Christopher O. Johnston
Langley Research Center
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Featured researches published by Christopher O. Johnston.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2008
Christopher O. Johnston; Brian R. Hollis; Kenneth Sutton
Anew air-radiationmodel is presented for the calculation of the radiative flux from lunar-return shock layers. For modeling atomic lines, the data from a variety of theoretical and experimental sources are compiled and reviewed. A line model is chosen that consists of oscillator strengths from the National Institute of Standards and Technology database and theOpacity Project (formany lines not listedby theNational Institute of Standards andTechnology), as well as Stark broadening widths obtained from the average of available values. Uncertainties for the oscillator strengths and Stark broadening widths are conservatively chosen from the reviewed data, and for the oscillator strengths, the chosen uncertainties are found to be larger than those listed in the National Institute of Standards and Technology database. This new atomic line model is compared with previous models for equilibrium constantproperty layers chosen to approximately represent a lunar-return shock layer. It is found that the new model increases the emission resulting from the 1–6-eV spectral range by up to 50%.This increase is due to both the increase in oscillator strengths for some important lines and to the addition of lines from the Opacity Project, which are not commonly treated in shock-layer radiation predictions. Detailed theoretical atomic bound–free cross sections obtained from the Opacity Project’s TOPbase are applied for nitrogen and oxygen. An efficient method of treating these detailed cross sections is presented.The emission fromnegative ions is considered and shown to contribute up to 10% to the total radiative flux. The modeling of the molecular-band systems using the smeared-rotational-band approach is reviewed. The validity of the smeared-rotational-band approach for both emitting and absorbing-band systems is shown through comparisons with the computationally intensive line-by-line approach. The absorbingband systems are shown to reduce the radiative flux by up to 10%, whereas the emitting-band systems are shown to contribute less than a 5% increase in the flux. The combined models chosen for the atomic line, atomic bound–free, negative-ion, and molecular-band components result in a computationally efficient model that is ideal for coupled solutions with a Navier–Stokes flowfield. It is recommended that the notable increases shown, relative to previous models, for the atomic line and negative-ion continuum should be included in future radiation predictions for lunarreturn vehicles.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2008
Christopher O. Johnston; Brian R. Hollis; Kenneth Sutton
This paper investigates the non-Boltzmann modeling of the radiating atomic and molecular electronic states present in lunar-return shock-layers. The Master Equation is derived for a general atom or molecule while accounting for a variety of excitation and de-excitation mechanisms. A new set of electronic-impact excitation rates is compiled for N, O, and N2+, which are the main radiating species for most lunar-return shock-layers. Based on these new rates, a novel approach of curve-fitting the non-Boltzmann populations of the radiating atomic and molecular states is developed. This new approach provides a simple and accurate method for calculating the atomic and molecular non-Boltzmann populations while avoiding the matrix inversion procedure required for the detailed solution of the Master Equation. The radiative flux values predicted by the present detailed non-Boltzmann model and the approximate curve-fitting approach are shown to agree within 5% for the Fire 1634 s case.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2007
Christopher O. Johnston; Brian R. Hollis; Kenneth Sutton
The radiative heating environment for the Huygens probe near peak heating conditions for Titan entry is investigated in this paper. The task of calculating the radiation-coupled flowfield, accounting for non-Boltzmann and non-optically thin radiation, is simplified to a rapid yet accurate calculation. This is achieved by using the viscous-shock layer (VSL) technique for the stagnation-line flowfield calculation and a modified smeared rotational band (SRB) model for the radiation calculation. These two methods provide a computationally efficient alternative to a Navier-Stokes flowfield and line-by-line radiation calculation. The results of the VSL technique are shown to provide an excellent comparison with the Navier-Stokes results of previous studies. It is shown that a conventional SRB approach is inadequate for the partially optically-thick conditions present in the Huygens shock-layer around the peak heating trajectory points. A simple modification is proposed to the SRB model that improves its accuracy in these partially optically-thick conditions. This modified approach, labeled herein as SRBC, is compared throughout this study with a detailed line-by-line (LBL) calculation and is shown to compare within 5% in all cases. The SRBC method requires many orders-of-magnitude less computational time than the LBL method, which makes it ideal for coupling to the flowfield. The application of a collisional-radiative (CR) model for determining the population of the CN electronic states, which govern the radiation for Huygens entry, is discussed and applied. The non-local absorption term in the CR model is formulated in terms of an escape factor, which is then curve-fit with temperature. Although the curve-fit is an approximation, it is shown to compare well with the exact escape factor calculation, which requires a computationally intensive iteration procedure.
