
Nature | 2008

Towards uranium catalysts

Alexander R. Fox; Suzanne C. Bart; Karsten Meyer; Christopher C. Cummins

The forefront of research into the complexes of uranium reveals chemical transformations that challenge and expand our view of this unique element. Certain ligands form multiple bonds to uranium, and small, inert molecules such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide become reactive when in complex with the metal. Such complexes provide clues to the catalytic future of uranium, in which the applications of the element extend far beyond the nuclear industry. Most excitingly, the ability of uranium to use its outermost f electrons for binding ligands might enable the element to catalyse reactions that are impossible with conventional, transition-metal catalysts.

Chemical Reviews | 2010

Early-Transition-Metal-Mediated Activation and Transformation of White Phosphorus

Brandi M. Cossairt; Nicholas A. Piro; Christopher C. Cummins

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Science | 2006

Triple-Bond Reactivity of Diphosphorus Molecules

Nicholas A. Piro; Joshua S. Figueroa; Jessica T. McKellar; Christopher C. Cummins

We report a mild method for generating the diphosphorus molecule or its synthetic equivalent in homogeneous solution; the P2 allotrope of the element phosphorus is normally obtained only under extreme conditions (for example, from P4 at 1100 kelvin). Diphosphorus is extruded from a niobium complex designed for this purpose and can be trapped efficiently by two equivalents of an organic diene to produce an organodiphosphorus compound. Diphosphorus stabilized by coordination to tungsten pentacarbonyl can be generated similarly at 25°C, and in this stabilized form it still efficiently consumes two organic diene molecules for every diphosphorus unit.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009

Uranium−Nitrogen Multiple Bonding: The Case of a Four-Coordinate Uranium(VI) Nitridoborate Complex

Alexander R. Fox; Christopher C. Cummins

Reaction of the azidoborate salt [N(n-Bu)(4)][(C(6)F(5))(3)B(N(3))] ([N(n-Bu)(4)][1]) with the uranium(III) tris(anilide) complex (THF)U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3) (2; THF = tetrahydrofuran; Ar = 3,5-Me(2)C(6)H(3)) results in formation of the paramagnetic uranium(V) nitridoborate complex [N(n-Bu)(4)][(C(6)F(5))(3)BNU(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3)] ([N(n-Bu)(4)][3]). Chemical oxidation of [N(n-Bu)(4)][3] is facile and provides the diamagnetic uranium(VI) nitridoborate complex (C(6)F(5))(3)BNU(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3) (3). [N(n-Bu)(4)][3] and 3 are the first nitridoborate complexes of uranium and were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, single crystal X-ray diffraction methods, and elemental analysis. The X-ray crystal structures of [N(n-Bu)(4)][3] and 3 reveal extremely short UN(nitrido) distances (1.916(4) A and 1.880(4) A, respectively). Density functional theory was used to calculate the optimized structure of the truncated model (C(6)F(5))(3)BNU(N[Me]Ph)(3); the procedure was carried out similarly for several other relevant complexes featuring UN multiple bonds. Bond multiplicities based on Nalewajski-Mrozek valence indices were calculated, the results of which suggest that the UN(nitrido) interaction in 3 is close to a full triple bond.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2008

Shining Light on Dinitrogen Cleavage: Structural Features, Redox Chemistry, and Photochemistry of the Key Intermediate Bridging Dinitrogen Complex

John J. Curley; Timothy R. Cook; Steven Y. Reece; Peter Müller; Christopher C. Cummins

