
Advances in mental health | 2015

When your parent has a mental illness: children's experiences of a psycho-educational intervention

Christine Grove; Holly Melrose; Andrea Reupert; Darryl Maybery; Bradley Morgan

Psycho-education is a key component of interventions for young people who have a parent with a mental illness. When your parent has a mental illness is a psycho-educational booklet designed for young people, developed by the Australian Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) national initiative. The booklet aims to promote young peoples understanding of their parents’ mental illness. This pilot study sought to ascertain possible differences in knowledge of mental illness after the young people viewed the booklet; another aim was to obtain young peoples feedback on how they used the booklet. A mixed methods research design was employed. Nine participants between 12–15 years of age completed the Childrens Knowledge Scale of Mental Illness questionnaire before and after reading the booklet. Five of these participants then took part in follow-up interviews. No significant change was recorded on the Knowledge Scale. In the interviews, young people indicated that the booklet helped them initiate conversations with their parent about the parents illness. Results tentatively indicate the effectiveness of the booklet as a psycho-educational resource for young people whose parent has a mental illness. Implications for practice and future research in this area are discussed.

Child & Youth Services | 2016

Successful recruitment strategies for prevention programs targeting children of parents with mental health challenges: An international study

Karin T. M. van Doesum; Joanne Riebschleger; Jessica Carroll; Christine Grove; Camilla Lauritzen; Elaine Mordoch; Annemi Skerfving

AbSTRACT Research substantiates children of parents with mental disorders including substance abuse face increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Although evidence suggests that support programs for children enhance resiliency, recruiting children to these groups remains problematic. This study identifies successful recruitment strategies for prevention programs for children of parental mental illness. The participants were recruited from an international network of researchers. E-mail invitations requested that researchers forward a web-based questionnaire to five colleagues with recruitment experience. Forty-five individuals from nine countries practicing in mental health responded. Descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis techniques were used. Results: Schools, adult, and youth mental health services were recruitment sources. Nine themes were identified: Relationships, diversified information output, logistics, program consistency, family involvement, recruitment through adults, stigma, recruiting locations, social media. Recruitment barriers were: stigma, inadequate knowledge about parental mental illness and limited time. Transportation to programming was an essential component of successful recruitment.

Brain Sciences | 2017

Mental Health Literacy Content for Children of Parents with a Mental Illness: Thematic Analysis of a Literature Review

Joanne Riebschleger; Christine Grove; Daniel Cavanaugh; Shane Costello

Millions of children have a parent with a mental illness (COPMI). These children are at higher risk of acquiring behavioural, developmental and emotional difficulties. Most children, including COPMI, have low levels of mental health literacy (MHL), meaning they do not have accurate, non-stigmatized information. There is limited knowledge about what kind of MHL content should be delivered to children. The aim of this exploratory study is to identify the knowledge content needed for general population children and COPMI to increase their MHL. A second aim is to explore content for emerging children’s MHL scales. Researchers created and analyzed a literature review database. Thematic analysis yielded five main mental health knowledge themes for children: (1) attaining an overview of mental illness and recovery; (2) reducing mental health stigma; (3) building developmental resiliencies; (4) increasing help-seeking capacities; and (5) identifying risk factors for mental illness. COPMI appeared to need the same kind of MHL knowledge content, but with extra family-contextual content such as dealing with stigma experiences, managing stress, and communicating about parental mental illness. There is a need for MHL programs, validated scales, and research on what works for prevention and early intervention with COPMI children.

Child & Family Social Work | 2015

Gaining knowledge about parental mental illness: how does it empower children?

Christine Grove; Andrea Reupert; Darryl Maybery

Journal of Child and Family Studies | 2016

The Perspectives of Young People of Parents with a Mental Illness Regarding Preferred Interventions and Supports

Christine Grove; Andrea Reupert; Darryl Maybery

Children and Youth Services Review | 2015

Peer connections as an intervention with children of families where a parent has a mental illness: Moving towards an understanding of the processes of change

