Christopher D. Barr
University of Houston
Journal of School Psychology | 2008
David J. Francis; Kristi L. Santi; Christopher D. Barr; Jack M. Fletcher; Al Varisco; Barbara R. Foorman
This study examined the effects of passage and presentation order on progress monitoring assessments of oral reading fluency in 134 second grade students. The students were randomly assigned to read six one-minute passages in one of six fixed orders over a seven week period. The passages had been developed to be comparable based on readability formulas. Estimates of oral reading fluency varied across the six stories (67.9 to 93.9), but not as a function of presentation order. These passage effects altered the shape of growth trajectories and affected estimates of linear growth rates, but were shown to be removed when forms were equated. Explicit equating is essential to the development of equivalent forms, which can vary in difficulty despite high correlations across forms and apparent equivalence through readability indices.
Applied Psycholinguistics | 2015
Paola Uccelli; Christopher D. Barr; Christina L. Dobbs; Emily Phillips Galloway; Alejandra Meneses; Emilio Sánchez
Beyond academic vocabulary, the constellation of skills that comprise academic language proficiency has remained imprecisely defined. This study proposes an expanded operationalization of this construct referred to as core academic language skills (CALS). CALS refers to the knowledge and deployment of a repertoire of language forms and functions that co-occur with school learning tasks across disciplines. Using an innovative instrument, we explored CALS in a cross-sectional sample of 235 students in Grades 4–8. The results revealed between- and within-grade variability in CALS. Psychometric analyses yielded strong reliability and supported the presence of a single CALS factor, which was found to be predictive of reading comprehension. Our findings suggest that the CALS construct and instrument appear promising for exploring students’ school-relevant language skills.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science | 2013
David A. Berntsen; Christopher D. Barr; Donald O. Mutti; Karla Zadnik
PURPOSE To determine the effect of progressive addition lenses (PALs) and single vision lenses (SVLs) on peripheral defocus in myopic children, and to compare the effect of myopic versus hyperopic peripheral defocus on foveal myopia progression. METHODS Eighty-four myopic children aged 6 to 11 years with spherical equivalent (SE) cycloplegic autorefraction between -0.75 diopters (D) and -4.50 D were randomly assigned to wear SVLs or PALs. Aberrometry measurements of the eye and spectacles were made centrally, 30° nasally, temporally, and superiorly, and 20° inferiorly on the retina using a Complete Ophthalmic Analysis System for Vision Research (COAS-VR). The association between peripheral defocus and the 1-year change in central myopia was investigated. RESULTS SVLs caused a hyperopic shift in peripheral defocus at all locations (all P ≤ 0.0003). PALs caused a myopic shift in peripheral defocus in three of four locations measured (all P ≤ 0.01) with the greatest shift superiorly due to the PAL addition (-1.04 ± 0.30 D). Superior retinal defocus when wearing either SVLs or PALs was associated with the 1-year change in central myopia. The adjusted 1-year change in central SE myopia was -0.38 D for children with absolute superior myopic defocus (n = 67) and -0.65 D for children with absolute superior hyperopic defocus (n = 17; difference = 0.27 D; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS PALs caused a myopic shift in peripheral defocus. Superior myopic defocus was associated with less central myopia progression. These data support the continued investigation of optical designs that result in peripheral myopic defocus as a potential way to slow myopia progression. ( number, NCT00335049.).
Bilingual Research Journal | 2010
C. Patrick Proctor; Diane August; Catherine E. Snow; Christopher D. Barr
The purpose of the current study is to elaborate on the statistical nature of the linguistic interdependence hypothesis (Cummins, 1979). It is argued that reading skills across the languages of bilingual learners are differentially robust to interdependence, falling along a continuum mediated by the commonalities between Spanish and English. Reading data were collected from a sample of 91 Spanish–English bilingual fourth-grade students, and structural equation modeling was used to test a path model of the interdependence continuum. The model assumed that Spanish–English interdependence would be strong for alphabetic knowledge, moderate for reading comprehension, and mild for the link between Spanish oral language and English reading comprehension. The model fit the data well, providing some initial evidence for an interdependence continuum that varies as a function of language typology.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology | 2008
Christopher D. Barr; Christiane Spitzmüller; Karla K. Stuebing
Despite the use of survey-based organizational data in many studies of organizational behavior, survey response behavior and nonresponse are rarely studied phenomena. This study expands on previously proposed survey response and nonresponse frameworks by integrating the job stress literature. The authors investigated whether overload, role ambiguity, and role conflict experienced by individuals relate to survey response behavior. Using organizational citizenship behavior theory and social exchange theory as theoretical frameworks, the authors proposed that nonrespondents experience higher levels of stressors than respondents. Data collected in a longitudinal field study partially supported the hypotheses. As hypothesized, overload increased the likelihood of nonresponse. Contrary to hypotheses, role ambiguity decreased the likelihood of nonresponse. Role conflict was not significantly related to nonresponse.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment | 2007
Christiane Spitzmüller; Dana M. Glenn; Meagan M. Sutton; Christopher D. Barr; Steven G. Rogelberg
The present paper examines whether organizational survey response behavior relates to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In Study 1, we examined the relationship between OCB dimensions and survey completion intentions in a field setting (n=228). In Study 2, we compared respondents and different groups of nonrespondents on OCB dimensions using an experimental design in a university setting (n=622). Survey response and OCBs were found to be related. OCB research may suffer from nonresponse bias, with organizational surveys failing to capture the opinions of those least likely to engage in OCBs.
