Chun-Hsian Huang
National Chung Cheng University
field-programmable logic and applications | 2006
Pao-Ann Hsiung; Chun-Hsian Huang; Chih-Feng Liao
To cope with increasing demands for higher computational power and flexibility, dynamically and partially reconfigurable logic has started to play an important role in embedded systems and systems-on-chip. However, when using traditional design methods and tools, it is difficult to estimate or analyze the performance impact of including such reconfigurable logic devices into a system design. In this work, we present an easy-to-use system-level framework, called Perfecto, which is able to perform rapid explorations of different reconfiguration alternatives and to detect system performance bottlenecks. This framework is based on the popular system-level design language SystemC, which is supported by most EDA and ESL tools. Different hardware-software co-partitioning, co-scheduling, and placement algorithms can all be embedded into the framework for analysis. Perfecto can also be used to design the algorithms to be used in an operating system for reconfigurable systems. Applications to some examples have shown advantages of having an evaluation framework such as Perfecto
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters | 2009
Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
The dynamic partial reconfiguration technology enables an embedded system to adapt its hardware functionalities at run-time to changing environment conditions. However, reconfigurable hardware functions are still managed as conventional hardware devices, and the enhancement of system performance using the partial reconfiguration technology is thus still limited. To further raise the utilization of reconfigurable hardware designs, we propose a virtual hardware mechanism, including the logic virtualization and the hardware device virtualization, for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems. Using the logic virtualization technique, a hardware function that has been configured in the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) can be virtualized to support more than one software application at run-time. Using the hardware device virtualization, a software application can access two or more different hardware functions through the same device node. In a network security reconfigurable system for multimedia applications, our experimental results also demonstrate that the utilization of reconfigurable hardware functions can be further raised using the virtual hardware mechanism. Furthermore, the virtual hardware mechanism can also reduce up to 26% of the time required by using the conventional hardware reuse.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 2011
Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
Unified Modeling Language (UML), an industry de-facto standard, has been used to analyze dynamically partially reconfigurable systems (DPRS) that can reconfigure their hardware functionalities on-demand at runtime. To make model-driven architecture (MDA) more realistic and applicable to the DPRS design in an industrial setting, a model-based verification and estimation (MOVE) framework is proposed in this work. By taking advantage of the inherent features of DPRS and considering real-time system requirements, a semiautomatic model translator converts the UML models of DPRS into timed automata models with transition urgency semantics for model checking. Furthermore, a UML-based hardware/software co-design platform (UCoP) is proposed to support the direct interaction between the UML models and the real hardware architecture. The two-phase verification process, including exhaustive functional verification and physical-aware performance estimation, is completely model-based, thus reducing system verification efforts. We used a dynamically partially reconfigurable network security system (DPRNSS) as a case study. The related experiments have demonstrated that the model checker in MOVE can alleviate the impact of the state-space-explosion problem. Compared to the synthesis-based estimation method having inaccuracies ranging from -43.4% to 18.4%, UCoP can provide accurate and efficient platform-specific verification and estimation through actual time measurements.
Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems | 2008
Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
We propose two basic wrapper designs and an enhanced wrapper design for arbitrary digital hardware circuit designs such that they can be enhanced with the capability for dynamic swapping controlled by software. A hardware design with either of the proposed wrappers can thus be swapped out of the partially reconfigurable logic at runtime in some intermediate state of computation and then swapped in when required to continue from that state. The context data is saved to a buffer in the wrapper at interruptible states, and then the wrapper takes care of saving the hardware context to communication memory through a peripheral bus, and later restoring the hardware context after the design is swapped in. The overheads of the hardware standardization and the wrapper in terms of additional reconfigurable logic resources and the time for context switching are small and generally acceptable. With the capability for dynamic swapping, high priority hardware tasks can interrupt low-priority tasks in real-time embedded systems so that the utilization of hardware space per unit time is increased.
international symposium on circuits and systems | 2007
Chun-Hsian Huang; Kai-Jung Shih; Chao-Sheng Lin; Shih-Shiue Chang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
This paper proposed two wrapper designs for arbitrary digital hardware circuit designs such that they can be enhanced with the capability for dynamic swapping controlled by software. A hardware design with either of the proposed wrappers can thus be swapped out of the partially reconfigurable logic at runtime in some intermediate state of computation and then swapped in when required to continue from that state. The context data is saved to a buffer in the wrapper at interruptible states, and then the wrapper takes care of saving the hardware context to communication memory through a peripheral bus, and later restoring the hardware context after the design is swapped in. The overheads of the hardware standardization and the wrapper in terms of additional reconfigurable logic resources and the time for context switching are small and generally acceptable. With the capability for dynamic swapping, high priority hardware tasks can interrupt low priority tasks in real-time embedded systems so that the utilization of hardware space per unit time is increased.
automated technology for verification and analysis | 2005
Shang-Wei Lin; Pao-Ann Hsiung; Chun-Hsian Huang; Yean Ru Chen
Priorities are often used to resolve conflicts in timed systems. However, priorities are not directly supported by state-of-art model checkers. Often, a designer has to either abstract the priorities leading to a high degree of non-determinism or model the priorities using existing primitives. In this work, it is shown how prioritized timed automata can make modelling prioritized timed systems easier through the support for priority specification and model checking. The verification of prioritized timed automata requires a subtraction operation to be performed on two clock zones, represented by DBMs, for which we propose an algorithm to generate the minimal number of zones partitioned. After the application of a series of DBM subtraction operations, the number of zones generated become large. We thus propose an algorithm to reduce the final number of zones partitioned by merging some of them. A typical bus arbitration example is used to illustrate the benefits of the proposed algorithms. Due to the support for prioritization and zone reduction, we observe that there is a 50% reduction in the number of modes and 44% reduction in the number of transitions.
