
Cell | 2006

A Rich1/Amot Complex Regulates the Cdc42 GTPase and Apical-Polarity Proteins in Epithelial Cells

Clark D. Wells; James P. Fawcett; Andreas Traweger; Yojiro Yamanaka; Marilyn Goudreault; Kelly Elder; Sarang Kulkarni; Gerald Gish; Cristina Virag; Caesar Lim; Karen Colwill; Andrei Starostine; Pavel Metalnikov; Tony Pawson

Using functional and proteomic screens of proteins that regulate the Cdc42 GTPase, we have identified a network of protein interactions that center around the Cdc42 RhoGAP Rich1 and organize apical polarity in MDCK epithelial cells. Rich1 binds the scaffolding protein angiomotin (Amot) and is thereby targeted to a protein complex at tight junctions (TJs) containing the PDZ-domain proteins Pals1, Patj, and Par-3. Regulation of Cdc42 by Rich1 is necessary for maintenance of TJs, and Rich1 is therefore an important mediator of this polarity complex. Furthermore, the coiled-coil domain of Amot, with which it binds Rich1, is necessary for localization to apical membranes and is required for Amot to relocalize Pals1 and Par-3 to internal puncta. We propose that Rich1 and Amot maintain TJ integrity by the coordinate regulation of Cdc42 and by linking specific components of the TJ to intracellular protein trafficking.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013

Serum deprivation inhibits the transcriptional co-activator YAP and cell growth via phosphorylation of the 130-kDa isoform of Angiomotin by the LATS1/2 protein kinases

Jacob J. Adler; Derrick E. Johnson; Brigitte L. Heller; Lauren R. Bringman; William P. Ranahan; Michael Conwell; Yang Sun; Andy Hudmon; Clark D. Wells

Significance This study defines a unique mechanism controlling the activation of Hippo signaling and consequent inhibition of cell growth. Specifically, serum starvation is found to induce the large tumor suppressor (LATS)1/2 kinases to phosphorylate and thus stabilize the 130 kDa isoform of the membrane-associated polarity protein angiomotin (Amot130). As a consequence, Amot130 recruits the E3 protein-ubiquitin ligase atrophin-1 interacting protein 4. This multiprotein complex then signals the degradation of Yes-associated protein (YAP) and the inhibition of cell growth. These findings significantly modify our current view that YAP phosphorylation by LATS1/2 is sufficient for its inhibition in mammals and thus for growth arrest. Large tumor suppressor (LATS)1/2 protein kinases transmit Hippo signaling in response to intercellular contacts and serum levels to limit cell growth via the inhibition of Yes-associated protein (YAP). Here low serum and high LATS1 activity are found to enhance the levels of the 130-kDa isoform of angiomotin (Amot130) through phosphorylation by LATS1/2 at serine 175, which then forms a binding site for 14-3-3. Such phosphorylation, in turn, enables the ubiquitin ligase atrophin-1 interacting protein (AIP)4 to bind, ubiquitinate, and stabilize Amot130. Consistently, the Amot130 (S175A) mutant, which lacks LATS phosphorylation, bound AIP4 poorly under all conditions and showed reduced stability. Amot130 and AIP4 also promoted the ubiquitination and degradation of YAP in response to serum starvation, unlike Amot130 (S175A). Moreover, silencing Amot130 expression blocked LATS1 from inhibiting the expression of connective tissue growth factor, a YAP-regulated gene. Concordant with phosphorylated Amot130 specifically mediating these effects, wild-type Amot130 selectively induced YAP phosphorylation and reduced transcription of connective tissue growth factor in an AIP4-dependent manner versus Amot130 (S175A). Further, Amot130 but not Amot130 (S175A) strongly inhibited the growth of MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. The dominant-negative effects of Amot130 (S175A) on YAP signaling also support that phosphorylated Amot130 transduces Hippo signaling. Likewise, Amot130 expression provoked premature growth arrest during mammary cell acini formation, whereas Amot130 (S175A)-expressing cells formed enlarged and poorly differentiated acini. Taken together, the phosphorylation of Amot130 by LATS is found to be a key feature that enables it to inhibit YAP-dependent signaling and cell growth.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010

Starch Binding Domain-containing Protein 1/Genethonin 1 Is a Novel Participant in Glycogen Metabolism

