Clayton Moura de Carvalho
Federal University of Ceará
Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada | 2017
T.P. Lima; Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho; Edésio Fialho Reis; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Rafael Cadore; Douglas Siqueira Freitas
The aim of this work it was to study differents irrigation drip depths in peppers (Capsicum chinense) grown in a greenhouse, according to the daily reference evapotranspiration, to obtain the ideal irrigation depth for better development of this crop in Jataí, Goiás, Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consisted of four differents irrigation depths, corresponding to (L1: 33%, L2: 66%, L3: 100% and L4: 133%) the daily reference evapotranspiration. Each experimental unit consisted of 4 plants. Agronomic traits were evaluated, such as: plant height, height of the first fork, stem diameter at the base, stem diameter after the third leaf, fresh and dry matter. The irrigation depths of the treatments 1 (33%) and 2 (66%) showed inferior performance to the treatments 3 (100%) and 4 (133%) for all traits evaluated in this study. The treatments 3 (100%) and 4 (133%) showed the same performance for all traits evaluated in this study. So, the irrigation depth of the treatment 3 could be recommended for the irrigation management on pepper, considering the higher water use efficiency.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International | 2017
Leonaria Luna Silva de Carvalho; Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda; Fernando Bezerra Lopes; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho; Renisson Filho
This study had with objective to evaluate the influence of climatic seasonality and dry season prolonged on parameters of the groundwater quality of irrigated perimeter of lower Acaraú Ceará, for the years 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016. Hydrochemical analyzes of the attributes of HCO, Ca, Cl, Mg, K, pH, EC, SAR and Na+ in the periods of june (2011; 2015; 2016) and november (2010; 2015; 2016) were performed in six ponds for comparison with previous study. In 2016 it was held on reading the water level of the ponds to identifythe water table variation. The cluster analysis was applied by software SPSS 16.0, where the means of the groups were compared by the T test with 5% significance and presented in boxplot. The Piper Diagram was used in the classification and evaluation of waters. The methodology of the Salinity Laboratory of the United States was used in the evaluation of irrigation water quality with the use of Qualigraf software. The groundwater dynamics indicated that the prolonged drought reduced the water the level of the water table. There was the formation of two groups. Group 1 did not indicatethe reduction of rainfall in the years 2012 to 2016, showing similarity with the attributes of the year 2011 to 2015 and 2016. The elevation of salinity indicator variables in group 2 was obtained due to their location. The classes of irrigation water ranged from C1S1 to C3S2.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica | 2016
Daniel Rodrigues Alves; Carla Pinto Cruz; C. Antunes; N. Gonçalves; E. Aquino; S. Franco; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; A. Pais Martins
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is a potentially life-threatening though rare disorder that can occur superimposed on other ailments. In a pregnant patient already identified as having eclampsia, there may be a temptation to forgo additional diagnostics, but eclampsia itself is a strong risk factor for PRES. The two syndromes are different despite potentially similar clinical presentation, and correct diagnosis is necessary in order to be able to provide appropriate therapy. We present one such case. Written consent was provided by the patient for publication of this report.
Agropecuária Técnica | 2010
Iris Danielle Araújo Leite; Francisca Robevania Medeiros Borges; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Hernandes Oliveira Feitosa; Rochele Sheila Vasconcelos; Fabrício Mota Gonçalves
O capim-santo e uma planta muito cultivada em quase todos os paises tropicais inclusive no Brasil, tanto para fins industriais como em hortas caseiras para o uso em medicina tradicional. O oleo essencial do capim-santo e largamente utilizado como agente aromatizante na industria de perfumaria e cosmetica, na preparacao de sabonetes, colonias e desodorantes, bem como na industria quimica e como feromonio artificial para captura de enxames de abelhas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento da producao de oleo essencial de capim-santo submetido a diferentes intervalos de corte. O delineamento estatistico utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, tendo como tratamentos os seguintes intervalos de corte: 15 dias, 30 dias e 45 dias, com tres repeticoes cada. Apos analise estatistica dos dados levantados, constatou-se que houve influencia significativa em nivel de 5% de probabilidade. O valor medio do rendimento de oleo essencial obtido no experimento foi de 3,18 dm³ t-1 de materia verde, o menor de 1,49 dm³ t-1 de materia verde no tratamento com intervalo de corte de 15 dias e o maximo obtido 5,17 dm³ t-1 de materia verde no tratamento com intervalo de corte de 45 dias. O rendimento do oleo essencial de capim-santo em litros por tonelada de materia verde foi crescente com o aumento dos intervalos de corte e obteve melhores resultados com os cortes realizados em intervalo de 45 dias entre os mesmos.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2009
Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Hamilton Medeiros de Azevedo; José Dantas Neto; Carlos Henrique de Azevedo Farias; Charles T. S. da Silva; Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho
Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada | 2009
Fabrício Mota Gonçalves; Hernandes Oliveira Feitosa; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho; Manoel Valnir Júnior
Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada | 2009
Charles T. S. da Silva; Hamilton Medeiros de Azevedo; Carlos Alberto; Vieira de Azevedo; José Dantas Neto; Clayton Moura de Carvalho
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2008
Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Hamilton Medeiros de Azevedo; José Dantas Neto; Emanuel P. de Melo; Charles T. S. da Silva; Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho
Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada | 2011
Vladenilson Frota Aragão; Pedro Dantas Fernandes; Raimundo Rodrigues; Gomes Filho; Aristides Martins; Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Hernandes Oliveira Feitosa
Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra | 2005
Clayton Moura de Carvalho; Carlos Pedro de Menezes Costa; Jonas dos Santos Sousa; Roberto Henrique Dias da Silva; Cyntia Lima Oliveira; Francisco Jardel Rodrigues da Paixão