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | 2010
Pao-Ann Hsiung; Chun-Hsian Huang; Jih-Sheng Shen; Cheng-Chi Chiang
With the gradually fading distinction between hardware and software, it is now possible to relocate tasks from a microprocessor to reconfigurable logic and vice versa. However, existing hardware-software scheduling can rarely cope with such runtime task relocation. In this work, we propose a new Relocatable Hardware-Software Scheduling (RHSS) method that not only can be applied to dynamically relocatable hardware-software tasks, but also increases the reconfigurable hardware resource utilization, reduces the reconfigurable hardware resource fragmentation with realistic placement methods, and makes best efforts at meeting the real-time constraints of tasks. The feasibility of the proposed relocatable hardware-software scheduling algorithm was proved by applying it to some randomly generated examples and a real dynamically reconfigurable network security system example. Compared to the quadratic time complexity of the state-of-the-art Adaptive Hardware-Software Allocation (AHSA) method, RHSS is linear in time complexity, and improves the reconfigurable hardware utilization by as much as 117.8%. The scheduling and placement time and the memory usage are also drastically reduced by as much as 89.5% and 96.4%, respectively.
design, automation, and test in europe | 2010
Jih-Sheng Shen; Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
The set of applications communicating via a Network-on-Chip (NoC) and the NoC itself both have varying run-time requirements on reliability and power-efficiency. To meet these requirements, we propose a novel Power-aware and Reliable Encoding Schemes Supported reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (PRESSNoC) architecture which allows processing elements, routers, and data encoding methods to be reconfigured at runtime. Further, an intelligent selection of encoding methods is achieved through a REasoning And Learning (REAL) framework at run-time. An instance of PRESSNoC was implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA device, which required 25.5% lesser number of slices compared to a conventional NoC with a full-fledged encoding method. The average benefit to overhead ratio of the proposed architecture is greater than that of a conventional NoC by 71%, 32%, and 277% when we consider the individual effects of interference rate per instruction, application domains, and system characteristics, respectively. Experiments have thus shown that PRESSNoC induces a higher probability toward the reduction of crosstalk interferences and dynamic power consumption, at the same amount of overheads in performance and hardware usage.
Journal of Systems Architecture | 2010
Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung; Jih-Sheng Shen
To facilitate the development of the dynamically partially reconfigurable system (DPRS), we propose a model-based platform-specific co-design (MPC) methodology for DPRS with hardware virtualization and preemption. For DPRS analysis and validation, a model-based verification and estimation framework is proposed to make model-driven architecture (MDA) more realistic and applicable to the DPRS design. Considering inherent characteristics of DPRS and real-time system requirements, a semi-automatic model translator converts the UML models of DPRS into timed automata models with transition urgency semantics for model checking. Furthermore, a UML-based hardware/software co-design platform (UCoP) can support the direct interaction between the UML models and the real hardware architecture. Compared to the existing estimation methods, UCoP can provide accurate and efficient platform-specific verification and estimation. We also propose a hierarchical design that consists of a hardware virtualization mechanism for dynamically linking the device nodes, kernel modules, and on-demand reconfigurable hardware functions and a hardware preemption mechanism for further increasing the utilization of hardware resources per unit time. Further, we realize a dynamically partially reconfigurable network security system (DPRNSS) to show the applicability and practicability of the MPC methodology. The DPRNSS cannot only dynamically adapt some of its hardware functions at run-time to meet different system requirements, but also determine which mechanism will be used. Our experiments also demonstrate that the hardware virtualization mechanism can save the overall system execution time up to 12.8% and the hardware preemption mechanism can reduce up to 41.3% of the time required by reconfiguration-based methods.
annual computer security applications conference | 2008
Chun-Hsian Huang; Pao-Ann Hsiung
We propose a UML-based hardware/software co-design platform for partially reconfigurable systems, targeting mainly at network security systems. Applications with heavy computing are implemented as the partially reconfigurable hardware tasks for enhancing the system performance and flexibility, which means that a network security embedded system can dynamically reconfigure one part of the system at run-time according to different security needs while other parts are still functioning. We further propose a partially reconfigurable hardware template, using which the users only need to integrate their hardware applications with the template without going through the full partial reconfiguration flow. The template has an average overhead of only 0:62% of the total resources in Xilinx Virtex-II XC2V3000 FPGA. Furthermore, our proposed platform includes a UML-based system model that can directly interact with the system hardware architecture. Compared to the synthesis based estimation methods with inaccuracy ranging from -23% to +234% for the execution time of dynamically partially reconfigurable hardware tasks, by using our platform users can directly measure the execution time and use them to validate system correctness and performance at a high-level phase, which significantly reduces the number of iterations in the system development.