Sixin Jiang; Brigitte L. Heller; Vincent S. Tagliabracci; Lanmin Zhai; Jose M. Irimia; Clark D. Wells; Alexander V. Skurat; Peter J. Roach

Stbd1 is a protein of previously unknown function that is most prevalent in liver and muscle, the major sites for storage of the energy reserve glycogen. The protein is predicted to contain a hydrophobic N terminus and a C-terminal CBM20 glycan binding domain. Here, we show that Stbd1 binds to glycogen in vitro and that endogenous Stbd1 locates to perinuclear compartments in cultured mouse FL83B or Rat1 cells. When overexpressed in COSM9 cells, Stbd1 concentrated at enlarged perinuclear structures, co-localized with glycogen, the late endosomal/lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the autophagy protein GABARAPL1. Mutant Stbd1 lacking the N-terminal hydrophobic segment had a diffuse distribution throughout the cell. Point mutations in the CBM20 domain did not change the perinuclear localization of Stbd1, but glycogen was no longer concentrated in this compartment. Stable overexpression of glycogen synthase in Rat1WT4 cells resulted in accumulation of glycogen as massive perinuclear deposits, where a large fraction of the detectable Stbd1 co-localized. Starvation of Rat1WT4 cells for glucose resulted in dissipation of the massive glycogen stores into numerous and much smaller glycogen deposits that retained Stbd1. In vitro, in cells, and in animal models, Stbd1 consistently tracked with glycogen. We conclude that Stbd1 is involved in glycogen metabolism by binding to glycogen and anchoring it to membranes, thereby affecting its cellular localization and its intracellular trafficking to lysosomes.

Oncogene | 2013

LKB1 tumor suppressor regulates AMP kinase/mTOR-independent cell growth and proliferation via the phosphorylation of Yap

Hoa B. Nguyen; Justin T. Babcock; Clark D. Wells; Lawrence A. Quilliam

The liver kinase B1 (LKB1) tumor suppressor inhibits cell growth through its regulation of cellular metabolism and apical–basal polarity. The best understood mechanism whereby LKB1 limits cell growth is through activation of the AMP-activated-protein-kinase/mammalian-target-of-rapamycin (AMPK/mTOR) pathway to control metabolism. As LKB1 is also required for polarized epithelial cells to resist hyperplasia, it is anticipated to function through additional mechanisms. Recently, Yes-associated protein (Yap) has emerged as a transcriptional co-activator that modulates tissue homeostasis in response to cell–cell contact. Thus this study examined a possible connection between Yap and LKB1. Restoration of LKB1 expression in HeLa cells, which lack this tumor suppressor, or short-hairpin RNA knockdown of LKB1 in NTERT immortalized keratinocytes, demonstrated that LKB1 promotes Yap phosphorylation, nuclear exclusion and proteasomal degradation. The ability of phosphorylation-defective Yap mutants to rescue LKB1 phenotypes, such as reduced cell proliferation and cell size, suggest that Yap inhibition contributes to LKB1 tumor suppressor function(s). However, failure of Lats1/2 knockdown to suppress LKB1-mediated Yap regulation suggested that LKB1 signals to Yap via a non-canonical pathway. Additionally, LKB1 inhibited Yap independently of either AMPK or mTOR activation. These findings reveal a novel mechanism whereby LKB1 may restrict cancer cell growth via the inhibition of Yap.

Cancer Cell | 2015

The TGF-β Signaling Regulator PMEPA1 Suppresses Prostate Cancer Metastases to Bone

Pierrick Fournier; Patricia Juárez; Guanglong Jiang; Gregory A. Clines; Hun Soo Kim; Holly W. Walton; C. Xiang Hong Peng; Yunlong Liu; Khalid S. Mohammad; Clark D. Wells; John M. Chirgwin; Theresa A. Guise

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) regulates the expression of genes supporting breast cancer cells in bone, but little is known about prostate cancer bone metastases and TGF-β. Our study reveals that the TGFBR1 inhibitor SD208 effectively reduces prostate cancer bone metastases. TGF-β upregulates in prostate cancer cells a set of genes associated with cancer aggressiveness and bone metastases, and the most upregulated gene was PMEPA1. In patients, PMEPA1 expression decreased in metastatic prostate cancer and low Pmepa1 correlated with decreased metastasis-free survival. Only membrane-anchored isoforms of PMEPA1 interacted with R-SMADs and ubiquitin ligases, blocking TGF-β signaling independently of the proteasome. Interrupting this negative feedback loop by PMEPA1 knockdown increased prometastatic gene expression and bone metastases in a mouse prostate cancer model.

