Christine F. Braban
Natural Environment Research Council
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2013
Mark A. Sutton; Stefan Reis; Stuart N. Riddick; U. Dragosits; E. Nemitz; Mark R. Theobald; Y. Sim Tang; Christine F. Braban; Massimo Vieno; Anthony J. Dore; Sarah Wanless; Francis Daunt; D. Fowler; Trevor D. Blackall; C. Milford; Chris Flechard; Benjamin Loubet; Raia Silvia Massad; Pierre Cellier; Erwan Personne; Pierre-François Coheur; Lieven Clarisse; Martin Van Damme; Yasmine Ngadi; Cathy Clerbaux; Carsten Ambelas Skjøth; Camilla Geels; Ole Hertel; Roy Wichink Kruit; Robert W. Pinder
Existing descriptions of bi-directional ammonia (NH3) land–atmosphere exchange incorporate temperature and moisture controls, and are beginning to be used in regional chemical transport models. However, such models have typically applied simpler emission factors to upscale the main NH3 emission terms. While this approach has successfully simulated the main spatial patterns on local to global scales, it fails to address the environment- and climate-dependence of emissions. To handle these issues, we outline the basis for a new modelling paradigm where both NH3 emissions and deposition are calculated online according to diurnal, seasonal and spatial differences in meteorology. We show how measurements reveal a strong, but complex pattern of climatic dependence, which is increasingly being characterized using ground-based NH3 monitoring and satellite observations, while advances in process-based modelling are illustrated for agricultural and natural sources, including a global application for seabird colonies. A future architecture for NH3 emission–deposition modelling is proposed that integrates the spatio-temporal interactions, and provides the necessary foundation to assess the consequences of climate change. Based on available measurements, a first empirical estimate suggests that 5°C warming would increase emissions by 42 per cent (28–67%). Together with increased anthropogenic activity, global NH3 emissions may increase from 65 (45–85) Tg N in 2008 to reach 132 (89–179) Tg by 2100.
Science of The Total Environment | 2015
Susanne Steinle; Stefan Reis; Clive E. Sabel; Sean Semple; Marsailidh Twigg; Christine F. Braban; Sarah R. Leeson; Mathew R. Heal; David Harrison; Chun Lin; Hao Wu
Adverse health effects from exposure to air pollution are a global challenge and of widespread concern. Recent high ambient concentration episodes of air pollutants in European cities highlighted the dynamic nature of human exposure and the gaps in data and knowledge about exposure patterns. In order to support health impact assessment it is essential to develop a better understanding of individual exposure pathways in peoples everyday lives by taking account of all environments in which people spend time. Here we describe the development, validation and results of an exposure method applied in a study conducted in Scotland. A low-cost particle counter based on light-scattering technology - the Dylos 1700 was used. Its performance was validated in comparison with equivalent instruments (TEOM-FDMS) at two national monitoring network sites (R(2)=0.9 at a rural background site, R(2)=0.7 at an urban background site). This validation also provided two functions to convert measured PNCs into calculated particle mass concentrations for direct comparison of concentrations with equivalent monitoring instruments and air quality limit values. This study also used contextual and time-based activity data to define six microenvironments (MEs) to assess everyday exposure of individuals to short-term PM2.5 concentrations. The Dylos was combined with a GPS receiver to track movement and exposure of individuals across the MEs. Seventeen volunteers collected 35 profiles. Profiles may have a different overall duration and structure with respect to times spent in different MEs and activities undertaken. Results indicate that due to the substantial variability across and between MEs, it is essential to measure near-complete exposure pathways to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the exposure risk a person encounters on a daily basis. Taking into account the information gained through personal exposure measurements, this work demonstrates the added value of data generated by the application of low-cost monitors.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2010
Manik Pradhan; Markus Kalberer; P. T. Griffiths; Christine F. Braban; Francis D. Pope; R. Anthony Cox; Richard M. Lambert
Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) is an important atmospheric oxidant that can serve as a sensitive indicator for HO(x) (OH + HO(2)) chemistry. We report the first direct experimental determination of the uptake coefficient for the heterogeneous reaction of gas-phase hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) with titanium dioxide (TiO(2)), an important component of atmospheric mineral dust aerosol particles. The kinetics of H(2)O(2) uptake on TiO(2) surfaces were investigated using an entrained aerosol flow tube (AFT) coupled with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS). Uptake coefficients (gamma(H(2)O(2))) were measured as a function of relative humidity (RH) and ranged from 1.53 x 10(-3) at 15% RH to 5.04 x 10(-4) at 70% RH. The observed negative correlation of RH with gamma(H(2)O(2)) suggests that gaseous water competes with gaseous H(2)O(2) for adsorption sites on the TiO(2) surface. These results imply that water vapor plays a major role in the heterogeneous loss of H(2)O(2) to submicrometer TiO(2) aerosol. The results are compared with related experimental observations and assessed in terms of their potential impact on atmospheric modeling studies of mineral dust and its effect on the heterogeneous chemistry in the atmosphere.
