
Protoplasma | 1995

Immunogold localization of arabinogalactan proteins, unesterified and esterified pectins in pollen grains and pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum L.

Yi Qin Li; Claudia Faleri; Anja Geitmann; Hong Qi Zhang; Mauro Cresti

SummaryThe monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 (against unesterified pectin), JIM 7 (against methyl esterified pectin), MAC 207 (against arabinogalactan proteins, AGPs), and JIM 8 (against a subset of AGPs) were utilized singly or in combinations for immunogold labelling of germinated pollen grains and pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum. Pectins were localized in the inline of pollen grain, unesterified pectin being more abundant than the esterified one. AGPs were co-localized with pectin in the inline, but were present preferably close to the plasma membrane. In pollen tubes, AGPs, unesterified and esterified pectins were co-localized in the outer and middle layers of the cell wall. The density of the epitopes was not uniform along the length of the pollen tube, but showed alterations. In the pollen tube tip wall esterified pectin was abundantly present, but not AGPs. In the cytoplasm esterified pectin and AGPs were detected in Golgi derived vesicles, indicating their role in the pathway of the cell wall precursors. In the “cell wall” of generative cell only AGPs, but no pectins were localized. The co-localization of pectins and AGPs in the cell wall of pollen grain and pollen tube might play an important role, not only in maintenance of the cell shape, but also in cell-cell interaction during pollen tube growth and development.

Plant Physiology | 2011

Distribution of Callose Synthase, Cellulose Synthase, and Sucrose Synthase in Tobacco Pollen Tube Is Controlled in Dissimilar Ways by Actin Filaments and Microtubules

Giampiero Cai; Claudia Faleri; Cecilia Del Casino; Anne Mie C. Emons; Mauro Cresti

Callose and cellulose are fundamental components of the cell wall of pollen tubes and are probably synthesized by distinct enzymes, callose synthase and cellulose synthase, respectively. We examined the distribution of callose synthase and cellulose synthase in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen tubes in relation to the dynamics of actin filaments, microtubules, and the endomembrane system using specific antibodies to highly conserved peptide sequences. The role of the cytoskeleton and membrane flow was investigated using specific inhibitors (latrunculin B, 2,3-butanedione monoxime, taxol, oryzalin, and brefeldin A). Both enzymes are associated with the plasma membrane, but cellulose synthase is present along the entire length of pollen tubes (with a higher concentration at the apex) while callose synthase is located in the apex and in distal regions. In longer pollen tubes, callose synthase accumulates consistently around callose plugs, indicating its involvement in plug synthesis. Actin filaments and endomembrane dynamics are critical for the distribution of callose synthase and cellulose synthase, showing that enzymes are transported through Golgi bodies and/or vesicles moving along actin filaments. Conversely, microtubules appear to be critical in the positioning of callose synthase in distal regions and around callose plugs. In contrast, cellulose synthases are only partially coaligned with cortical microtubules and unrelated to callose plugs. Callose synthase also comigrates with tubulin by Blue Native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Membrane sucrose synthase, which expectedly provides UDP-glucose to callose synthase and cellulose synthase, binds to actin filaments depending on sucrose concentration; its distribution is dependent on the actin cytoskeleton and the endomembrane system but not on microtubules.

Planta | 2002

Detection and localization of pectin methylesterase isoforms in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L.

Yi-Qin Li; Alain Mareck; Claudia Faleri; Alessandra Moscatelli; Qiang Liu; Mauro Cresti

Abstract. Pectin methylesterases (PMEs) were detected in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen tubes grown in vitro. Seven PME isoforms exhibiting a wide isoelectric-point (pI) range (5.3–9.1) were found in crude extracts of pollen tubes. These isoforms were mainly retrieved in supernatants after low- and high-speed separation of the crude extract. Two isoforms, with pIsxa05.5 and 7.3 and molecular weight about 158xa0kDa, were detected by immunoblotting with anti-flax PME antiserum. Localization of pectins and PME isoforms in pollen tubes was investigated by immunogold labelling with JIM5 monoclonal antibodies and anti-flax PME antiserum, respectively. In germinated pollen grains, two PME isoforms were mainly detected in the exine, Golgi apparatus and secretory vesicles. In pollen tubes the same two PME isoforms were distributed along the outer face of the plasma membrane in the vicinity of the inner layer of the cell wall, in the Golgi and around secretory vesicles. In pollen grains, PME isoforms were, in some cases, mixed with acidic pectins in proximity to the outer surface of the plasma membrane. In pollen tubes the presence of PMEs inside secretory vesicles carrying esterified pectins supports the hypothesis that, during pollen tube growth, PMEs could be transferred by secretory vesicles in a precursor form and be activated at the tip where exocytosis takes place.