Christine Grove; Andrea Reupert; Darryl Maybery

Journal of Trauma-injury Infection and Critical Care | 2010

Myth busting” mental illness: expert views of children’s knowledge needs regarding parental mental illness 2017 2017-01-01 10873304 0 0 0 Children and Youth Services Review 2017-03-16 2163087359 20445 10.1189/jlb.0909644 Journal mapk directed phosphatases preferentially regulate pro and anti inflammatory cytokines in experimental visceral leishmaniasis involvement of distinct protein kinase c isoforms MAPK‐directed phosphatases preferentially regulate pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory cytokines in experimental visceral leishmaniasis: involvement of distinct protein kinase C isoforms 2010 2010-07-01 Society for Leukocyte Biology 199011235 88 1 9 20 33 40 67 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 2016-06-24 2366443180 23894 Journal effect of plasma grafting treatment on antistatic property of polyacrylonitrile fiber Effect of plasma-grafting treatment on antistatic property of polyacrylonitrile fiber 2010 2010-01-01 70817854 0 0 0 Textile Research Journal 2016-06-24 2281545529 24897 康有儀の山本憲に宛てた書簡 訳注 その二 康有儀の山本憲に宛てた書簡(訳注・その二) 2012 2012-01-01 四天王寺大学 55 419 443 0 0 0 四天王寺大学紀要 2016-06-24 2507495425 24487 an exploration of school leadership conceptualisations of homework practices affordances and constraints An exploration of school leadership conceptualisations of homework: practices, affordances and constraints 2016 2016-01-01 13 0 0 2016-09-16 2592466661 24999 Patent method for distributing and ordering media content set top box and system Method for distributing and ordering media content, set top box and system 2011 2011-09-14 0 0 0 2017-03-16 2163087362 22823 Journal low sucrose levels promote extensive streptococcus mutans induced dental caries Low sucrose levels promote extensive Streptococcus mutans-induced dental caries. 1977 1977-05-01 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 128227336 16 2 712 714 0 25 25 Infection and Immunity 2016-06-24 2366443181 23202 Journal optimal design for poly variables linear regression model in super cube Optimal Design for Poly-Variables Linear Regression Model in Super Cube 2008 2008-01-01 2764663606 0 0 0 Mathematics in Practice and Theory 2016-06-24 2281545536 20764 Patent oxidative cleaning method and apparatus for electron microscopes using uv excitation in an oxygen radical source OXIDATIVE CLEANING METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ELECTRON MICROSCOPES USING UV EXCITATION IN AN OXYGEN RADICAL SOURCE 2007 2007-12-13 34 10 10 2016-06-24 2507495433 22382 lenguajes de la antropologia cultrual Lenguajes de la antropología cultrual 2014 2014-01-01 Fundación Joaquín Costa 28 31 39 0 0 0 Anales de la Fundación Joaquín Costa 2016-09-16 2592466665 22075 testimonio de un tiempo terrible Testimonio de un tiempo terrible 2017 2017-01-01 Grupo de Comunicación Loyola 275 1419 81 84 0 0 0 Razón y fe: Revista hispanoamericana de cultura 2017-03-16 2163087369 21089 10.1016/S0033-8389(05)70337-7 Journal high resolution ct of lung disease related to collagen vascular disease HIGH-RESOLUTION CT OF LUNG DISEASE RELATED TO COLLAGEN VASCULAR DISEASE 2001 2001-11-01 Elsevier 183459243 39 6 1171 1187 81 33 55 Radiologic Clinics of North America 2016-06-24 2366443196 24362 Journal high availability technology based on cluster in important service software High Availability Technology Based on Cluster in Important Service Software 2006 2006-01-01 2765053365 0 0 0 Ordnance Industry Automation 2016-06-24 2281545537 24692 anti cafe as a unique concept of service business in finland Anti-café as a unique concept of service business in Finland 2014 2014-01-01 Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu 1 0 0 2016-06-24 2507495443 24203 sentidos pregnantes acerca da mulher brasileira no jornal portugues expresso por uma analise do discurso noticioso Sentidos pregnantes acerca da mulher Brasileira no Jornal português Expresso: Por uma análise do discurso noticioso 2016 2016-08-25 18 37 0 0 0 TEXTURA - ULBRA 2016-09-16 2592466666 27964 cost of a hypothetical cotton producation system closed boll cotton Cost of a Hypothetical Cotton Producation System: Closed Boll Cotton 1981 1981-01-01 CAB International Publishing 0 0 0 2017-03-16 2163087370 21083 for adoptive immunotherapy t cells il 2 and il 21 confer opposing differentiation programs to cd8 for adoptive immunotherapy T cells + IL-2 and IL-21 confer opposing differentiation programs to CD8 2010 2010-01-01 61 0 0 2016-06-24 2366443199 24644 Patent instant food product INSTANT FOOD PRODUCT 2014 2014-02-07 12 0 0 2016-06-24 2281545540 20715 10.1007/s10620-016-4077-6 Journal management of eosinophilic esophagitis during pregnancy Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis During Pregnancy 2016 2016-07-01 Springer US 194656152 61 7 1819 1825 53 1 1 Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2016-06-24 2507495449 24590 Patent disc brake of a motor vehicle DISC BRAKE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE 2015 2015-05-06 4 0 0 2016-09-16 2592466668 24487 baudelaire versus mallarme reflexiones sobre la nueva poesia espanola Baudelaire versus Mallarmé. 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Christine Grove; Joanne Riebschleger; Annick Bosch; Daniel Cavanaugh; P.C. van der Ende

Archive | 2018

Therapy dogs can help reduce student stress, anxiety and improve school attendance

Christine Grove; Linda Henderson

Archive | 2018

Childhood specific phobia: Fear of zips

Christine Grove

Archive | 2018

Multiple comorbidities: Grief, loss, explosive anger, and withdrawal

Ryan Teuma; Christine Grove

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