Claudio Rochas
Riga Technical University
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Featured researches published by Claudio Rochas.
Procedia. Economics and finance | 2014
Ruben Paul Borg; Maurizio Indirli; Francesco Romagnoli; Claudio Rochas; Tatjana Kuzņecova
The setting up of a framework for the vulnerability assessment in the case of Venice offers significant challenges in order to investigate the ability of the environment including the built environment, to anticipate and respond to the hazards identified, in view of unexpected events that may damage Venice and the surrounding territory. The hazards which can be experienced in the area are various, including earthquake, tsunami/meteo-tsunami, flooding, sea level rise (related to global warming, subsidence, coastal erosion, salt wedge intrusion), release of toxic substances from chemical plants, pollution, conservation of monuments and the impact of tourism. The resilience of the environment refers to key issues including ecology, economy, tourism and industry, society and the population, construction and infrastructure, cultural heritage. The paper includes a review of literature aiming at the definition of vulnerability and resilience. Reference is made to specific frameworks which are identified, with a special focus on MOVE - Methods for the improvement of vulnerability assessment in Europe presented as a conceptual framework for a holistic approach to disaster risk assessment and management. MOVE arose from the need to develop methods and indicators for improving vulnerability assessments to natural hazards in Europe, and established a consistent framework. In addition relevant experiences are analysed including the Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) for the North Adriatic Coast in Italy, the post-earthquake reconstruction plan for the Arsita Municipality (Abruzzo) in Italy and the UNISDR Program “Making Cities Resilient”. The approach for vulnerability analysis and overall system resilience for Venice and its territory needs to cover a wide spectrum and is complicated. The review sets the framework, for the vulnerability assessment and the overall resilience analysis with reference to Venice and the surrounding North Adriatic area.
Procedia. Economics and finance | 2014
Tatjana Kuznecova; Francesco Romagnoli; Claudio Rochas
Abstract This paper presents a method for urban resilience quantification from the energy metabolism perspective, taking into account different sustainability dimensions and introducing such aspects as environmental, social, economic, technical and risk aspects. The aim is to develop a methodology for resilience index quantification for urban thermal energy system taking into account different levels of urban energy metabolism - production, supply and use, and approbate it on the real Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian cities examples. The proposed approach includes a set of indicators to be used within the scope of thermal energy metabolism. The analysis is supposed to end with identification of the “weak points” of each studied energy system in order to help stakeholders develop the strategy for resilience enhancement in future.
Procedia. Economics and finance | 2014
Maurizio Indirli; Snjezana Knezic; Ruben Paul Borg; Yamuna Kaluarachchi; Boyko Ranguelov; Francesco Romagnoli; Claudio Rochas
The Work Package 7 (Research Futures & Special Interest Groups) of the ANDROID project, selected Venice and its territory as an emblematic case study of a region that could be affected by cross-border disastrous events. The paper provides a general overview on the topic, trying to organise the large amount of available scientific literature in some strategic cores, identifying undoubted milestones, open questions and future research needs, following a holistic approach to risk assessment. This case study is carried out not only as an engaging exercise, but with the purpose to provide a reference point for scientists and teachers interested to translate multifaceted knowledge into specific solutions. In fact, the paper is strongly linked as a whole to other three ones (presented at the 4th International Conference on Building resilience), which deepen respectively hazard, vulnerability/resilience, and mitigation about the site taken into consideration. Furthermore, the City of Venice takes part to the UNISDR Program “Making Cities Resilient”, and planned a robust intervention, consisting in the realisation of mobile dikes located at the openings of the lagoon (MOSE project, almost terminated), which has been strongly debated since the beginning, due to possible negative consequences on the environment. At last, the paper analyses drawbacks and benefits of the above said intervention, and suggests further proposals for the global safeguard of Venice and its lagoon.