Environmental Pollution | 2013
E. Vogt; U. Dragosits; Christine F. Braban; Mark R. Theobald; Anthony J. Dore; Netty van Dijk; Y. Sim Tang; Chris McDonald; Scott Murray; Robert M. Rees; Mark A. Sutton
We examined the consequences of the spatial heterogeneity of atmospheric ammonia (NH₃) by measuring and modelling NH₃ concentrations and deposition at 25 m grid resolution for a rural landscape containing intensive poultry farming, agricultural grassland, woodland and moorland. The emission pattern gave rise to a high spatial variability of modelled mean annual NH₃ concentrations and dry deposition. Largest impacts were predicted for woodland patches located within the agricultural area, while larger moorland areas were at low risk, due to atmospheric dispersion, prevailing wind direction and low NH3 background. These high resolution spatial details are lost in national scale estimates at 1 km resolution due to less detailed emission input maps. The results demonstrate how the spatial arrangement of sources and sinks is critical to defining the NH₃ risk to semi-natural ecosystems. These spatial relationships provide the foundation for local spatial planning approaches to reduce environmental impacts of atmospheric NH₃.
Environmental Research Letters | 2016
Massimo Vieno; Mathew R. Heal; Marsailidh Twigg; Ian A. MacKenzie; Christine F. Braban; J. Lingard; Stuart Ritchie; R. C. Beck; Andrea Moring; Riinu Ots; C. Di Marco; E. Nemitz; Mark A. Sutton; Stefan Reis
A period of elevated surface concentrations of airborne particulate matter (PM) in the UK in spring 2014 was widely associated in the UK media with a Saharan dust plume. This might have led to over-emphasis on a natural phenomenon and consequently to a missed opportunity to inform the public and provide robust evidence for policy-makers about the observed characteristics and causes of this pollution event. In this work, the EMEP4UK regional atmospheric chemistry transport model (ACTM) was used in conjunction with speciated PM measurements to investigate the sources and long-range transport (including vertical) processes contributing to the chemical components of the elevated surface PM. It is shown that the elevated PM during this period was mainly driven by ammonium nitrate, much of which was derived from emissions outside the UK. In the early part of the episode, Saharan dust remained aloft above the UK; we show that a significant contribution of Saharan dust at surface level was restricted only to the latter part of the elevated PM period and to a relatively small geographic area in the southern part of the UK. The analyses presented in this paper illustrate the capability of advanced ACTMs, corroborated with chemically-speciated measurements, to identify the underlying causes of complex PM air pollution episodes. Specifically, the analyses highlight the substantial contribution of secondary inorganic ammonium nitrate PM, with agricultural ammonia emissions in continental Europe presenting a major driver. The findings suggest that more emphasis on reducing emissions in Europe would have marked benefits in reducing episodic PM2.5 concentrations in the UK.
Measurement Science and Technology | 2016
Andrea Pogány; David Balslev-Harder; Christine F. Braban; Nathan Cassidy; Volker Ebert; Valerio Ferracci; Tuomas Hieta; Daiana Leuenberger; Nicholas A. Martin; Céline Pascale; Jari Peltola; Stefan Persijn; Carlo Tiebe; Marsailidh Twigg; Olavi Vaittinen; Janneke van Wijk; Klaus Wirtz; Bernhard Niederhauser
The environmental impacts of ammonia (NH3) in ambient air have become more evident in the recent decades, leading to intensifying research in this field. A number of novel analytical techniques and monitoring instruments have been developed, and the quality and availability of reference gas mixtures used for the calibration of measuring instruments has also increased significantly. However, recent inter-comparison measurements show significant discrepancies, indicating that the majority of the newly developed devices and reference materials require further thorough validation. There is a clear need for more intensive metrological research focusing on quality assurance, intercomparability and validations. MetNH3 (Metrology for ammonia in ambient air) is a three-year project within the framework of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), which aims to bring metrological traceability to ambient ammonia measurements in the 0.5–500 nmol mol−1 amount fraction range. This is addressed by working in three areas: (1) improving accuracy and stability of static and dynamic reference gas mixtures, (2) developing an optical transfer standard and (3) establishing the link between high-accuracy metrological standards and field measurements. In this article we describe the concept, aims and first results of the project.