Bilingual Research Journal | 2014
Elizabeth R. Howard; Mariela Páez; Diane August; Christopher D. Barr; Dorry M. Kenyon; Valerie Malabonga
This study explores the role that socioeconomic status (SES), home and school language and literacy practices, and oral vocabulary play in the development of English reading skills in Latino English language learners (ELLs) and how these factors contribute differentially to English reading outcomes for children of different ages and in different settings: 292 Spanish-speaking kindergarteners in mostly English instruction, 85 Spanish-speaking third graders in bilingual instruction, and 70 Spanish-speaking fifth graders in both English and bilingual settings. Data were analyzed using hierarchical regression. Findings indicate that for each sample, English oral vocabulary is a significant predictor of English reading accuracy and comprehension once SES and home and school language and literacy factors have been considered. Beyond oral vocabulary, however, there is considerable variability across samples in the home and school language and literacy variables that are predictive of English reading outcomes. The study points to the importance of looking closely at the texture of children’s lives in coming to an understanding of second-language literacy development.
Reading & Writing Quarterly | 2016
Diane August; Lauren Artzi; Christopher D. Barr
The Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards require students to understand and produce academic language that appears in informational text. Vocabulary is a critical domain of academic language, but English language learners (ELLs) come to the English Language Arts classroom with more limited English vocabulary than their English-proficient peers. This study compared 2 methods of vocabulary instruction: extended vocabulary instruction and embedded vocabulary instruction. Teachers implemented both approaches in the context of interactive shared reading, in which teachers and students read and discussed informational text. A total of 30 teachers in 18 schools and 509 third- and fourth-grade Spanish-speaking ELLs in a large, high-poverty district in the southwestern United States participated. Findings indicate that although extended instruction was the more effective approach, embedded instruction also helped ELLs acquire general academic and domain-specific vocabulary—an important finding, given that embedded instruction requires considerably less instructional time.
Journal of Neuro-oncology | 2009
Mercedes Dickinson; Christopher D. Barr; Merrill Hiscock; Christina A. Meyers
Cognitive changes associated with interferon treatment include impaired verbal memory, attention, processing speed, and executive functioning. Pegylated interferon is a relatively new, long-lasting form of interferon alpha, but data regarding its cognitive effects in brain tumor patients are limited. Participants in this study were 35 primary brain tumor patients who received pegylated interferon at tumor recurrence. A neuropsychological battery assessed verbal memory, executive functioning, attention, information processing speed, and language functioning. Individual growth curve analyses were used to estimate cognitive change throughout treatment with interferon. Results revealed performance declined on a task of psychomotor speed and upper extremity dexterity. Although decline in a few tests was found, its degree may have been reduced because individuals were tested after tumor recurrence where a substantial amount of cognitive change had already potentially occurred due to surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Thus, participants may not have been starting at their baseline cognitive status and the potential neurotoxic effects of interferon may have been obscured by prior treatments. An alternative explanation, however, is that treatment with pegylated interferon did not produce further impairment and patients experienced stability in their cognitive functioning.
Bilingual Research Journal | 2014
María S. Carlo; Christopher D. Barr; Diane August; Margarita Calderón; Lauren Artzi
This three-year longitudinal study investigated the role of language of instruction in moderating the relationships between initial levels of English oral language proficiency and Spanish reading comprehension and growth in English reading comprehension. The study followed Spanish-speaking English language learners in English-only literacy instruction, an early-exit bilingual program, or a late-exit bilingual program, from third through fifth grade. Students in all groups experienced significant growth in English reading comprehension. For the English-only group, initial levels of Spanish reading comprehension were not related to growth in English reading comprehension. However, for students in the two bilingually instructed groups, those who began with stronger Spanish reading comprehension skills grew faster in English reading comprehension than students without initial strong Spanish reading comprehension skills.