
Psychoneuroendocrinology | 2009

Neural correlates of the individual emotional Stroop in borderline personality disorder.

Katja Wingenfeld; Nina Rullkoetter; Christoph Mensebach; Thomas Beblo; Markus Mertens; Stefan H. Kreisel; Max Toepper; Martin Driessen; Friedrich G. Woermann

OBJECTIVE Emotional dysregulation is a key feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD) with altered inhibitory functions having suggested as being crucial. The anterior cingulate cortex and further prefrontal brain regions are crucial for response inhibition. The regulation of emotions is ensured via inhibitory control over the amygdala. The present study aimed to investigate neural correlates of response inhibition in BPD by using an emotional Stroop paradigm extending the task to word stimuli which were related to stressful life events. METHODS Twenty BPD patients and 20 healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing the individual emotional Stroop task. A block design was used with the following word type conditions: neutral words, general negative words, and individual negative words. The individual negative words were recruited from a prior interview conducted with each participant. RESULTS While BPD patients had overall slower reaction times in the Stroop task compared to healthy controls, there was no increased slowing with emotional interference. Controls exhibited significant fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent signal increases in the anterior cingulate cortex as well as in frontal cortex contrasting generally negative vs. neutral and individual negative vs. neutral conditions, respectively. BPD patients did not show equivalent signal changes. CONCLUSIONS These results provide further evidence for a dysfunctional network of brain areas in BPD, including the ACC and frontal brain regions. These areas are crucial for the regulation of stress and emotions, the core problems of BPD patients.

Psychological Medicine | 2006

Functional MRI correlates of the recall of unresolved life events in borderline personality disorder

Thomas Beblo; Martin Driessen; Markus Mertens; Katja Wingenfeld; Martina Piefke; Nina Rullkoetter; Anamaria Silva-Saavedra; Christoph Mensebach; L. Reddemann; Harald Rau; Hans J. Markowitsch; Hella Wulff; Wolfgang Lange; Cristina Berea; Isabella Ollech; Friedrich G. Woermann

BACKGROUND Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) frequently report unresolved life events but it is still poorly understood, how these experiences are represented in the brain. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the present study aimed at investigating the neural correlates of the recall of unresolved life events in patients with BPD and healthy controls. METHOD Twenty female BPD patients and 21 healthy control subjects underwent fMRI. During measurement subjects recalled unresolved and resolved negative life events. Individual cue words were used to stimulate autobiographical memory. After scanning, subjects rated their emotional states during the recall of both types of memories. RESULTS When contrasting unresolved and resolved life events, patients showed significant bilateral activation of frontotemporal areas including the insula, amygdala, and the anterior cingulate cortex, the left posterior cingulate cortex, right occipital cortex, the bilateral cerebellum and the midbrain. In healthy subjects, no differential brain activation was related to these conditions. The 2 x 2 factorial analysis (DeltaBPD - Deltacontrols) revealed similar results with bilateral activation of the frontal cortex including parts of the insula and of the orbitofrontal cortex, temporal activation including the amygdala, activation of the right occipital cortex, and parts of the cerebellum. Patients but not controls reported higher levels of anxiety and helplessness during the unresolved versus resolved memory condition. CONCLUSIONS The activation of both, the amygdala and prefrontal areas, might reflect an increased effortful but insufficient attempt to control intensive emotions during the recall of unresolved life events in patients with BPD.

Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging | 2006

Deficits in visual functions and neuropsychological inconsistency in Borderline Personality Disorder

Thomas Beblo; Anamaria Silva Saavedra; Christoph Mensebach; Wolfgang Lange; Hans-Joachim Markowitsch; Harald Rau; Friedrich G. Woermann; Martin Driessen

For Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) cognitive and perceptual impairments were reported in some but not all studies. The aim of the present study was to analyze the neuropsychological performance of BPD patients in different domains. Predominant impairments of visual functions and an increased intra-individual variation of test performances within neuropsychological domains were expected. We investigated 22 patients with BPD and a matched sample of 22 healthy control subjects. A comprehensive clinical and neuropsychological test battery was administered. Effect sizes indicate primarily deficits of visual functions such as visual memory (Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, WMS-R: Visual pair associates and visual reproduction, Complex Figure Test: Recall) and visuo-spatial abilities (Leistungspruefsystem, LPS 9 and 10: Spatial imagination and embedded figures), but also of executive functions (Tower of Hanoi, Trail Making Test-B, semantic and figural fluency, LPS 4: Reasoning). In addition, the intra-individual ranges of neuropsychological test results in BPD patients were increased compared to those of healthy subjects. This finding might be due to a high degree of temporary stress that interferes with effective cognitive processing. Further research is needed to confirm the present results and to control for stress during the test procedure.