Environmental Science & Technology | 2014

Accumulation and embryotoxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles at early stage of development of sea urchin embryos Paracentrotus lividus.

C. Della Torre; Elisa Bergami; Anna Salvati; Claudia Faleri; Paola Cirino; Kenneth A. Dawson; Ilaria Corsi

Nanoplastic debris, resulted from runoff and weathering breakdown of macro- and microplastics, represents an emerging concern for marine ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to investigate disposition and toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles (NPs) in early development of sea urchin embryos (Paracentrotus lividus). NPs with two different surface charges where chosen, carboxylated (PS-COOH) and amine (PS-NH2) polystyrene, the latter being a less common variant, known to induce cell death in several in vitro cell systems. NPs stability in natural seawater (NSW) was measured while disposition and embryotoxicity were monitored within 48 h of postfertilization (hpf). Modulation of genes involved in cellular stress response (cas8, 14-3-3ε, p-38 MAPK, Abcb1, Abcc5) was investigated. PS-COOH forms microaggregates (PDI > 0.4) in NSW, whereas PS-NH2 results are better dispersed (89 ± 2 nm) initially, though they also aggregated partially with time. Their respectively anionic and cationic nature was confirmed by ζ-potential measurements. No embryotoxicity was observed for PS-COOH up to 50 μg mL(-1) whereas PS-NH2 caused severe developmental defects (EC50 3.85 μg mL(-1) 24 hpf and EC50 2.61 μg mL(-1) 48 hpf). PS-COOH accumulated inside embryos digestive tract while PS-NH2 were more dispersed. Abcb1 gene resulted up-regulated at 48 hpf by PS-COOH whereas PS-NH2 induced cas8 gene at 24 hpf, suggesting an apoptotic pathway. In line with the results obtained with the same PS NPs in several human cell lines, also in sea urchin embryos, differences in surface charges and aggregation in seawater strongly affect their embryotoxicity.

Aquatic Toxicology | 2014

Interactive effects of n-TiO2 and 2,3,7,8-TCDD on the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis

Laura Canesi; Giada Frenzilli; Teresa Balbi; Margherita Bernardeschi; Caterina Ciacci; Simonetta Corsolini; Camilla Della Torre; Rita Fabbri; Claudia Faleri; Silvano Focardi; Patrizia Guidi; Anton Kočan; Antonio Marcomini; Michela Mariottini; Marco Nigro; Karla Pozo-Gallardo; Lucia Rocco; Arianna Smerilli; Ilaria Corsi

Despite the growing concern over the potential biological impact of nanoparticles (NPs) in the aquatic environment, little is known about their interactions with other pollutants. The bivalve Mytilus sp, largely utilized as a sentinel for marine contamination, has been shown to represent a significant target for different types of NP, including n-TiO2, one of the most widespread in use. In this work, the possible interactive effects of n-TiO2 and 2,3,7,8-TCDD, chosen as models of NP and organic contaminant, respectively, were investigated in Mytilus galloprovincialis. In vitro experiments with n-TiO2 and TCDD, alone and in combination, were carried out in different conditions (concentrations and times of exposure), depending on the target (hemocytes, gill cells and biopsies) and the endpoint measured. Mussels were also exposed in vivo to n-TiO2 (100 μg L(-1)) or to TCDD (0.25 μg L(-1)), alone and in combination, for 96 h. A wide range of biomarkers, from molecular to tissue level, were measured: lysosomal membrane stability and phagocytosis in hemocytes, ATP-binding cassette efflux transporters in gills (gene transcription and efflux activity), several biomarkers of genotoxicity in gill and digestive cells (DNA damage, random amplified polymorphic DNA-RAPD changes), lysosomal biomarkers and transcription of selected genes in the digestive gland. The results demonstrate that n-TiO2 and TCDD can exert synergistic or antagonistic effects, depending on experimental condition, cell/tissue and type of measured response. Some of these interactions may result from a significant increase in TCDD accumulation in whole mussel organisms in the presence of n-TiO2, indicating a Trojan horse effect. The results represent the most extensive data obtained so far on the sub-lethal effects of NPs and organic contaminants in aquatic organisms. Moreover, these data extend the knowledge on the molecular and cellular targets of NPs in bivalves.

