Chuan Lei
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Featured researches published by Chuan Lei.
international conference on data engineering | 2013
Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Joshua D. Guttman
Distributed stream processing systems must function efficiently for data streams that fluctuate in their arrival rates and data distributions. Yet repeated and prohibitively expensive load re-allocation across machines may make these systems ineffective, potentially resulting in data loss or even system failure. To overcome this problem, we instead propose a load distribution (RLD) strategy that is robust to data fluctuations. RLD provides ϵ-optimal query performance under load fluctuations without suffering from the performance penalty caused by load migration. RLD is based on three key strategies. First, we model robust distributed stream processing as a parametric query optimization problem. The notions of robust logical and robust physical plans then are overlays of this parameter space. Second, our Early-terminated Robust Partitioning (ERP) finds a set of robust logical plans, covering the parameter space, while minimizing the number of prohibitively expensive optimizer calls with a probabilistic bound on the space coverage. Third, our OptPrune algorithm maps the space-covering logical solution to a single robust physical plan tolerant to deviations in data statistics that maximizes the parameter space coverage at runtime. Our experimental study using stock market and sensor networks streams demonstrates that our RLD methodology consistently outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in highly fluctuating data stream environments.
international conference on management of data | 2016
Medhabi Ray; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner
Complex Event Processing (CEP) has emerged as a technology of choice for high performance event analytics in time-critical decision-making applications. Yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to support high-performance event processing due to the rising number and complexity of event pattern queries and the increasingly high velocity of event streams. In this work we design the SPASS framework that successfully tackles these demanding CEP workloads. Our SPASS optimizer identifies opportunities for effective shared processing among CEP queries by leveraging time-based event correlations among queries. The problem of pattern sharing is shown to be NP-hard by reducing the Minimum Substring Cover problem to our CEP pattern sharing problem. The SPASS optimizer is designed that finds a shared pattern plan in polynomial-time covering all sequence patterns while still guaranteeing an optimality bound. To execute this shared pattern plan, the SPASS runtime employs stream transactions that assure concurrent shared maintenance and re-use of sub-patterns across queries. Our experimental study confirms that the SPASS framework achieves over 16 fold performance improvement for a wide range of experiments compared to the state-of-the-art solution.
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 2014
Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner
Distributed stream processing systems must function efficiently for data streams that fluctuate in their arrival rates and data distributions. Yet repeated and prohibitively expensive load reallocation across machines may make these systems ineffective, potentially resulting in data loss or even system failure. To overcome this problem, we propose a comprehensive solution, called the Robust Load Distribution (RLD) strategy, that is resilient under data fluctuations. RLD provides ε-optimal query performance under an expected range of load fluctuations without suffering from the performance penalty caused by load migration. RLD is based on three key strategies. First, we model robust distributed stream processing as a parametric query optimization problem in a parameter space that captures the stream fluctuations. The notions of both robust logical and robust physical plans that work together to proactively handle all ranges of expected fluctuations in parameters are abstracted as overlays of this parameter space. Second, our Early-terminated Robust Partitioning (ERP) finds a combination of robust logical plans that together cover the parameter space, while minimizing the number of prohibitively expensive optimizer calls with a probabilistic bound on the space coverage. Third, we design a family of algorithms for physical plan generation. Our GreedyPhy exploits a probabilistic model to efficiently find a robust physical plan that sustains most frequently used robust logical plans at runtime. Our CorPhy algorithm exploits operator correlations for the robust physical plan optimization. The resulting physical plan smooths the workload on each node under all expected fluctuations. Our OptPrune algorithm, using CorPhy as baseline, is guaranteed to find the optimal physical plan that maximizes the parameter space coverage with a practical increase in optimization time. Lastly, we further expand the capabilities of our proposed RLD framework to also appropriately react under so-called “space drifts”, that is, a space drift is a change of the parameter space where the observed runtime statistics deviate from the expected optimization-time statistics. Our RLD solution is capable of adjusting itself to the unexpected yet significant data fluctuations beyond those planned for via covering the parameter space. Our experimental study using stock market and sensor network streams demonstrates that our RLD methodology consistently outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in highly fluctuating data stream environments.
very large data bases | 2014
Chuan Lei; Zhongfang Zhuang; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Mohamed Y. Eltabakh
This demonstration presents the Redoop infrastructure, the first full-fledged MapReduce framework with native support for recurring big data queries. Recurring queries, repeatedly being executed for long periods of time over evolving high-volume data, have become a bedrock component in most large-scale data analytic applications. Redoop is a comprehensive extension to Hadoop that pushes the support and optimization of recurring queries into Hadoops core functionality. While backward compatible with regular MapReduce jobs, Redoop achieves an order of magnitude better performance than Hadoop for recurring workloads. Redoop employs innovative window-aware optimization techniques for such recurring workloads including adaptive window-aware data partitioning, cache-aware task scheduling, and inter-window caching mechanisms. We will demonstrate Redoops capabilities on a compute cluster against real life workloads including click-stream and sensor data analysis.
international conference on management of data | 2017
Olga Poppe; Chuan Lei; Salah Ahmed; Elke A. Rundensteiner
Event processing applications from financial fraud detection to health care analytics continuously execute event queries with Kleene closure to extract event sequences of arbitrary, statically unknown length, called Complete Event Trends (CETs). Due to common event sub-sequences in CETs, either the responsiveness is delayed by repeated computations or an exorbitant amount of memory is required to store partial results. To overcome these limitations, we define the CET graph to compactly encode all CETs matched by a query. Based on the graph, we define the spectrum of CET detection algorithms from CPU-optimal to memory-optimal. We find the middle ground between these two extremes by partitioning the graph into time-centric graphlets and caching partial CETs per graphlet to enable effective reuse of these intermediate results. We reveal cost monotonicity properties of the search space of graph partitioning plans. Our CET optimizer leverages these properties to prune significant portions of the search to produce a partitioning plan with minimal CPU costs yet within the given memory limit. Our experimental study demonstrates that our CET detection solution achieves up to 42--fold speed-up even under rigid memory constraints compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in diverse scenarios.
distributed event-based systems | 2016
Medhabi Ray; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner
Complex Event Processing (CEP) offers high-performance event analytics in time-critical decision-making applications. Yet supporting high-performance event processing has become increasingly difficult due to the increasing size and complexity of event pattern workloads. In this work, we propose the SPASS framework that leverages time-based event correlations among queries for sharing computation tasks among sequence queries in a workload. We show the NP-hardness of our CEP pattern sharing problem by reducing it from the Minimum Substring Cover problem. The SPASS system finds a shared pattern plan in polynomial-time covering all sequence patterns while still guaranteeing an optimality bound. Further, the SPASS system assures concurrent maintenance and reuse of sub-patterns in the shared pattern plan. Our experimental evaluation confirms that the SPASS framework achieves over 16-fold performance gain compared to the state-of-the-art solutions.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences | 2013
Rimma V. Nehme; Karen Works; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Elisa Bertino
extending database technology | 2014
Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Mohamed Y. Eltabakh
very large data bases | 2015
Chuan Lei; Zhongfang Zhuang; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Mohamed Y. Eltabakh
extending database technology | 2016
Olga Poppe; Chuan Lei; Elke A. Rundensteiner; Daniel J. Dougherty