The key intermediate in dinitrogen cleavage by Mo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3, 1 (Ar = 3,5-C6H3Me2), has been characterized by a pair of single crystal X-ray structures. For the first time, the X-ray crystal structure of (mu-N2)[Mo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3]2, 2, and the product of homolytic fragmentation of the NN bond, NMo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3, are reported. The structural features of 2 are compared with previously reported EXAFS data. Moreover, contrasts are drawn between theoretical predictions concerning the structural and magnetic properties of 2 and those reported herein. In particular, it is shown that 2 exists as a triplet (S = 1) at 20 degrees C. Further insight into the bonding across the MoNNMo core of the molecule is obtained by the synthesis and structural characterization of the one- and two-electron oxidized congeners, (mu-N2)[Mo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3]2[B(Ar(F))4], 2[B(Ar(F))4] (Ar(F) = 3,5-C6H3(CF3)2) and (mu-N2)[Mo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3]2[B(Ar(F))4]2, 2[B(Ar(F))4]2, respectively. Bonding in these three molecules is discussed in view of X-ray crystallography, Raman spectroscopy, electronic absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory. Combining X-ray crystallography data with Raman spectroscopy studies allows the NN bond polarization energy and NN internuclear distance to be correlated in three states of charge across the MoNNMo core. For 2[B(Ar(F))4], bonding is symmetric about the mu-N2 ligand and the NN polarization is Raman active; therefore, 2[B(Ar(F))4] meets the criteria of a Robin-Day class III mixed-valent compound. The redox couples that interrelate 2, 2(+), and 2(2+) are studied by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry. Insights into the electronic structure of 2 led to the discovery of a photochemical reaction that forms NMo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3 and Mo(N[t-Bu]Ar)3 through competing NN bond cleavage and N2 extrusion reaction pathways. The primary quantum yield was determined to be Phi(p) = 0.05, and transient absorption experiments show that the photochemical reaction is complete in less than 10 ns.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010

Ligand-Based Reduction of CO2 to CO Mediated by an Anionic Niobium Nitride Complex

Jared S. Silvia; Christopher C. Cummins

The terminal nitride anion complex [Na][N[triple bond]Nb(N[(t)Bu]Ar)(3)] ([Na][1], Ar = 3,5-Me(2)C(6)H(3)) reacts quantitatively with CO(2) to give the carbamate complex [Na][O(2)CN[triple bond]Nb(N[(t)Bu]Ar)(3)] ([Na][O(2)C-1]). The structure of [Na][O(2)C-1] as the bis-12-crown-4 solvate, as determined by X-ray crystallography, displays a unique N-bound carbamate ligand without any metal-oxygen interactions. When treated with organic acid anhydrides or acid chlorides, complex [Na][O(2)C-1] reacts via salt elimination to give the five-coordinate complexes (RC(O)O)(OCN)Nb(N[(t)Bu]Ar)(3) (R-2, R = Me, (t)Bu, F(3)C). We show that complexes R-2 yield the starting complex [Na][1] with concomitant release of CO upon two-electron reduction. This series of reactions constitutes a closed cycle for the conversion of CO(2) to CO mediated by a terminal nitride anion complex.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010

Uranium−Nitrogen Multiple Bonding: Isostructural Anionic, Neutral, and Cationic Uranium Nitride Complexes Featuring a Linear U═N═U Core

Alexander R. Fox; Polly L. Arnold; Christopher C. Cummins

Reaction of the uranium(III) tris(anilide) complex (THF)U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3) (1, THF = tetrahydrofuran; Ar = 3,5-Me(2)C(6)H(3)) with MN(3) (M = Na, [N(n-Bu)(4)]) results in the formation of the bimetallic diuranium(IV/IV) complexes M[(mu-N)(U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3))(2)] (M[3]), which feature a single nitride ligand engaged as a linear, symmetric bridge between two uranium centers. The stability of the U=N=U core across multiple charge states is illustrated by stepwise chemical oxidation of Na[3] to the diuranium(IV/V) complex (mu-N)(U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3))(2) (3) and the diuranium(V/V) complex [(mu-N)(U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3))(2)][B(Ar(F))(4)] {[3][B(Ar(F))(4)]; Ar(F) = 3,5-(CF(3))(2)C(6)H(3)}. M[3], 3, and [3][B(Ar(F))(4)] were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and elemental analysis. The cyclic voltammogram of 3 reveals two clean, reversible one-electron electrochemical events at E(1/2) = -1.69 and -0.67 V, assigned to the [3](-)/3 and 3/[3](+) redox couples, respectively. The X-ray crystal structures of [N(n-Bu)(4)][3], 3, and [3][B(Ar(F))(4)] reveal a linear U=N=U core that contracts by only approximately 0.03 A across the [3](n) (n = -1, 0, +1) series, an effect that is rationalized as being primarily electrostatic in origin. [3][B(Ar(F))(4)] reacts with NaCN, eliminating Na[B(Ar(F))(4)] and forming the known diuranium(IV/IV) cyanoimide complex (mu-NCN)(U(N[t-Bu]Ar)(3))(2), suggesting that the U=N=U core has metallonitrene-like character.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2008

A ligand field chemistry of oxygen generation by the oxygen-evolving complex and synthetic active sites.