Human Molecular Genetics | 2012

OCRL localizes to the primary cilium: a new role for cilia in Lowe syndrome

Na Luo; Callah West; Carlos A. Murga-Zamalloa; Lou Sun; Ryan M. Anderson; Clark D. Wells; Robert N. Weinreb; Jeffrey B. Travers; Hemant Khanna; Yang Sun

Oculocerebral renal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL or Lowe syndrome), a severe X-linked congenital disorder characterized by congenital cataracts and glaucoma, mental retardation and kidney dysfunction, is caused by mutations in the OCRL gene. OCRL is a phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase that interacts with small GTPases and is involved in intracellular trafficking. Despite extensive studies, it is unclear how OCRL mutations result in a myriad of phenotypes found in Lowe syndrome. Our results show that OCRL localizes to the primary cilium of retinal pigment epithelial cells, fibroblasts and kidney tubular cells. Lowe syndrome-associated mutations in OCRL result in shortened cilia and this phenotype can be rescued by the introduction of wild-type OCRL; in vivo, knockdown of ocrl in zebrafish embryos results in defective cilia formation in Kupffer vesicles and cilia-dependent phenotypes. Cumulatively, our data provide evidence for a role of OCRL in cilia maintenance and suggest the involvement of ciliary dysfunction in the manifestation of Lowe syndrome.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | 2014

Therapeutic Potential of Targeting the Oncogenic SHP2 Phosphatase

Li Fan Zeng; Ruo Yu Zhang; Zhi Hong Yu; Sijiu Li; Li Wu; Andrea M. Gunawan; Brandon S. Lane; Raghuveer Singh Mali; Xingjun Li; Rebecca J. Chan; Reuben Kapur; Clark D. Wells; Zhong Yin Zhang

The Src homology 2 domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP2) is an oncogenic phosphatase associated with various kinds of leukemia and solid tumors. Thus, there is substantial interest in developing SHP2 inhibitors as potential anticancer and antileukemia agents. Using a structure-guided and fragment-based library approach, we identified a novel hydroxyindole carboxylic acid-based SHP2 inhibitor 11a-1, with an IC50 value of 200 nM and greater than 5-fold selectivity against 20 mammalian PTPs. Structural and modeling studies reveal that the hydroxyindole carboxylic acid anchors the inhibitor to the SHP2 active site, while interactions of the oxalamide linker and the phenylthiophene tail with residues in the β5–β6 loop contribute to 11a-1’s binding potency and selectivity. Evidence suggests that 11a-1 specifically attenuates the SHP2-dependent signaling inside the cell. Moreover, 11a-1 blocks growth factor mediated Erk1/2 and Akt activation and exhibits excellent antiproliferative activity in lung cancer and breast cancer as well as leukemia cell lines.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2014

Primary cilia signaling mediates intraocular pressure sensation.

Na Luo; Michael Conwell; Xingjuan Chen; Christine Insinna Kettenhofen; Christopher J. Westlake; Louis B. Cantor; Clark D. Wells; Robert N. Weinreb; Timothy W. Corson; Dan F. Spandau; Karen M. Joos; Carlo Iomini; Alexander G. Obukhov; Yang Sun

