
Featured researches published by Clive W. Lloyd.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology | 1989

The plant cytoskeleton

Clive W. Lloyd

Abstract Significant progress has been made in four areas: in appreciating the speed with which cortical microtubules reorient in response to environmental signals; in a consolidated understanding of the cytoskeletal nature of the phragmosome — the device that predicts and structures the division plane in vacuolated cells; in the description of new cytoskeletal proteins; and in reports that herald an attack on the cell cycle control of cytoskeletal organization.

Nature Cell Biology | 2003

EB1 reveals mobile microtubule nucleation sites in Arabidopsis

Jordi Chan; Grant Calder; John H. Doonan; Clive W. Lloyd

In plants, it is unclear how dispersed cortical microtubules are nucleated, polarized and organized in the absence of centrosomes. In Arabidopsis thaliana cells, expression of a fusion between the microtubule-end-binding protein AtEB1a and green fluorescent protein (GFP) results in labelling of spindle poles, where minus ends gather. During interphase, AtEB1a–GFP labels the microtubule plus end as a comet, but also marks the minus end as a site from which microtubules can grow and shrink. These minus-end nucleation sites are mobile, explaining how the cortical array can redistribute during the cell cycle and supporting the idea of a flexible centrosome in plants.

Current Biology | 1994

Microinjected profilin affects cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells by rapidly depolymerizing actin microfilaments.

Christopher J. Staiger; Ming Yuan; Rudolf Valenta; Peter Shaw; Richard Warn; Clive W. Lloyd

BACKGROUND Cytoplasmic streaming is a conspicuous feature of plant cell behaviour, in which organelles and vesicles shuttle along cytoplasmic strands that contain actin filaments. The mechanisms that regulate streaming and the formation of actin filament networks are largely unknown, but in all likelihood involve actin-binding proteins. The monomeric actin-binding protein, profilin, is a key regulator of actin-filament dynamics in animal cells and it has recently been identified in plants as a pollen allergen. We set out to determine whether plant profilin can act as a monomeric actin-binding protein and influence actin dynamics in plant cells in vivo. RESULTS Recombinant birch-pollen profilin was purified by polyproline affinity chromatography and microinjected into Tradescantia blossfeldiana stamen hair cells. After profilin injection, a rapid and irreversible change in cellular organization and streaming was observed: within 1-3 minutes the transvacuolar cytoplasmic strands became thinner and snapped, and cytoplasmic streaming ceased. Fluorescein-labelled-phalloidin staining confirmed that this was due to depolymerization of actin filaments. To confirm that the effects observed were due to sequestration of monomeric actin, another monomeric actin-binding protein, DNase I, was injected and found to produce comparable results. CONCLUSIONS Profilin can act as a potent regulator of actin organization in living plant cells. Its rapid effect on the integrity of cytoplasmic strands and cytoplasmic streaming supports a model in which organelle movements depend upon microfilaments that exist in dynamic equilibrium with the pool of monomeric actin.

Planta | 1985

Ethylene-induced microtubule reorientations: mediation by helical arrays

I. N. Roberts; Clive W. Lloyd; Keith Roberts

Entire microtubule arrays, within outer cortical and epidermal cells of pea epicotyl and mung-bean hypocotyl, have been visualized by indirect immunofluorescence. In all cells the microtubule arrangement can be interpreted as being a single multistart helix of variable pitch. In control cells the predominant pattern is a tightly compressed helix with the microtubules consequently in a net transverse direction with respect to the cell axis. Occasionally some cells show an oblique helix and rare cells show a longitudinal array which may be interpreted as a steeply pitched helix. By contrast in ethylene treated tissue, many cells show net longitudinal and oblique arrays of microtubules and few show transverse arrays. Similar effects can be induced by high osmolality. It is suggested that the plant cortical cytoskeleton is an integral unit, capable of wholesale reorientation in response to environmental signals.

The Plant Cell | 2004

The Arabidopsis Microtubule-Associated Protein AtMAP65-1: Molecular Analysis of Its Microtubule Bundling Activity

Andrei P. Smertenko; Vera Wagner; Despina Kaloriti; Stepan Fenyk; Seiji Sonobe; Clive W. Lloyd; Marie-Theres Hauser; Patrick J. Hussey

The 65-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP65) family is a family of plant microtubule-bundling proteins. Functional analysis is complicated by the heterogeneity within this family: there are nine MAP65 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAP65-1 to AtMAP65-9. To begin the functional dissection of the Arabidopsis MAP65 proteins, we have concentrated on a single isoform, AtMAP65-1, and examined its effect on the dynamics of mammalian microtubules. We show that recombinant AtMAP65-1 does not promote polymerization and does not stabilize microtubules against cold-induced microtubule depolymerization. However, we show that it does induce microtubule bundling in vitro and that this protein forms 25-nm cross-bridges between microtubules. We further demonstrate that the microtubule binding region resides in the C-terminal half of the protein and that Ala409 and Ala420 are essential for the interaction with microtubules. Ala420 is a conserved amino acid in the AtMAP65 family and is mutated to Val in the cytokinesis-defective mutant pleiade-4 of the AtMAP65-3/PLEIADE gene. We show that AtMAP65-1 can form dimers and that a region in the N terminus is responsible for this activity. Neither the microtubule binding region nor the dimerization region alone could induce microtubule bundling, strongly suggesting that dimerization is necessary to produce the microtubule cross-bridges. In vivo, AtMAP65-1 is ubiquitously expressed both during the cell cycle and in all plant organs and tissues with the exception of anthers and petals. Moreover, using an antiserum raised to AtMAP65-1, we show that AtMAP65-1 binds microtubules at specific stages of the cell cycle.