43rd AIAA Thermophysics Conference | 2012
Christopher O. Johnston; Aaron M. Brandis; Kenneth Sutton
A model for simulating nonequilibrium radiation from Mars entry shock layers is presented. A new chemical kinetic rate model is developed that provides good agreement with recent EAST and X2 shock tube radiation measurements. This model includes a CO dissociation rate that is a factor of 13 larger than the rate used widely in previous models. Uncertainties in the proposed rates are assessed along with uncertainties in translational-vibrational relaxation modeling parameters. The stagnation point radiative ux uncertainty due to these oweld modeling parameter uncertainties is computed to vary from 50 to 200% for a range of free-stream conditions, with densities ranging from 5e-5 to 5e-4 kg/m 3 and velocities ranging from of 6.3 to 7.7 km/s. These conditions cover the range of anticipated peak radiative heating conditions for proposed hypersonic inatable aerodynamic decelerators (HIADs). Modeling parameters for the radiative spectrum are compiled along with a non-Boltzmann rate model for the dominant radiating molecules, CO, CN, and C2. A method for treating non-local absorption in the non-Boltzmann model is developed, which is shown to result in up to a 50% increase in the radiative ux through
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2008
Christopher O. Johnston; Brian R. Hollis; Kenneth Sutton
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the shock-layer radiative heating to the Fire II vehicle using a new air radiation model and a viscous shock-layer flowfield model. This new air radiation model contains the most up-to-date properties for modeling the atomic-line, atomic photoionization, molecular band, and non-Boltzmann processes. The applied viscous shock-layer flowfield analysis contains the same thermophysical properties and nonequilibrium models as the LAURA Navier-Stokes code. Radiation-flowfield coupling, or radiation cooling, is accounted for in detail in this study. It is shown to reduce the radiative heating by about 30% for the peak radiative heating points, while reducing the convective heating only slightly. A detailed review of past Fire II radiative heating studies is presented. It is observed that the scatter in the radiation predicted by these past studies is mostly a result of the different flowfield chemistry models and the treatment of the electronic state populations. The present predictions provide, on average throughout the trajectory, a better comparison with Fire II flight data than any previous study. The magnitude of the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) contribution to the radiative flux is estimated from the calorimeter measurements. This is achieved using the radiometer measurements and the predicted convective heating. The VUV radiation predicted by the present model agrees well with the VUV contribution inferred from the Fire II calorimeter measurement, although only when radiation-flowfield coupling is accounted for. This agreement provides evidence that the present model accurately models the VUV radiation, which is shown to contribute significantly to the Fire II radiative heating.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2014
Karl T. Edquist; Brian R. Hollis; Christopher O. Johnston; Deepak Bose; Todd White; Milad Mahzari
The Mars Science Laboratory heat shield was designed to withstand a fully turbulent heat pulse using information from ground testing and computational analysis on a preflight design trajectory. Instrumentation on the flight heat shield measured in-depth temperatures to permit reconstruction of the surface heating. The data indicate that boundary-layer transition occurred at five of seven measurement locations before peak heating. Data oscillations at three pressure measurement locations may also indicate transition. This paper presents the heat shield temperature and pressure data, possible explanations for the timing of boundary-layer transition, and a comparison of reconstructed and computational heating on the actual trajectory. A smooth-wall boundary-layer Reynolds number that was used to predict transition is compared with observed transition at various heat shield locations. A single transition Reynolds number criterion does not uniformly explain the timing of boundary-layer transition observed duri...