Significance This study defines a cellular mechanism by which primary cilia mediate mechanosensation in intraocular pressure regulation. Changes in pressure are sensed by the interaction of the inositol phosphatase OCRL with transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4), a primary cilia-based calcium channel. Pediatric glaucoma (Lowe) syndrome patient cells with defective OCRL failed to respond to agonists of TRPV4, and targeting of TRPV4 lowered intraocular pressure in vivo. These findings significantly advance the current understanding of how intraocular pressure is regulated. Lowe syndrome is a rare X-linked congenital disease that presents with congenital cataracts and glaucoma, as well as renal and cerebral dysfunction. OCRL, an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase, is mutated in Lowe syndrome. We previously showed that OCRL is involved in vesicular trafficking to the primary cilium. Primary cilia are sensory organelles on the surface of eukaryotic cells that mediate mechanotransduction in the kidney, brain, and bone. However, their potential role in the trabecular meshwork (TM) in the eye, which regulates intraocular pressure, is unknown. Here, we show that TM cells, which are defective in glaucoma, have primary cilia that are critical for response to pressure changes. Primary cilia in TM cells shorten in response to fluid flow and elevated hydrostatic pressure, and promote increased transcription of TNF-α, TGF-β, and GLI1 genes. Furthermore, OCRL is found to be required for primary cilia to respond to pressure stimulation. The interaction of OCRL with transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4), a ciliary mechanosensory channel, suggests that OCRL may act through regulation of this channel. A novel disease-causing OCRL allele prevents TRPV4-mediated calcium signaling. In addition, TRPV4 agonist GSK 1016790A treatment reduced intraocular pressure in mice; TRPV4 knockout animals exhibited elevated intraocular pressure and shortened cilia. Thus, mechanotransduction by primary cilia in TM cells is implicated in how the eye senses pressure changes and highlights OCRL and TRPV4 as attractive therapeutic targets for the treatment of glaucoma. Implications of OCRL and TRPV4 in primary cilia function may also shed light on mechanosensation in other organ systems.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010

Amot recognizes a juxtanuclear endocytic recycling compartment via a novel lipid binding domain.

Brigitte Heller; Emmanuel Adu-Gyamfi; Whitney R. Smith-Kinnaman; Cliff Babbey; Mohsin Vora; Yi Xue; Robert Bittman; Robert V. Stahelin; Clark D. Wells

Polarity proteins promote the asymmetric organization of cells by orienting intracellular sorting mechanisms, such as protein trafficking and cytoskeletal assembly. The localization of individual polarity proteins in turn is often determined by association with factors that mediate contact with other cells or the substratum. This arrangement for the Par and Crb apical polarity complexes at the tight junction is disrupted by the adaptor protein Amot. Amot directly binds the scaffolding proteins Patj and Mupp1 and redistributes them and their binding partners from the plasma membrane to endosomes. However, the mechanism by which Amot is targeted to endosomes is unknown. Here, a novel lipid binding domain within Amot is shown to selectively bind with high affinity to membranes containing monophosphorylated phosphatidylinositols and cholesterol. With similar lipid specificity, Amot inserts into and tubulates membranes in vitro and enlarges perinuclear endosomal compartments in cells. Based on the similar distribution of Amot with cholesterol, Rab11, and Arf6, such membrane interactions are identified at juxtanuclear endocytic recycling compartments. Taken together, these findings indicate that Amot is targeted along with associated apical polarity proteins to the endocytic recycling compartment via this novel membrane binding domain.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2013

Amot130 Adapts Atrophin-1 Interacting Protein 4 to Inhibit Yes-associated Protein Signaling and Cell Growth

Jacob J. Adler; Brigitte L. Heller; Lauren R. Bringman; William P. Ranahan; Ross Cocklin; Mark G. Goebl; Misook Oh; Hyun Suk Lim; Robert J. Ingham; Clark D. Wells

Background: Amot130 regulates cell differentiation and growth signaling. Results: Amot130 binds and activates overexpressed AIP4 to ubiquitinate Amot130 and YAP resulting in Amot130 stabilization and YAP degradation. Conclusion: Amot130 and AIP4 cooperatively inhibit YAP and cell growth. Significance: A mechanism is described whereby Amot130 directs AIP4 to potentially suppress tumor cell growth. The adaptor protein Amot130 scaffolds components of the Hippo pathway to promote the inhibition of cell growth. This study describes how Amot130 through binding and activating the ubiquitin ligase AIP4/Itch achieves these effects. AIP4 is found to bind and ubiquitinate Amot130 at residue Lys-481. This both stabilizes Amot130 and promotes its residence at the plasma membrane. Furthermore, Amot130 is shown to scaffold a complex containing overexpressed AIP4 and the transcriptional co-activator Yes-associated protein (YAP). Consequently, Amot130 promotes the ubiquitination of YAP by AIP4 and prevents AIP4 from binding to large tumor suppressor 1. Amot130 is found to reduce YAP stability. Importantly, Amot130 inhibition of YAP dependent transcription is reversed by AIP4 silencing, whereas Amot130 and AIP4 expression interdependently suppress cell growth. Thus, Amot130 repurposes AIP4 from its previously described role in degrading large tumor suppressor 1 to the inhibition of YAP and cell growth.

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