Cláudia Prado
University of São Paulo
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2009
Ana Maria Calil; Cláudia Prado
Trata-se de um artigo reflexivo acerca da necessidade de introducao da disciplina de oncologia nas Escolas de Graduacao em Enfermagem em nosso meio. Tem como objetivos pensar a disciplina de oncologia no curriculo de graduacao em enfermagem, pontuando aspectos relevantes de sua insercao, considerando a capacitacao e qualificacao profissional, a necessidade do mercado de trabalho, o perfil epidemiologico brasileiro e uma formacao reflexiva e critica acerca das competencias profissionais do enfermeiro. Pontua-se tambem o papel do desenvolvimento tecnologico contribuindo nessa formacao e educacao de novos profissionais de saude.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2009
Elaine Maria Ferreira; Maria de Fátima Prado Fernandes; Cláudia Prado; Patrícia Campos Pavan Baptista; Genival Fernandes de Freitas; Bárbara Barrionuevo Bonini
Trata-se de um estudo exploratorio e descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, que compreende sentimentos que perpassam o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro em tres universidades privadas do Municipio de Sao Paulo, revelando-se experiencias enriquecedoras de significados do saber-fazer na pratica docente. Assim, a presente investigacao tem como objetivo identificar os aspectos geradores de prazer e de sofrimento no processo de trabalho do enfermeiro docente, analisados segundo o referencial teorico de Christophe Dejours, pontuando-se a importância de fatores psicossociais em relacao ao objeto estudado. Os resultados da investigacao apontam para as relacoes ambiguas presentes no processo de trabalho dos docentes, expressando sentimentos de prazer e sofrimento decorrentes dessa pratica e evidenciando as condicoes e a organizacao do trabalho como elementos que podem potencializar tais sentimentos no cotidiano do trabalho do enfermeiro naquelas instituicoes.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2011
Priscila Berenice Costa; Cláudia Prado; Luciana de Fátima Teixeira de Oliveira; Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres; Maria Cristina Komatsu Braga Massarollo; Maria de Fátima Prado Fernandes; Maria Madalena Januário Leite; Genival Fernandes de Freitas
The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of nursing undergraduate students, identify their digital fluency, knowledge, ability and interest in using virtual learning environments. This quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study, was performed with 51 nursing undergraduate students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. All 51 subjects (100%) reported having some knowledge in informatics, 26 (49%) of which reported having an intermediate knowledge; 47 (92%) use the Internet everyday; 51 (100%) surf the social networks and have e-mail; 51 (100%) are MSN users; 32 (62.7%) use Skype; 41 (82%) use Chat applications; 33 (64.7%) use discussion forums; 22 (43%) use blogs; 33 (64.7%) frequently use Moodle and 26 (51%) use COL; 45 (88.2 %) reported interest in using virtual learning environments. The students are digitally fluent and show knowledge, ability and significant interest regarding the use of virtual learning environments in their academic studies.The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of nursing undergraduate students, identify their digital fluency, knowledge, ability and interest in using virtual learning environments. This quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study, was performed with 51 nursing undergraduate students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. All 51 subjects (100%) reported having some knowledge in informatics, 26 (49%) of which reported having an intermediate knowledge; 47 (92%) use the Internet everyday; 51 (100%) surf the social networks and have e-mail; 51 (100%) are MSN users; 32 (62.7%) use Skype; 41 (82%) use Chat applications; 33 (64.7%) use discussion forums; 22 (43%) use blogs; 33 (64.7%) frequently use Moodle and 26 (51%) use COL; 45 (88.2 %) reported interest in using virtual learning environments. The students are digitally fluent and show knowledge, ability and significant interest regarding the use of virtual learning environments in their academic studies.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2011
Cláudia Prado; Débora Rodrigues Vaz; Denise Maria de Almeida
This study aimed to develop and evaluate the virtual classroom on the Theory of Meaningful learning for undergraduates in nursing. It is applied research, production technology, developed in five phases: design and planning, content development and instructional designer, creation of educational materials, learning portal deployment in Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) and evaluation by judges. The class was developed and was approved, after evaluation by the judges, and adjustments, and will integrate the discipline Methodology of Nursing Teaching I, Degree Course Nursing School of USP. We believe that the purpose of this study favors the formation of the licensing and therefore the future of teaching nursing in a critical and reflective, with the components of a profile of the prospect of seeking and using new knowledge for the development of their professional practice.Esse estudo teve por objetivo elaborar e avaliar uma aula virtual sobre a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa para licenciandos em enfermagem. Trata-se de pesquisa aplicada, de producao tecnologica, desenvolvida em cinco fases: concepcao e planejamento; desenvolvimento do conteudo e designer instrucional; criacao do material educacional, implantacao no portal de aprendizagem Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) e avaliacao por juizes. A aula foi elaborada e, apos avaliacao, foi aprovada pelos juizes mediante ajustes e passara a integrar a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de Enfermagem I do Curso de Licenciatura da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Acreditamos que a proposta deste estudo privilegia a formacao do licenciando e, portanto, do futuro docente de enfermagem, de forma critica e reflexiva, tendo como um dos componentes de seu perfil a perspectiva de buscar e utilizar novos conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento de sua pratica profissional.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2011
