Ciaran Heavey
University College Dublin
Journal of Management Studies | 2009
Ciaran Heavey; Zeki Simsek; Frank Roche; Aidan Kelly
Although comprehensiveness is considered among the most salient and enduring strategic decision-making characteristics in organizations, its influence on firm behaviour has remained elusive. As a first step, our study builds and tests a model that specifies the influence of comprehensiveness on the firms pursuit of corporate entrepreneurship. Our core argument is that while comprehensiveness helps decision-makers gain the knowledge needed to escape the ignorance and overcome doubt associated with this pursuit, this beneficial influence is conditional upon managerial uncertainty preferences, together with the level of dynamism in the external environment. Findings from a large sample study of CEOs from 349 SMEs provide general support for this argument and associated hypotheses.
Production Planning & Control | 2015
Donna Marshall; Lucy McCarthy; Ciaran Heavey; Paul McGrath
The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise and operationalise the concept of supply chain management sustainability practices. Based on a multi-stage procedure involving a literature review, expert Q-sort and pre-test process, pilot test and survey of 156 supply chain directors and managers in Ireland, we develop a multidimensional conceptualisation and measure of social and environmental supply chain management sustainability practices. The research findings show theoretically sound constructs based on four underlying sustainable supply chain management practices: monitoring, implementing systems, new product and process development and strategy redefinition. A two-factor model is then identified as the most reliable: comprising process-based and market-based practices.
Journal of Management | 2015
Zeki Simsek; Brian C. Fox; Ciaran Heavey
Organizational researchers have long used imprinting as a theoretical lens for a historically embedded understanding of diverse, significant phenomena for explanatory, evaluative, and managerial purposes. The intuitive appeal of imprinting has facilitated its widespread diffusion throughout numerous disciplines and research fields, but the growing fragmentation of associated theory and evidence has blurred our understanding of the nature, sources, and mechanisms of imprinting as well as the context in which imprinting shapes the behavior and outcomes of distinct entities. To address these issues, we begin by developing a framework for generalizing theoretical constructs, statements, and relationships across levels of analysis, contexts, and disciplinary boundaries. Using the core themes of this framework, we next provide a systematic review of 119 imprinting studies allowing for more definitive statements about what we know, do not know, and should know about imprinting. Finally, by building on the review, together with the proposed framework, we chart a focused course for future inquiry and applications for organizational research on imprinting.
Journal of Management | 2017
Ciaran Heavey; Zeki Simsek
How can a firm develop, distribute, and use knowledge more effectively and efficiently in ways that increase its ability to pursue an ambidextrous orientation? Synthesizing insights from social cognition and upper-echelons perspectives, we offer a new theoretical vantage point that brings the role of top management teams’ cognitive structure to the fore and, in particular, the enabling influence of transactive memory systems. We argue that transactive memory provides a top management team with a system for generating, distributing, and integrating knowledge based on members’ specific areas of expertise in ways that increase its ability to both differentiate and integrate strategic agendas for ambidexterity. From a multisource study of top management teams in a sample of technology-based small-to-medium-sized firms, we find that while top management teams with well-developed transactive memory systems are able to pursue an ambidextrous orientation, the impact of transactive memory is also shaped by diverse organizational experience and functional expertise within these teams. We discuss the scope and significance of these findings for theory, future research, and managerial practice.
Organization Science | 2015
Ciaran Heavey; Zeki Simsek
A substantial body of research uses the concept of transactive memory systems to describe, explain, and predict the behavior and performance of teams. In a multirespondent study of 99 small to midsized technology-based firms, we extend the concept into the unique context of top management teams and discuss its implications for firm performance. Building on the multifunctional and boundary-spanning role of top managers, we develop a novel theoretical account of how the performance implications of transactive memory are shaped by the individual and conjoint influences of a top management teams external social network ties and the rate of dynamism in the firms competitive environment. In so doing, we link top management team transactive memory to firm performance through transformation-more than through application-of existing scholarly understanding and through distinct operating mechanisms informed by an upper echelons perspective of the firm. Our theory and supportive findings provide new evidence on the relationship between transactive memory and firm performance. We conclude by tracing the implications of our findings for upper echelons and transactive memory research.
Archive | 2009
Ciaran Heavey; Richard T. Mowday; Aidan Kelly; Frank Roche
This chapter attempts to reinvigorate scholarly interest in executive scanning by outlining a model to guide future research on executive search within the context of international strategy. Executive scanning has received considerable empirical attention but only limited theoretical attention. Most of this research has studied scanning as the receipt rather than the search for information. Based on the application of learning theory, we outline a model advancing two broad categories of executive search exploitative and explorative, consisting of six specific search behaviors. We advance search as integral to managerial decisions relating to the various aspects of internationalization, notably choice of location, corporate strategy, and mode of entry. The implications for future research are presented.
Strategic Organization | 2017
Zeki Simsek; Ciaran Heavey; Brian C. Fox
In this essay, we seek to focus scholarly discourse on the conceptual identity, boundaries, and precision of strategic entrepreneurship as an organizational construct. To give a “face” to a construct, lines must be drawn, marking off what it encompasses and what it does not. We, thus, first frame and assess prior conceptualizations from a construct clarity perspective. Our intent here is not to exhaustively catalogue all the varied conceptualizations available, but rather to map in lieu of burrow the content domain of strategic entrepreneurship as a theoretical construct, illuminate points of convergence and divergence, and reveal potential blind spots and ambiguities in extant definitions. Then, we advance a meta-framework for stimulating discourse around the key construct parameters. We say “meta-framework” because we do not seek to offer a “silver bullet” but rather advance a core set of questions to view strategic entrepreneurship with greater clarity and precision. We conclude with a set of suggestions for guiding and stimulating future research.
Journal of Management | 2018
Zeki Simsek; Ciaran Heavey; Brian C. Fox
Interfaces are of growing importance for theorizing and testing the influence of strategic leaders on firm behavior and actions. But despite their relevance and ubiquity, the lack of a commonly accepted definition and unifying framework has hindered researchers’ ability to take stock, synthesize, and systematize extant knowledge. We first develop an encompassing definition and organizing framework to review 122 prior studies across three decades. We then chart promising directions for future research around three concepts central to the framework and review: (1) Why do interfaces occur? (2) What happens at these interfaces? and (3) What are the impacts of interfaces? Together, the encompassing definition, framework, review, and specific directions for future research provide the much needed platform to agglutinate research and advance strategic leader interfaces as the next frontier of strategic leadership research.
Academy of Management Proceedings | 2017
Brian C. Fox; Ciaran Heavey; Zeki Simsek; Brian L. Connelly
Over the past thirty years research on strategic leadership has been dominated by the upper-echelons perspective, which views organizations through the prism of the traits and characteristics of it...
Strategic Management Journal | 2010
Zeki Simsek; Ciaran Heavey; John F. Veiga