Theodore A. Betley; Yogesh Surendranath; Montana V Childress; Glen E. Alliger; Ross Fu; Christopher C. Cummins; Daniel G. Nocera

Oxygen–oxygen bond formation and O2 generation occur from the S4 state of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). Several mechanistic possibilities have been proposed for water oxidation, depending on the formal oxidation state of the Mn atoms. All fall under two general classifications: the AB mechanism in which nucleophilic oxygen (base, B) attacks electrophilic oxygen (acid, A) of the Mn4Ca cluster or the RC mechanism in which radical-like oxygen species couple within OEC. The critical intermediate in either mechanism involves a metal oxo, though the nature of this oxo for AB and RC mechanisms is disparate. In the case of the AB mechanism, assembly of an even-electron count, high-valent metal-oxo proximate to a hydroxide is needed whereas, in an RC mechanism, two odd-electron count, high-valent metal oxos are required. Thus the two mechanisms give rise to very different design criteria for functional models of the OEC active site. This discussion presents the electron counts and ligand geometries that support metal oxos for AB and RC O–O bond-forming reactions. The construction of architectures that bring two oxygen functionalities together under the purview of the AB and RC scenarios are described.

Science | 2012

Reversible Reduction of Oxygen to Peroxide Facilitated by Molecular Recognition

Nazario Lopez; Daniel J. Graham; Robert McGuire; Glen E. Alliger; Yang Shao-Horn; Christopher C. Cummins; Daniel G. Nocera

Boxing in Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a powerful oxidant, and its reactivity is exploited in numerous biological, as well as synthetic, contexts. Lopez et al. (p. 450) have now managed to capture its dianion (O22-) in a cryptand—essentially a molecular box assembled from benzamide derivatives—keeping the dianion stable in organic solution for days through a net of well-placed internal hydrogen-bond donors. The encapsulated dianion exhibited clean oxidative reactivity back to O2 either by chemical or by electrochemical means. The highly reactive peroxide dianion (O22–) can be captured and stabilized by hydrogen bonding in a molecular box. Generation of soluble sources of peroxide dianion (O22–) is a challenge in dioxygen chemistry. The oxidizing nature of this anion renders its stabilization in organic media difficult. This Report describes the chemically reversible reduction of oxygen (O2) to cryptand-encapsulated O22–. The dianion is stabilized by strong hydrogen bonds to N-H groups from the hexacarboxamide cryptand. Analogous stabilization of peroxide by hydrogen bonding has been invoked recently in crystalline saccharide and protein systems. The present peroxide adducts are stable at room temperature in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and N,N′-dimethylformamide (DMF). These adducts can be obtained in gram quantities from the cryptand-driven disproportionation reaction of potassium superoxide (KO2) at room temperature.

Science | 2009

Facile synthesis of AsP3.

Brandi M. Cossairt; Mariam-Céline Diawara; Christopher C. Cummins

The elements phosphorus and arsenic form tetrahedral P4 and As4 molecules, of which the former is a commodity chemical and the latter unstable. Previously, information on molecules of intermediate composition was limited to a spectroscopic study involving hot gas-phase mixtures of phosphorus and arsenic. The AsP3 molecule has yielded to chemical synthesis and was isolated in solid form as a pure substance with a melting point from 71° to 73°C. Physical properties and spectroscopic characterization data for AsP3 are described, and its structure was determined as a ligand in a coordination complex. Soluble in organic solvents, AsP3 represents an attractive starting point for any synthesis in which the target molecule or material contains an exact 1:3 ratio of arsenic to phosphorus.

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