Claude Desplan
New York University
Science | 2008
Richard Losick; Claude Desplan
Fundamental to living cells is the capacity to differentiate into subtypes with specialized attributes. Understanding the way cells acquire their fates is a major challenge in developmental biology. How cells adopt a particular fate is usually thought of as being deterministic, and in the large majority of cases it is. That is, cells acquire their fate by virtue of their lineage or their proximity to an inductive signal from another cell. In some cases, however, and in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans, cells choose one or another pathway of differentiation stochastically, without apparent regard to environment or history. Stochasticity has important mechanistic requirements. We speculate on why stochasticity is advantageous—and even critical in some circumstances—to the individual, the colony, or the species.
Cell | 1989
Jessica Trelsman; Pierre Gönczy; Malini Vashishtha; Esther Harris; Claude Desplan
Many Drosophila developmental genes contain a DNA binding domain encoded by the homeobox. This homeodomain contains a region distantly homologous to the helix-turn-helix motif present in several prokaryotic DNA binding proteins. We investigated the nature of homeodomain-DNA interactions by making a series of mutations in the helix-turn-helix motif of the Drosophila homeodomain protein Paired (Prd). This protein does not recognize sequences bound by the homeodomain proteins Fushi tarazu (Ftz) or Bicoid (Bcd). We show that changing a single amino acid at the C-terminus of the recognition helix is both necessary and sufficient to confer the DNA binding specificity of either Ftz or Bcd on Prd. This simple rule indicates that the amino acids that determine the specificity of homeodomains are different from those mediating protein-DNA contacts in prokaryotic proteins. We further show that Prd contains two DNA binding activities. The Prd homeodomain is responsible for one of them while the other is not dependent on the recognition helix.
Cell | 1996
Riqiang Yan; Stephen Small; Claude Desplan; Charles R. Dearolf; James E. Darnell
A Drosophila Stat gene (D-Stat) with a zygotic segmental expression pattern was identified. This protein becomes phosphorylated on Tyr-704 when coexpressed in Schneider cells with a Drosophila janus kinase (JAK), Hopscotch (HOP). The phosphorylated protein binds specifically to the consensus sequence TTCCCGGAA. Suppressor mutations of hopTum-I, a dominant hyperactive allele of hop whose phenotype is hematocyte overproduction and tumor formation, were selected. One of these mutants, statHJ, mapped to the same chromosomal region (92E) as does D-Stat, had an incompletely penetrant pair rule phenotype, and exhibited aberrant expression of the pair rule gene even skipped (eve) at the cellular blastoderm stage. Two D-STAT-binding sites were identified within the eve stripe 3 enhancer region. Mutations in either of the STAT-binding sites greatly decreased the stripe 3 expression in transgenic flies. Clearly, the JAK-STAT pathway is connected to Drosophila early development.
Cell | 1988
Claude Desplan; Jim Theis; Patrick H. O'Farrell
The Drosophila developmental gene, engrailed, encodes a sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Using deletion constructs expressed as fusion proteins in E. coli, we localized this activity to the conserved homeodomain (HD). The binding site consensus, TCAATTAAAT, is found in clusters in the engrailed regulatory region. Weak binding of the En HD to one copy of a synthetic consensus is enhanced by adjacent copies. The distantly related HD encoded by fushi tarazu binds to the same sites as the En HD, but differs in its preference for related sites. Both HDs bind a second type of sequence, a repeat of TAA. The similarity in sequence specificity of En and Ftz HDs suggests that, within families of DNA binding proteins, close relatives will exhibit similar specificities. Competition among related regulatory proteins might govern which protein occupies a given binding site and consequently determine the ultimate effect of cis-acting regulatory sites.
Cell | 1995
Wenqing Xu; Mark A. Rould; Susie Jun; Claude Desplan; Carl O. Pabo
The 2.5 A resolution structure of a cocrystal containing the paired domain from the Drosophila paired (prd) protein and a 15 bp site shows structurally independent N-terminal and C-terminal subdomains. Each of these domains contains a helical region resembling the homeodomain and the Hin recombinase. The N-terminal domain makes extensive DNA contacts, using a novel beta turn motif that binds in the minor groove and a helix-turn-helix unit with a docking arrangement surprisingly similar to that of the lambda repressor. The C-terminal domain is not essential for prd binding and does not contact the optimized site. All known developmental missense mutations in the paired box of mammalian Pax genes map to the N-terminal subdomain, and most of them are found at the protein-DNA interface.