Nature Cell Biology | 2000

A new class of microtubule-associated proteins in plants

Andrei P. Smertenko; Norihan Saleh; Hisako Igarashi; Hitoshi Mori; Isolde Häuser-Hahn; Chang-Jie Jiang; Seiji Sonobe; Clive W. Lloyd; Patrick J. Hussey

In plants there are three microtubule arrays involved in cellular morphogenesis that have no equivalent in animal cells. In animals, microtubules are decorated by another class of proteins – the structural MAPS – which serve to stabilize microtubules and assist in their organization. The best-studied members of this class in plants are the MAP-65 proteins that can be purified together with plant microtubules after several cycles of polymerization and depolymerization. Here we identify three similar MAP-65 complementary DNAs representing a small gene family named NtMAP65-1, which encode a new set of proteins, collectively called NtMAP65-1. We show that NtMAP65-1 protein localizes to areas of overlapping microtubules, indicating that it may function in the behaviour of antiparallel microtubules in the mitotic spindle and the cytokinetic phragmoplast.

Nature Cell Biology | 2007

Cortical microtubule arrays undergo rotary movements in Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cells.

Jordi Chan; Grant Calder; Samantha Fox; Clive W. Lloyd

Plant-cell expansion is controlled by cellulose microfibrils in the wall with microtubules providing tracks for cellulose synthesizing enzymes. Microtubules can be reoriented experimentally and are hypothesized to reorient cyclically in aerial organs, but the mechanism is unclear. Here, Arabidopsis hypocotyl microtubules wershee labelled with AtEB1a–GFP (Arabidopsis microtubule end-binding protein 1a) or GFP–TUA6 (Arabidopsis α-tubulin 6) to record long cycles of reorientation. This revealed microtubules undergoing previously unseen clockwise or counter-clockwise rotations. Existing models emphasize selective shrinkage and regrowth or the outcome of individual microtubule encounters to explain realignment. Our higher-order view emphasizes microtubule group behaviour over time. Successive microtubules move in the same direction along self-sustaining tracks. Significantly, the tracks themselves migrate, always in the direction of the individual fast-growing ends, but twentyfold slower. Spontaneous sorting of tracks into groups with common polarities generates a mosaic of domains. Domains slowly migrate around the cell in skewed paths, generating rotations whose progressive nature is interrupted when one domain is displaced by collision with another. Rotary movements could explain how the angle of cellulose microfibrils can change from layer to layer in the polylamellate cell wall.

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 2004

Microtubules and the shape of plants to come

Clive W. Lloyd; Jordi Chan

Plants control the direction of cell expansion as a way of shaping growth. Since their discovery in plants 40 years ago, microtubules have been suspected of forming a template that helps to regulate the direction of growth. The detailed mechanism, however, has been elusive, especially as plants lack a microtubule-organizing centre. Developmental mutants are now beginning to show how microtubules are organized and how this affects plant morphology.

International Review of Cytology-a Survey of Cell Biology | 1984

Toward a Dynamic Helical Model for the Influence of Microtubules on Wall Patterns in Plants

Clive W. Lloyd

Publisher Summary This chapter marshals evidence that leads to discuss hypotheses on relevant microtubule behavior. The predominating impression in the chapter is that microtubules and nascent microfibrils are parallel; where they are not, this can be attributed to reorientations preparing the way for a new wall lamella. The molecular basis of parallelism is pursued but the parallelism is, regardless of mechanism, insufficient to explain the diversity of wall textures that are encountered. This is partly because there is a discrepancy of scale: wall textures being discussed in micrometer terms of entire cell lengths but models for the transmembrane parallelism usually being constructed over the narrower range which is measured by the nanometers that separate the two major elements. The chapter further discusses microtubule patterns and the patterns of cellulose in algae.

Planta | 1980

Microtubules, protoplasts and plant cell shape : An immunofluorescent study.

Clive W. Lloyd; Antoni R. Slabas; Andrew J. Powell; Susan B. Lowe

Indirect immunofluorescence has been used to study the function of cytoplasmic microtubules in controlling the shape of elongated carrot cells in culture. Using a purified wall-degrading preparation, the elongated cells are converted to spherical protoplasts and the transverse hoops of bundled microtubules are disorganised but not depolymerised in the process. Since microtubules remain attached to fragments of protoplast membrane adhering to coverslips and are still seen to be organised laterally in bundles, it would appear that re-orientation of the transverse bundles is due to loss of cell wall and not to the cleavage of microtubule bridges. After 24 h treatment in 10-3 M colchicine, microtubules are depolymerised in elongated cells but, at this time, the cells retain their elongated shape. This suggests that wall which was organised in the presence of transverse microtubule bundles can retain asymmetric shape for short periods in the absence of those tubules. However, after longer periods of time the cells become spherical in colchicine. Neither wall nor tubules therefore exert individual control on continued cellular elongation and so we emphasize the fundamental nature of wall/microtubule interactions in shape control. It is concluded that the observations are best explained by a model in which hooped bundles of microtubules—which are directly or indirectly associated with molecules involved with cellulose biosynthesis at the cell surface—act as an essential template or scaffolding for the orientated deposition of cellulose.

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