
Featured researches published by Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr.

Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2005

Efeitos de programas de iluminação na produção de ovos de codornas (Coturnix coturnix)

Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Judas Tadeu de Barros Cotta; Antonio Ilson Gomes de Oliveira; Henrique Jorge de Freitas

Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de programas de iluminacao continuo e intermitentes sobre a producao de codornas-japonesas (Coturnix japonica) criadas em galpao aberto, neste trabalho, realizado no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Lavras MG, utilizaram-se 720 codornas de 36 semanas de idade, durante 5 periodos de 28 dias submetidas a 3 programas de luz em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com restricoes nos tratamentos e 12 repeticoes. O programa continuo contou com fotoperiodo medio de 15h30 (natural + artificial) e noite principal (escotoperiodo) de 8h30 (± 12 min); o programa intermitente 1 contou com iluminacao intermitente com duas fotofases fracionadas em 15h30 e com uma noite principal de 8h30 (± 12 min); o programa intermitente 2 teve iluminacao intermitente com 3 fotofases em um periodo estimulatorio de 15h30 (duas fotofases e duas escotofases equidistantes entre a luz natural) e escotoperiodo de 8h30. Avaliaram-se o consumo de racao (g/ave/dia), producao de ovos (ovos/ave/dia x 100), peso e massa dos ovos (g), conversao alimentar expressa por peso de ovo (g/g) e por duzia de ovos e as medias foram comparadas pelo teste SNK (5%). Os resultados das aves nos diferentes programas apresentaram-se semelhante (P>0,05) para postura, peso, massa dos conversao/duzia de ovos. As codornas no programa intermitente 1 apresentaram menor (P<0,05) consumo de racao e melhor (P<0,05) conversao alimentar/peso de ovos em relacao as aves dos demais programas. O uso de programas de iluminacao intermitente em codornas criadas em galpao aberto, a partir da 36a semana de idade, reduz o tempo de iluminacao artificial, sem afetar a producao de ovos, o peso, massa de ovos e conversao alimentar/duzia de ovos; no entanto, o consumo de racao e reduzida e a conversao alimentar/peso de ovos e melhorada com o regime intermitente 1.

British Poultry Science | 2016

Natural zeolites in diet or litter of broilers.

Aline Félix Schneider; D. S. De Almeida; Flavio Manabu Yuri; O. F. Zimmermann; M. W. Gerber; Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr

Abstract This study aims to analyse the influence of adding natural zeolites (clinoptilolite) to the diet or litter of broilers and their effects on growth performance, carcass yield and litter quality. Three consecutive flocks of broilers were raised on the same sawdust litter, from d 1 to d 42 of age, and distributed in three treatments (control with no added zeolites, addition of 5 g/kg zeolite to diet and addition of 100 g/kg zeolites to litter). The addition of zeolites to the diet or litter did not affect growth performance or carcass yield. The addition of zeolites to the diet did not influence moisture content of the litter, ammonia volatilisation was reduced only in the first flock and pH of litter was reduced in the second and third flock. However, the addition of zeolites to the litter reduced moisture content, litter pH and ammonia volatilisation in all flocks analysed. The addition of 5 g/kg zeolite to the diet in three consecutive flocks was not effective in maintaining litter quality, whereas the addition of 100 g/kg natural zeolites to sawdust litter reduced litter moisture and ammonia volatilisation in three consecutive flocks raised on the same litter.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2017

Zeólitas naturais na dieta de frangos de corte

Aline Félix Schneider; Flavio Manabu Yuri; D.S. Almeida; J.V.C. Roeder; J.S. Xavier; Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr

RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusao de 0,5% da zeolita natural clinoptilolita na dieta de frangos de corte sobre o consumo de agua, racao e caracteristicas das excretas. Foi conduzido um ensaio em gaiolas metabolicas, com frangos de corte de linhagem comercial, no periodo de 14 a 23 dias de idade. O experimento foi constituido de dois grupos de aves, sendo que um recebeu dieta sem inclusao de zeolitas (controle) e outro dieta com inclusao de 0,5% de zeolita (clinoptilolita) em racoes isonutritivas, em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com 10 repeticoes de 10 aves. Avaliou-se o consumo de agua e de racao, nas excretas, pH, teor de nitrogenio total e umidade. A inclusao de 0,5% de zeolitas naturais na dieta nao alterou (P>0,05) o consumo de agua e de racao e o teor de nitrogenio das excretas, entretanto, reduziu (P<0,05) o pH e a umidade das excretas. Conclui-se que a inclusao de 0,5% de zeolitas naturais na dieta de frangos de corte reduz o pH e a umidade das excretas e pode ser utilizada como aditivo alimentar sem prejudicar o consumo de agua e de racao. Palavras-chave: amonia, clinoptilolita, pH de excretas, umidade das excretas ABSTRACT

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2013

Composição química e valores energéticos de alimentos alternativos para leitões

W.R. Wesendonck; Vladimir de Oliveira; Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Yolanda Lopes da Silva; L.A.F. Bordignon

The experiment was realized to determine the chemical composition and energetic values of cookie waste (CW), wafer waste (WW), caramel chocolate waste (CCW) and candy and chocolate bar waste (CCBW) using nursery piglets as an experimental model. Ten castrated piglets weighing 7.4±0.97kg individually housed in a metabolic cage were used. The piglets were distributed in five treatments: 1) Reference diet (RD); 2) 60% RD + 40% CW; 3) 60% RD + 40% WW; 4) 80% RD + 20% CCW; and, 5) 80% RD + 20% CCBW. The experiment was repeated in three consecutive 12 day timeframes, being seven for adaptation and five for total collection of feces and urine. The ferric oxide was used as fecal marker. Randomized block design was used to compare the digestibility coefficients. Crude protein values were 7.96, 10.78, 6.33 and 4.01 for cookie flour, dry wafer, caramel chocolate and candy and chocolate bars, respectively. A high amount of ether extract was observed on cookie flour and dry wafer (11.7 and 9.4%, respectively), however the chocolate by-products presented higher values (24.7 and 34.3%, for caramel chocolate and candy and chocolate bars, respectively). There was no difference (P>0.05) among digestibility coefficients of nutrients and energy and metabolizability energy coefficients among the feedstuff studied. The digestible and metabolisable energy values were 3914 and 3745; 4040 and 3767; 4454 and 4200; and, 4937 and 4790 kcal/kg for cookie flour, dry wafer, caramel chocolate and candy and chocolate bars, respectively. It is concluded that cookie flour, dry wafer, caramel chocolate and candy and chocolate bars have potential to be used in the diets of nursery pigs.

Ciencia Rural | 2011

Milhos com diferentes texturas de endosperma e adição de alfa-amilase na dieta de leitões

Vanessa Piovesan; Vladimir de Oliveira; Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr

Dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a influencia de milhos com diferentes texturas de endosperma e adicao de alfa amilase na digestibilidade de dietas e no desempenho de leitoes na fase de creche. No ensaio de digestibilidade, foram usados 12 leitoes castrados (7,96±0,31kg), alojados individualmente em gaiolas de metabolismo, enquanto no desempenho utilizaram-se 75 leitoes (7,87±0,67kg) distribuidos em 15 gaiolas de creche. Nos dois experimentos, os tratamentos consistiram de tres dietas formuladas para serem isonutritivas, mas com milhos de diferentes texturas e adicao ou nao de alfa amilase, conforme descrito a seguir: 1. graos de milho semi-dentado; 2. graos de milho duro e; 3. graos de milho duro + alfa-amilase. Os resultados de metabolismo mostraram que os valores de energia digestivel (ED) e metabolizavel (EM) das dietas foram influenciados pelos tipos de milho, sendo o semi-dentado superior (P 0,05) entre os tratamentos no consumo de racao, ganho de peso e/ou conversao alimentar. Dietas com milho duro ou semi-dentado e adicao de alfa-amilase nao alteram o desempenho dos leitoes. Por outro lado, dietas contendo milho semi-dentado apresentam maior energia digestivel que dietas com milho duro e a adicao de alfa-amilase aumenta a energia de dietas com milho duro.

Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | 2015

Qualidade da água de granjas de postura comercial da região Sul de Santa Catarina em relação ao Ofício Circular Conjunto DFIP/DSA nº 1/2008

Natály Ramos Cardozo; Vinícius Rodrigues da Silva; Juliana Dias Siqueira; André Thaler Neto; Luiz Claudio Miletti; Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr

The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality of laying hen farms in the South of Santa Catarina and contextualize them with the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008. Water samples were collected in February, 2012, from 31 farms located in the cities of Sao Ludgero, Orleans, Grao Para and Braco Norte. The chemical and microbiological parameters were set out in Attachment II, in the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008. Thus, the following were analyzed: chloride, hardness, nitrate, sulfate, pH and total dissolved solids (TDS) and Escherichia coli regarding the bacteriological analysis. The suitable samples were quantified for the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008 and water quality was evaluated according to the font type and number of birds in production by analysis of variance. The results indicated that water presented suitability to SDT, chloride and sulfate. Inadequacy was found in pH (in 26% of samples), hardness (6.5%), nitrate (54.8%) and the presence of Escherichia coli (46.2%). The analysis according to the number of birds and font type showed no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). It was observed that 93.5% of the samples did not fit in at least one criterion. It is concluded that the waters from farms in the southern region of SC are not fully in accordance with the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008, presenting problems with regard to pH, hardness, nitrate and E. coli; the water quality is independent of the number of birds in production and type of source that supplies the farm.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2014

Complexo multienzimático e probióticos na dieta de frangos de corte

Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Marcos Rosniecek; Diogo Davi Follmann; Ana Maira de Cezaro; Marcelo Silva Gerber; Aline Félix Schneider

The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth performance of broiler chickens fed diets with inclusion of probiotics and multienzyme complex and its inclusion with a 3% reduction in the levels of energy and protein. 630 broilers were used, since 14 up to 42 days old, submitted to three experimental diets: diet as nutritional requirements (control); diet as required with inclusion of multienzyme complex and probiotics (100g / ton), and diet with 3% reduction in levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein requirements with inclusion of the additive (100 g/ton). Was observed increase (P 0.05) to the control in all periods analyzed. Diets with reduced energy and protein differed from control (P 0.05) in gain of weight and bio-economic index. During the growing and finishing phases, the inclusion of the multienzyme complex and probiotics in diets for broilers formulated as nutritional requirement does not improve animal performance. With 3% reduction in the levels of protein and energy rations in relation to the requirements and inclusion of multienzyme complex and probiotics consumption increases, however, the body weight, feed conversion, weight gain and bio-economic index do not change.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2011

Milho inteiro e moído em diferentes sistemas de alimentação para poedeiras semipesadas

Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Vladimir de Oliveira; J. Costenaro; G. Pagno; Marcos Rosniecek; D.K. Farias

This study aimed to evaluate the performance and egg quality of semi-heavy layers fed diets with different particle sizes of corn in two feeding systems (4x2 factorial) using 256 birds in 32 cages from 46 weeks of age. The particle sizes used were round, 3.198µm, 1254µm and 663µm, and the feed systems complete and of free choice. The experiment lasted for four periods of 28 days. Food intake (g/bird/day), egg production (% eggs/hen/day), egg weight (g), specific gravity (g/cm³), egg mass (g), energy consumption (kcal/bird/day) and protein intake (g/bird/day) were evaluated. In the method of free choice, the different textures did not affect growth performance. The quality of eggs was not affected by the different particle sizes of corn and the feed systems. In the method of free choice there was a reduction in protein intake, except for corn grain. In the medium and coarse particle sizes the complete system provides a higher number of eggs in relation to the free choice system.

Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias | 2007

Intermittent lighting for layer hens rearing in open shelters

Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Henrique Jorge de Freitas

Biotemas | 2011

Efeito de diferentes programas de iluminação para poedeiras semi-pesadas criadas em galpões abertos

Clóvis Eliseu Gewehr; Henrique Jorge de Freitas; Judas Tadeu de Barros Cotta; Antonio Ilson Gomes de Oliveira; Luis David Solis Murgas

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