Plant Molecular Biology | 2005

Two Plant Puroindolines Colocalize in Wheat Seed and in vitro Synergistically Fight Against Pathogens

Rosanna Capparelli; Maria Grazia Amoroso; Daniela Palumbo; Marco Iannaccone; Claudia Faleri; Mauro Cresti

Puroindolines, for years largely investigated for their involvement in wheat kernel hardness, have recently attracted attention thanks to their possible role as antimicrobial proteins. With the aim to enhance our knowledge of these proteins we studied their localization in the kernel, and their antimicrobial activity in vitro against six different bacterial strains. Immunolocalization showed that both the PINs are strongly concentrated in the aleurone layer, but also highly present in the endosperm. Interestingly we observed that puroindolines not only have the same spatial distribution in the kernel, they are also always found co-localized. Their co-localization suggests that they could cooperate in defending the plant against pathogens. We therefore tested antimicrobial activity of PINA and PINB, and a putative synergism between these proteins. The results showed that the two polypeptides can in vitro inhibit growth of all the bacteria tested; furthermore when combined together they are able to enhance each other’s toxicity. In view of their antimicrobial activity and of their natural presence in Triticum aestivum wheat flour, puroindolines look promising antibacterial agents and thus deserve further studies aimed at establishing their possible future applications in fields of food and health care. Since PINs were still detectable in bakery products, these proteins may be promising tools in investigating natural ways of food preservation.

Plant Physiology | 2008

Sucrose Synthase Is Associated with the Cell Wall of Tobacco Pollen Tubes

Diana Persia; Giampiero Cai; Cecilia Del Casino; Claudia Faleri; Michiel T.M. Willemse; Mauro Cresti

Sucrose synthase (Sus; EC is a key enzyme of sucrose metabolism in plant cells, providing carbon for respiration and for the synthesis of cell wall polymers and starch. Since Sus is important for plant cell growth, insights into its structure, localization, and features are useful for defining the relationships between nutrients, growth, and cell morphogenesis. We used the pollen tube of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) as a cell model to characterize the main features of Sus with regard to cell growth and cell wall synthesis. Apart from its role during sexual reproduction, the pollen tube is a typical tip-growing cell, and the proper construction of its cell wall is essential for correct shaping and direction of growth. The outer cell wall layer of pollen tubes consists of pectins, but the inner layer is composed of cellulose and callose; both polymers require metabolic precursors in the form of UDP-glucose, which is synthesized by Sus. We identified an 88-kD polypeptide in the soluble, plasma membrane and Golgi fraction of pollen tubes. The protein was also found in association with the cell wall. After purification, the protein showed an enzyme activity similar to that of maize (Zea mays) Sus. Distribution of Sus was affected by brefeldin A and depended on the nutrition status of the pollen tube, because an absence of metabolic sugars in the growth medium caused Sus to distribute differently during tube elongation. Analysis by bidimensional electrophoresis indicated that Sus exists as two isoforms, one of which is phosphorylated and more abundant in the cytoplasm and cell wall and the other of which is not phosphorylated and is specific to the plasma membrane. Results indicate that the protein has a role in the construction of the extracellular matrix and thus in the morphogenesis of pollen tubes.

