Clare Dunning
University of Kent
Journal of Physics A | 2001
Patrick Dorey; Clare Dunning; Roberto Tateo
The one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for the potential x6 + αx2 + l(l + 1)/x2 has many interesting properties. For certain values of the parameters l and α the equation is in turn supersymmetric (Witten) and quasi-exactly solvable (Turbiner), and it also appears in Lipatovs approach to high-energy QCD. In this paper we signal some further curious features of these theories, namely novel spectral equivalences with particular second- and third-order differential equations. These relationships are obtained via a recently observed connection between the theories of ordinary differential equations and integrable models. Generalized supersymmetry transformations acting at the quasi-exactly solvable points are also pointed out, and an efficient numerical procedure for the study of these and related problems is described. Finally we generalize slightly and then prove a conjecture due to Bessis, Zinn-Justin, Bender and Boettcher, concerning the reality of the spectra of certain -symmetric quantum mechanical systems.
Journal of Physics A | 2007
Patrick Dorey; Clare Dunning; Roberto Tateo
This paper reviews a recently discovered link between integrable quantum field theories and certain ordinary differential equations in the complex domain. Along the way, aspects of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics are discussed, and some elementary features of the six-vertex model and the Bethe ansatz are explained.
Journal of Physics A | 2001
Patrick Dorey; Clare Dunning; Roberto Tateo
The appearances of complex eigenvalues in the spectra of -symmetric quantum mechanical systems are usually associated with a spontaneous breaking of . In this Letter we discuss a family of models for which this phenomenon is also linked with an explicit breaking of supersymmetry. Exact level-crossings are located, and connections with -fold supersymmetry and quasi-exact solvability in certain special cases are pointed out.
Nuclear Physics | 2007
Patrick Dorey; Clare Dunning; Davide Masoero; Junji Suzuki; Roberto Tateo
The correspondence between ordinary differential equations and Bethe ansatz equations for integrable lattice models in their continuum limits is generalised to vertex models related to classical simple Lie algebras. New families of pseudo-differential equations are proposed, and a link between specific generalised eigenvalue problems for these equations and the Bethe ansatz is deduced. The pseudo-differential operators resemble in form the Miura-transformed Lax operators studied in work on generalised KdV equations, classical W-algebras and, more recently, in the context of the geometric Langlands correspondence. Negative-dimension and boundary-condition dualities are also observed.
Nuclear Physics | 2004
Zoltan Bajnok; Clare Dunning; L. Palla; G. Takács; F. Wágner
Abstract We consider SUSY sine-Gordon theory in the framework of perturbed conformal field theory. Using an argument from Zamolodchikov, we obtain the vacuum structure and the kink adjacency diagram of the theory, which is cross-checked against the exact S-matrix prediction, first-order perturbed conformal field theory (PCFT), the NLIE method and truncated conformal space approach. We provide evidence for consistency between the usual Lagrangian description and PCFT on the one hand, and between PCFT, NLIE and a massgap formula conjectured by Baseilhac and Fateev, on the other. In addition, we extend the NLIE description to all the vacua of the theory.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2010
Clare Dunning; Miguel Ibanez; Jon Links; Germán Sierra; Shao-You Zhao
Using the well-known trigonometric six-vertex solution of the Yang–Baxter equation we derive an integrable pairing Hamiltonian with anyonic degrees of freedom. The exact algebraic Bethe ansatz solution is obtained using standard techniques. From this model we obtain several limiting models, including the pairing Hamiltonian with p + ip-wave symmetry. An in-depth study of the p + ip model is then undertaken, including a mean-field analysis, analytical and numerical solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations and an investigation of the topological properties of the ground-state wavefunction. Our main result is that the ground-state phase diagram of the p + ip model consists of three phases. There is the known boundary line with gapless excitations that occurs for vanishing chemical potential, separating the topologically trivial strong pairing phase and the topologically non-trivial weak pairing phase. We argue that a second boundary line exists separating the weak pairing phase from a topologically trivial weak coupling BCS phase, which includes the Fermi sea in the limit of zero coupling. The ground state on this second boundary line is the Moore–Read state.
Journal of Physics A | 2003
Clare Dunning
We propose nonlinear integral equations to describe the groundstate energy of the fractional supersymmetric sine-Gordon models. The equations encompass the N = 1 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model as well as the phi(id,id,adj) perturbation of the SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(K)/SU(2)(L+K) models at rational level K. A second set of equations is proposed for the groundstate energy of the N = 2 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model.
Physical Review Letters | 2005
Clare Dunning; Jon Links; Huan-Qiang Zhou
The concept of local concurrence is used to quantify the entanglement between a single qubit and the remainder of a multiqubit system. For the ground state of the BCS model in the thermodynamic limit the set of local concurrences completely describes the entanglement. As a measure for the entanglement of the full system we investigate the average local concurrence (ALC). We find that the ALC satisfies a simple relation with the order parameter. We then show that for finite systems with a fixed particle number, a relation between the ALC and the condensation energy exposes a threshold coupling. Below the threshold, entanglement measures besides the ALC are significant.
Nuclear Physics | 2000
Patrick Dorey; Clare Dunning; Roberto Tateo
We present evidence for the existence of infinitely-many new families of renormalisation group flows between the nonunitary minimal models of conformal field theory. These are associated with perturbations by the φ21 and φ15 operators, and generalise a family of flows discovered by Martins. In all of the new flows, the finite-volume effective central charge is a nonmonotonic function of the system size. The evolution of this effective central charge is studied by means of a nonlinear integral equation, a massless variant of an equation recently found to describe certain massive perturbations of these same models. We also observe that a similar nonmonotonicity arises in the more familiar φ13 perturbations, when the flows induced are between nonunitary minimal models.
Nuclear Physics | 2004
Clare Dunning; Jon Links
We show that integrability of the BCS model extends beyond Richardsons model (where all Cooper pair scatterings have equal coupling) to that of the Russian doll BCS model for which the couplings have a particular phase dependence that breaks time-reversal symmetry. This model is shown to be integrable using the quantum inverse scattering method, and the exact solution is obtained by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The inverse problem of expressing local operators in terms of the global operators of the monodromy matrix is solved. This result is used to find a determinant formulation of a correlation function for fluctuations in the Cooper pair occupation numbers. These results are used to undertake exact numerical analysis for small systems at half-filling.