
PLOS Medicine | 2007

Natural Ventilation for the Prevention of Airborne Contagion

A. Roderick Escombe; Clarissa Oeser; Robert H. Gilman; Marcos Ñavincopa; Eduardo Ticona; William Pan; Carlos R. Martinez; Jesús Chacaltana; Richard Rodriguez; David Moore; Jon S. Friedland; Carlton A. Evans

Background Institutional transmission of airborne infections such as tuberculosis (TB) is an important public health problem, especially in resource-limited settings where protective measures such as negative-pressure isolation rooms are difficult to implement. Natural ventilation may offer a low-cost alternative. Our objective was to investigate the rates, determinants, and effects of natural ventilation in health care settings. Methods and Findings The study was carried out in eight hospitals in Lima, Peru; five were hospitals of “old-fashioned” design built pre-1950, and three of “modern” design, built 1970–1990. In these hospitals 70 naturally ventilated clinical rooms where infectious patients are likely to be encountered were studied. These included respiratory isolation rooms, TB wards, respiratory wards, general medical wards, outpatient consulting rooms, waiting rooms, and emergency departments. These rooms were compared with 12 mechanically ventilated negative-pressure respiratory isolation rooms built post-2000. Ventilation was measured using a carbon dioxide tracer gas technique in 368 experiments. Architectural and environmental variables were measured. For each experiment, infection risk was estimated for TB exposure using the Wells-Riley model of airborne infection. We found that opening windows and doors provided median ventilation of 28 air changes/hour (ACH), more than double that of mechanically ventilated negative-pressure rooms ventilated at the 12 ACH recommended for high-risk areas, and 18 times that with windows and doors closed (p < 0.001). Facilities built more than 50 years ago, characterised by large windows and high ceilings, had greater ventilation than modern naturally ventilated rooms (40 versus 17 ACH; p < 0.001). Even within the lowest quartile of wind speeds, natural ventilation exceeded mechanical (p < 0.001). The Wells-Riley airborne infection model predicted that in mechanically ventilated rooms 39% of susceptible individuals would become infected following 24 h of exposure to untreated TB patients of infectiousness characterised in a well-documented outbreak. This infection rate compared with 33% in modern and 11% in pre-1950 naturally ventilated facilities with windows and doors open. Conclusions Opening windows and doors maximises natural ventilation so that the risk of airborne contagion is much lower than with costly, maintenance-requiring mechanical ventilation systems. Old-fashioned clinical areas with high ceilings and large windows provide greatest protection. Natural ventilation costs little and is maintenance free, and is particularly suited to limited-resource settings and tropical climates, where the burden of TB and institutional TB transmission is highest. In settings where respiratory isolation is difficult and climate permits, windows and doors should be opened to reduce the risk of airborne contagion.

BMJ | 2010

Safety and immunogenicity of AS03B adjuvanted split virion versus non-adjuvanted whole virion H1N1 influenza vaccine in UK children aged 6 months-12 years: open label, randomised, parallel group, multicentre study.

Claire S. Waddington; Woolf T. Walker; Clarissa Oeser; A Reiner; Tessa M. John; S Wilkins; Michelle Casey; P Eccleston; Ruth J. Allen; Ifeanyichukwu O. Okike; Shamez Ladhani; Elizabeth Sheasby; Katja Hoschler; Nick Andrews; Pauline Waight; Andrew Collinson; Paul T. Heath; Adam Finn; Saul N. Faust; Matthew D. Snape; Elizabeth Miller; Andrew J. Pollard