Psychoneuroendocrinology | 2005

Dexamethasone suppression test in borderline personality disorder—effects of posttraumatic stress disorder

Wolfgang Lange; Hella Wulff; Christina Berea; Thomas Beblo; Anamaria Silva Saavedra; Christoph Mensebach; Katja Wingenfeld; Martin Driessen

BACKGROUND Divergent findings of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning in borderline personality disorder (BPD) may be caused by a different degree of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in which alterations of the HPA axis are well known. Here we investigate alterations of the HPA axis in BPD patients with and without comorbid PTSD compared to healthy controls. Considering previous findings current major depression (MDD) was taken into account as a confounding variable. METHODS Apart from clinical assessment the 0.5 mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST) was performed in 21 female borderline patients and 23 healthy controls. RESULTS Twelve BPD patients suffered from comorbid PTSD. Relative suppression (%) did not differ between healthy controls and the total BPD group, but BPD patients with comorbid PTSD showed increased suppression compared to those without. Comorbid MDD was not associated with suppression. CONCLUSIONS Our results do not indicate a dysfunction of the HPA axis in BPD. However, comorbid PTSD seems to be associated with a relative hypersuppression in the 0.5 mg DST.

Journal of Personality Disorders | 2009

Attentional Bias to Personally Relevant Words in Borderline Personality Disorder is Strongly Related to Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Katja Wingenfeld; Christoph Mensebach; Nina Rullkoetter; Nicole Schlosser; Camille Schaffrath; Friedrich G. Woermann; Martin Driessen; Thomas Beblo

Current research indicates altered inhibitory functioning in borderline personality disorder (BPD). The emotional stroop task is a widely used method for investigating inhibition of interference. In the present study we used an individualized version of the emotional stroop task to investigate inhibitory functioning in BPD with respect not only to valence but also to personal relevance of the stimuli. Thirty-one BPD patients and 49 healthy controls performed the individual emotional stroop task that consisted of (1) words related to personal negative life events that were currently relevant (2) words related to personal negative life events that were not currently relevant, (3) negative words that were not personally relevant, and (4) neutral words. BPD patients showed greater interference only for words related to personal negative life events with current relevance. A comparison between BPD patients with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) revealed reduced inhibitory functioning only in BPD patients with PTSD. Inhibition of interference in BPD patients seems not to be altered in general but is exclusively disturbed in those with comorbid PTSD when highly relevant personal factors are the focus of attention.

Cognitive Neuropsychiatry | 2009

Emotion-induced memory dysfunction in borderline personality disorder

Christoph Mensebach; Katja Wingenfeld; Martin Driessen; Nina Rullkoetter; Nicole Schlosser; Christian Steil; Camille Schaffrath; Michael Bulla-Hellwig; Hans-J. Markowitsch; Friedrich G. Woermann; Thomas Beblo

Introduction. Although emotional dysregulation is a core problem in borderline personality disorder (BPD), few neuropsychological studies have evaluated the impact of emotion. The present study aimed at the comprehensive investigation of verbal memory functions with and without emotionally relevant interference in BPD. BPD patients were expected to perform as well as healthy subjects in standard memory tasks but to show fewer capacities to control for emotionally negative interference. Methods. 47 patients with BPD and 70 healthy control subjects participated. An experimental task assessed verbal memory with respect to standard and emotionally relevant and neutral interference learning conditions. Applied standard tests covered working memory, delayed memory, and word fluency. Results. Memory performances of BPD patients were impaired when negatively valenced interference was conducted but normal in all other conditions. These results remained stable after controlling for comorbid major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Discussion. The present findings suggest no general impairment of verbal memory functions in BPD but control and inhibition of interference by emotionally significant material seem to be disturbed.

Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging | 2010

The impact of neutral and emotionally negative distraction on memory performance and its relation to memory complaints in major depression

Thomas Beblo; Christoph Mensebach; Katja Wingenfeld; Nicole Schlosser; Nina Rullkoetter; Camille Schaffrath; Martin Driessen

Patients with major depression (MDD) often report relevant cognitive problems in everyday life while performance in standardised neuropsychological tests is not severely disturbed. This discrepancy may partly be due to the differences between the demands of everyday life with the presence of emotionally relevant distractors and standardised neuropsychological settings without those distractors. In the present study, we hypothesise that patients with major depression (MDD) show an increased distractibility towards emotionally negative stimuli and that this distractibility is related to complaints of cognitive functioning in everyday life. Thirty MDD patients and 48 healthy participants performed our recently developed learning paradigm with neutrally and negatively valenced distraction as well as without distraction. Both groups also performed a neuropsychological test battery as well as self- and observer ratings of impairments in memory and attention in every day life. In the MDD sample, cognitive impairments were reported by the patients and their relatives but were not found in the neuropsychological tests. We found a trend towards a poorer memory performance with negatively valenced distraction in the MDD sample when compared to the performance of healthy subjects. However, this impairment was not related to the self- and observer ratings. This result may be due to the fact that the distractors were not personally relevant to the subjects whereas everyday life implies such distractors. Further research is needed to explore everyday cognitive functioning of patients with MDD.

Psychological Medicine | 2009

One-year functional magnetic resonance imaging follow-up study of neural activation during the recall of unresolved negative life events in borderline personality disorder

Martin Driessen; Katja Wingenfeld; Nina Rullkoetter; Christoph Mensebach; Friedrich G. Woermann; Markus Mertens; Thomas Beblo

BACKGROUND Recall of adverse life events under brain imaging conditions has been shown to coincide with activation of limbic and prefrontal brain areas in borderline personality disorder (BPD). We investigate changes of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation patterns during the recall of unresolved adverse life events (ULE) over 1 year. METHOD Thirteen female BPD patients participated in the study. During fMRI measurement subjects recalled ULE and negative but resolved life events (RLE) after individual cue words to stimulate autobiographical memory retrieval. Subjective intensity of emotional and sensoric experiences during recall was assessed as well as standardized measures of psychopathology. RESULTS A 2x2 factorial analysis of fMRI data (Deltat1/t2xDeltaULE/RLE) revealed major right more than left differences of activation (i.e. t1>t2) of the posterior more than anterior cingulate, superior temporal lobes, insula, and right middle and superior frontal lobes (second-level analysis, t=3.0, puncorrected=0.003). The opposite contrast (Deltat2/t1xDeltaULE/RLE) did not reveal any differences. We did not find changes of emotional or sensoric qualities during recall (ULE versus RLE) or of psychopathology measures over the 1-year period. CONCLUSIONS Although subjective and clinical data did not change within 1 year, we observed a substantial decrease of temporo-frontal activation during the recall of ULE from t1 to t2. If future research confirms these findings, the question arises whether the decrease of neural activation precedes clinical improvement in BPD.

Psychology and Psychotherapy-theory Research and Practice | 2009

Relationship between coping with negative life-events and psychopathology: major depression and borderline personality disorder.

Katja Wingenfeld; Christoph Mensebach; Nina Rullkoetter; Nicole Schlosser; Camille Schaffrath; Thomas Beblo; Martin Driessen

Ninety psychiatric in-patients and 73 controls have been asked about their coping styles to negative life-events. Patients reported more emotion-oriented coping than controls. Emotion-oriented coping style was positively correlated with psychopathology, while task-oriented coping was negatively correlated with psychopathology in events which the participants had difficulties dealing with.

Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging | 2009

Neural correlates of episodic and semantic memory retrieval in borderline personality disorder: an fMRI study.

Christoph Mensebach; Thomas Beblo; Martin Driessen; Katja Wingenfeld; Markus Mertens; Nina Rullkoetter; Wolfgang Lange; Hans J. Markowitsch; Isabella Ollech; Anamaria Silva Saveedra; Harald Rau; Friedrich G. Woermann

Verbal memory impairment in borderline personality disorder (BPD) is still a matter of debate. In this study we combine investigations of both, memory retrieval as well as underlying neural circuits in BPD. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to study regional brain activation in 18 right-handed female patients with BPD and 18 matched controls during the retrieval of an episodic memory retrieval (EMR) task (free recall of a word list) and a semantic memory retrieval (SMR) task (verbal fluency). Despite unaffected performance in EMR and SMR, patients with BPD showed task-specific increased activation compared with controls. During EMR, the increased activation encompassed the posterior cingulate cortex bilaterally, the left middle and superior temporal gyrus, the right inferior frontal gyrus, and the right angular gyrus. SMR was associated with increased activation of the posterior cingulate cortex, of the right fusiform gyrus, of the left anterior cingulate cortex, and of the left postcentral gyrus. Our findings suggest that BPD patients may need to engage larger brain areas to reach a level of performance in episodic and semantic retrieval tasks that is comparable to that of healthy controls.

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