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Featured researches published by Christine Shaw.

Catholic Historical Review | 2016

Il papa guerriero. Giulio II nello spazio pubblico europeo by Massimo Rospocher (review)

Christine Shaw

None of this makes for particularly easy reading. Sobecki has a fondness for modish literary-critical jargon, and the structure of the book is at times unhelpfully labyrinthine. Nevertheless, he is to be lauded for encouraging both cultural and literary historians to think harder about the law as a barometer of change and for challenging the still entrenched periodization either side of the arbitrary date of 1500.

Catholic Historical Review | 2007

Alejandro VI y los Reyes Católicos. Relaciones político-eclesiásticas (1492-1503) (review)

Christine Shaw

One of the main virtues of this lengthy book is the broad range of issues it covers. It provides a systematic examination of diplomatic and political relations between the pope and the Spanish monarchs, of Spanish intervention in Italy, of Alexander’s interest in and involvement in expansion into the New World, and the defense of the Mediterranean against Ottoman expansion, as well as of ecclesiastical relations, provisions to benefices, conflicts of jurisdiction, fiscal matters, and reform of the Church and of the clergy of the Spanish kingdoms.

Renaissance Quarterly | 2005

Principles and Practice in the Civic Government of Fifteenth-Century Genoa*

Christine Shaw

Renaissance Quarterly | 2018

Les guerres d’Italie (1494–1559): Une lecture religieuse. Jean-Marie Le Gall. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 138. Geneva: Droz, 2017. 218 pp.

Christine Shaw

Renaissance Quarterly | 2017


Christine Shaw

Catholic Historical Review | 2014

The Duke’s Assassin: Exile and Death of Lorenzino de’ Medici. Stefano Dall’Aglio. Trans. Donald Weinstein. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015. xviii + 300 pp.

Christine Shaw

The Historian | 2008


Christine Shaw

Renaissance Quarterly | 2008

Die Kardinäle des Mittelalters und der Frühen Renaissance Edited by Jürgen Dendorfer and Ralf Lützelschwab (review)

Christine Shaw

Catholic Historical Review | 2008

Medici Women: Portraits of Power, Love and Betrayal from the Court of Duke Cosimo I – By Gabrielle Langdon

Christine Shaw

Catholic Historical Review | 2008

Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius: Études de diplomatique et de diplomatie pontificales (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle) (review)

Christine Shaw


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