacao e determinacao da vedacao de ruido. Avaliou-se dois grupos, Grupo 1, sujeitos que receberam treinamento e orientacao em relacao ao uso e colocacao do EPI auricular (23) e o Grupo 2, sujeitos nao-treinados (8) universitarios que nunca utilizaram o EPI auricular. RESULTADOS: no grupo 1, as diferencas dos limiares auditivos sem e com protetor auricular avaliadas pelos dois metodos apresentaram, em geral, valores de atenuacao superiores ao do grupo 2. O protetor auricular concha apresentou valores medios de atenuacao superiores aos demais tipos; e o protetor auricular oliva apresentou valores menores. CONCLUSAO: o treinamento quanto ao uso dos protetores auriculares e necessario e deve ser incluido nos Programa de Conservacao Auditiva (PCA).
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2009
Christiane Marques do Couto; Renata Mota Mamede Carvallo
UNLABELLED Characteristics of how external and middle ear resonance frequency can impact the capture of otoacoustic emissions. AIM to study the impact of external and middle ear resonance frequency in otoacoustic emissions. STUDY DESIGN Prospective, clinical, series study. MATERIALS AND METHODS Microphone-probe measurements were made in the external ear, together with multifrequency timpanometry distortion product transient otoacoustic emissions in 19 right and 20 left ears from male individuals and 23 right and 23 left ears from female individuals with 17 to 30 years of age. The 85 ears were audiologically normal. RESULTS We did not observe statistically significant associations between the best otoacoustic emission best frequencies and the occluded external and middle ear resonance frequencies. CONCLUSION Response levels for both transient and distortion product otoacoustic emissions are not influenced by the external and middle ear resonances alone.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2011
Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Maria de Fátima de Campos Françozo; Christiane Marques do Couto; Maria Cecília Marconi Pinheiro Lima; Tatiana Guilhermino Tazinazzio; Arthur Menino Castilho; Edi Lúcia Sartorato
UNLABELLED Hearing is one of the main ways with which one person can contact the external world; it plays a key role in their integration with society. AIM The objective of this study was to analyze the results of the hearing, medical and genetic evaluation of high-risk infants who failed the newborn hearing screening. MATERIALS AND METHODS Clinical and experimental study. We assessed thirty-eight neonates, with ages between one and six months. The infants underwent the following procedures: medical interview; immittance testing; Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential; Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission and otorhinolaryngological evaluation. DNA extraction from the oral mucosa was performed for genetic studies using the protocol method adapted from the Human Genetics Lab of the CBMEG/UNICAMP. RESULTS Regarding gender and presence of risk factors, significant statistically differences were not found in normal hearing infants and in those with hearing loss. Concerning gestational age, term infants were more affected by hearing loss. Hearing loss was identified in 58% of the sample, conduction hearing loss represented 31.5% (12/38) and neurossensory 28.9% of cases. There were none of the genetic mutations most commonly seen in cases with a genetic etiology. CONCLUSION Hearing loss was identified in the majority of High-risk infants.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2014
Izabella dos Santos; Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Christiane Marques do Couto
INTRODUCTION The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. CONCLUSION It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.Introduction: The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. Objective: This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones Materials and methods: This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. Conclusion: It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.
Audiology - Communication Research | 2014
Sávia Leticia Menuzzo Quental; Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Christiane Marques do Couto
Purpose To determine whether musical practice improves speech comprehension in noisy conditions. Methods A total 43 female and male subjects aged between 18 and 33 years were distributed into three groups: the Musicians Group, comprising 15 subjects with formal music education; the Intermediate Group, comprising 13 subjects with informal music education; and the Non-musicians Group, comprising 15 subjects without musical experience. The participants had normal hearing thresholds and external and middle ear condition. The Hearing in Noise Test, Brazilian Version, was administered, and the results were analyzed by ANOVA and Chi-Square methods. Results The three groups were normal based on the test standards. There was no statistical difference between the groups overall. In the gender comparison, the only the female participants in the Musician and Intermediate groups differed, and the Intermediate Group performed better. Conclusion Previous musical experience did not influence speech in noise perception.
Revista Cefac | 2013
Aline de Moraes Arieta; Christiane Marques do Couto; Everardo Andrade da Costa
ABSTRACT Purpose: investigate the difference in the signal to noise ratio in subjects exposed and not exposed to occupational noise, with and without hearing loss using the Hearing in Noise Test, version in Portuguese of Brazil. Method : 206 subjects, 49 females and 157 males were evaluated and divided : 56 normal hearing without noise exposure (Group 1); 70 normal hearing exposed to occupational noise (Group 2); 80 exposed occupational noise with sensorineural hearing loss (Group 3). We analyzed the signal to noise ratio using the HINT Brazil in four presentation conditions: S-no noise, NF-noise front, NR-noise right, NL- noise left; RC-noise composite (weighted average of presentations with noise ) and the results were recorded in dB. Results: the mean values obtained were: G1: 25.0 (S), –5.0 (NF), –12.3 (NR), –12.4 (NL) and –8.7 (NC); G2 : 26.4 (S), –4.7 (NF), –11.9 (NR), –11.9 (NL) and –8.3 (NC); G3: 34.1 (S) – 2.8 (NF), –8.9 (NR), –8.8 (NL), –5.8 (NC). Conclusion: there was significant difference between the values of the group of unexposed subjects (G1) with the above (G2) only on condition Noise Composite (NC). The group of subjects with hearing loss (G3) showed a significant difference in the groups G1 and G2, with worse performance in all conditions. The worst performance for speech understanding in noise was related to the degree of hearing loss and noise exposure.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2014
Izabella dos Santos; Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Christiane Marques do Couto
INTRODUCTION The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. CONCLUSION It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.Introduction: The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. Objective: This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones Materials and methods: This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. Conclusion: It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.
SciELO | 2014
Izabella dos Santos; Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Christiane Marques do Couto
INTRODUCTION The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. CONCLUSION It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.Introduction: The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. Objective: This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones Materials and methods: This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. Conclusion: It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2014
Izabella dos Santos; Maria Francisca Colella-Santos; Christiane Marques do Couto
INTRODUCTION The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. CONCLUSION It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.Introduction: The use of Personal Digital Audio Players can cause hearing injuries, as the sound is generated directly in the ear canal. It is believed that different types of headphones can cause different amplifications, since they cause changes in the volume and resonance of the ear canal according to their depth. Objective: This study aimed to determine the sound pressure to which young individuals are exposed when using Personal Digital Audio Players with two types of headphones: insertion earphones and anatomical insertion earphones Materials and methods: This was an experimental study. The probe microphone measurements were made with different headphones in 54 ears (27 young individuals). The resonance peaks were also recorded. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the evaluated headphones, showing that anatomical insertion earphones had higher levels of sound pressure than insertion earphones for all frequencies measured. There was no correlation between the resonance peak of the closed canal and the frequency where the highest sound pressure level was obtained. There was a significant difference between ears at some frequencies with the different headphones. Conclusion: It was concluded that anatomical insertion earphones generate a higher sound pressure level than insertion earphones.