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010
Evita Gara; Claudio Rochas
Simulation of the Stock of Electric Appliances and Calculation of Standby Losses for Latvia Standby losses in households are discussed in this paper. As there was no information on the total volume of standby losses in Latvia, the objective of the study was to calculate: the percentage from the household total electricity bill that goes to standby losses; what are the total costs for these losses; and how much CO2 is produced to generate the amount of electricity that is needed to cover these standby losses. All calculations were conducted for one and for all households in Latvia and the results of one household were compared with an average European household. Finally, the savings potential that can be obtained implementing the Eco-design Directive and other political instruments was examined. Elektroierīcu fonda modelēšana Latvijā un gaidīšanas rezīma zudumu noteikšana valstī Jebkurai elektriskajai un elektroniskajai ierīcei var būt viens vai vairāki iekārtu rezīmi. Aktīvais rezīms, pasīvais vai aktīvais gaidīšanas rezīms un izslēgts rezīms. Gaidīšanas rezīms visā pasaulē gadā sastāda vidēji no 200 - 400 TWh elektroenergijas patēriņa, katrā valstī tas ir atšķirīgs un svārstās vidēji no 6 līdz 13 % no kopējā mājsaimniecību elektroenergijas patēriņa, rezultātā rodas oglekła dioksīda emisijas, lai šo elektroenergiju sarazotu, kas pasaules mērogā sastāda apmēram 1 % no kopējām globālajām emisijām. Līdz šim Eiropas un pasaules valstis izstrādājušas dazādus politiskos instrumentus, lai šī rezīma jaudu samazinātu līdz minimumam, tādēł viens no instrumentiem ir Eiropas Savienībā izstrādātā ekodizaina direktīva, kas paredz, ka 2010. gadā, iekārtas nedrīkst patērēt vairāk kā 2 W gaidīšanas rezīmā un 1 W izslēgtā rezīmā, savukārt 2013. gadā šīs robezvērtības tiek samazinātas uz pusi, attiecīgi 1 W un 0,5 W. Esošo jauno iekārtu mērījumi Latvijā līdz šim ir apstiprinājuši, ka ne visas iekārtu kategorijas atbilst 2010. gada prasībām, savukārt, lai izpildītu 2013. gada noteiktās robezvērtības uz doto brīdi no jaunajām iekārtām, kas ienāk tirgū, šo prasību nespēj izpildīt 8 % iekārtas izslēgtā rezīmā un 33 % iekārtas gaidīšanas rezīmā. Galvenā mērķa sasniegšanai tika noteikta vidējā Latvijas mājsaimniecība, tās elektroenergijas patēriņš, izmaksas un sarazotās oglekła dioksīda emisijas, lai noskaidrotu gaidīšanas rezīma samazināšanas potenciālu, ko iespējams sasniegt, izpildot ekodizaina prasības. Nosakot visu Latvijas mājsaimniecību gaidīšanas rezīma patēriņu, tika noteikts, ka gaidīšanas rezīma patēriņš sastāda vidēji 8,8 % no mājsaimniecību kopējā elektroenergijas patēriņa, kas ir 2 % no kopējā Latvijas elektroenergijas patēriņa. Ekodizaina direktīvas prasību izpildes gadījumā gan jaudu, gan elektroenergijas patēriņu, gan izmaksas un oglekła dioksīda emisijas iespējams samazināt no 69 % līdz 74 %, kas samazinātu gaidīšanas rezīma patēriņu mājsaimniecībās no 8,8 % līdz 2,7 %, savukārt uz Latvijas kopējā elektroenergijas patēriņa fona, no 2 % līdz 0,6 %. Моделирование фонда электроприборов в Латвии и определение потерь электроэнергии в режиме ожидания Любой прибор, потребляющий энергию, может работать в одном или нескольких режимах. Выделяют активный, пассивное или активное ожидания, и выключенный режимы работы приборов. Потребление энергии в режиме ожидания во всём мире составляет примерно 200-400 Т\Уп, в каждой стране этот объём разнится и может составлять от 6 до 13% от общего потребления электроэнергии в быту. Чтобы произвести такое количество энергии, производится количество выбросов С02, составляющее 1% от общего объёма мировых выбросов. До сегодняшнего дня страны Европы и всего мира разработали различные политические инструменты, способствующие снижению потребления энергии в этом режиме до минимума. Один из таких инструментов - Директива по экодизайну, предусматривающая снижение потребления энергии для приборов в режиме ожидания до 2 № и в выключенном режиме - до 1 № в 2010 году, и до 1 № 0,5 № соответственно в 2013. Измерения, проведённые для существующих электроприборов в Латвии, подтвердили, что не все категории приборов соответствуют требованиям 2010 года, а среди тех приборов, которые только входят на рынок, требования 2013 года не смогут выполнить 8% в выключенном режиме и 33% - в режиме ожидания. Для достижения главной цели - оценки потенциала снижения потребления в режиме ожидания, выполняя тербования директивы, было выведено среднее латвийской домашнее хозяйство, его энергопотребление, расходы и произведённые относительные выбросы углекислого газа. После определения потребления энергии в режиме ожидания для всех домашних хозяйств было установлено, что этот объём составляет в среднем 8.8% от общего потребления электроэнергии в хозяйствах, что составляет 2% от общего потребления энергии в Латвии. В случае выполнения требований директивы снижение мощностей, потребления электроэнергии, расходов и выбросов может быть снижено с 69% до 74%, что снизит потребление электроэнергии в режиме ожидания в хозяйствах с 8,8% до 2,7%, а на уровне всей страны - с 2% до 0,6%.
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010
Aivars Zandeckis; Dagnija Blumberga; Claudio Rochas; Ivars Veidenbergs; Kaspars Silins
Methods of Nitrogen Oxide Reduction in Pellet Boilers The main goal of this research was to create and test technical solutions that reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in low-capacity pellet boiler. During the research, wood pellets were incinerated in a pellet boiler produced in Latvia with a rated capacity of 15 kW. During the research two NOx emission reduction methods were tested: secondary air supply in the chamber and recirculation of flue gases. Results indicated a drop of NOx concentration only for flue gas recirculation methods. Maximum reduction of 21% was achieved.