Cell | 1995
David S. Wilson; Brian Guenther; Claude Desplan; John Kuriyan
The crystal structure of the paired homeodomain bound to DNA as a cooperative dimer has been determined to 2.0 A resolution. Direct contacts between each homeodomain and the DNA are similar to those described previously. In addition, an extensive network of water molecules mediates contacts between the recognition helix and the DNA major groove. Several symmetrical contacts between the two homeodomains underlie the cooperative interaction, and deformations in the DNA structure are necessary for the establishment of these contacts. Comparison with structures of homeodomains bound monomerically to DNA suggests that the binding of a single paired homeodomain can introduce these DNA distortions, thus preparing a template for the cooperative interaction with a second homeodomain. This study shows how the paired (Pax) class homeodomains have achieved cooperativity in DNA binding without the assistance of other domains, thereby enabling the recognition of target sequences that are long enough to ensure specificity.
Nature | 2006
Mathias F. Wernet; Esteban O. Mazzoni; Arzu Celik; Dianne M. Duncan; Ian Duncan; Claude Desplan
Drosophila colour vision is achieved by R7 and R8 photoreceptor cells present in every ommatidium. The fly retina contains two types of ommatidia, called ‘pale’ and ‘yellow’, defined by different rhodopsin pairs expressed in R7 and R8 cells. Similar to the human cone photoreceptors, these ommatidial subtypes are distributed stochastically in the retina. The choice between pale versus yellow ommatidia is made in R7 cells, which then impose their fate onto R8. Here we report that the Drosophila dioxin receptor Spineless is both necessary and sufficient for the formation of the ommatidial mosaic. A short burst of spineless expression at mid-pupation in a large subset of R7 cells precedes rhodopsin expression. In spineless mutants, all R7 and most R8 cells adopt the pale fate, whereas overexpression of spineless is sufficient to induce the yellow R7 fate. Therefore, this study suggests that the entire retinal mosaic required for colour vision is defined by the stochastic expression of a single transcription factor, Spineless.
Cell | 1994
Marcia Simpson-Brose; Jessica Treisman; Claude Desplan
Anterior patterning of the Drosophila embryo is specified by the localized expression of the gap genes, which is controlled by the gradient of the maternal morphogen bicoid (bcd). Another maternal component, hunchback (hb), can substitute for bcd in the thorax and abdomen. Here we show that hb is required for bcd to execute all of its functions. Removal of both maternal and zygotic hb produces embryos with disrupted polarity that fail to express all known bcd target genes correctly. Proper expression of hb and the head gap genes requires synergistic activation by hb and bcd. We propose that it is the combined activity of bcd and hb, and not bcd alone, that forms the morphogenetic gradient that specifies polarity along the embryonic axis and patterns the embryo. bcd may be a newly acquired Drosophila gene, which is gradually replacing some of the functions performed by maternal hb in other species.
Cell | 2005
Tamara Mikeladze-Dvali; Mathias F. Wernet; Daniela Pistillo; Esteban O. Mazzoni; Aurelio A. Teleman; Ya Wen Chen; Stephen M. Cohen; Claude Desplan
Color vision in Drosophila relies on the comparison between two color-sensitive photoreceptors, R7 and R8. Two types of ommatidia in which R7 and R8 contain different rhodopsins are distributed stochastically in the retina and appear to discriminate short (p-subset) or long wavelengths (y-subset). The choice between p and y fates is made in R7, which then instructs R8 to follow the corresponding fate, thus leading to a tight coupling between rhodopsins expressed in R7 and R8. Here, we show that warts, encoding large tumor suppressor (Lats) and melted encoding a PH-domain protein, play opposite roles in defining the yR 8 or pR8 fates. By interacting antagonistically at the transcriptional level, they form a bistable loop that insures a robust commitment of R8 to a single fate, without allowing ambiguity. This represents an unexpected postmitotic role for genes controlling cell proliferation (warts and its partner hippo and salvador) and cell growth (melted).
Current Biology | 2008
Javier Morante; Claude Desplan
BACKGROUND Color vision requires comparison between photoreceptors that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light. In Drosophila, this is achieved by the inner photoreceptors (R7 and R8) that contain different rhodopsins. Two types of comparisons can occur in fly color vision: between the R7 (UV sensitive) and R8 (blue- or green sensitive) photoreceptor cells within one ommatidium (unit eye) or between different ommatidia that contain spectrally distinct inner photoreceptors. Photoreceptors project to the optic lobes: R1-R6, which are involved in motion detection, project to the lamina, whereas R7 and R8 reach deeper in the medulla. This paper analyzes the neural network underlying color vision into the medulla. RESULTS We reconstruct the neural network in the medulla, focusing on neurons likely to be involved in processing color vision. We identify the full complement of neurons in the medulla, including second-order neurons that contact both R7 and R8 from a single ommatidium, or contact R7 and/or R8 from different ommatidia. We also examine third-order neurons and local neurons that likely modulate information from second-order neurons. Finally, we present highly specific tools that will allow us to functionally manipulate the network and test both activity and behavior. CONCLUSIONS This precise characterization of the medulla circuitry will allow us to understand how color vision is processed in the optic lobe of Drosophila, providing a paradigm for more complex systems in vertebrates.