Objectives To compare the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of an adjuvanted split virion H1N1 vaccine and a non-adjuvanted whole virion vaccine used in the pandemic immunisation programme in the United Kingdom. Design Open label, randomised, parallel group, phase II study. Setting Five UK centres (Oxford, Southampton, Bristol, Exeter, and London). Participants Children aged 6 months to less than 13 years for whom a parent or guardian had provided written informed consent and who were able to comply with study procedures were eligible. Those with laboratory confirmed pandemic H1N1 influenza or clinically diagnosed disease meriting antiviral treatment, allergy to egg or any other vaccine components, or coagulation defects, or who were severely immunocompromised or had recently received blood products were excluded. Children were grouped by age: 6 months-<3 years (younger group) and 3-<13 years (older group). Recruitment was by media advertising and direct mailing. Recruitment visits were attended by 949 participants, of whom 943 were enrolled and 937 included in the per protocol analysis. Interventions Participants were randomised 1:1 to receive AS03B (tocopherol based oil in water emulsion) adjuvanted split virion vaccine derived from egg culture or non-adjuvanted whole virion vaccine derived from cell culture. Both were given as two doses 21 days apart. Reactogenicity data were collected for one week after immunisation by diary card. Serum samples were collected at baseline and after the second dose. Main outcome measures Primary reactogenicity end points were frequency and severity of fever, tenderness, swelling, and erythema after vaccination. Immunogenicity was measured by microneutralisation and haemagglutination inhibition assays. The primary immunogenicity objective was a comparison between vaccines of the percentage of participants showing seroconversion by the microneutralisation assay (fourfold rise to a titre of ≥1:40 from before vaccination to three weeks after the second dose). Results Seroconversion rates were higher after the adjuvanted split virion vaccine than after the whole virion vaccine, most notably in the youngest children (163 of 166 participants with paired serum samples (98.2%, 95% confidence interval 94.8% to 99.6%) v 157 of 196 (80.1%, 73.8% to 85.5%), P<0.001) in children under 3 years and 226 of 228 (99.1%, 96.9% to 99.9%) v 95.9%, 92.4% to 98.1%, P=0.03) in those over 3 years). The adjuvanted split virion vaccine was more reactogenic than the whole virion vaccine, with more frequent systemic reactions and severe local reactions in children aged over 5 years after dose one (13 (7.2%, 3.9% to 12%) v 2 (1.1%, 0.1% to 3.9%), P<0.001) and dose two (15 (8.5%, 4.8% to 13.7%) v 2 (1.1%, 0.1% to 4.1%), P<0.002) and after dose two in those under 5 years (15 (5.9%, 3.3% to 9.6%) v 0 (0.0%, 0% to 1.4%), P<0.001). Dose two of the adjuvanted split virion vaccine was more reactogenic than dose one, especially for fever ≥38ºC in those aged under 5 (24 (8.9%, 5.8% to 12.9%) v 57 (22.4%, 17.5% to 28.1%), P<0.001). Conclusions In this first direct comparison of an AS03B adjuvanted split virion versus whole virion non-adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine, the adjuvanted vaccine, while more reactogenic, was more immunogenic and, importantly, achieved high seroconversion rates in children aged less than 3 years. This indicates the potential for improved immunogenicity of influenza vaccines in this age group. Trial registration Clinical NCT00980850; ISRCTN89141709.

Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2007

The detection of airborne transmission of tuberculosis from HIV-infected patients, using an in vivo air sampling model.

A. Roderick Escombe; Clarissa Oeser; Robert H. Gilman; Marcos Ñavincopa; Eduardo Ticona; Carlos R. Martinez; Luz Caviedes; Patricia Sheen; Armando E. Gonzalez; Catherine J. Noakes; David Moore; Jon S. Friedland; Carlton A. Evans

BACKGROUND Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis remains an important public health problem. We created an in vivo air sampling model to study airborne transmission of tuberculosis from patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and to evaluate environmental control measures. METHODS An animal facility was built above a mechanically ventilated HIV-tuberculosis ward in Lima, Peru. A mean of 92 guinea pigs were continuously exposed to all ward exhaust air for 16 months. Animals had tuberculin skin tests performed at monthly intervals, and those with positive reactions were removed for autopsy and culture for tuberculosis. RESULTS Over 505 consecutive days, there were 118 ward admissions by 97 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, with a median duration of hospitalization of 11 days. All patients were infected with HIV and constituted a heterogeneous group with both new and existing diagnoses of tuberculosis. There was a wide variation in monthly rates of guinea pigs developing positive tuberculin test results (0%-53%). Of 292 animals exposed to ward air, 159 developed positive tuberculin skin test results, of which 129 had laboratory confirmation of tuberculosis. The HIV-positive patients with pulmonary tuberculosis produced a mean of 8.2 infectious quanta per hour, compared with 1.25 for HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis in similar studies from the 1950s. The mean monthly patient infectiousness varied greatly, from production of 0-44 infectious quanta per hour, as did the theoretical risk for a health care worker to acquire tuberculosis by breathing ward air. CONCLUSIONS HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis varied greatly in their infectiousness, and some were highly infectious. Use of environmental control strategies for nosocomial tuberculosis is therefore a priority, especially in areas with a high prevalence of both tuberculosis and HIV infection.