Transgenic Research | 2003

Improved in planta expression of the human islet autoantigen glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65)

Linda Avesani; Alberto Falorni; Giovanni Battista Tornielli; Carla Marusic; Andrea Porceddu; Annalisa Polverari; Claudia Faleri; Filippo Calcinaro; Mario Pezzotti

The smaller isoform of the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) is a major islet autoantigen in autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Transgenic plants expressing human GAD65 (hGAD65) are a potential means of direct oral administration of the islet autoantigen in order to induce tolerance and prevent clinical onset of disease. We have previously reported the successful generation of transgenic tobacco and carrot that express immunoreactive, full-length hGAD65. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the expression levels of recombinant hGAD65 in transgenic plants can be increased by targeting the enzyme to the plant cell cytosol and by mediating expression through the potato virus X (PVX) vector. By substituting the NH2-terminal region of hGAD65 with a homologous region of rat GAD67, a chimeric GAD671-87/GAD6588-585 molecule was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. Immunolocalization analysis showed that immunoreactive GAD67/65 was found in the plant cell cytosol. By using a radio-immuno assay with human serum from a GAD65 autoantibody-positive T1DM patient, the highest expression level of the recombinant GAD67/65 protein was estimated to be 0.19% of the total soluble protein, compared to only 0.04% of wild-type hGAD65. Transient expression of wild-type, full-length hGAD65 in N. benthamiana mediated by PVX infection was associated with expression levels of immunoreactive protein as high as 2.2% of total soluble protein. This substantial improvement of the expression of hGAD65 in plants paves the way for immunoprevention studies of oral administration of GAD65-containing transgenic plant material in animal models of spontaneous autoimmune diabetes.

Biochemical Journal | 2010

An extracellular transglutaminase is required for apple pollen tube growth

Alessia Di Sandro; Stefano Del Duca; Elisabetta Verderio; Alan J. Hargreaves; Alessandra Scarpellini; Giampiero Cai; Mauro Cresti; Claudia Faleri; Rosa Anna Iorio; Shigehisa Hirose; Yutaka Furutani; Ian G. C. Coutts; Martin Griffin; Philip L.R. Bonner; Donatella Serafini-Fracassini

An extracellular form of the calcium-dependent protein-cross-linking enzyme TGase (transglutaminase) was demonstrated to be involved in the apical growth of Malus domestica pollen tube. Apple pollen TGase and its substrates were co-localized within aggregates on the pollen tube surface, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence staining and the in situ cross-linking of fluorescently labelled substrates. TGase-specific inhibitors and an anti-TGase monoclonal antibody blocked pollen tube growth, whereas incorporation of a recombinant fluorescent mammalian TGase substrate (histidine-tagged green fluorescent protein: His6-Xpr-GFP) into the growing tube wall enhanced tube length and germination, consistent with a role of TGase as a modulator of cell wall building and strengthening. The secreted pollen TGase catalysed the cross-linking of both PAs (polyamines) into proteins (released by the pollen tube) and His6-Xpr-GFP into endogenous or exogenously added substrates. A similar distribution of TGase activity was observed in planta on pollen tubes germinating inside the style, consistent with a possible additional role for TGase in the interaction between the pollen tube and the style during fertilization.

Molecular Breeding | 1999

Transgenic plants expressing human glutamic acid decarboxylase(GAD65), a major autoantigen in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Andrea Porceddu; Alberto Falorni; Nicoletta Ferradini; Anna Cosentino; Filippo Calcinaro; Claudia Faleri; Mauro Cresti; Franco Lorenzetti; P. Brunetti; Mario Pezzotti

Parenteral and oral administration of autoantigens can induce immune tolerance in autoimmune diseases. Prophylactic therapy based on oral administration of human autoantigens is not, however, feasible when sufficient quantities of candidate autoantigens are not available. Transgenic plants that express high levels of recombinant proteins would allow large quantities of autoantigens to be produced at relatively low costs. In addition, transgenic food would provide a simple and direct method of delivering autoantigens. The production and the characterization of transgenic tobacco and carrot plants expressing human GAD65, a major autoantigen in human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), is reported. Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy of transgenic tobacco tissue shows the selective targeting of human GAD65 to chloroplast tylacoids and mitochondria. In planta expressed GAD65 has a correct immunoreactivity with IDDM-associated autoantibodies and retains enzymatic activity, a finding that suggests a correct protein folding. In transgenic tobacco and carrot the expression levels of human GAD65 varies between 0.01% and 0.04% of total soluble proteins. Transgenic edible plant organs are now available to study the feasibility of inducing immune tolerance in IDDM animals by oral administration of GAD65.

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