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer | 2012
Christopher O. Johnston; Peter A. Gnoffo; Alireza Mazaheri
The coupled interaction between an ablating surface and the surrounding aerothermal environment is studied. An equilibrium ablation model is coupled to the LAURA flowfield solver, which allows the char ablation rate ṁ c to be computed as part of the flowfield solution. The wall temperature T w and pyrolysis ablation rate ṁ g may be specified by the user, obtained from the steady-state ablation approximation, or computed from a material response code. A 32-species thermochemical nonequilibrium flowfield model is applied, which permits the treatment of C, H, O, N, and Si-containing species. Coupled ablation cases relevant to NASAs Orion multipurpose crew vehicle heat shield are studied. These consist of diffusion-limited oxidation cases with Avcoat as the ablation material. The ṁ g values predicted from the developed coupled ablation analysis were compared with those obtained from a typical uncoupled ablation analysis. The coupled results were found to be as much as 50% greater than the uncoupled values in regions of turbulence. This is shown to be a result of the cumulative effect of the two fundamental approximations inherent in the uncoupled analysis.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2012
Christopher O. Johnston; Bil Kleb
By leveraging a new uncertainty markup technique, two risk analysis methods are used to compute the uncertainty of lunar-return shock layer radiation predicted by the High temperature Aerothermodynamic Radiation Algorithm (HARA). The effects of epistemic uncertainty, or uncertainty due to a lack of knowledge, is considered for the following modeling parameters: atomic line oscillator strengths, atomic line Stark broadening widths, atomic photoionization cross sections, negative ion photodetachment cross sections, molecular bands oscillator strengths, and electron impact excitation rates. First, a simplified shock layer problem consisting of two constant-property equilibrium layers is considered. The results of this simplified problem show that the atomic nitrogen oscillator strengths and Stark broadening widths in both the vacuum ultraviolet and infrared spectral regions, along with the negative ion continuum, are the dominant uncertainty contributors. Next, three variable property stagnation-line shock layer cases are analyzed: a typical lunar return case and two Fire II cases. For the near-equilibrium lunar return and Fire 1643-second cases, the resulting uncertainties are very similar to the simplified case. Conversely, the relatively nonequilibrium 1636-second case shows significantly larger influence from electron impact excitation rates of both atoms and molecules. For all cases, the total uncertainty in radiative heat flux to the wall due to epistemic uncertainty in modeling parameters is 30% as opposed to the erroneously-small uncertainty levels (plus or minus 6%) found when treating model parameter uncertainties as aleatory (due to chance) instead of epistemic (due to lack of knowledge).
47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition | 2009
Peter A. Gnoffo; Christopher O. Johnston; Richard A. Thompson
A description of models and boundary conditions required for coupling radiation and ablation physics to a hypersonic flow simulation is provided. Chemical equilibrium routines for varying elemental mass fraction are required in the flow solver to integrate with the equilibrium chemistry assumption employed in the ablation models. The capability also enables an equilibrium catalytic wall boundary condition in the non-ablating case. The paper focuses on numerical implementation issues using FIRE II, Mars return, and Apollo 4 applications to provide context for discussion. Variable relaxation factors applied to the Jacobian elements of partial equilibrium relations required for convergence are defined. Challenges of strong radiation coupling in a shock capturing algorithm are addressed. Results are presented to show how the current suite of models responds to a wide variety of conditions involving coupled radiation and ablation.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2013
Christopher O. Johnston; Alireza Mazaheri; Peter A. Gnoffo; Bil Kleb; Deepak Bose
This paper investigates the shock-layer radiative heating uncertainty for hyperbolic Earth entry, with the main focus being a Mars return. A baseline simulation approach involving the LAURA Navier–Stokes code with coupled ablation and radiation is presented, with the HARA radiation code being used for the radiation predictions. Flight cases representative of peak heatingMars or asteroid return are defined, and the strong influence of coupled ablation and radiation on their aerothermodynamic environments are shown. Structural uncertainties inherent in the baseline simulations are identified,with turbulencemodeling, precursor absorption, grid convergence, and radiation transport uncertainties combining for a 34 and 24% structural uncertainty on the radiative heating. A parametric uncertainty analysis, which assumes interval uncertainties, is presented. This analysis accounts for uncertainties in the radiation models, as well as heat of formation uncertainties in the flowfield model. Discussions and references are provided to support the uncertainty range chosen for each parameter. A parametric uncertainty of 47 and 28% is computed for the stagnation-point radiative heating for the 15 km=s Mars-return case. A breakdown of the largest individual uncertainty contributors is presented, which includes C3 Swings cross section, photoionization edge shift, and Opacity Project atomic lines. Combining the structural and parametric uncertainty components results in a total uncertainty of 81 and 52% for the Mars-return case.