Health Technology Assessment | 2010

Open-label, randomised, parallel-group, multicentre study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of an AS03(B)/oil-in-water emulsion-adjuvanted (AS03(B)) split-virion versus non-adjuvanted whole-virion H1N1 influenza vaccine in UK children 6 months to 12 years of age.

Claire S. Waddington; Nick Andrews; Katja Hoschler; Woolf T. Walker; Clarissa Oeser; A Reiner; Tessa M. John; S Wilkins; Michelle Casey; P Eccleston; Ruth J. Allen; Ifeanyichukwu O. Okike; Shamez Ladhani; Elizabeth Sheasby; Pauline Waight; Andrew Collinson; Paul T. Heath; Adam Finn; Saul N. Faust; Matthew D. Snape; Elizabeth Miller; Andrew J. Pollard

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of an AS03(B)/oil-in-water emulsion-adjuvanted (AS03(B)) split-virion versus non-adjuvanted whole-virion H1N1 influenza vaccine in UK children aged 6 months to 12 years. DESIGN Multicentre, randomised, head-to-head, open-label trial. SETTING Five UK sites (Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter and London). PARTICIPANTS Children aged 6 months to < 13 years, for whom a parent or guardian had provided written informed consent and who were able to comply with study procedures, were eligible for inclusion. INTERVENTIONS A tocopherol/oil-in-water emulsion-adjuvanted (AS03(B)) egg culture-derived split-virion H1N1 vaccine and a non-adjuvanted cell culture-derived whole-virion vaccine, given as a two-dose schedule, 21 days apart, were compared. Participants were grouped into those aged 6 months to < 3 years (younger group) and 3 years to < 13 years of age (older group) and were randomised by study investigators (1 : 1 ratio) to receive one of the two vaccines. Vaccines were administered by intramuscular injection (deltoid or anterior-lateral thigh, depending on age and muscle bulk). Local reactions and systemic symptoms were collected for 1 week post immunisation, and serum was collected at baseline and after the second dose. To assess safety and tolerability, parents or guardians recorded the following information in diary cards from days 0-7 post vaccination: axillary temperature, injection site reactions, solicited and unsolicited systemic symptoms, and medications. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Comparison between vaccines of the percentage of participants demonstrating seroconversion by microneutralisation assay. RESULTS Among 937 children receiving vaccine, per-protocol seroconversion rates were higher after the AS03(B)-adjuvanted vaccine than after the whole-virion vaccine (98.2% vs 80.1% in children < 3 years, 99.1% vs 95.9% among those aged 3-12 years), as were severe local reactions (3.6% vs 0.0% in those under 5 years, 7.8% vs 1.1% in those aged 5-12 years), irritability in children < 5 years (46.7% vs 32.0%), and muscle pain in older children (28.9% vs 13.2%). The second dose of the adjuvanted vaccine was more reactogenic than the first, especially for fever > 38.0°C in those under 5 years of age (8.9% vs 22.4%). CONCLUSION The adjuvanted vaccine, although reactogenic, was more immunogenic, especially in younger children, indicating the potential for improved immunogenicity of influenza vaccines in this age group. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER ISRCTN89141709.

Journal of Infection | 2015

Meningococcal carriage in adolescents in the United Kingdom to inform timing of an adolescent vaccination strategy.

Catherine A. Jeppesen; Matthew D. Snape; Hannah Robinson; Nicoletta Gossger; Tessa M. John; Merryn Voysey; Shamez Ladhani; Ifeanyichukwu O. Okike; Clarissa Oeser; Alison Kent; Jennifer Oliver; Pippa Taylor; Begonia Morales-Aza; Stuart C. Clarke; Michelle Casey; Filipa Martins; Nicholas Re Kitchin; Annaliesa S. Anderson; Hal Jones; Kathrin U. Jansen; Joseph Eiden; Louise Pedneault; Paul T. Heath; Adam Finn; Saul N. Faust; Andrew J. Pollard