Waste Management | 2016
Michael W. Bell; Y. Sim Tang; U. Dragosits; Chris Flechard; Paul Ward; Christine F. Braban
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is becoming increasingly implemented within organic waste treatment operations. The storage and processing of large volumes of organic wastes through AD has been identified as a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emissions, however the totality of ammonia emissions from an AD plant have not been previously quantified. The emissions from an AD plant processing food waste were estimated through integrating ambient NH3 concentration measurements, atmospheric dispersion modelling, and comparison with published emission factors (EFs). Two dispersion models (ADMS and a backwards Lagrangian stochastic (bLS) model) were applied to calculate emission estimates. The bLS model (WindTrax) was used to back-calculate a total (top-down) emission rate for the AD plant from a point of continuous NH3 measurement downwind from the plant. The back-calculated emission rates were then input to the ADMS forward dispersion model to make predictions of air NH3 concentrations around the site, and evaluated against weekly passive sampler NH3 measurements. As an alternative approach emission rates from individual sources within the plant were initially estimated by applying literature EFs to the available site parameters concerning the chemical composition of waste materials, room air concentrations, ventilation rates, etc. The individual emission rates were input to ADMS and later tuned by fitting the simulated ambient concentrations to the observed (passive sampler) concentration field, which gave an excellent match to measurements after an iterative process. The total emission from the AD plant thus estimated by a bottom-up approach was 16.8±1.8mgs(-1), which was significantly higher than the back-calculated top-down estimate (7.4±0.78mgs(-1)). The bottom-up approach offered a more realistic treatment of the source distribution within the plant area, while the complexity of the site was not ideally suited to the bLS method, thus the bottom-up method is believed to give a better estimate of emissions. The storage of solid digestate and the aerobic treatment of liquid effluents at the site were the greatest sources of NH3 emissions.
Archive | 2016
Anthony J. Dore; Stefan Reis; Tim Oxley; Helen ApSimon; Jane Hall; Massimo Vieno; Maciej Kryza; Chris Green; Ioannis Tsagatakis; Sim Tang; Christine F. Braban; Mark A. Sutton
A computationally efficient atmospheric chemical transport model (FRAME) was used to generate source-receptor concentration and deposition data from a variety of spatially distributed and point sources of nitrogen and sulphur emissions. The model was evaluated by comparison with measurements of nitrogen compounds in the gaseous, particulate and aqueous phase and found to be fit for purpose as a policy tool for assessing the effects of future emissions controls. A scenario for the year 2030 predicted that 64 % of the area of natural ecosystems in the UK would be subject to deposition of nitrogen exceeding critical loads.
Archive | 2014
Riinu Ots; Anthony J. Dore; Y. Sim Tang; Christine F. Braban; Massimo Vieno; Mark A. Sutton
The FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange) model is a Lagrangian atmospheric transport model with a horizontal grid resolution of 5 × 5 km2. This work uses FRAME to calculate annual average concentrations of three secondary inorganic aerosol species (NH4 +, NO3 −, SO4 2−) and gas phase SO2 over the United Kingdom for the years 2000–2010. Modelled concentrations are compared to measurements from 12 monitoring sites which are operated with the UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Air Pollutants (UKEAP) Acid Gases and Aerosols Network (AGANet). The results showed good spatial correlation between measurements of gas and aerosol concentrations and modelled values (R2 > 0.8). However FRAME underestimated decreases in sulphate and ammonium aerosol concentrations over the 11-year period and overestimated changes in SO2 concentrations relative to measurements. Ongoing work to investigate temporal changes in atmospheric oxidation rates should clarify this difference. FRAME showed a more modest reduction in nitrate concentrations (compared to ammonium and sulphate), which is in agreement with measurements.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2009
K. von Bobrutzki; Christine F. Braban; D. Famulari; S.K. Jones; Trevor D. Blackall; Thomas E. L. Smith; M. Blom; Hugh Coe; Martin Gallagher; M. Ghalaieny; Max R. McGillen; Carl J. Percival; J. D. Whitehead; R. A. Ellis; Jennifer G. Murphy; Árpád Mohácsi; Andrea Pogány; Heikki Junninen; S. Rantanen; Mark A. Sutton; E. Nemitz