Priscila Berenice Costa; Cláudia Prado; Oliveira Lde F; Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres; Maria Cristina Komatsu Braga Massarollo; Fernandes Mde F; Maria Madalena Januário Leite; Genival Fernández de Freitas
The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of nursing undergraduate students, identify their digital fluency, knowledge, ability and interest in using virtual learning environments. This quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study, was performed with 51 nursing undergraduate students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. All 51 subjects (100%) reported having some knowledge in informatics, 26 (49%) of which reported having an intermediate knowledge; 47 (92%) use the Internet everyday; 51 (100%) surf the social networks and have e-mail; 51 (100%) are MSN users; 32 (62.7%) use Skype; 41 (82%) use Chat applications; 33 (64.7%) use discussion forums; 22 (43%) use blogs; 33 (64.7%) frequently use Moodle and 26 (51%) use COL; 45 (88.2 %) reported interest in using virtual learning environments. The students are digitally fluent and show knowledge, ability and significant interest regarding the use of virtual learning environments in their academic studies.The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of nursing undergraduate students, identify their digital fluency, knowledge, ability and interest in using virtual learning environments. This quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study, was performed with 51 nursing undergraduate students. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire. All 51 subjects (100%) reported having some knowledge in informatics, 26 (49%) of which reported having an intermediate knowledge; 47 (92%) use the Internet everyday; 51 (100%) surf the social networks and have e-mail; 51 (100%) are MSN users; 32 (62.7%) use Skype; 41 (82%) use Chat applications; 33 (64.7%) use discussion forums; 22 (43%) use blogs; 33 (64.7%) frequently use Moodle and 26 (51%) use COL; 45 (88.2 %) reported interest in using virtual learning environments. The students are digitally fluent and show knowledge, ability and significant interest regarding the use of virtual learning environments in their academic studies.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2010
Cláudia Prado; Genival Fernandes de Freitas; Irene Mari Pereira; Vera Lucia Mirai; Maria Madalena Januário Leite
Este relato de experiencia teve por objetivo descrever o processo de avaliacao no Estagio Curricular de Administracao em Enfermagem do Curso de Graduacao da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de Sao Paulo, a luz da metodologia dialetica. Nesta perspectiva, o conhecimento e construido em tres momentos: sincrese, analise e sintese, em que a tarefa pedagogica do professor e mediar as fases de mobilizacao, construcao e sintese do conhecimento por meio da duvida e da critica. Concluiu-se que avaliacao da aprendizagem valorizou as relacoes interpessoais e a participacao dos sujeitos envolvidos, por meio do acolhimento e estabelecimento de vinculos em todo o processo, favorecendo a concepcao do conhecimento a partir da problematizacao da praxis criando situacoes construtivas e significativas, desenvolvendo multiplas competencias.This experience report had as purpose to describe the evaluation process in curriculum clerckship of nursing administration in the Nursing Course of the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo, in the light of dialectical methodology. In this perspective, knowledge is constructed in three stages: síncrese, analysis and synthesis, in which the pedagogical task of the teacher is mediating the steps of mobilization, construction and synthesis of knowledge through the doubt and criticism. It was concluded that assessment of learning valued interpersonal relations and participation of the subjects involved, through the host and establishment of links in the process, encouraging the development of knowledge from the practice of creating problem situations constructive and meaningful, developing multiple competences.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2011
Cláudia Prado; Débora Rodrigues Vaz; Denise Maria de Almeida
This study aimed to develop and evaluate the virtual classroom on the Theory of Meaningful learning for undergraduates in nursing. It is applied research, production technology, developed in five phases: design and planning, content development and instructional designer, creation of educational materials, learning portal deployment in Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) and evaluation by judges. The class was developed and was approved, after evaluation by the judges, and adjustments, and will integrate the discipline Methodology of Nursing Teaching I, Degree Course Nursing School of USP. We believe that the purpose of this study favors the formation of the licensing and therefore the future of teaching nursing in a critical and reflective, with the components of a profile of the prospect of seeking and using new knowledge for the development of their professional practice.Esse estudo teve por objetivo elaborar e avaliar uma aula virtual sobre a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa para licenciandos em enfermagem. Trata-se de pesquisa aplicada, de producao tecnologica, desenvolvida em cinco fases: concepcao e planejamento; desenvolvimento do conteudo e designer instrucional; criacao do material educacional, implantacao no portal de aprendizagem Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) e avaliacao por juizes. A aula foi elaborada e, apos avaliacao, foi aprovada pelos juizes mediante ajustes e passara a integrar a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de Enfermagem I do Curso de Licenciatura da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Acreditamos que a proposta deste estudo privilegia a formacao do licenciando e, portanto, do futuro docente de enfermagem, de forma critica e reflexiva, tendo como um dos componentes de seu perfil a perspectiva de buscar e utilizar novos conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento de sua pratica profissional.