OBJECTIVES Recent development of serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccines highlights the importance of pharyngeal carriage data, particularly in adolescents and young adults, to inform implementation strategies. We describe current UK carriage prevalence in this high risk population and compare methods of carriage detection. METHODS In this multisite study, pharyngeal swabs were collected on 3-4 occasions over 6-12 months, from 1040 school and university students, aged 10-25 years. Meningococcal carriage was detected by standard culture combined with seroagglutination or PCR of cultured isolates, or by direct PCR from swab. The factor H binding protein (fHBP) variants present in meningococcal isolates were determined. RESULTS Meningococcal serogroups B and Y were most common, with carriage up to 6.5% and 5.5% respectively, increasing throughout adolescence. Identification by seroagglutination was often unreliable, and the sensitivity of direct PCR detection was 66% compared to culture combined with PCR. Of MenB isolates, 89.1% had subfamily A variants of fHBP. The acquisition rate of MenB carriage was estimated at 2.8 per 1000 person-months. CONCLUSIONS If vaccination is to precede the adolescent rise in MenB carriage, these data suggest it should take place in early adolescence. Studies assessing vaccine impact should use molecular methods to detect carriage.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Systemic and mucosal immune responses to sublingual or intramuscular human papilloma virus antigens in healthy female volunteers.

Zhiming Huo; Sara L. Bissett; Raphaela Giemza; Simon Beddows; Clarissa Oeser; David J. M. Lewis

The sublingual route has been proposed as a needle-free option to induce systemic and mucosal immune protection against viral infections. In a translational study of systemic and mucosal humoral immune responses to sublingual or systemically administered viral antigens, eighteen healthy female volunteers aged 19–31 years received three immunizations with a quadravalent Human Papilloma Virus vaccine at 0, 4 and 16 weeks as sublingual drops (SL, n = 12) or intramuscular injection (IM, n = 6). IM antigen delivery induced or boosted HPV-specific serum IgG and pseudovirus-neutralizing antibodies, HPV-specific cervical and vaginal IgG, and elicited circulating IgG and IgA antibody secreting cells. SL antigens induced ∼38-fold lower serum and ∼2-fold lower cervical/vaginal IgG than IM delivery, and induced or boosted serum virus neutralizing antibody in only 3/12 subjects. Neither route reproducibly induced HPV-specific mucosal IgA. Alternative delivery systems and adjuvants will be required to enhance and evaluate immune responses following sublingual immunization in humans. Trial Registration NCT00949572

Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2012

H1N1 Antibody Persistence 1 Year After Immunization With an Adjuvanted or Whole-Virion Pandemic Vaccine and Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of Subsequent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine: A Multicenter Follow-on Study

Woolf T. Walker; Philip de Whalley; Nick Andrews; Clarissa Oeser; Michelle Casey; Louise Michaelis; Katja Hoschler; Caroline Harrill; Phoebe Moulsdale; Ben Thompson; Claire Jones; Jem Chalk; Simon Kerridge; Tessa M. John; Ifeanyichukwu O. Okike; Shamez Ladhani; Richard Tomlinson; Paul T. Heath; Elizabeth Miller; Saul N. Faust; Matthew D. Snape; Adam Finn; Andrew J. Pollard

Two doses of AS03B-adjuvanted pandemic influenza vaccine may be sufficient to maintain seroprotection across 2 influenza seasons. Administration of trivalent influenza vaccine to children who previously received 2 doses of pandemic influenza vaccine is safe and is immunogenic for the H1N1 strain.

Vaccine | 2011

Predictors of immune response and reactogenicity to AS03B-adjuvanted split virion and non-adjuvanted whole virion H1N1 (2009) pandemic influenza vaccines

Nick Andrews; Woolf T. Walker; Adam Finn; Paul T. Heath; Andrew Collinson; Andrew J. Pollard; Matthew D. Snape; Saul N. Faust; Pauline Waight; Katja Hoschler; Liz Sheasby; Claire S. Waddington; Simon Kerridge; Jeremy Chalk; A Reiner; Tessa M. John; Margaret Fletcher; Ruth J. Allen; Natalie Fineman; Su Wilkins; Michelle Casey; Louise Michaelis; Clarissa Oeser; Ifeanyichukwu O. Okike; Shamez Ladhani; Elizabeth Miller

In 2009, 943 children aged 6 months to 10 years were randomised to receive two doses of an oil-in water AS03B-adjuvanted split virion or a non-adjuvanted whole virion H1N1 (2009) vaccine. The large numbers allowed investigation of possible predictors of immune response and reactogenicity. We used regression analysis to examine the effect of variables including past receipt of seasonal vaccine, antipyretics post-vaccination, interval between doses and pre-existing antibodies to H1N1 (2009) on immunogenicity. We also examined the relationship between immunogenicity and reactogenicity and whether prior infection or underlying conditions affected reactogenicity. For both vaccines, haemagglutination-inhibition titres were 60% higher in children with fever ≥38 °C after vaccination and 29% lower in those previously given seasonal vaccine. Early use of antipyretics did not affect immunogenicity. Post-vaccination titres were higher with longer intervals between doses and in those with evidence of prior infection, but reactogenicity in the latter was unaffected. In the adjuvanted vaccine group, reactions were more common in children with atopy. Both vaccines were safe and immunogenic in those with prior infection. Reduction in the interval between doses for earlier protection would be at the cost of reduced immunogenicity. The effect of seasonal vaccine on immunogenicity merits further investigation.