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2009
Aļona Boloņina; Claudio Rochas; Dagnija Blumberga
Experimental Analysis of Thermal Stratification in a Heat Storage Tank Using Stratification Pipe The heat storage tank is an important element in any heating system where the heat source is not able to provide heat accordingly to consumer demand (for example solar collector systems, solid fuel boilers etc). Better heat storage efficiency can be achieved by providing good thermal stratification in the heat storage tanks. One of the best methods of increasing the degree of thermal stratification is the stratification pipes. In the Environmental monitoring laboratory of the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment (Riga Technical University, an experimental heat storage system has been developed and used for testing and studying stratification devices under different thermodynamic and hydraulic conditions. The experimental study carried out on the efficiency of the stratification pipe produced by German company SOLVIS Solar Systeme GmbH under different flow parameters, has been analyzed. The main aim of the experimental study was to define optimal heating system operation parameters to achieve good performance of the stratification pipe and a high degree of thermal stratification in the heat storage tank.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2012
Aivars Žandeckis; Lelde Timma; Dagnija Blumberga; Claudio Rochas; Marika Rošā
Thermal Performance Analysis of Solar Collectors Installed for Combisystem in the Apartment Building The paper focuses on the application of wood pellet and solar combisystem for space heating and hot water preparation at apartment buildings under the climate of Northern Europe. A pilot project has been implemented in the city of Sigulda (N 57° 09.410 E 024° 52.194), Latvia. The system was designed and optimised using TRNSYS - a dynamic simulation tool. The pilot project was continuously monitored. To the analysis the heat transfer fluid flow rate and the influence of the inlet temperature on the performance of solar collectors were subjected. The thermal performance of a solar collector loop was studied using a direct method. A multiple regression analysis was carried out using STATGRAPHICS Centurion 16.1.15 with the aim to identify the operational and weather parameters of the system which cause the strongest influence on the collectors performance. The parameters to be used for the systems optimisation have been evaluated. Daudzdzīvokļu Ēkai Uzstādītās Kombinētas Sistēmas Saules Kolektoru Veiktspējas Analīze Rakstā aplūkota saules un granulu kombinētā sistēma, kas Ziemeļeiropas klimatiskajos apstākļos nosedz daudzdzīvokļu ēkas apkures un karstā ūdens slodzes. Pilotprojekts tika īstenots Siguldā (N 57° 09.410 E 024° 52.194), Latvijā. Sistēma izveidota un optimizēta, izmantojot datorsimulācijas programmu TRNSYS. Rakstā īstenota sistēmas darbības analīze pēc iekārtu uzstādīšanas, organizējot nepārtrauktu monitoringu. Analizēta siltumnesēja plūsmas un temperatūras līmeņu ietekme uz saules kolektoru veiktspējas rādītājiem. Regresijas analīze veikta STATGRAPHICS Centurion 16.1.15 vidē, lai noteiktu, kuri no darbības un klimatiskajiem apstākļiem visvairāk ietekmē saules kolektoru efektivitāti. Izvērtēti nepieciešamie sistēmas optimizācijas parametri. Iegūts empīriskais modelis saules kolektoru efektivitātes noteikšanai.
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010
Ilze Dzene; Claudio Rochas; Dagnija Blumberga; Marika Rosa; Andris Erdmanis
Energy Recovery from End-of-Life Tyres: Untapped Possibility to Reduce CO2 Emissions In this paper the possibility to reduce CO2 emissions by energy recovery from waste tyres is discussed. The objective of the study is to analyze the end-of-life tyre market in Latvia, to assess the amount of used tyres available and to calculate the potential reduction of CO2 emissions by energy recovery from tyres in mineral products industry. Calculation results show that an improved collection and combustion of end-of-life tyres in the cement industry can save up to 17% of the present CO2 emissions in the mineral products industry.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2008
Ivars Veidenbergs; Dagnija Blumberga; Claudio Rochas; F. Romagnoli; A. Blumberga; Marika Rošā
Small-Scale Cogeneration Plant Data Processing and Analysis In the article, the operational data on electricity and heat energy generation in a small-scale cogeneration plant are analysed. Different measurements done in the plant formed a basis for estimation and evaluation of the savings of primary energy in comparison with distributed energy production. The authors analyse the efficiency values for the heat and the electricity production in the cogeneration regime and the savings of primary energy when the cogeneration plant works with partial load. Mazas Jaudas Kogenerācijas Stacijas Darbināšanas Datu Apstrāde Un Analīze Rakstā analizēti elektroenergijas un siltumenergijas ražošanas inženiertehniskie darbības rādītāji mazas jaudas kogenerācijas stacijā. Veikti mērījumi kogenerācijas stacijā, uz kuriem balstoties veikta primārās energijas ietaupījumu noteikšana un vērtēšana, salīdzinot ar dalītas energijas izstrādi. Analizētas elektroenergijas un siltumenergijas ražošanas lietderības koeficientu vērtības kogenerācijas režīmā. Veikta primāro energoresursu ietaupījumu analīze, kogenerācijas stacijai darbojoties ar daļēju noslodzi.
Archive | 2006
Claudio Rochas; Gatis Žogla