Acta Paulista De Enfermagem | 2011
Cláudia Prado; Irene Mari Pereira; Fernanda Maria Togeiro Fugulin; Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres; Valéria Castilho
This experience report discusses the use of seminars as a teaching strategy in the discipline of Nursing Administration II, in the Undergraduate Nursing Program at the University of São Paulo. For planning, development and evaluation of the seminars, we adopted a dialectic methodology that conceives of the construction of knowledge in three stages: development of themes, analysis and synthesis, in which the task of teachers is to mediate the phases of mobilization, construction and knowledge synthesis. Key assumptions for adult education were met: motivation for learning, analysis of their experiences and the possibility of autonomy in the construction of knowledge through questioning, the use of creativity and proposal of solutions, enabling constructive, significant situations, and competency development. The discussion of themes proposed possible approximation of reality through reflection and discussion of how services are included in the health system.Este relato de experiencia aborda la utilizacion de seminarios como estrategia de ensenanza aprendizaje en la disciplina Administracion en Enfermeria II, del Curso de Pregrado en Enfermeria de la Escuela de Enfermeria de la Universidad de Sao Paulo. Para la planificacion, desarrollo y evalucion de los seminarios, se adopto la Metodologia Dialectica que concibe la construccion del conocimiento en tres momentos: sincresis, analisis y sintesis, en la cual la tarea de los profesores es mediar las fases de mobilizacion, construccion y sintesis del conocimiento. Fueron atendidos presupuestos-clave para la educacion de adultos: motivacion para el aprendizaje, analisis de sus experiencias y posibilidad de autonomia en la construccion del conocimiento por medio de la problematizacion, del uso de la creatividad y de la proposicion de soluciones, posibilitando situaciones constructivas, significativas y el desarrollo de competencias. La discusion de los temas propuestos posibilito la aproximacion de la realidad por la reflexion y discusion respecto a como los servicios estan insertados en el sistema de salud.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2013
Candice Heimann; Cláudia Prado; Rose Reny Sousa Patricio de Moraes; Giselle Vieira Vidal; Diana Liberal; Gésica Kelly da Silva Oliveira; Michele Viana Barata
This article reflects on Vygotsky’s theory of knowledge construction by nursing professionals. In the Vygotskian approach, persons are seen as agents who transform and are transformed by the social relationships of a particular culture, or more specifically by the life-long dialectical interaction of human beings and their social and cultural environments. The theory of constructivism seeks to explain the modification of an individual’s knowledge strategy throughout his or her life. The constructivist ideas advocated by Vygotsky may represent an alternative method for theoretical and practical health studies, particularly in relation to the subjective dimension of nursing staff collective work.This article reflects on Vygotskys theory of knowledge construction by nursing professionals. In the Vygotskian approach, persons are seen as agents who transform and are transformed by the social relationships of a particular culture, or more specifically by the life-long dialectical interaction of human beings and their social and cultural environments. The theory of constructivism seeks to explain the modification of an individuals knowledge strategy throughout his or her life. The constructivist ideas advocated by Vygotsky may represent an alternative method for theoretical and practical health studies, particularly in relation to the subjective dimension of nursing staff collective work.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2013
Candice Heimann; Cláudia Prado; Rose Reny Sousa Patricio de Moraes; Giselle Vieira Vidal; Diana Liberal; Gésica Kelly da Silva Oliveira; Michele Viana Barata
This article reflects on Vygotsky’s theory of knowledge construction by nursing professionals. In the Vygotskian approach, persons are seen as agents who transform and are transformed by the social relationships of a particular culture, or more specifically by the life-long dialectical interaction of human beings and their social and cultural environments. The theory of constructivism seeks to explain the modification of an individual’s knowledge strategy throughout his or her life. The constructivist ideas advocated by Vygotsky may represent an alternative method for theoretical and practical health studies, particularly in relation to the subjective dimension of nursing staff collective work.This article reflects on Vygotskys theory of knowledge construction by nursing professionals. In the Vygotskian approach, persons are seen as agents who transform and are transformed by the social relationships of a particular culture, or more specifically by the life-long dialectical interaction of human beings and their social and cultural environments. The theory of constructivism seeks to explain the modification of an individuals knowledge strategy throughout his or her life. The constructivist ideas advocated by Vygotsky may represent an alternative method for theoretical and practical health studies, particularly in relation to the subjective dimension of nursing staff collective work.