Trials | 2011

Meropenem vs standard of care for treatment of late onset sepsis in children of less than 90 days of age: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Irja Lutsar; Ursula Trafojer; Paul T. Heath; Tuuli Metsvaht; Joseph F. Standing; Susanna Esposito; Vincent Meiffredy de Cabre; Clarissa Oeser; Jean-Pierre Aboulker

BackgroundLate onset neonatal sepsis (LOS) with the mortality of 17 to 27% is still a serious disease. Meropenem is an antibiotic with wide antibacterial coverage. The advantage of it over standard of care could be its wider antibacterial coverage and thus the use of mono-instead of combination therapy.MethodsNeoMero-1, an open label, randomised, comparator controlled, superiority trial aims to compare the efficacy of meropenem with a predefined standard of care (ampicillin + gentamicin or cefotaxime + gentamicin) in the treatment of LOS in neonates and infants aged less than 90 days admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit.A total of 550 subjects will be recruited following a 1:1 randomisation scheme. The trial includes patients with culture confirmed (at least one positive culture from normally sterile site except coagulase negative staphylococci in addition to one clinical or laboratory criterion) or clinical sepsis (at least two laboratory and two clinical criteria suggestive of LOS in subjects with postmenstrual age < 44 weeks or fulfilment of criteria established by the International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference in subjects with postmenstrual age ≥ 44 weeks). Meropenem will be given at a dose of 20 mg/kg q12h or q8h depending on the gestational- and postnatal age. Comparator agents are administered as indicated in British National Formulary for Children. The primary endpoint measured at the test of cure visit (2 days after end of study therapy) is graded to success (all baseline symptoms and laboratory parameters are resolved or improved with no need to continue antibiotics and the baseline microorganisms are eradicated and no new microorganisms are identified and the patient has received allocated treatment for 11 ± 3 days with no modification) or a failure (all remaining cases). Secondary outcome measures include comparison of survival, relapse rates or new infections by Day 28, clinical response at Day 3 and end of therapy, duration of hospitalisation, population pharmacokinetic analysis of meropenem and effect of antibiotics on mucosal colonisation and development of antibacterial resistance.The study will start recruitment in September 2011; the total duration is of 24 months.Trial registrationEudraCT 2011-001515-31

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal | 2013

The epidemiology of neonatal and pediatric candidemia in England and Wales, 2000-2009.

Clarissa Oeser; Theresa Lamagni; Paul T. Heath; Mike Sharland; Shamez Ladhani

Background: There are few population-based studies on the epidemiology of neonatal and pediatric invasive Candida infections, despite their significant clinical impact on patients. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology of pediatric candidemia in England and Wales during a 10-year period as a means of quantifying the changing burden of infection and identifying emerging trends. Methods: National Health Service hospital microbiology laboratories in England and Wales routinely report clinically significant invasive infections electronically to the Health Protection Agency. Records of all positive blood cultures for Candida species in children aged <15 years between 2000 and 2009 inclusive were extracted for analysis. Results: During 2000 to 2009, 1473 childhood candidemia cases were reported in England and Wales (annual incidence, 1.52/100,000 person-years), with the highest rate in <1 year olds (n = 706; 11.0/100,000), followed by 1–4 year olds (n = 440; 1.77/100,000), 5–9 year olds (n = 168; 0.53/100,000) and 10–14 year olds (n = 159; 0.47/100,000). Incidence increased from 1.04 per 100,000 in 2000 to 2.09 per 100,000 in 2007 (P < 0.001) before falling to 1.53 per 100,000 in 2009 (P < 0.001). Candida species was reported in 89.6% (1320/1473) cases, with Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis accounting for most infections in all age groups. There were no significant differences in species distribution by season or year of study and the proportion of non-albicans cases did not increase with time. Conclusions: Pediatric candidemia rates are beginning to fall in England and Wales. C. albicans continues to account for most Candida bloodstream infections in all age groups with no evidence of increases in non-albicans species.

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