Chuanxue Hong
Virginia Tech
Featured researches published by Chuanxue Hong.
Plant Disease | 1998
Chuanxue Hong; Themis J. Michailides; Brent A. Holtz
The effects of wounding, inoculum density, and three isolates (New, Ta291, and 23-E-6) of Trichoderma spp. and one isolate (BI-54) of Rhodotorula sp. on postharvest brown rot of stone fruits were determined at 20°C and 95% relative humidity (RH). Brown rot was observed frequently on wounded nectarine, peach, and plum fruits inoculated with two spores of Monilinia fructicola per wound, and occasionally on unwounded nectarine and peach fruits inoculated with the same spore load. Brown rot was observed on wounded plums only. A substantial increase in lesion diameter of brown rot was also recorded on wounded nectarines and peaches inoculated with suspensions of ≤20 spores and ≤200 spores per wound, respectively, compared with unwounded fruit. At concentrations of 107 and 108 spores per ml, all Trichoderma isolates substantially reduced brown rot on peaches (63 to 98%) and plums (67 to 100%) when fruits were inoculated with M. fructicola following the application of a biological control agent. Similarly, at 108 spores per ml, the yeast BI-54 also suppressed brown rot on peaches completely and on plums by 54%. Significant brown rot reduction was also achieved with the isolate New at a concentration of 108 spores per ml, even when the biocontrol agent was applied 12 h after inoculation with M. fructicola and under continuous conditions of 95% RH. The isolates Ta291 and 23-E-6 also reduced brown rot significantly under drier (50% RH) incubation conditions. These isolates provided the best control of brown rot on plums when they were applied 12 h earlier than inoculation with M. fructicola. Satisfactory control of brown rot on plums inoculated with M. fructicola at 8 × 104 spores per ml was achieved with New at 106 spores per ml and with Ta291 at 107 spores per ml. Measures taken to avoid injuring fruit will greatly reduce brown rot of stone fruit at any spore load for plum, but only at ≤50 spores per mm2 for peach, and at ≤5 spores per mm2 for nectarine. This study identifies two isolates (Ta291 and New) of Trichoderma atroviride, one isolate (23-E-6) of T. viride, and one of Rhodotorula sp. that show potential for further development as biocontrol agents of postharvest brown rot of stone fruits.
Fungal Genetics and Biology | 2003
Ping Kong; Chuanxue Hong; Patricia A. Richardson; Mannon E. Gallegly
Single-strand-conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of ribosomal DNA of 29 species (282 isolates) of Phytophthora was characterized in this study. Phytophthora boehmeriae, Phytophthora botryosa, Phytophthora cactorum, Phytophthora cambivora, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Phytophthora colocasiae, Phytophthora fragariae, Phytophthora heveae, Phytophthora hibernalis, Phytophthora ilicis, Phytophthora infestans, Phytophthora katsurae, Phytophthora lateralis, Phytophthora meadii, Phytophthora medicaginis, Phytophthora megakarya, Phytophthora nicotianae, Phytophthora palmivora, Phytophthora phaseoli, Phytophthora pseudotsugae, Phytophthora sojae, Phytophthora syringae, and Phytophthora tropicalis each showed a unique SSCP pattern. Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora drechsleri, and Phytophthora megasperma each had more than one distinct pattern. A single-stranded DNA ladder also was developed, which facilitates comparison of SSCP patterns within and between gels. With a single DNA fingerprint, 277 isolates of Phytophthora recovered from irrigation water and plant tissues in Virginia were all correctly identified into eight species at substantially reduced time, labor, and cost. The SSCP analysis presented in this work will aid in studies on taxonomy, genetics, and ecology of the genus Phytophthora.
Plant Disease | 1997
Chuanxue Hong; Brent A. Holtz; David P. Morgan; Themis J. Michailides
The significance of thinned fruit as a source of secondary inoculum in the spread of brown rot, caused by Monilinia fructicola, under semi-arid weather conditions of the San Joaquin Valley in California, was investigated in seven nectarine orchards in 1995 and 1996. Between 6 and 60% (depending on the orchard) of thinned fruit showed sporulation by M. fructicola. Brown rot was significantly less severe at preharvest (five orchards) and postharvest (one orchard) on fruit harvested from trees in plots from which thinned fruit were completely removed than on those in plots from which thinned fruit were not removed. M. fructicola sporulated more frequently on thinned fruit placed into irrigation trenches than on those left on the dry berms in tree rows. The incidence of preharvest fruit brown rot increased exponentially as the density of thinned fruit increased on the orchard floor. These results suggest that thinned fruit left on the floor of nectarine orchards can be a significant inoculum source of secondary infections. Removal or destruction of thinned fruit should reduce brown rot in nectarine and possibly other stone fruit orchards under semi-arid California conditions.
Plant Disease | 2003
Elizabeth A. Bush; Chuanxue Hong; Erik L. Stromberg
Stringent standards of water quality have prompted many horticultural enterprises to limit pollutant discharge associated with nutrient and pesticide applications. Collecting and recycling effluent is a method that has been implemented by many operations to contain pollutants; however, plant pathogens may be spread through recycled effluent. In this study, Phytophthora and Pythium spp. present in a water-recycling irrigation system at a perennial container nursery in southwestern Virginia were characterized using filtering and baiting techniques with two selective media. Members of Phytophthora were identified to species, whereas Pythium spp. were identified to genus only. Pythium spp. were recovered more frequently and in greater numbers than Phytophthora spp. Phytophthora capsici, P. citricola, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. drechsleri, and P. nicotianae were recovered in filtering assays. Only P. cryptogea and P. drechsleri were identified from baits placed on the surface of the irrigation reservoir, whereas P. cactorum, P. capsici, P. citricola, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, and P. drechsleri were recovered at depths, specifically at 1 and 1.5 m. This research provides data for development of detection technology and management practices for plant pathogens in irrigation water and may lead to improvements in conventional assay protocols.
Phytopathology | 2003
Ping Kong; Chuanxue Hong; Steven N. Jeffers; Patricia A. Richardson
ABSTRACT Phytophthora nicotianae is a common and destructive pathogen of numerous ornamental, agronomic, and horticultural crops such as tobacco, tomato, and citrus. We have developed a species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for rapid and accurate detection of this pathogen in irrigation water, a primary source of inoculum and an efficient means of propagule dissemination. This PCR assay consists of a pair of species-specific primers (PN), customization of a commercial soil DNA extraction kit for purification of DNA from propagules in irrigation water, and efficient PCR protocols for primer tests and sample detection. The PN primers proved adequately specific for P. nicotianae in evaluations with 131 isolates of P. nicotianae, 102 isolates from 15 other species of Phytophthora, and 64 isolates from a variety of other oomycetes, true fungi, and bacteria. These isolates originated from a wide range of host plants, three substrates (plant tissue, soil, and irrigation water), and numerous geographic locations. The detection sensitivity is between 80 and 800 fg DNA/mul. The assay detected the pathogen in naturally infested water samples from Virginia and South Carolina nurseries more rapidly and accurately than standard isolation methods. Use of this PCR assay can assist growers in making timely disease management decisions with confidence.
Plant Disease | 2003
Chuanxue Hong; Patricia A. Richardson; Ping Kong; Elizabeth A. Bush
Recycled irrigation water is a primary source of inoculum for Phytophthora spp. and is capable of spreading propagules throughout nursery production. Chlorination commonly is used by the industry to disinfest recycled irrigation water; however, chlorine has not been fully researched as a disinfestant for this purpose. In this study, zoospores of seven species and eight isolates of Phytophthora were exposed for 2 min to free available chlorine at 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg/liter. Zoospores, mycelial fragments, and culture plugs of P. nicotianae also were exposed to chlorine concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 8.0 mg/liter for periods ranging from 15 s to 8 min. In addition, chlorinated water was assayed monthly in 2000 and 2001 at two commercial nurseries, and quarterly in the first year at four other nurseries in Virginia, for chlorine and survival of pythiaceous species using a selective medium. No zoospores of any species tested survived endpoint free chlorine at 2 mg/liter, while limited mycelial fragments of P. nicotianae survived at 8 mg/liter, and mycelial plugs treated at the same level of chlorine were able to produce few sporangia. Phytophthora spp. were recovered only from nursery irrigation water with levels of free chlorine at 0.77 mg/liter or lower. The results of this study are essential for improving current chlorination protocols.
Phytopathology | 2002
Chuanxue Hong; Patricia A. Richardson; Ping Kong
ABSTRACT Filter-based isolation is the primary approach for quantifying plant pathogens in irrigation water; however, the performance of various membranes is largely unknown. This study evaluated nine hydrophilic membranes for recovery of pythiaceous species, a group of very common and destructive pathogens on numerous ornamental plants and many agronomic crops. Three sources of water samples and three plating methods were used for the membrane comparison. Durapore5, Millipore5, and Osmonics5 filtered 100 ml of irrigation water or 50 ml of irrigation runoff in 10 s or less, whereas the other membranes required 34 s to 13.5 min or even a second membrane to filter the same water sample volume. Millipore5 and Durapore5 showed greater recovery rates than other membranes for all water sources when the membranes were directly inverted onto agar plates. Durapore5 was also one of the top two membranes for spore suspension and irrigation water samples when membrane washings were spread over the agar surface. Durapore5 was the only membrane that consistently performed well for both spore suspension and irrigation water samples. These data suggest that use of Durapore5 not only increases the sensitivity of filter-based isolation for quantifying pythiaceous species in irrigation water but also saves filtering time.
Mycologia | 2011
Chuanxue Hong; Mannon E. Gallegly; Patricia A. Richardson; Ping Kong
Phytophthora pini was named by Leonian in 1925, but this species was largely ignored until 1956 and then merged with P. citricola by Waterhouse in 1963. This study compared the ex-type and ex-authentic cultures of these two species with isolates of P. plurivora and the P. citricola subgroups Cil I and III reported previously. Examination of these isolates revealed that the ex-type culture of P. pini is identical to P. citricola I. Phytophthora pini Leonian therefore is resurrected to distinct species status and redescribed here with a Latin description, replacing P. citricola I. Molecular, physiological and morphological descriptions of this species are presented. The molecular description includes DNA sequences of five nuclear and mitochondrial regions as well as PCR-SSCP fingerprints. The relationship among the above species and other species recently segregated from the P. citricola complex also is discussed.
Plant Disease | 2008
Chuanxue Hong; Patricia A. Richardson; Ping Kong
Eighteen isolates from 12 species of Phytophthora, including several new taxa, were tested for pathogenicity to six ornamental and four vegetable species. The following three inoculation methods were used depending on infection court targeted: vermiculite culture inoculation for roots, agar block inoculation for fruit, and zoospore inoculation for foliage. All six new taxa (P. irrigata, P. hydropathica, Dre III, Cil I, Cip-like, and Gon I) are pathogenic to one or more test plants. Specifically, taxon Cil I was identified as a growing threat to horticultural crops, particularly ornamental crops in container production nurseries. The potential host list of P. tropicalis was expanded to four new families (Apocynaceae, Asteraceae, Begoniaceae, and Fabaceae) and one additional genus within each of three existing families (Ericaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Solanaceae). New potential hosts were also identified for other existing species of Phytophthora. The practical implications of these results in crop health management programs for both ornamental and vegetable crops locally, and for development and implementation of agricultural biosecurity programs globally, are discussed.
Plant Disease | 2006
Chuanxue Hong; Patricia A. Richardson; Ping Kong; S. N. Jeffers; S. W. Oak
An unidentified species of Phytophthora was isolated from irrigation water at a production nursery in Suffolk, VA in 2000 and 2001. Water samples were assayed using a filtration method (3). A similar species was recovered from soil samples collected in two mixed-hardwood forests in Fairfax County in 2002. Soil samples were air dried, remoistened, flooded, and then baited with rhododendron and camellia leaf pieces at room temperature (22 to 24°C) (2). A Phytophthora sp. was recovered from bait pieces cultured on PARPH-V8 selective medium (2). This same species also was isolated from symptomatic leaves of Pieris japonica cv. Temple Bells and Rhododendron catawbiense cv. Maximum Roseum at a garden center in Virginia Beach in 2004. On P. japonica, symptoms appeared as water-soaked, necrotic lesions and marginal necrosis on leaves and necrosis of shoot tips; on R. catawbiense, symptoms were wilting, dieback, and death of shoots. Representative isolates produced semipapillate to papillate sporangia with tapered bases that were caducous and had long pedicels (16 to 120 μm). Sporangia on four isolates were measured: mean lengths were 40.6 to 48.4 μm, mean widths were 26.9 to 31.4 μm, and length/width ratios consistently were 1.5. Sporangia occasionally were distorted and had dual apices, and they often contained a large globule after zoospore release. Chlamydospores ranged from 25 to 32 μm in diameter. All isolates were heterothallic; four isolates paired with known isolates of P. nicotianae were found to be mating type A1. Optimum temperature for mycelium growth on cornmeal agar was 25°C with slight growth at 35°C by some isolates and no growth at 4°C. These morphological characteristics were mostly consistent with those of P. tropicalis (1). P. tropicalis is reported to have sporangia that are papillate, have lengths of 40 to 55 μm, widths of 19 to 27 μm, and length/width ratios of 1.8 to 2.4 (1). The identity of these isolates as P. tropicalis was confirmed using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis with comparison to a reference isolate (4). These isolates have been retained in permanent collections in the Hong and Jeffers labs. One isolate from each host plant and one isolate from irrigation water were tested for pathogenicity; agar blocks of mycelium (4 × 4 mm) were placed on wounded and nonwounded leaves of P. japonica cv. Mountain Fire and R. catawbiense cv. Olga plants and wrapped with Parafilm to prevent desiccation. Lesions formed on wounded and nonwounded leaves after 4 days at 20 to 30°C, and P. tropicalis was reisolated; no lesions formed on noninoculated control leaves. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. tropicalis in the continental United States, in irrigation water systems, and as a cause of Phytophthora foliage blight on P. japonica and R. catawbiense (1). This study suggests that the host range of this pathogen is not limited to tropical plants. Although this pathogen did not cause significant economic loss in the garden center surveyed, it was isolated in irrigation water at the production nursery from late spring through fall. An investigation of its impact on nursery crops is warranted. References: (1) M. Aragaki and J. Y. Uchida. Mycologia 93:137, 2001. (2) A. J. Ferguson and S. N. Jeffers. Plant Dis. 83:1129, 1999. (3) C. X. Hong et al. Phytopathology 92:610, 2002. (4) P. Kong et al. Fungal Genet. Biol. 39:238, 2003.